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Wasif H

Should I Do Cardio Before Weight Lifting - Does Exercise Order Matter - 0 views

  • Ads 5 Foods you must not eatCut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 Weight Loss for WomenGet Cash Back. $10 per Pound. Weight Loss Resolution that Works! 50 Circuit WorkoutsBurn fat & get totally ripped with these 50 circuit workout Sports Medicine Ads Weight Loss Exercise Weight Training Cardio Weight Lifting Exercise Ads Weight Loss TipsPurchase The Book That Will Give You The Science Of Slim Today! Build muscle, lose fatFree online workout plans 800.000 people use it already!
  • What should you do first, cardiovascular endurance exercise or weight lifting? Or does this even matter? The answer really depends upon what you are trying to accomplish.
  • Exercise order may also matter if you are trying to achieve a specific goal, such as building muscle or improving sports skills, or if you have an extremely high level of fitness already.
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  • Exercise you perform when your energy supplies are low is less effective and more likely to result in injury.
  • If Your Goal is Increasing Muscle Size and Strength Increasing muscle size can best be accomplished by lifting weights first when the body's main source of energy for muscle contraction (glycogen) is high. If you do a hard cardio workout before lifting, you deplete glycogen, which makes the workout ineffective.
  • If Your Goal is Burning Calories for Fat Loss If your primary goal is to burn as many calories as you can in a single session, it's probably best to do cardio first and lift weights next. There isn't any magic behind this; it's simply easier for most people to burn more calories per exercise session when they do cardio first.
  • If Your Goal is Increasing Cardiovascular Endurance In order to build and maintain cardiovascular endurance, you should perform endurance exercise first, when you have plenty of energy for long-distance exercise. Add resistance exercises 2 to 3 times a week, either after or separate from the endurance work in order to develop muscular strength and reduce your risk of injury.
Joti P

Help your teenagers make better fast-food choices | Dallas-Fort Worth Family Health New... - 0 views

  • Eating well is often hard for teens.
  • kids have after-school activities, or they may have a job, but it’s important to sit down and eat together as often as possible,” she says. “We know that when we sit down like that, we end up eating more fruits and vegetables.”
  • Shanley says teenagers just have to know — and act on — basic nutritional facts when they are ordering. As with everything else, fast food, if eaten at all, should be eaten in moderation, and the choices must be balanced.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • A lot of times we think a chicken sandwich is better, or a fish sandwich is healthier, but a lot of times those chicken or fish sandwiches are fried and not always the better choice,
  • Go green. Give some thought to ordering a side salad instead of the fries.
  • Skip the mocha-frappe-espresso-cino-with-whipped-cream coffee drink.
  • To increase your intake of other food groups at coffeehouses, try ordering some 100 percent fruit juice or fat-free milk, or try having a protein-rich egg on your bagel instead of cream cheese.
  • Step away from the soda.
  • account for as much as 10 percent of the typical teen’s daily calories.
  • When placing your order, consider water
    Question number 5 
Wasif H - Weights Or Cardio: What's It Going To Be? - 0 views

