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    Votocrat is a social media platform where a user can engage with live audience participation by creating Online polls,survey.
Anne Bubnic

A Great Guide on Teaching Students about Digital Footprint - 10 views

    Have you ever Googled yourself ? Have you ever checked your virtual identity? Do you know that you leave a digital footprint every time you get online? Do you know that whatever you do online is accumulated into a digital dossier traceable by others ?
Anne Bubnic

Rosalind Wiseman TedX Talk on bullying prevention. [Video] - 8 views

    Excellent talk, interesting insights at TEDx. Rosalind Wiseman addresses the complex problem of bullying in schools, and how administrators and parents need to support kids to make schools the safe places that they should be. Teachers, administrators and bullying prevention experts will relate to the challenges.
Anne Bubnic

Best Practices: Restorative Justice Program - 8 views

    This model program for "restorative justice" is used by trained 8th grader facilitators at Del Mar Middle School to handle school incidents that would previously have been grounds for student suspensions. Cyberbullying is included in the restorative justice program. Students make amends for their actions, learn from their mistakes and become part of the solution, rather than the problem.
Anne Bubnic

Yahoo Breakout Session digital citizenship oct10 - 10 views

    Yahoo session, Digital Citizenship Conference
Anne Bubnic

First-graders use Facebook as a learning tool - 5 views

    Erin Schoening's first grade class at Gunn Elementary School [Iowa] is one of the first in the Council Bluffs Community School District, if not the nation, to use Facebook as a teaching tool, recapping lessons and "synthesizing concepts" while using the social media site to provide updates for their parents and others.
Megan Black

Plagiarism - 11 views

    Excellent Plagiarism site with links to other resources, and audio on each page to read aloud the text.
Anne Bubnic

Remix Culture: Center for Social Media [Video] - 0 views

    From American University's School of Communication. When is it fair and legal to use other people's copyrighted work to make your own? What's the line between infringement and fair use? Take this tour of remix culture classics, and use the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video to make your own decisions. This video is also available as a quicktime download.
Anne Bubnic

Leadership, Education & Etiquette - On or Offline [LEO] - 0 views

  • They are now developing a Web site to help educate their peers on the same issues and plan to visit elementary and middle school students this year to pass on Internet safety messages. Students also created individual blogs this week. "We're trying to develop youth to be leaders in the city and the state and the nation and the world. With the Internet, it's not just local," said Akua Goodrich, the program's director who helped found the Power Unit for Motivating Youth, an after-school and mentoring program in the city. "We have to prepare them to be safe and help spread the message."
  • "When you're a kid, you don't want to listen to an adult who doesn't know what you're going through," she said. "You're much more open to listen to your peers talk to you. It's more interesting."
    The Leadership, Education and Etiquette - On and Offline, or [Leo ] Student Leadership Training Project ended Friday with a debriefing and motivational words by the program's adult leaders. It wrapped up four days of training in which the 26 teens learned about cyber safety and social networking issues as well as peer-to-peer marketing and career preparations.
Anne Bubnic

School District Offers Security Lessons - 0 views

    James Logan High School, located in the San Francisco Bay Area, spans a large city block and has about 4,000 students attending its classes. Earlier in the year, some of those students made news-two for organizing a fundraiser for disaster relief in China and one for being among the winners of a national scholarship award program. That's the way schools hope their students make headlines. Unfortunately, another Logan student, 14-year-old Vernon Eddins, also made the news late last year-in that case, it was because he had become the latest victim of gang violence, which has been growing in Union City, where Logan is located.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship Classroom Wiki - 0 views

    Digital Citizenship Classroom Wiki" developed by Jesse Gearhart & colleagues. Includes readings, podcasts, videos, definitions, chatroom, final project with assessment rubric. Click here for the full description of the "BlueGroup Project."

