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The Impact of Technology on Mental Health: Balancing Connection and Screen Time - 1 views

    Technology is a huge part of our lives. Nowadays, where we work, where we learn, how we communicate, and how we stay connected to each other are all surrounded by technology. We may not think about this when we're around these tech devices but it affects our mental health, and not always in a positive way. This article discusses how technology impacts us and our mental health, and what we can do to balance it out!

Why the language we use to describe mental health matters | Mental Health Foundation - 0 views

    This article talks about how what we say can create stigma around mental health and the reaction our brains have to this language, as well as things we should avoid saying.

Trump's language on school shooter's mental health could be harmful, experts say - CNN - 0 views

    Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people in the Parkland, Florida mass school shooting. President Trump tweeted about the incident and called Cruz a "savage sicko" and an "insane monster" who acts "nuts" and "crazy". Cruz was diagnosed with mental disorders but those disorders could not have predicted he would be violent. Trump's tweet was seen by many experts and was said that could be harmful to other people who have disorders but are not voilent. Many people have notified the issue and talked about how the presidents use of language could affect many people.

Gratitude Journaling Is Good For Your Mental Health And Maybe Physical Health To : Shot... - 3 views

    This article was about how a gratitude journal can affect someone's life. A college student began writing monthly gratitude lists when she was "at a point when [she] was just not in a very good place in [her] life." There is an increasing amount of research being done on the benefits of a gratitude journal. Multiple studies show that expressing gratitude can help people sleep better, lower stress, and improve relationships. Then there is a lack of research on how the expression of gratitude can affect those with clinical depression, anxiety, or suicidal tendencies. Gratitude journals aren't for everyone, it's all dependent on how you feel.
    While most are pushing towards being more grateful, researchers are explaining the benefits of journaling gratitude. The research on gratitude is beneficial to us emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's a simple practice that can benefit people, and it's free! While being grateful is something good to practice and turn to habit, it doesn't effect everyone the same. There is still undergoing research on the impact that gratitude has on those that have depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

Study of metaphors can help understand the beliefs and feelings of people with mental d... - 0 views

    This article discusses the different uses of metaphor in relation to the ways in which we view mental health. Metaphors like "battling depression" are often used in a conceptual manner to create more empathy when describing mental health.

Online Social Networking and Mental Health - 1 views

    This article discusses the results of many studies on how social networking affects mental health. Over the past 10 years, online social networking has caused profound changes in the way people communicate and interact. Several studies have indicated that the prolonged use of social networking sites (SNS), such as Facebook, may be related to signs and symptoms of depression. Some authors have also indicated that certain SNS activities might be associated with low self-esteem, especially in children and adolescents. This review focuses on the recent findings regarding the suggested connection between SNS and mental health issues such as depressive symptoms, changes in self-esteem, and Internet addiction.
Lara Cowell

1 in 4 LGBTQ Youth Identifies As Nonbinary | Time - 1 views

    Jonah DeChants, a research scientist at the Trevor Project, an LGBTQ mental health nonprofit notes an "explosion of language that we're seeing around how young people express their gender." A 2001research study of 34,700+ US youth released Monday by the LGBTQ mental health nonprofit the Trevor Project found that over one in four (26%) LGBTQ youth identified as nonbinary. An additional 20% said they are not sure or are questioning whether they identify as nonbinary. The term "nonbinary" refers to people whose gender does not fit within the traditional binary construction of male or female. Drawing from an online survey conducted between October and December of 2020 of over 34,700 LGBTQ youth in the U.S., the Trevor Project found that while the term "nonbinary" has often been associated with a trans or transitioning person, only half of the respondents who identified as nonbinary also identified as transgender. (An additional 20% said they were not sure or questioning whether they are transgender). While 72% of respondents who identified as nonbinary said they use the term to describe their gender identity, other terms were also cited, including queer (used by 29% of respondents), gender non-confirming (27%), genderfluid (24%), genderqueer (23%), androgynous (23%), agender (15%), demigirl (10%), demiboy (8%), genderflux (4%), and bigender (4%). (Queer is also a term people can use to identify their sexuality, which is separate from gender identity. Most the nonbinary youth sampled reported being multisexual or attracted to multiple genders.) "More and more young people are taking control over their gender identity, and finding language and terms that resonate with them," DeChants continues. "And expressing that in the world in [ways] that we haven't necessarily seen in the past." The majority of nonbinary respondents said they use pronouns outside the gender binary-such as "they/them" or "xe/xem." Here, DeChants notes an "emp

Here's How Social Media Affects Your Mental Health | McLean Hospital - 1 views

    Article about social media effects on mental health. Talks about fear of missing out and reward dopamine centers and brain.

