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Top 10 Effective Ways of Using Hashtags in Social Media Marketing - 0 views

    Hashtags Are An Integral Part Of Any Hashtag in Social Media Marketing Strategy. It Is A Great Way Of Labeling And Finding Social Media Updates. When Comes To Promoting Your Brands On Social Media, Hashtags Are Fundamental To Attaining Success. ● Using The Equal Hashtags Across Social Media Structures Has Some Obvious Benefits. Hashtag Based On Social Media Platform ● Now It's Time To Spoil Down Precisely How You Can Use Hashtags Effectively On The Largest Social Networks. ○ Those Networks Are: ■ Twitter Hashtags ■ Instagram Hashtags ■ Facebook Hashtags ● It Is Genuinely Very A Lot Worrying To Read A Post Having Too Many Hashtags. Again It Relies Upon On The Social Media Platform You Are Using. Number Of Hashtags In A Post.
Anne Bubnic

Youth Work and Social Networking Research Project - 0 views

    This research is being carried out for The National Youth Agency who offer a range of opportunities for young people to influence policy and practice. How does youth work best support young people to manage the risks and make the most of the opportunities presented by social networking technology? Running from December 2007 till mid-January 2008 this UK-based survey seeks to identify youth workers current use of social networking technologies; their current role support young people to safely and effective use social networking technologies; their understanding of the benefits and risks of social networking technologies; their interests in developing their use of social networking technologies; and potential barriers to youth workers using, and supporting young people to use, social networking technologies.
Judy Echeandia

Friend or Foe? Balancing the Good and Bad of Social-Networking Sites - 0 views

    This three-part article includes a discussion of classroom connections to social networking sites and the school's role in intervening when information that affects the classroom is publicly posted on MySpace or Facebook. The authors also provide five key social networking tips:
    1. Establish a policy for dealing with incidents in which students break school rules and their inappropriate behavior is showcased publicly on social-networking sites.
    2. Outline clear guidelines for administrators that spell out how schools should discipline students based on information garnered from social-networking sites, and let parents and students know about those rules.
    3. Educate students about online-safety issues and how to use sites such as Facebook and MySpace responsibly.
    4. Have a policy in place for dealing with cyber bullying.
    5. If teachers are using social-networking sites for educational purposes, they should establish clear guidelines for how they intend to communicate with students via those sites.


10 Simple Steps will Make Your Hashtag Strategy Better - 0 views

    A keyword phrase which is spelled without spaces and preceded by a # sign is known as a hashtag. Hashtags originally got famous by Twitter and now they are used in almost all the social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter. Hashtags are important for social media. It began with Twitter and spread to other platforms. This guide will tell you how to use hashtags in social media marketing and how it will help you to get found by your target audience. Here, we will look into various effective ways to get the most out of hashtag strategy - - Hashtag Based on Social Media Platform - Number of Hashtags in a Post - Be Specific in Hashtags - Understanding Marketing Strategy - Finding a Relevant Trending Topic - Live Tweet - Create a Simple and Catchy Hashtag - Involving Audience in Hashtag Posts - Selecting the Right Time - Create to Inspire You might have seen hashtags on various social media platforms. Whenever someone clicks on the hashtag, they are directed to all the other posts containing the same hashtag. If someone searches for the word used in your hashtag, your post would get listed which means grabbing the attention of several social media users.

8 Ways to Use Hashtags to Get More Likes on Social Media - 0 views

    Many people use hashtags, but not everyone uses them properly. We will unveil some ways to use hashtags properly, so your brand will get more likes and engagement on social media. Hashtags serve as a social media search tool- they help to tie different social media posts together that relate to a particular topic, making them easily searchable. Using hashtags in your social media posts ensures that a larger audience outside your own followers is able to see your post. It also helps your brand to get more attention and engagement when you use Trending Hashtags. 1. Use Just the Right Amount 2. Find Which Hashtags Are the Most Popular (Influencer Hashtags) 3. Find What Hashtags to Use For Your Particular Audience 4. Use the "CCC Rule" (Creative, Catchy or Comical) 5. Keep Your Hashtags Short and Simple 6. Optimize Your Account Settings for Hashtags 7. Use Branded Hashtags for Your Business 8. Use Hashtags Consistently Use hashtags to target specific audiences. Use hashtags to draw attention to specific marketing events or social movements. The best practice is to choose the right hashtag for the content and audience you want to reach. For More Information Visit:

