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Benjamin Jörissen

"Long Road Behind, Long Road Ahead" - Ph. Rosedale updates SL Mission Statement - 0 views

  • But now we seem to have reached a point where the rapid addition of capabilities is no longer the key challenge, and indeed can be counterproductive.
  • talked about how all too often Linden Lab is now simply ‘in the way’
  • a company of almost 250 people
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  • one new platform feature that still seems really important to deploy given the rising use of SL for education and collaboration, and that is being able to browse the web easily from in-world
  • We aren’t there yet in terms of the interface for virtual worlds. There is now a small new internal team doing nothing else
  • keep opening SL up
  • Virtual worlds, in their broadest form, will be more pervasive that the web, and that means that their systems will need to be open: extended and operated by many people and companies, not just us.
Benjamin Jörissen

MIT faculty open access to their scholarly articles - 0 views

  • In a move aimed at broadening access to MIT's research and scholarship, faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have voted to make their scholarly articles available to the public for free and open access on the Web.
  • "The vote is a signal to the world that we speak in a unified voice; that what we value is the free flow of ideas," said Bish Sinyal, chair of the MIT Faculty
  • Under the new policy, faculty authors give MIT nonexclusive permission to disseminate their journal articles for open access through DSpace, an open-source software platform
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  • MIT's policy is the first faculty-driven, university-wide initiative of its kind in the United States.
  • In the current scholarly publishing system, individual authors are required to transfer all or most of their rights to the publisher. Typically publishers will strictly limit access to the work through licensing
  • "In the quest for higher profits, publishers have lost sight of the values of the academy. This will allow authors to advance research and education by making their research available to the world."
  • "Scholarly publishing has so far been based purely on contracts between publishers and individual faculty authors," said Hal Abelson
  • "In that system, faculty members and their institutions are powerless. This resolution changes that by creating a role in the publishing process for the faculty as a whole, not just as isolated individuals."
Benjamin Jörissen

From MySpace to YourSpace - New York Times (1/2) - 0 views

  • an estimated 110 million monthly active users
  • He may find that this is the single best investment he has ever made.
  • The site was sold for $580 million; Mr. Greenfield said it was expected to have around $800 million in revenue in fiscal 2008
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  • What was seen as a competitor to traditional media platforms is starting to resemble one
Benjamin Jörissen

From MySpace to YourSpace - New York Times (2/2) - 0 views

  • The prevalence of unwanted friend requests, spam and sexually suggestive material has driven some users away, even giving rise to the term “MySpace refugee.”
  • Users will soon be able to tailor their profile for subsets of friends
  • New features for mobile devices are being added, as well as new social applications.
Benjamin Jörissen - A Site to Bring Parents Up to Speed on Video Games (NY Times) - 0 views

  • It often seems that being clueless about video games goes hand in hand with being a parent. But a new site called aims to give parents an inside scoop by going beyond the ratings and offering evaluations written by knowledgeable gamers — many of them parents.
  • The site’s database lists 16,000 games.
Benjamin Jörissen

In the List of Top-Selling Games, Clear Evidence of a Sea Change (NY Times) - 0 views

  • The image of the antisocial, sunlight-deprived game geek is enshrined in the popular consciousness as deeply as any stereotype of recent decades.
  • That’s changing. Online PC games in which thousands of players gab and explore together are attracting tens of millions of subscribers.
  • The list, released recently by the market research company NPD Group, highlights the soaring popularity of mass-market franchises like Guitar Hero and the Wii at the expense of critically acclaimed projects aimed at the same young-male audience the industry has relied on for years. (As recently as 2006, sales charts were covered with single-player diversions and sports games.)
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  • hard-core gamers and the old-school critics who represent them are becoming an ever smaller part of the audience
  • Game critics and players have been closely aligned in their tastes, perhaps because the writers and buyers came from more or less the same pool of tech-savvy young men. But judging from the Top 10 list, that paradigm may be breaking down.
  • Nine of the 10 top-selling games of 2007 include a significant multiplayer component.
  • If new acceptance by the masses is one pillar of gaming’s future, gaming’s emergence as a social phenomenon is the other.
Benjamin Jörissen

2007 U.S. Video Game And PC Game Sales Exceed $18.8 Billion - 0 views

  • U.S. sales of video games, which includes portable and console hardware, software and accessories, generated revenues of almost $18 billion, a 43 percent increase over the $12.5 billion generated in 2006
  • All video game categories experienced double-digit percentage increases
Benjamin Jörissen

Author Paulo Coelho's profitable Net obsession - 0 views

    Check out his netvibes-universe, it's really cool:
Benjamin Jörissen

Web 3.0: Object Orienting The Web - 0 views

  • the most powerful “pregnant” web concept is the simple idea that the web should be a web of objects, and should become less a web of text or pages
  • RDF, OWL, and SPARQL
  • Facebook and its social graph is really the first major Web 3.0 application, so make no mistake, these ideas are powerful.
    Web 3.0 as "object oriented" Web
Benjamin Jörissen

