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Lara Cowell

The 'untranslatable' emotions you never knew you had - 2 views

    Have you ever felt a little mbuki-mvuki - the irresistible urge to "shuck off your clothes as you dance"? Perhaps a little kilig - the jittery fluttering feeling as you talk to someone you fancy? How about uitwaaien - which encapsulates the revitalising effects of taking a walk in the wind? Tim Lomas' Positive Lexicography Project aims to capture the many flavours of good feelings (some of which are distinctly bittersweet) found across the world, in the hope that we might start to incorporate them all into our daily lives. We have already borrowed many emotion words from other languages, after all - think "frisson", from French, or "schadenfreude", from German - but there are many more that have not yet wormed their way into our vocabulary. Lomas has found hundreds of these "untranslatable" experiences so far - and he's only just begun. Learning these words, he hopes, will offer us all a richer and more nuanced understanding of ourselves. "They offer a very different way of seeing the world."

Language and emotions: Emotional Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - ScienceDirect - 2 views

    This essay looks at the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which is that that the structure of a language determines a native speaker's perception and categorization of experience. This essay looks at how emotional differences in language are tied to the grammar and mechanics and they can't be shared borrowed across languages

The power of swearing: What we know and what we don't - ScienceDirect - 0 views

    This article goes over how powerful swearing is due to the emotion behind it and how it stimulates our brains. Swearing not only generates a range of emotions, but acts as a release of energy/emotion. This is why curse words are often present in music and movies because they are able to better portray how one is feeling and the emotions they are experiencing.

Emotion AI, explained | MIT Sloan - 0 views

    This article is about emotion in generative AI and how far the technology has come

Emotional Language Improves AI Responses - 0 views

    This article is on how emotional language can affect the responses of generative AI and how the AI can learn from the language
Lara Cowell

Greater Good: The Science of A Meaningful Life - 3 views

    Based at the University of California, Berkeley, the Greater Good Science Center sponsors groundbreaking scientific research into social and emotional well-being and helps people apply this research to their personal and professional lives. Their website has useful resources for Safe Conversations, Word Acts, and fostering better social relationships.
Lara Cowell

How Trigger Warnings Are Hurting Mental Health on Campus - 0 views

    In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don't like. Two terms have risen quickly from obscurity into common campus parlance. Microaggressions are small actions or word choices that seem on their face to have no malicious intent but that are thought of as a kind of violence nonetheless. For example, by some campus guidelines, it is a microaggression to ask an Asian American or Latino American "Where were you born?," because this implies that he or she is not a real American. Trigger warnings are alerts that professors are expected to issue if something in a course might cause a strong emotional response. For example, some students have called for warnings that Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart describes racial violence and that F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby portrays misogyny and physical abuse, so that students who have been previously victimized by racism or domestic violence can choose to avoid these works, which they believe might "trigger" a recurrence of past trauma. The current movement is largely about emotional well-being. More than the last, it presumes an extraordinary fragility of the collegiate psyche, and therefore elevates the goal of protecting students from psychological harm. The ultimate aim, it seems, is to turn campuses into "safe spaces" where young adults are shielded from words and ideas that make some uncomfortable.

10 Surprising Benefits You'll Get From Keeping a Journal - 0 views

    There are numerous positive effects of writing in a journal. The action of writing our thoughts, ideas and feelings benefits us in numerous aspects of our lives. One benefit of writing in a journal is that is boosts memory and comprehension. This is because there is a relationship between our hands and brains created by writing thoughts and ideas. Words are representation of ideas and the formation of letters causes the mind to compose or re-compose ideas while journaling. The second benefits is emotional, physical and psychological healing. This is because translating an experience into language makes the experience graspable and allows you to free yourself from emotional blockages and lowers anxiety, stress and induces better sleep. These are two out of ten benefits of writing in a journal that is proposed in this article.
Lara Cowell