Buy Content Writing Service - Best Quality Everything Content Writing Service 2024 - 0 views

    Substance composing administrations are an basic component of any effective computerized promoting technique. Whether you are looking to make strides your website's look motor optimization (SEO), make locks in social media posts, or deliver instructive web journal articles, a proficient substance composing benefit can offer assistance you accomplish your objectives. Substance composing administrations give businesses with high-quality, well-researched, and locks in composed substance that is custom fitted to their particular needs and target audience. Buy Content Writing Service How can substance composing administrations advantage my business? In today's advanced age, having solid and locks in substance is significant for businesses looking to draw in and hold clients. Substance composing administrations offer a important arrangement for businesses looking for to upgrade their online nearness through well-crafted and pertinent substance. Whether it's web journal posts, site duplicate, social media substance, or e-mail pamphlets, proficient substance journalists can offer assistance businesses successfully communicate their message and interface with their target audience. Buy Content Writing Service By outsourcing substance composing to a talented group of journalists, businesses can spare time and assets whereas guaranteeing they reliably deliver high-quality substance. This can offer assistance businesses set up validity, move forward look motor rankings, and drive activity to their site. Furthermore, substance composing administrations can offer assistance businesses remain up-to-date with the most recent patterns and best hones in substance promoting, guaranteeing they remain competitive in today's fast-paced advanced scene. Whether you're a little startup or a huge enterprise, contributing in substance composing administrations can advantage your trade by making a difference you stand out from the competition and construct a steadfast client base.
    Substance composing administrations are an basic component of any effective computerized promoting technique. Whether you are looking to make strides your website's look motor optimization (SEO), make locks in social media posts, or deliver instructive web journal articles, a proficient substance composing benefit can offer assistance you accomplish your objectives. Substance composing administrations give businesses with high-quality, well-researched, and locks in composed substance that is custom fitted to their particular needs and target audience. Buy Content Writing Service How can substance composing administrations advantage my business? In today's advanced age, having solid and locks in substance is significant for businesses looking to draw in and hold clients. Substance composing administrations offer a important arrangement for businesses looking for to upgrade their online nearness through well-crafted and pertinent substance. Whether it's web journal posts, site duplicate, social media substance, or e-mail pamphlets, proficient substance journalists can offer assistance businesses successfully communicate their message and interface with their target audience. Buy Content Writing Service By outsourcing substance composing to a talented group of journalists, businesses can spare time and assets whereas guaranteeing they reliably deliver high-quality substance. This can offer assistance businesses set up validity, move forward look motor rankings, and drive activity to their site. Furthermore, substance composing administrations can offer assistance businesses remain up-to-date with the most recent patterns and best hones in substance promoting, guaranteeing they remain competitive in today's fast-paced advanced scene. Whether you're a little startup or a huge enterprise, contributing in substance composing administrations can advantage your trade by making a difference you stand out from the competition and construct a steadfast client base.
Anne Bubnic

Many new 'friends' to be made online, but what about dollars? - 0 views

  • Even Google has failed to extend its golden touch to social-networking sites. In 2006 Google paid MySpace $900 million to place ads on its pages. The search giant also operates its own social network, Orkut, which has been growing, especially outside the US. But in a February call with financial analysts, Google cofounder Sergey Brin conceded that the investments “didn’t pan out as well as we had hoped…. I don’t think we have the killer best way to advertise and monetize the social networks yet.”
  • “People clearly, especially on the social networks, [are] not particularly interested in clicking on the ads,” says Mr. Brooks, who as editor of has followed the online industry for a decade. “Advertising needs to evolve, and social networks are forcing this change. People are really tired of being assaulted [by ads], but they still love to buy.”
  • As users share personal information within their networks, companies have an opportunity to capture and employ this data for targeted marketing. Social networks are building huge databases about where users go and the people they connect with, says Fred Stutzman, a doctoral candidate at the University of North Carolina who studies social networks.
    Social Networks may be on the increase in populations, but marketers still struggle with how to get users to respond to advertising.
Anne Bubnic