Schüler als Mörder: Was Amokläufer antreibt - 0 views

    Columbine und Blacksburg, Erfurt und Winnenden - sind Amokl�ufer stets killerspiels�chtige Au�enseiter? US-Psychologe Peter Langman untersuchte zehn F�lle und warnt vor schlichten Erkl�rungen. Im Interview beschreibt er die T�ter als psychisch schwer gest�rte Jugendliche.
Benjamin Jörissen

"What's Missing?" - 3D Internet for Learning Summit (Kauffman/IBM) - 0 views

    This event will take place February 19th and 20th, 2008, in three spaces simultaneously. We will meet toll free via an operator assisted call, within IBM's Active Worlds based Extraverse and on the web through an interactive wiki environment.

    Registration ends 5pm Central Time on Thursday Feb. 14
Benjamin Jörissen

Online-Communitys: Was Netz-Nutzer wirklich wollen - 0 views

  • neue Studie, die die Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg und die Freundliche Netzwerke GmbH Ende 2007 durchgeführt haben. 46 Community-Betreiber und 172 Community-Nutzer wurden ausführlich befragt, 14 große Netzwerke à la MySpace inhaltlich analysiert. Das Ergebnis: Was Portalbetreiber für wichtig halten, ist den Nutzern oft schnurz - und umgekehrt. Laut Studie will der Durchschnittsnutzer weder Blogs noch Minigames. Er will einen Gratiszugang, eine gute Suchfunktion und aktuelle Nachrichten auf der Startseite.
  • Laut Studie legen Besucher von Online-Netzwerken am stärksten Wert auf den Schutz ihrer Privatsphäre - und auf einen Dienst, der sie an die Geburtstage von Freunden erinnert. 
  • Laut Studie kommunizieren 70 Prozent online fast nur mit Menschen, die sie ohnehin kennen - zum Teil über mehrere Plattformen hinweg.
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  • Der Riesenerfolg von Facebook könnte demnach vor allem durch den Mini-Feed zu erklären sein, über den die Nutzer in Echtzeit erfahren, was ihre Freunde online so treiben.
  • Laut Studie überschätzen die Community-Betreiber die Wirksamkeit ihrer Werbung durchgängig.
Benjamin Jörissen

"Cinema 2.0": Das kollaborative Kino - 0 views

  • "Die Zeit, die man online verbringt, wird von der Fernsehzeit abgezogen", erklärte Don Tapscott auf den Berlinale Keynotes, eine Veranstaltung am Rande der Berlinale, die sich den Zukunftstrends des Kinos widmet. Der Chef eines kanadischen Beratungsunternehmens erblickt deshalb im "Cinema 2.0" einen starken Zukunftstrend: "Film wird zu einer Erfahrung, an der das Publikum kollaborativ teilnehmen kann."
  • Aber lassen sich kraft der "Weisheit der Massen" auch Filme drehen? Die Antwort lautet: Ja. Mit "The Tracey Fragments" von Bruce McDonald liegt beispielsweise ein Film vor, der unter einer Creative Commons Lizenz entstanden ist. Das gesamte Filmmaterial liegt auf der Website bereit und kann von Nutzern "re-fragmentiert" werden.
  • Auch Matt Hanson schwört auf das "Zeitalter der Kollaboration" und will einen ganzen Spielfilm im Schwarm entstehen lassen. Sein Open-Source-Projekt "A Swarm of Angels"  erlaubt die Beteiligung von Tausenden Mitproduzenten, die an allen Fragen der Filmentstehung - vom Drehbuch über die Produktion bis zu Schnitt und Distribution - eingebunden werden.
Benjamin Jörissen

Ten leading platforms for creating online communities - 0 views

  • It’s beginning to be understood that communities aren’t just for socializing but for getting things done.
  • too many online communities today exhibit worst practices such as lack of sustained community management, a tendency to use communities for “push marketing”, cross wiring business and consumer motivations, and lastly, starting with the technology first.
  • This is because community forms the foundation and virtual tent within which network-based collaboration occurs.
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  • Learning how to design an effective community, whether it’s on-the-fly for a small, ad hoc team effort on an upcoming project or a large-scale, long-term customer community of millions of users, is something we’re all going have to get better at in coming years.
Benjamin Jörissen

"Secondary authorship" - What is Fair Use in the Digital Age? - 0 views

  • Wu's position is that 'it is time to recognize a simpler principle for fair use: work that adds to the value of the original, as opposed to substituting for the original, is fair use. This simple concept would bring much clarity to the problems of secondary authorship on the web
Benjamin Jörissen

