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Contents contributed and discussions participated by simonmart


How Tech and Social Media Are Changing Travel [INFOGRAPHIC] - 0 views

    t's spring break and summer is just around the corner, which means vacation season is upon us. From mobile apps to deal sites, people use technology more than ever to help find places to go. Technology also helps vacationers enjoy themselves after they reach their destinations. But just how much is technology changing the way we travel? Nearly one-third of social media users have used a mobile app to find good prices for flights and hotels, and 15% have downloaded an app specific to a certain trip, according to a survey by the market research company Lab42. And just because people are on break, they aren't necessarily taking a break from their devices. More than 80% of international vacationers use their smartphones while abroad. About 70% post photos to a social network while on vacation, and 46% use services like Facebook and Foursquare to check in to restaurants and other places they visit. For the full picture of how technology and social media are changing our travel experiences, check out the Lab42 infographic below. What role do tech and social media play in your trips? Let us know in the comments.

Six out of ten mobile users now downloading travel apps | Tnooz - 0 views

    "A survey has found 60% of mobile phone users have now downloaded and used a travel-related smartphone application."

Online Travel Statistics 2012 | INFOGRAPHIC - 0 views

    ll the hurly-bury around online travel industry reviewing Revenues, Traveler Activities, Social Media influence, Mobile Phone usage and more.

Marc Andreessen on Why Software Is Eating the World - - 0 views

    More and more major businesses and industries are being run on software and delivered as online services-from movies to agriculture to national defense. Many of the winners are Silicon Valley-style entrepreneurial technology companies that are invading and overturning established industry structures. Over the next 10 years, I expect many more industries to be disrupted by software, with new world-beating Silicon Valley companies doing the disruption in more cases than not.

Government Digital Strategy - 0 views

    "The Government Digital Strategy sets out how government will redesign its digital services to make them so straightforward and convenient that all those who can use them prefer to do so. This strategy: Follows the March 2012 Budget commitment to digital services being the default Has been developed collaboratively across government, as part of the Civil Service Reform Plan Will be followed up with departmental digital strategies, to be published in December 2012 The strategy also describes how delivering services digitally will result in savings of £1.7 to £1.8 billion each year, and commits government to the following actions:"

Le gouvernement prend en main le déploiement de la fibre optique - 0 views

    Le déploiement de l'Internet très haut débit en zones rurales prend de l'élan. Vendredi 9 novembre, le gouvernement a annoncé (.pdf) la création d'une mission pour le déploiement de la fibre optique, pilotée par la ministre de l'économie numérique, Fleur Pellerin. La mission sera dirigée par Antoine Darodes, directeur de la régulation des marchés du haut et très haut débit et des relations avec les collectivités territoriales chez le régulateur des télécoms, l'Arcep. Les "parties prenantes", à savoir les collectivités, opérateurs ou équipementiers, seront consultées début décembre.

Venons-nous de dépasser le peak-Web ? - JDN Média - 0 views

    "Après le "peak oil", faut-il commencer à parler de "peak Web" ? La question mérite d'être posée lorsque l'on observe le temps moyen passé sur le Web fixe par les internautes américains. Cette donnée est cyclique et n'est donc pas comparable d'un mois à l'autre mais plutôt d'un mois d'une année au même mois de l'année précédente. En effet, les internautes passent traditionnellement moins de temps à surfer en juillet et en décembre par exemple."

Hummingbird: Arts, Crafts, Robots! | Hummingbird Robotics Kit - 0 views

    "The Hummingbird robotics kit is a spin-off product of Carnegie Mellon's CREATE lab. Hummingbird is designed to enable engineering and robotics activities for ages 10 and up that involve the making of robots, kinetic sculptures, and animatronics built out of a combination of kit parts and crafting materials. Combined with a cross-platform, very easy-to-use visual programming environment, Hummingbird provides a great way to introduce kids to robotics and engineering with construction materials that they are already familiar with. "

Create infographics & online charts | - 0 views

    Semble un excellent site de représentation de données.

Le crowdfunding pour les artistes et musiciens. Comment l'utiliser? Le livre ... - 0 views

    "e vous l'avais annoncé la semaine dernière, dans le cadre du MaMA Event, j'ai pu animer deux ateliers, sur le crowdfunding et Twitter, et un atelier "Website Demolition" en commun avec Bandzoogle. Je vous ai déjà proposé la semaine le livre blanc de la présentation proposée sur Twitter, que vous pouvez retrouver ici soit sur Slideshare Cette semaine, retrouvez la presentation sur le "Crowdfunding Pour Les Artistes" ou tout ce que vous devez savoir pour mener à bien une campagne de crowdfunding. Quels objectifs, actions, relais, comment utiliser les plates formes? Cette presentation vous accompagnera tout au long des étapes. Vous pouvez telecharger la presentation à télécharger: Crowdfunding artistes musiciens"

China's Alibaba brings in a record $3.1b in sales during 24-hour e-commerce shopping fr... - 0 views

    "China's answer to America's Cyber Monday shopping bonanza takes place on November 11th, and e-commerce giant Alibaba just saw a whopping $3.1 billion (RMB 19.1 billion) in sales on the day, up 367 percent from last year."