35 Perspectives on Online Social Networking - 0 views

    There are many different perspectives to put on online social networking and it is important to know where one is coming from when talking about social networking and youth. The perspective(s) one has will be very different whether one is a parent with a teenage daughter on MySpace, a marketing executive interested in the target group "14 to 20," a journalist looking for the next big news story on young people and new media, a youngster using a social networking site as part of everyday life or a researcher investigating how young people are using social networking sites.
Anne Bubnic

Making the Case For Social Media in Education - 0 views

  • Every mistake and misstep in social media is a brilliant learning opportunity for all involved. I'd much rather these mistakes occur in the open and with the support structure of caring adults, rather than in the pockets or bedrooms our students are currently making them.
    We need to stop talking cyberbullying and start talking cybercitizenship. Flip to the positive. Our focus in schools needs to shift towards responsible, positive use of social media. We need to stop ignoring and blocking and start embracing and amplifying. It is our duty to our students to start modeling responsible use of social media and encouraging them to follow our lead.
Anne Bubnic

How Can Adults Improve Social Networking Sites for Kids? - 0 views

  • If social networks are going to be safe places for kids, adults are going to have to be more present and it's not going to work if it is just parents watching over kids to control their online activity. Social networks have to become more open to adults who are interested in pointing kids in a positive direction and who take an interest in their development
    Ten Ideas for how adults can improve social networking sites for kids. I was recently interviewed by a local high school student named Julian for his research project about the impact of social network sites on society. I always enjoy being interviewed by teens and end up learning something in the process. Julian asked a question that I have been thinking about since we spoke: "What can adults do to improve social network sites for kids?"

Prediction for Social Media Marketing Trends in 2018 - Scroll Mantra - 0 views

    When we talk about reaching the target audience on Social Media channels, we need to create a check list of things to keep in mind. For example, effectively creating content around your brand, choosing the right audience etc. are important aspects to keep in mind. When we add posts to a page that already has audience engagement, it encourages the audience to explore the brand's products and services.. At the same time, we use Social Media Marketing tools to track and tap the performance of posts and to optimize them further. With only a few days left to 2018, brands need to start planning for the coming year and need to create their Social Media Marketing Strategy according to the predicted trends.
Anne Bubnic

"Living and Learning with Social Media" - 0 views

    Today's teens are growing up in a world where social media is everywhere. Regardless of whether or not they have access to these technologies or how they engage with them, there is little doubt that social media is playing a significant role in the changing landscape of American youth.\n\nThere are many ways to respond to this shift. The most popular response is panic. Every time a new genre of social media emerges and is adopted en masse by teens, many folks run around screaming that the sky is falling, the sky is falling! Of course, like clockwork, everything calms down once the old fogies begin adopting the technologies that they feared back when they were adopted just by the youngins.
Anne Bubnic

Social Networking Gets Schooled - 0 views

  • As a whole, the education industry is usually relatively slow to integrate technology into the classroom. In lots of schools nationwide, unbridled access to computers and the Internet is still the exception rather than the rule.
  • The moment students get outside of the classroom, on the other hand, social networking is almost a daily ritual.
  • Dedicated commercial Web 2.0 products and social networking applications are still too new and too rich for typical school leaders to afford. So third-party providers are more likely to offer technology services to students and their schools to expand their horizons in ways never before possible. For example, some school districts are going beyond e-mail technology and using collaboration software and online services to share information, host Web conferences and assign tasks and projects.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • "Teachers are famous for relying on other teachers for the best ideas about what's working and what's not working. For that reason, as new teachers (read younger, tech-savvy, "Generation Network" college grads) enter the system, they are leveraging education-focused social networks to connect with other teachers, find content contributed by teachers and make sure that they are wringing every ounce of 'network effect' technology from the Internet."
    To today's students, online social networking is almost second nature outside of the classroom. What about inside the classroom? Educational software and services are taking a cue from Facebook and MySpace, adding a twist of online collaboration and interaction that brings students, teachers and parents together.
Judy Echeandia

