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digital camera lens - 1 views

    To make a perfect whole camera, Lens is one of the most important materials except for the sensor, PCB, connector. A good lens can make the photos taken by the camera look better. There are many types of lenses on the market, if classified by function, there are Lens for automotive cameras, Lens for mobile phone or tablets cameras, Lens for IOT cameras, Lens for monitors and so on, if classified by size, there are M4 Lens, M6 Lens, M8 Lens, M12 Lens, M20 Lens, M30 Lens, M40 Lens and M50 Lens, there are also C mount or CS mount Lens for industrial cameras.
Nigel Coutts

The Eight Cultural Forces - The lens & the lever - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    This unavoidable and irreducible complexity means that schools are challenging place to study, to understand and to manage change within. Even for the teacher who spends everyday inside the school there is so much going on that unguided observations and the plans based upon them come with no guarantee of success. - We need a lens and a lever to manage this complexity. -  Such a lens is offered by the 'cultural forces'.

lensed fiber array - 1 views

    Lensed fiber, also called fiber lens, is a piece of fiber which forms a lens shape at the end face, and is used to change the optical path, or coupling light in the optical fiber systems. Based on the specific requirement of different optical fiber applications, there are tapered, wedged, angle wedged, beveled, and spherical lens, etc. As one of the lensed fiber manufacturers in China, Photonstream offerstapered lensed fiber, ball lens fiber coupling, biconical lensed fiber, pm fiber and angle polished lensed fiber at an affordable wholesale fiber lens price. Contact us for more information!

ball lens fiber coupling - 0 views

    Ball lensed fiber is an optical fiber with a spherical lens at one end. It improves light coupling, focusing, and beam shaping in fiber optic systems. It is used in communication, sensing, and imaging applications for enhanced performance and signal quality.
    Ball lensed fiber is an optical fiber with a spherical lens at one end. Ball lens fiber coupling improves light coupling, focusing, and beam shaping in fiber optic systems. The lensed fiber array is used in communication, sensing, and imaging applications for enhanced performance and signal quality.
David Wetzel

Project Based Learning Viewed Through a Digital Lens - 0 views

    Often we search for meaningful ways to integrate digital technology in project based learning activities given to our students. We also would like our students to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts underlying the work - after all this is the purpose of the project. Giving students the opportunity to complete and present their project through a digital lens has one great advantage - student engagement. This in turn causes students to develop a more in depth understanding of concepts.
Roland Gesthuizen

5 Ways Twitter Strengthens A School's Learning Community | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • Although we’ve only just completed our first full year in using this socal media tool, we’ve broken the ice on a variety of teaching and learning benefits for parents, teachers and students. Over the summer, we’re planning to engage a shared hashtag to “keep the learning going” – one of the best features that Twitter offers.
  • Our staff’s “learning by Twitter” has occurred in multiple formats this school year: From each other From classroom to classroom From our school parents From their developing Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) From local & national conferences From our district hashtag (#nped) From weekly education chats like #ptchat, #5thchat, #edchat #ntchat & others
    "This year, our K-6 staff began learning in a new virtual way using Twitter. After a couple staff in-service trainings and after school workshops, parents and teachers ventured into this new educational Twitterverse. As we enter the final week of school, I'd like to share it's initial impact on teaching and learning from my principal's lens."
Martin Burrett

Office Lens - 0 views

    A great document, whiteboard, note scanner app from Microsoft which converts camera images to Word documents, PDFs, OneNote files and more. Great for recording brainstorming sessions and meetings.
David Wetzel

12 Mobile Learning Science Applications for the iPod Touch - 0 views

    "As a mobile learning device, the iPod Touch encourages learning anytime, anywhere! These mobile devices do not tie students to their desks or the classroom; they bring the world into the classroom through the lens of personalized learning. The value of an iPod Touch as a mobile learning device is its ability to transform student learning behavior. According to research by K-Nect Project (2009), students using this digital device achieved higher test scores. This was attributed to more interactivity between students, teachers, and content."
David Wetzel

12 Free Mobile Math Apps for the iPod Touch - 0 views

    As a mobile learning device, the iPod Touch encourages learning anytime, anywhere! Applications available for this digital device support and encourage students to develop a greater understanding of math concepts through the lens of personalized learning.
Nigel Coutts

Finding a new paradise for education in times of chaos - The Learner's Way - 4 views

