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Anne Bubnic

Youth Work and Social Networking Research Project - 0 views

    This research is being carried out for The National Youth Agency who offer a range of opportunities for young people to influence policy and practice. How does youth work best support young people to manage the risks and make the most of the opportunities presented by social networking technology? Running from December 2007 till mid-January 2008 this UK-based survey seeks to identify youth workers current use of social networking technologies; their current role support young people to safely and effective use social networking technologies; their understanding of the benefits and risks of social networking technologies; their interests in developing their use of social networking technologies; and potential barriers to youth workers using, and supporting young people to use, social networking technologies.
Judy Echeandia

Friend or Foe? Balancing the Good and Bad of Social-Networking Sites - 0 views

    This three-part article includes a discussion of classroom connections to social networking sites and the school's role in intervening when information that affects the classroom is publicly posted on MySpace or Facebook. The authors also provide five key social networking tips:
    1. Establish a policy for dealing with incidents in which students break school rules and their inappropriate behavior is showcased publicly on social-networking sites.
    2. Outline clear guidelines for administrators that spell out how schools should discipline students based on information garnered from social-networking sites, and let parents and students know about those rules.
    3. Educate students about online-safety issues and how to use sites such as Facebook and MySpace responsibly.
    4. Have a policy in place for dealing with cyber bullying.
    5. If teachers are using social-networking sites for educational purposes, they should establish clear guidelines for how they intend to communicate with students via those sites.

Anne Bubnic

Many new 'friends' to be made online, but what about dollars? - 0 views

  • Even Google has failed to extend its golden touch to social-networking sites. In 2006 Google paid MySpace $900 million to place ads on its pages. The search giant also operates its own social network, Orkut, which has been growing, especially outside the US. But in a February call with financial analysts, Google cofounder Sergey Brin conceded that the investments “didn’t pan out as well as we had hoped…. I don’t think we have the killer best way to advertise and monetize the social networks yet.”
  • “People clearly, especially on the social networks, [are] not particularly interested in clicking on the ads,” says Mr. Brooks, who as editor of has followed the online industry for a decade. “Advertising needs to evolve, and social networks are forcing this change. People are really tired of being assaulted [by ads], but they still love to buy.”
  • As users share personal information within their networks, companies have an opportunity to capture and employ this data for targeted marketing. Social networks are building huge databases about where users go and the people they connect with, says Fred Stutzman, a doctoral candidate at the University of North Carolina who studies social networks.
    Social Networks may be on the increase in populations, but marketers still struggle with how to get users to respond to advertising.
Anne Bubnic

35 Perspectives on Online Social Networking - 0 views

    There are many different perspectives to put on online social networking and it is important to know where one is coming from when talking about social networking and youth. The perspective(s) one has will be very different whether one is a parent with a teenage daughter on MySpace, a marketing executive interested in the target group "14 to 20," a journalist looking for the next big news story on young people and new media, a youngster using a social networking site as part of everyday life or a researcher investigating how young people are using social networking sites.
Anne Bubnic

How Can Adults Improve Social Networking Sites for Kids? - 0 views

  • If social networks are going to be safe places for kids, adults are going to have to be more present and it's not going to work if it is just parents watching over kids to control their online activity. Social networks have to become more open to adults who are interested in pointing kids in a positive direction and who take an interest in their development
    Ten Ideas for how adults can improve social networking sites for kids. I was recently interviewed by a local high school student named Julian for his research project about the impact of social network sites on society. I always enjoy being interviewed by teens and end up learning something in the process. Julian asked a question that I have been thinking about since we spoke: "What can adults do to improve social network sites for kids?"
Anne Bubnic

Social Networking Gets Schooled - 0 views

  • As a whole, the education industry is usually relatively slow to integrate technology into the classroom. In lots of schools nationwide, unbridled access to computers and the Internet is still the exception rather than the rule.
  • The moment students get outside of the classroom, on the other hand, social networking is almost a daily ritual.
  • Dedicated commercial Web 2.0 products and social networking applications are still too new and too rich for typical school leaders to afford. So third-party providers are more likely to offer technology services to students and their schools to expand their horizons in ways never before possible. For example, some school districts are going beyond e-mail technology and using collaboration software and online services to share information, host Web conferences and assign tasks and projects.
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  • "Teachers are famous for relying on other teachers for the best ideas about what's working and what's not working. For that reason, as new teachers (read younger, tech-savvy, "Generation Network" college grads) enter the system, they are leveraging education-focused social networks to connect with other teachers, find content contributed by teachers and make sure that they are wringing every ounce of 'network effect' technology from the Internet."
    To today's students, online social networking is almost second nature outside of the classroom. What about inside the classroom? Educational software and services are taking a cue from Facebook and MySpace, adding a twist of online collaboration and interaction that brings students, teachers and parents together.