Seven Things All Adults Should Know About MySpace [Doug Johnson] - 0 views

  • What's a teacher to do? Stay informed about student uses of technology. Build student trust by maintaining an open mind about new social phenomena. Teach students about potential hazards of all online environments.
    This article offers seven things all adults need to know about social networking sites like MySpace.
    1. Social networking is enormously popular with young adults.
    2. Friends are probably just that.
    3. Blocking sites at school won't keep kids away from MySpace.
    4.Some degree of danger does exist for MySpace users.
    5. The MySpace organization is working toward a safer online
    6. Teachers might want to check to see if they have had a MySpace account created for them.
    7.MySpace and social networking have value.

Anne Bubnic

How Social Gaming Is Improving Education - 2 views

    Enter social video games as a solution - immersive environments that simulate real-world problems. Today, technologically eager schools are replacing textbook learning with social video games, and improving learning outcomes in the process. Here's how they're doing it.
Anne Bubnic

A Pocket Guide to Social Media and Kids | [Nov09] - 2 views

  • Mobile devices represent a major impetus behind the social media movement, driving part of the 250% audience increase for the year ending February 2009. Teens represented 19% of the 12.3 million active social networkers.
  • To adults, cell phones are a communications device. To children, they are a lifeline. Consider that the average 13-17 year old sends more than 2,000 text messages per month. Compared with the total mobile Internet population, teens are much bigger consumers of social media, music, games, videos/movies and technology/science.
    When is a phone not a phone? In the hands of children and tweens, today's cell phones are primarily used as text messaging devices, cameras, gaming consoles, video viewers, MP3 players, and incidentally, as mobile phones via the speaker capability so their friends can chime in on the call. Parents are getting dialed in to the social media phenomenon and beginning to understand-and limit-how children use new media
Anne Bubnic

ConnectYard - Social Networking for 21st Century Learners - 0 views

    A commericial solution to social networking in the classroom. ConnectYard enables schools to leverage popular social media for teaching students where they live and socialize, online. The platform offers K-12 schools their own private learning communities with controlled access that are integrated with popular social networks like Facebook, which serves to make course work more social and collaborative by keeping students involved and engaged both in and outside of the classroom. Only users approved by the school are permitted to join the community and interact with other users. This eliminates a primary concern of both parents and administrators.\n\nConnectYard also provides teachers with the ability to audit student groups, walls, etc. This serves to ensure that both the interactions and information being shared are appropriate, which helps to guard against cyber bullying or posting of copyrighted materials. Thus fostering safe and secure learning communities, or Yards, that improve the student educational experience and chances for success.
Anne Bubnic

Yes, social networking can be kid-friendly - 0 views

    Many administrators, teachers, and parents simply associate MySpace and FaceBook with the term social networking, possibly adding Twitter to the mix and generally writing off the technology as an unsafe liability. However, we all need to expand our view of what social networking can be. Kid-friendly social media also doesn't need to mean Club Penguin and Webkins.
Anne Bubnic

How Recruiters Use Social Networks to Screen Candidates - 8 views

    Social media monitoring service Reppler recently surveyed more than 300 hiring professionals to determine when and how job recruiters are screening job candidates on different social networks. Results provide really good insight on how comments displayed in a social networking setting may have positively (or negatively) influenced a decision to hire.

How to Use Hashtags on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram - 0 views

    Hashtags were first introduced on Internet Relay Chats (IRC's were live chats and messaging - kind of a precursor to the social sites we use today). They became popular on Twitter, where they were initially used for "tweet chats". Tweet chats are like open group discussions around a particular topic. The essence of the "tweet chat" is still relevant in how marketers can use hashtags today. 3 Key Marketing Strategies for Hashtags - Brand and campaign specific - Trending Hashtags - Content Hashtags Businesses follow many ways to implement hashtags on social media. Social media hashtags deserve more attention from marketers. To increase their reach among an increasingly global market, more brands use social media analytics tools to change their Hashtag Marketing.
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