"Digital Refuseniks" In a Generation That Friends and Tweets - - 0 views

    Seemingly impossible to avoid facebook completely for younger adults in the US
Benjamin Jörissen

Studie: Computernutzung fördert schulische Leistungen bei Kindern - 0 views

  • Einen Studie der Initiative D21 und Fujitsu Siemens Computers belegt: Kinder im Alter zwischen fünf und 15 Jahren profitieren vom Zugang zu digitalen Medien.
  • Online Lernen: Bei Mathematik zeigten 10 Prozent, bei Deutsch 22 Prozent und bei den Fremdsprachen sogar 26 Prozent der Schüler bessere Ergebnisse.
  • Diese Erkenntnisse zeigen deutlich: Sobald Kinder zu Hause Zugang zu den digitalen Medien haben, steigt die Leistung in den Bereichen Mathematik, Deutsch und Fremdsprachen
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  • Dies macht deutlich, wie wichtig die Nutzung der digitalen Medien für die gesellschaftliche Integration und für gute Bildungschancen ist.
  • Befragung unter 1.081 Haushalten in Deutschland
  • "Jedoch fehlt Ihnen häufig die digitale Kompetenz, um verantwortungsvoll mit den neuen Medien umzugehen. Hier sind die Eltern, Politik und das Bildungswesen gefordert, um das positive Potenzial der neuen Medien noch mehr zu nutzen und die Kinder vor Schaden zu bewahren.
  • 74 Prozent davon gehen von zu Hause aus ins Internet
  • Eine beeindruckende Zahl, die deutlich über dem Onliner-Anteil des Durchschnitts aller Bevölkerungsgruppen liegt, denn laut (N)ONLINER Atlas 2008 sind nur 65 Prozent der in Deutschland lebenden Personen ab 14 Jahren online
  • Internetsuche (45 Prozent)
  • Offline Lernen (39 Prozent) sowie Online Lernen (32 Prozent)
  • Mangel an frischer Luft (71 Prozent)
  • Als weitere Gefahren wurden Spielsucht (49 Prozent), Angriffe aus dem Internet (44 Prozent) und fehlende Kinderschutzmechanismen (41 Prozent) genannt. Finanzielle Gründe (31 Prozent) sowie geringer Nutzen (24 Prozent)
  • digitale Informationsflut. "Es ist daher wichtig zu lehren, wie man mit Informationen umgeht, die keinen konstruktiven Beitrag zur Bildung und Entwicklung junger Menschen leisten
Benjamin Jörissen

Comeback der Intuition: Denken mit Gefühl - 0 views

  • Wir müssen Emotionen als eine wichtige Informationsquelle begreifen
Benjamin Jörissen

Leben in der Möglichkeitsform - 0 views

  • Leben in der Möglichkeitsform Schwartz sagt: "Der Wandel im Status der eigenen persönlichen Identität ist eine gute wie eine schlechte Nachricht für uns. Gut, weil sie uns befreit, und schlecht, weil sie uns die Verantwortung aufbürdet, auszuwählen." Multioptionsgesellschaft nennt das der Soziologe Peter Gross: "Die Möglichkeit ist des modernen Menschen liebste Wirklichkeit." In Anlehnung an Theodor W. Adorno macht der Autor Georg Diez eine "neue Eigentlichkeit" aus. Sie sei das seltsame Wesen der Nullerjahre, in denen die Sätze der Menschen gerne mit "Ich könnte" beginnen. Oder aber mit "Eigentlich", und zwischendrin heißt es "so etwa" und "vielleicht".
Benjamin Jörissen

The American Diet: 34 Gigabytes a Day - Bits Blog - - 0 views

  • A report published Wednesday by the University of California, San Diego, calculates that American households collectively consumed 3.6 zettabytes of information in 2008.
  • So where does all this information we consume come from? Everywhere, it turns out. The report suggests the average American consumes 34 gigabytes of content and 100,000 words of information in a single day.
  • it means that 100,000 words cross our eyes and ears in a single 24-hour period
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  • our voracious appetite for information and entertainment
  • The study suggests that, on average, most Americans consume 11.8 hours of information a day.
  • Most of this time is spent in front of some sort of screen watching TV-related content
  • computer, which we interact with for about two hours a day
  • Most of these experiences happen simultaneously
  • a huge increase in the number of bytes we consume related to video games
  • Gaming saw the biggest leap in the number of bytes we consume and the amount of time devoted to this platform.” This isn’t just first-person shooting games but also includes lots of analytical games like Bookworm, Tetris as well as social networking games.
  • if you add up the amount of time people spend surfing the Web, they are actually reading more than ever
  • from 1980 to 2008, the number of bytes we consume has increased 6 percent each year, the researchers said, adding up to a 350 percent increase over 28 years
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