Words matter: language can reduce mental health and addiction stigma, NIH leaders say |... - 1 views

    This article talks about addiction and mental illness and how many people struggle with these issues. It also highlights the use of language and how the correct language use can and will break stigma and eventually help these poeple get out of their struggles.
Lara Cowell

Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing - 0 views

    Article abstract: Writing about traumatic, stressful or emotional events has been found to result in improvements in both physical and psychological health, in non-clinical and clinical populations. In the expressive writing paradigm, participants are asked to write about such events for 15-20 minutes on 3-5 occasions. Those who do so generally have significantly better physical and psychological outcomes compared with those who write about neutral topics. Here we present an overview of the expressive writing paradigm, outline populations for which it has been found to be beneficial and discuss possible mechanisms underlying the observed health benefits. In addition, we suggest how expressive writing can be used as a therapeutic tool for survivors of trauma and in psychiatric settings. This article provides a succinct review of relevant studies in this area, from 20 years ago to the present.
Lara Cowell

If Your Shrink is a Bot, How Do You Respond? - 1 views

    An interesting story--my students, you might recall Sheryl Turkle of MIT referencing robot therapists in her TED talk. USC has developed a robot therapist, Ellie, designed to talk to people who are struggling emotionally, and to take their measure in a way no human can. Originally developed to work with military PTSD patients, Ellie's purpose: to gather information and provide real human therapists detailed analysis of patients' movements and vocal features, in order to give new insights into people struggling with emotional issues. The body, face and voice express things that words sometimes obscure. Ellie's makers believe that her ability to do this will ultimately revolutionize American mental health care.

Self-talk - what is it and why is it important? | healthdirect - 0 views

    This article gives a general definition for self-talk and how it affects mental health. It also gives tips in regards to stoping negative self-talk.
Lisa Stewart

Reprinted research on psychology and language - 3 views

    links to Pennebaker's research, such as how using pronouns flexibly is linked to mental and physical health!?

Social Media Use and Its Connection to Mental Health: A Systematic Review - 1 views

    Review of some large studies around social media use and mental health by the nih.

How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain - 1 views

    This article talks about the benefits of gratitude journaling and how the actual content of what you journal about affects how you feel after the practice. "It was only when people used fewer negative emotion words in their letters that they were significantly more likely to report better mental health. In fact, it was the lack of negative emotion words-not the abundance of positive words-that explained the mental health gap between the gratitude writing group and the other writing group."

Experts: Trump's Speaking Style "Raises Questions About His Brain Health" | Vanity Fair - 0 views

    From the start of Trump's presidency, you would be able to notice when Trump started to speak without notes from a teleprompter. He would say start to talk about chocolate cake, while U.S. missiles were going down on Syria, or when he implied the Frederick Douglass was still alive. Going off script, it shows the sophistication that Trumps has is about the same as a 7-year-old. Psychologist, psychiatrists, and other experts in cognitive assessment and neurolinguistics all observed Trumps speaking when he was a reality TV show host to now and have conclude that "there had been a deterioration" in Trump's brain.
Lara Cowell

US Surgeon General and American Psychological Association: Health advisory on social me... - 0 views

    This article outlines research-based advice regarding teen use of social media. Psychological scientists examine potential beneficial and harmful effects of social media use on adolescents' social, educational, psychological, and neurological development. This is a rapidly evolving and growing area of research with implications for many stakeholders (e.g., youth, parents, caregivers, educators, policymakers, practitioners, and members of the tech industry) who share responsibility to ensure adolescents' well-being.b Officials and policymakers including the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy have documented the importance of this issue and are actively seeking science-informed input.c
Lara Cowell

How Fiction Becomes Fact on Social Media - The New York Times - 0 views

    Skepticism of online "news" serves as a decent filter much of the time, but our innate biases allow it to be bypassed, researchers have found - especially when presented with the right kind of algorithmically selected "meme." At a time when political misinformation is in ready supply, and in demand, "Facebook, Google, and Twitter function as a distribution mechanism, a platform for circulating false information and helping find receptive audiences," said Brendan Nyhan, a professor of government at Dartmouth College (and occasional contributor to The Times's Upshot column). Why? Here are the key reasons: 1. Individual bias/first impressions: subtle individual biases are at least as important as rankings and choice when it comes to spreading bogus news or Russian hoaxes. Merely understanding what a news report or commentary is saying requires a temporary suspension of disbelief. Mentally, the reader must temporarily accept the stated "facts" as possibly true. A cognitive connection is made automatically: Clinton-sex offender, Trump-Nazi, Muslim men-welfare. And refuting those false claims requires a person to first mentally articulate them, reinforcing a subconscious connection that lingers far longer than people presume.Over time, for many people, it is that false initial connection that stays the strongest, not the retractions or corrections. 2. Repetition: Merely seeing a news headline multiple times in a news feed, even if the news is false, makes it seem more credible. 3. People tend to value the information and judgments offered by good friends over all other sources. It's a psychological tendency with significant consequences now that nearly two-thirds of Americans get at least some of their news from social media.
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