Top 10 Effective Ways of Using Hashtags in Social Media Marketing - 0 views

    Hashtags Are An Integral Part Of Any Hashtag in Social Media Marketing Strategy. It Is A Great Way Of Labeling And Finding Social Media Updates. When Comes To Promoting Your Brands On Social Media, Hashtags Are Fundamental To Attaining Success. ● Using The Equal Hashtags Across Social Media Structures Has Some Obvious Benefits. Hashtag Based On Social Media Platform ● Now It's Time To Spoil Down Precisely How You Can Use Hashtags Effectively On The Largest Social Networks. ○ Those Networks Are: ■ Twitter Hashtags ■ Instagram Hashtags ■ Facebook Hashtags ● It Is Genuinely Very A Lot Worrying To Read A Post Having Too Many Hashtags. Again It Relies Upon On The Social Media Platform You Are Using. Number Of Hashtags In A Post.
Anne Bubnic

Students' new best friend: 'MoSoSo' - 0 views

  • Mobile GPS will open a Pandora’s box of possibilities, say others. “I’d be very concerned about pedophiles or identity thieves hacking into a system and locating me, my wife, or daughter,” says Henry Simpson, who coordinates new technology for the California State University at Monterey Bay (CSUMB). “It raises huge safety issues,” he adds.
  • But new technologies have always brought new risks – such as identity theft. Philosophically, every technology has both positive and negative values, says Andrew Anker, vice president of development at Six Apart, a Web consulting firm. “In fact,” he points out, “the most positive aspects are what also add the most negative.”
  • Companies looking to do business on college campuses have paid particular attention to security concerns. Rave Wireless introduced a GPS/MoSoSo enabled phone for students this past year, emphasizing the security value of the GPS feature over its potential to deliver underage victims to predators. While the Rave phones enable students to find like-minded buddies (Bored? Love Indian food? Meet me under the clock!), it also offers a cyberescort service linked to campus police. If the student doesn’t turn off a timer in the phone, indicating safe arrival at a destination, police are dispatched to a GPS location.
    Talking on cellphones is passé for students who use them for networking and sending photos. Mobile Social Networking Software - the next wave of virtual community - is already appearing on cellphones, beginning with college campuses. These under-25s (the target market for early adoption of hot new gadgets) are using what many observers call the next big consumer technology shift: Mobile Social Networking Software, or Mososo. The sophisticated reach of cyber-social networks such as MySpace or Facebook, combined with the military precision of GPS, is putting enough power in these students' pockets to run a small country.
Rafael Ribas

Why am I fighting for Social Networking? - 0 views

  • I think the main thing is that it is user centered - not course centered.
  • Moodle are so "course" oriented" it is hard to "force" them to be something else
  • Because of the demonization of "social" networks we must use terminology that will not cause parental and administrative heart attack
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  • technology rich, pedagogic poor’ (Victorian Classroom on Steroids
    What do you think about the term "social" networking -- I rather like the term "educational" networking.
    This teacher is fighting for "social" networking -- I left a comment that she instead fight for "educational" networking. I think that the demonization of "social networking" by our media makes this term a death sentence for one's efforts.\n\nRead this post and see what you think.
Judy Echeandia

Seven Things All Adults Should Know About MySpace [Doug Johnson] - 0 views

  • What's a teacher to do? Stay informed about student uses of technology. Build student trust by maintaining an open mind about new social phenomena. Teach students about potential hazards of all online environments.
    This article offers seven things all adults need to know about social networking sites like MySpace.
    1. Social networking is enormously popular with young adults.
    2. Friends are probably just that.
    3. Blocking sites at school won't keep kids away from MySpace.
    4.Some degree of danger does exist for MySpace users.
    5. The MySpace organization is working toward a safer online
    6. Teachers might want to check to see if they have had a MySpace account created for them.
    7.MySpace and social networking have value.