How to Help Kids Stop Automatic Negative Thoughts - 2 views

    We each absorb select scenes in our environment through which we interpret a situation, creating our own reality by that to which we give attention. Our brain naturally tries to process what could otherwise be overwhelming amounts of information, by reducing it to a simplified story. However, because that story is based on a small sliver of reality, our perception may be incorrect. Thought holes, or cognitive distortions, are skewed perceptions of reality. They are negative interpretations of a situation based on poor assumptions. Studies show self-defeating thoughts (i.e., "I'm a loser") can trigger self-defeating emotions (i.e., pain, anxiety, malaise) that, in turn, cause self-defeating actions (i.e., acting out, skipping school). Left unchecked, this tendency can also lead to more severe conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Accurate thinking--identifying and recognizing one's false assumptions--can help reduce negative thinking. Here are 8 common thought holes: 1. Jumping to conclusions: judging a situation based on assumptions as opposed to definitive facts 2. Mental filtering: paying attention to the negative details in a situation while ignoring the positive 3. Magnifying: magnifying negative aspects in a situation 4. Minimizing: minimizing positive aspects in a situation 5. Personalizing: assuming the blame for problems even when you are not primarily responsible 6. Externalizing: pushing the blame for problems onto others even when you are primarily responsible 7. Overgeneralizing: concluding that one bad incident will lead to a repeated pattern of defeat 8. Emotional reasoning: assuming your negative emotions translate into reality, or confusing feelings with facts
Lisa Stewart - 9 views

  • Knight, Robert T. and Marcia Grabowecky. "Escape from Linear Time: Prefrontal Cortex and Conscious Experience." The Cognitive Neurosciences. Ed. Michael S. Gazzaniga. Cambridge MA: MIT P, 1995. 1357-71.
    Answers the question: how do literature and film cause real emotions in us in response to things that aren't real? This is the script of a speech, so it is a fairly easy read with lots of information.
Lisa Stewart

Chapter 1: Origin and Definition of Rhetoric - 3 views

  • “What makes rhetoric more than a base appeal to the emotions?”  Many have answered like Plato—“not much”; but those who delve a little further come to appreciate the important role of the human will in communications.  Every message from human to human is laden with the will (emotions or desires) of the speaker, and comes to a hearer who is full of his own emotions and predispositions.  This fact makes the study of how words are made persuasive both legitimate and necessary. 
Lara Cowell

A life without music - 3 views

    Amusia is a deficit in musical memory, recognition, and in pitch processing that people can be born with or acquire through brain damage. Some people may think of themselves as being "tone-deaf", but most of these "bad" singers are just that. People with amusia are so unable to hear tones that they even struggle to differentiate between questions and statements when spoken. Language, like music, uses sound to convey meaning; be it a story, or simply an emotion. In fact, music and spoken language use many of the same structural elements: pitch, duration, intensity and melodic contour, to name a few. Melodic contour is the pattern in which pitch changes from high to low over time. This contouring of pitch is often used to express emotion in music. The emotional effect of contouring is appreciated across many cultures and across many age groups. In speech, melodic contour is created by intonation, which allows us to place emphasis upon certain words and distinguish the purpose of the sentence; e.g. whether it is a question, statement or command. These comparisons provide evidence for the overlap of brain areas and mechanisms that underlie speech and music processing. In addition, the storing of sound patterns in short-term memory is also overlapping for both language and music.
Lara Cowell

Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing - 0 views

    Article abstract: Writing about traumatic, stressful or emotional events has been found to result in improvements in both physical and psychological health, in non-clinical and clinical populations. In the expressive writing paradigm, participants are asked to write about such events for 15-20 minutes on 3-5 occasions. Those who do so generally have significantly better physical and psychological outcomes compared with those who write about neutral topics. Here we present an overview of the expressive writing paradigm, outline populations for which it has been found to be beneficial and discuss possible mechanisms underlying the observed health benefits. In addition, we suggest how expressive writing can be used as a therapeutic tool for survivors of trauma and in psychiatric settings. This article provides a succinct review of relevant studies in this area, from 20 years ago to the present.
Cherie Kaanana