    Through any lens schools are complex places. A melting pot of human, social, political, economic, technological, physical and philosophical tensions. At once the stronghold of our cultural traditions and facilitators of our future wellbeing, schools serve as pillars of stability constructed at the event horizon between our now and our tomorrow. Perhaps at this point in time more than ever is this tension between the role that schools play in indoctrinating our youth into the ways of society at odds with the imperative to prepare them for their futures.
Nigel Coutts

Perseverance and Mathematics - A mathematical journey to Mars - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    The landing of the Perseverance rover on Mars is an excellent catalyst for a discussion with students about the nature of Mathematics. It is a chance to inspire curiosity and wonderment and to do so through a mathematical lens.

Can ho Gelexia Riverside - cái tên nói lên phong thủy - 0 views

    Một trong những yếu tố quyết định mộ ngôi nhà đẹp chính là yếu tố phong thủy căn hộ và khu vực bao quanh. Can ho Gelexia Riverside thuộc chủ đầu tư Geleximco ngay từ cái tên, đã khẳng định được giá trị phong thủy đắc tài sinh lộc cho cư dân nơi đây. Hãy cùng Thongtinchungcuvip khám phá ý nghĩa tên gọi của dự án lớn này nhé!

LED COB - 1 views

technology LED

Steve Ransom

Peter T. Coleman, PhD: The Consequences of Our Games - 2 views

  • "At a time when games are becoming ever more realistic, reality is becoming more gamelike."
  • The problem is not that games are inconsistent with many aspects of our lives; it is that they provide a limited and skewed lens on the world
  • Seeing more and more aspects of our lives as games to win through maximization has a sort of self-perpetuating effect with perverse consequences, not the least of which is the impairment of what Diesing terms social rationality; the cherishing of unique relationships, personal connectedness, cooperative functioning, solidarity and sentiment.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • It stresses the strategic interdependent interests of humans and assumes that in games there is always a rational choice which is the best counter-choice to your opponent's.
  • If winning efficiently is the goal, then the rules (ethical, moral, legal, and spiritual), are essentially obstacles to game.
  • In our schools, competition for access to elite preschools, for grades, for social status, in sports, over positions of leadership, and for admission to exclusive colleges transforms one of our most basic institutions for fostering community, ethics and learning into competitive, individualistic corporate training-grounds. In these settings, the importance of competitive sports becomes paramount, for both financial and training purposes, and the artistry of cheating (see this year's Stuyvesant High School cheating scandal) and rule-bending (see Joe Paterno) revered. Such intense competition encourages the professionalization of parenting -- through tutors, highly-educated nannies, prep courses, and professional training camps (such as investment camps). You can imagine the deleterious effects these trends have on the ethos of care and moral responsibility in our families and schools, a critical buffer against bullying and violence in the lives of our children.
  • We become hyper-connected through technologies, boasting our number of "friends" on Facebook, and have less and less intimacy.
  • We choose friends with benefits or Internet porn over romantic relationships as they are less messy, more efficient.
  • Life is a race and we are losing.
    A great piece worth the time to reflect on. Mindfulness needs to be practiced frequently.

camera panorama - 0 views

    A intelligent panoramic camera that takes panoramic photographs by rotating the lens so that the film is exposed through a narrow vertical slit or by rotating the camera so that adjacent areas of the film are continuously exposed. Contact us to custom and order.

ip camera dome - 0 views

    Sunell ip dome camera is a gem if you need a single dome security camera with a 360-degree view. Dome ip camera has a powerful 6 Megapixel video sensor and 1.55mm lens that create a 360-degree view. Find the features and different types of our dome ip camera, and contact us to custom and order.

ip camera mini dome - 0 views

    Measured in millimeters, a ip camera mini dome's lens can be anywhere from 1.8mm (wide angle) to 170mm (narrow angle). IP camera mini dome offer both digital and optical zoom. In terms of video quality, optical zoom is far superior. Find the different types of our ip camera mini dome, and contact us to custom and order.

pm1550 fiber - 1 views

    PM Mark Conical Lensed Fiber is a fiber optic component with a conical-shaped lens at one end. It offers precise polarization control, enabling efficient polarization maintenance. This tapered lensed fiber is widely used in polarization-sensitive applications such as telecommunications, fiber sensing, and optical signal processing.
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