Anne Bubnic

Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation. - 0 views

    Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: teenagers' use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression.
    The explosion in social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, Bebo and Friendster is widely regarded as an exciting opportunity, especially for youth.Yet the public response tends to be one of puzzled dismay regarding a generation that, supposedly, has many friends but little sense of privacy and a narcissistic fascination with self-display. This article explores teenagers' practices of social networking in order to uncover the subtle connections between online opportunity and risk. Reprints of the complete article are available for a fee from Sage Publishing.
Judy Echeandia

What Kids Learn from Social Networking | 21st Century Connections - 0 views

  • "What we found was that students using social networking sites are actually practicing the kinds of 21st century skills we want them to develop to be successful today," said Christine Greenhow, a learning technologies researcher in the university's College of Education and Human Development and principal investigator of the study.
  • "Students are developing a positive attitude towards using technology systems, editing and customizing content and thinking about online design and layout. They're also sharing creative original work like poetry and film and practicing safe and responsible use of information and technology. The
  • Web sites offer tremendous educational potential."
    University of Minnesota study uncovers the educational benefits of social networking sites. "What we found was that students using social networking sites are actually practicing the kinds of 21st century skills we want them to develop to be successful today," said Christine Greenhow, a learning technologies researcher in the university's College of Education and Human Development and principal investigator of the study.
Anne Bubnic

Social Networking-Why Are We Afraid? - 0 views

  • But we adults are afraid. This is not the way we grew up. We had our group of friends, our own little group. Now, the groups to which today's young people belong are hundreds and even thousands strong. Their "friends" lists go on for pages, many of them hundreds or thousands of physical miles away. This is so far from the way we communicated and learned about each other, that we cannot understand it. So we do what most people do with things they do not understand. We ignore it. If it intrudes on the way we do things, we find ways to block it.
  • Eighty-one percent of kids have visited a social networking site such as MySpace or Facebook. Yet more than 50% of schools block social networking altogether and over 80% block instant messaging and chatting services. These statistics tell us that our students are accessing these types of services regardless of our efforts to block them.
  • ith over 80 million users on MySpace alone, social networking is not going away. And that National School Boards Association report said that 50% of students using these services are specifically talking about schoolwork using these social networking tools.What? Students are talking about schoolwork? Yes. Just as we used the phone (despite our parents demands to hang up!) students today are using social networks. They are asking each other questions and discussing homework besides planning to go out. This is their way to communicate and as much as we have difficulty understanding it, it is 24/7 and schools can take some advantage of that.
    Cyberbullying, online predators, and other Internet-related dangers make headlines almost daily. Fear of what lies beyond that glowing screen at which our kids so love to stare dominates the current perception of what the Internet has become. In this climate of perceived threat, schools do what we all do with that of which we are afraid. We avoid the threat and try to forget it's out there.\n\n

Changes at MySpace Signal a Move Away From Social Networking | - 0 views

  • SHARETHIS.addEntry({ "title": "Changes at MySpace Signal a Move Away From Social Networking", "url": "", "published": "1240950792" }, { "button": true })ShareThis yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = "Changes at MySpace Signal a Move Away From Social Networking"; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = "Sign of the times: One senior executive for comedy at MySpace has 1,403 friends on Facebook."; yahooBuzzArticleCategory = "entertainment"; yahooBuzzArticleType = "text"; thewrapcom49: votesBuzz up! Slideshow Depeche Mode's Traffic-Stopping Concert Depeche Mode celebrated the release of its 12th studio album, "Sounds of the Universe," with a free concert on Hollywood Boulevard Thursday evening -- which literally stopped traffic. The performance, which also appeared on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" later in the evening, drew a reported crowd of over 10,000. (Photographs by Jonathan Alcorn) Keywords Facebook news corp MySpace Chris Van Natta
Anne Bubnic

Should social networking sites be used to determine employment? - 0 views

    More employees are asking for and viewing social networking sites of job applicants. Most employees like to get a clear picture of the person they are hiring. Lets face it most companies want to make sure they know what they are getting before they spend the time and resources to hire and train a person. Recently officials in Bozeman, Montana requested for all job applicants to turn over their usernames and password of all of their social networking sites as part of the background check. Is that crossing the line?
Anne Bubnic

Social Networking in Schools: Incentives for Participation - 0 views

    District leaders want some evidence that social networking would fulfill their expectation of adding strong educational value and purpose. According to NSBA, before district leaders would buy into social networking for school use, there would need to be a strong emphasis on collaborative and planned activities, strong tools for students to express themselves, and an emphasis on bringing different kinds of students together, all with adult monitoring.
Anne Bubnic