The emotional weight of 'I love you' in multilinguals' languages - 0 views

    In various languages there are different ways to express the love for another. However, the article presented goes into the emotional weight that different languages carry. For example, in the Japanese culture, "I love you" is not often said, rather it is implied through actions. Where as in the Western culture, "I love you" is often said and may not necessarily carry as much emotional weight since it is something that is said often.
Lara Cowell

One Reason Teens Respond Differently To The World - 0 views

    Recognition of subtle emotional cues may be developmental, according to neurological research. At the McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., Deborah Yurgelun-Todd and a group of researchers have studied how adolescents perceive emotion as compared to adults. The scientists looked at the brains of 18 children between the ages of 10 and 18 and compared them to 16 adults using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Both groups were shown pictures of adult faces and asked to identify the emotion on the faces. Using fMRI, the researchers could trace what part of the brain responded as subjects were asked to identify the expression depicted in the picture. The results surprised the researchers. The adults correctly identified the expression as fear. Yet the teens answered "shocked, surprised, angry." Moreover, teens and adults used different parts of their brains to process what they were feeling. The teens mostly used the amygdala, a small almond shaped region that guides instinctual or "gut" reactions, while the adults relied on the frontal cortex, which governs reason and planning. As the teens got older, however, the center of activity shifted more toward the frontal cortex and away from the cruder response of the amygdala. Yurgelun-Todd, director of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroimaging at McLean Hospital believes the study goes partway to understanding why the teenage years seem so emotionally turbulent. The teens seemed not only to be misreading the feelings on the adult's face, but they reacted strongly from an area deep inside the brain. The frontal cortex helped the adults distinguish fear from shock or surprise. Often called the executive or CEO of the brain, the frontal cortex gives adults the ability to distinguish a subtlety of expression: "Was this really fear or was it surprise or shock?" For the teens, this area wasn't fully operating.

Why do people swear? - BBC News - 2 views

    This article helps to explain a couple of reasons why people may swear. It says one of the main uses for a swear word is to offend someone. But, along with a degree of offense, swear words are used to vent some emotion or provide an emotional release. This article also shares how swearing can be a form of bonding between individuals, and that those that swear are perceived as more trustworthy than their non-swearing counterparts. It also states that there is paradoxical component to swearing. Along being taboo-breaking they are taboo-breaking for the sake of being taboo-breaking, and they exist just so that the rules can be broken.
    This article explores the ideas behind why people swear. It found that most people swear to express their emotions. The article also found that swearing can provide a sort of cathartic experience when feeling things like pain, anger, etc.

How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain - 1 views

    This article talks about the benefits of gratitude journaling and how the actual content of what you journal about affects how you feel after the practice. "It was only when people used fewer negative emotion words in their letters that they were significantly more likely to report better mental health. In fact, it was the lack of negative emotion words-not the abundance of positive words-that explained the mental health gap between the gratitude writing group and the other writing group."

Replaying the Past: Roles for Emotion in Judicial Invocations of Legislative History, P... - 0 views

    This journal examines the role that emotions have played in past court cases, and how they might've influenced the decisions of the court. I personally believe that section 3.2 in which the author discusses how pain can be a motivator to put the jury into an agitated state might tip the scales of the court in favor of one argument.
Lisa Stewart


    Launches a flash application in which you can watch muscles of the face engage to reveal certain emotions...useful in detection of lying or "fake smiles."
Lara Cowell

Shakespeare and Wordsworth boost the brain, new research reveals - Telegraph - 0 views

    A Liverpool University study found reading poetry lights up both the left part of the brain concerned with language, as well as the right hemisphere, an area that relates to autobiographical memory and emotion. Reading triggers "reappraisal mechanisms" that cause people to reflect on their own experiences in light of what they read. The study might also suggest that word choice and sound are crucial elements in creating beneficial literary experiences: more "challenging" prose and poetry (striking wording/phrasing, complex syntax) sparks far more electrical activity in the brain than more pedestrian translations of those passages.
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