Anne Bubnic

Letters To A Bullied Girl: Messages of Healing & Hope [New Book] - 0 views

  • Olivia Gardner, a teenager from Northern California, had been severely bullied in school. After reading of her ordeal in a local newspaper, we were shocked. Olivia had endured so much pain. Her book bag had been dragged through the mud, her schoolmates had created an "Olivia's Haters" page on the internet, and they would whisper "Die Olivia" to her in the halls. Olivia's story broke our hearts, especially when we learned that she was suicidal. We couldn't imagine such cruelty.
  • livia's story moved us, and a spark ignited between us - we both recognized that there was something that had to be done about this situation. We knew we couldn't be bystanders. We organized a letter-writing campaign and asked our friends to write letters of encouragement to Olivia. These messages of healing and hope were the least we could send to Olivia to let her know that she was not alone and that we were thinking about her and hoping she would get better.
  • Heartfelt, honest and powerful letters started pouring in. And then came the media requests. The more attention the "Olivia's Letters" project got, the more letters we received. Suddenly, we were thrust into the world of bullying, as we read the letters sent to Olivia by former bullies and targets of these bullies. We learned of the remorse adults felt having been bullies themselves in their teen years, and of the depression the targets of bullies still experience years after they have been bullied. Thousands of letters from all over the country and even the world flooded into Olivia's mailbox, each offering a unique perspective on courage and compassion.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • We could never have predicted what a great and widespread response our little project to help one girl would receive. In a matter of a few weeks we became activists. Today, as the authors of the book Letters to a Bullied Girl: Messages of Healing and Hope, a compilation of some of the most revealing letters sent to Olivia, we are hopeful that the letter-writers' message to end the vicious cycle of bullying will continue to spread
  • As the letters in this book prove, bullying has serious consequences. We can no longer turn away or sit idly by as our peers are bullied so severely and relentlessly that they are forced to withdraw, isolate themselves and even turn to suicide. Our book is dedicated to Corinne Sides, who committed suicide as a result of bullying, and there are pages of letters from others who attempted suicide to escape their bullies.
    As teens across the country head back to school this year, far too many of them are facing the entrance doors to their schools with feelings of fear, trepidation and dread. For an increasing number of students across the nation, schooldays are filled with the never-ending cycle of taunting and abuse from their bullies. But this year, in an unprecedented display of solidarity, thousands of strangers who have been through the same harrowing experiences, are sharing their private tales of torment with these teens for the first time ever because of the story of Olivia Gardner.
Anne Bubnic

Best Practice: School District Bookmarks on Delicious - 0 views

    Excellent demonstration of a school district using for bookmarking of K-3 resources.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Underground Storytelling For Youth - 0 views

    Student -created videos telling powerful stories!! D.U.S.T.Y. is an afterschool program for middle and high school students in Oakland, CA. DUSTY students work on computers to create their own Digital Stories, as well at to generate rap and hip hop "beats and rhymes." Throughout the creative process, students learn to master programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, iMovie, and Fruity Loops with the help of skilled instructors. At the end of each semester, the students' creative masterpieces, including digital stories, raps, beats, and performances are showcased in some sort of final event at The Parkway Theatre, The Metro, and other local venues.

    In this information technology age, children and youth in West and East Oakland face the additional disadvantage of a digital divide, which separates ethnicities, socio-economic classes, genders, and ages. Youth from low-income communities rarely have access to cutting edge communication technologies or, just as importantly, to empowering uses of them. A comparison between the number of computers per Oakland school with the schools' statewide academic performance ranking, or API, revealed that some schools with high numbers of computers have very low API's. This discrepancy suggests that simply having technology is not enough; rather, to improve student academic outcomes, technology must be meaningfully used.
Anne Bubnic

FL Virtual School Student Orientation: Internet Safety - 0 views

    Florida Virtual School includes a learning module on Internet Safety in their student orientation materials. Through colorful flash-based adventures, students solve four Internet Security mysteries and learn about cyberstalking, identity theft, cyberbullying and email scams, then create their own Internet pledges based on NetSmartz materials. ISafe materials on cyberbullying and copyright are also included as downloads in the resource section.
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