Footprints in the Digital Age - 0 views

  • In the Web 2.0 world, self-directed learners must be adept at building and sustaining networks.
  • As the geeky father of a 9-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter, one of my worst fears as they grow older is that they won't be Googled well. Not that they won't be able to use Google well, mind you, but that when a certain someone (read: admissions officer, employer, potential mate) enters "Tess Richardson" into the search line of the browser, what comes up will be less than impressive. That a quick surf through the top five hits will fail to astound with examples of her creativity, collaborative skills, and change-the-world work. Or, even worse, that no links about her will come up at all. I mean, what might "Your search did not match any documents" imply?
  • digital footprints—the online portfolios of who we are, what we do, and by association, what we know—are becoming increasingly woven into the fabric of almost every aspect of our lives.
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  • So what literacies must we educators master before we can help students make the most of these powerful potentials? It starts, as author Clay Shirky (2008) suggests, with an understanding of how transparency fosters connections and with a willingness to share our work and, to some extent, our personal lives
  • Publishing content online not only begins the process of becoming "Googleable," it also makes us findable by others who share our passions or interests.
  • Although many students are used to sharing content online, they need to learn how to share within the context of network building. They need to know that publishing has a nobler goal than just readership—and that's engagement.
  • As Stanford researcher Danah Boyd (2007) points out, we are discovering the potentials and pitfalls of this new public space. What we say today in our blogs and videos will persist long into the future and not simply end up in the paper recycling bin when we clean out our desks at the end of the year.
  • Although Laura is able to connect, does she understand, as researcher Stephen Downes (2005) suggests, that her network must be diverse, that she must actively seek dissenting voices who might push her thinking in ways that the "echo chamber" of kindred thinkers might not? Is she doing the work of finding new voices to include in the conversation?
  • Here are five ideas that will help you begin building your own personal learning network. Read blogs related to your passion. Search out topics of interest at and see who shares those interests. Participate. If you find bloggers out there who are writing interesting and relevant posts, share your reflections and experiences by commenting on their posts. Use your real name. It's a requisite step to be Googled well. Be prudent, of course, about divulging any personal information that puts you at risk, and guide students in how they can do the same. Start a Facebook page. Educators need to understand the potential of social networking for themselves. Explore Twitter (, a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables users to exchange short updates of 140 characters or fewer. It may not look like much at first glance, but with Twitter, the network can be at your fingertips.
    Giving Students Ownership of Learning: Footprints in the Digital Age. In the Web 2.0 world, self-directed learners must be adept at building and sustaining networks.
Anne Bubnic

Yes, social networking can be kid-friendly - 0 views

    Many administrators, teachers, and parents simply associate MySpace and FaceBook with the term social networking, possibly adding Twitter to the mix and generally writing off the technology as an unsafe liability. However, we all need to expand our view of what social networking can be. Kid-friendly social media also doesn't need to mean Club Penguin and Webkins.
Anne Bubnic

How Recruiters Use Social Networks to Screen Candidates - 8 views

    Social media monitoring service Reppler recently surveyed more than 300 hiring professionals to determine when and how job recruiters are screening job candidates on different social networks. Results provide really good insight on how comments displayed in a social networking setting may have positively (or negatively) influenced a decision to hire.

10 Simple Steps will Make Your Hashtag Strategy Better - 0 views

    A keyword phrase which is spelled without spaces and preceded by a # sign is known as a hashtag. Hashtags originally got famous by Twitter and now they are used in almost all the social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter. Hashtags are important for social media. It began with Twitter and spread to other platforms. This guide will tell you how to use hashtags in social media marketing and how it will help you to get found by your target audience. Here, we will look into various effective ways to get the most out of hashtag strategy - - Hashtag Based on Social Media Platform - Number of Hashtags in a Post - Be Specific in Hashtags - Understanding Marketing Strategy - Finding a Relevant Trending Topic - Live Tweet - Create a Simple and Catchy Hashtag - Involving Audience in Hashtag Posts - Selecting the Right Time - Create to Inspire You might have seen hashtags on various social media platforms. Whenever someone clicks on the hashtag, they are directed to all the other posts containing the same hashtag. If someone searches for the word used in your hashtag, your post would get listed which means grabbing the attention of several social media users.
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