What are the top broadband initiatives for President Obama? - Telecoms Tech - 0 views

    "Now that President Obama has been re-elected, it's time to get down to business. We know that middle-class jobs are important for the economy to continue growing over the next four years. The broadband market becomes a launch-pad in opportunities to create needed jobs, if the right policies are set into motion. Let's look at the technology landscape and determine how to achieve a robust and competitive marketplace which advances stated goal of bringing back higher tax revenues, which job creation, can accomplish. Revitalising the market with true competition should be the base of any tech policy initiative. If it does not meet that basic requirement, there's no need to bother."

L'intégration des TIC au Canada français | Canadian Education Association (CEA) - 0 views

    "Pour les enseignants francophones du Canada, les ressources pédagogiques en français, disponibles gratuitement en ligne, s'avèrent essentielles afin de les aider à atteindre les objectifs et les compétences des programmes d'études. En contexte minoritaire francophone, de telles ressources s'avèrent encore plus importantes puisqu'elles pallient à un manque de disponibilité. Si les ressources pédagogiques en ligne peuvent s'avérer utiles, tant en contexte francophone minoritaire que majoritaire, elles posent toutefois de grands défis aux enseignants, soit d'intégrer leur utilisation à la pratique enseignante. Dans cet esprit, une recherche a été menée, de 2007 à 2010, auprès de 404 enseignants francophones répartis dans dix provinces et deux territoires canadiens. Celle-ci visait à mieux connaître et comprendre les enjeux touchant la manière dont les enseignants intègrent l'utilisation des ressources virtuelles aux différentes matières du curriculum, à l'élémentaire et au secondaire au Canada français."

How Does Google Make Money - 0 views

    How Google Still Makes Billions From Tiny Text Ads.

Google génère plus de revenus publicitaires que l'ensemble de l'imprimé améri... - 0 views

    "Signe des temps, les revenus publicitaires que Google tire de ses différents sites web sont désormais plus importants que les revenus publicitaires totaux de l'ensemble des médias imprimés aux États-Unis, selon la société d'investissement Covestor."

Predictive data analytics is saving lives and taxpayer dollars in New York City - Strata - 0 views

    "City governments, faced with decreased resources after the Great Recession and rising citizen demand for services with increased urbanization, must be able to make better decisions that are informed by data. To put it another way, in 2012, mayors need to start playing Moneyball in government with evidence-based analysis. From public health to education to energy policy, if governments can shift resources to where they're needed more quickly and accurately, there's substantial positive outcomes for citizens from the application of data for public good. Predictive data analytics - like any data analysis - can only be as effective as the data that they're based upon. Data quality is a long-term concern for any policy maker that wishes to make data-driven decisions, from foreign policy to energy to transportation. If it's bad data, policymakers are going to have a problem, even with superior methodology and algorithms."

NetPublic » Les enfants sont des mutants : Comment le numérique transforme le... - 1 views

    Comment le numérique transforme nos cerveaux ? Nos enfants ces mutants est le titre d'un passionnant dossier du Nouvel Observateur (version papier) du 25 octobre 2012. La journaliste Sophie des Déserts montre comment les enfants d'aujourd'hui qui passent pour une grande part, une partie de leur vie devant un écran a un impact sur la manière d'apprendre, de comprend le monde… Une révolution numérique qui est en train de façonner une autre jeunesse « peut-être même une autre humanité ».

Rethinking Government Services Online | TechPresident - 0 views

    "Today the UK government published its Digital Government Strategy, a vision for how it will deliver government services online. Why, you may ask, should anyone care? It is a good question. Governments have been talking about how they will deliver services online for over two decades. (Anyone up for some e-government?) The sad truth is, at the national level, few users of online government services believe governments have succeeded - most citizens' experience with government websites are marked with frustration, a sense of loathing, and pretty much the opposite of whatever we imagined e-government would be."

Three years of stagnant health app adoption | mobihealthnews - 0 views

    "Since 2010 about 10 percent of American adults with mobile phones have had some kind of app on their phone that helps them track or manage their health, according to Pew's survey. While the figure presented in Pew's reports has ticked up or down one percentage point this year and last year, it's within the survey's margin of error."
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