  • Your primary goal will give you a general starting point for figuring out exactly how to balance your training, as well as what type of cardio and weight training you should be doing. In addition to your primary goal, you will also need to take into account two other major factors: Your Body Type - Are you naturally slim? Do you gain muscle easily? Do you tend to hold onto fat readily? The Type Of Cardio Training You're Doing - Is it high- intensity or low-intensity? Does it fatigue you for weights? Does your weight training fatigue you for your cardio?
  • If you're training to gain muscle, you will need to do less cardio training. Too much cardio can actually hamper your muscle gain by slowing recovery and burning up calories that your body needs for the process of building muscle. As a general guideline, one or two cardio sessions per week should be enough to maintain your cardiovascular conditioning and keep your bodyfat gains in check while not slowing muscle growth. You should train with weights at least three times per week, up to even six times if you can recover from it and still make progress.
  • The ectomorph is the naturally-slim person. They have a smaller bone-structure and can seem to "eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce."
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  • The ectomorph has a fairly easy time losing fat so they will will generally not need to do as much cardio for fat loss. Two or three times per week should be plenty. An ectomorph trying to gain muscle may need to lay off cardio training completely in order to have enough recovery energy available for their body to even build muscle. Once or twice a week should be the maximum cardio frequency. Even weight training may need to be less frequent (two or three times per week) in order to see results
  • Moderate-intensity cardio training, such as jogging or swimming, will need to be done a little less frequently. This type of training requires more energy both to perfom and for your body to recover from. A person trying to lose fat can generally perform four to six moderate-intensity sessions per week at around 20 to 30 minutes each. A person trying to gain muscle should reduce this amount to two to three sessions per week.
  • This type of hard training should be done less frequently than the more moderate forms of cardio as it is much harder for your body to recover from. If you are training for fat loss, you should do at least two but no more than three high-intensity cardio sessions per week. If you are training for muscle gain, once or, at the most, twice per week should be the limit.
  • High-intensity training is extremely effective for fat loss as it not only causes you to burn a lot of calories during the activity, it also raises your metabolism for a long time after the activity is done.
  • This would mean an ectomorphic person looking for muscle gain and doing low-intensity cardio training could do cardio two days a week at a minimum to maintain cardio capacity while trying to gain muscle.
    • Wasif H
      This is source that goes in depth to your actual goals. I would reccomend people to look at this site to get information on how much cardio to do.
Wasif H - Growth Spurt: 30 Pounds Of Muscle In One Year. - 0 views

  • Most sets are 8-10 reps, the ideal range for muscle growth. The first two sets of the first exercise for each bodypart are warm-ups. The last two are working sets. The first working set comprises 8-10 reps to failure, plus 2 forced reps. The last working set will include 8-10 reps to failure, 2 forced reps and 3-5 partial reps at the end.
  • 1. CHANGE IT UP Don't let your body get used to anything. Every three to four weeks, change the exercises and the order in which they are done. Change the angles by using different hand/foot positions. Rest periods can also change; this is an often-overlooked training variable.
  • . REST On at least two days per week, stay completely out of the gym. This means no lifting! And don't neglect sleep - this is one of the most overlooked factors in muscle growth. Sleep equals time to grow.
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  • GOALS Create mini goals. Don't just expect to put on a ton of muscle in one year without checking yourself along the way. Set weight-gain goals every 2-4 weeks and evaluate the results. If you fall short, make an adjustment for the next goal. When you stop setting goals, you stop critical thinking and stop making gains.
  • MAINTAIN Every 8-10 weeks, take a couple of weeks to prevent a plateau. Don't stop training, but back off a little and let your body recover. Stop trying to get stronger and don't push sets to failure. After two weeks of maintaining your previous gains, go back to 110%. Reduce your calories during this back-off phase as well. This gives your body a break from digesting and utilizing all the food you nee
  • FST-7 This is the advanced training technique I've used with all my athletes.
  • Basically, you train that bodypart heavy as you normally would on any given day, keeping the rep range at 8-12, but on the last exercise you perform the 7 sets to finish off that particular muscle, with minimal rest in between to get the best pump possible.
  • Alternate the first exercise between dumbbells, barbells and machines. Use them all each workout, but change the order and angle. On all chest moves, you must arch your back, throw your chest high and keep your shoulders back. This takes the shoulders out of the movemen
  • Low-rep flat-bench presses (fewer than eight reps) are a quick way to tear a pec. Use a full range of motion on all exercises. The only exceptions are intensity multipliers used on the last set. When you reach failure, push your muscles further with assisted negative reps or partials. Lean forward on dips to emphasize chest.
  • Work the angles. There are three sides to the shoulder muscles and countless angles to hit them. Sit, stand, lean; barbell, dumbbell, machine; use them all. Start the workout with a press. Hit the big compound movement while you're strongest. Don't be afraid to work your rear delts near the beginning or middle of the workout. If you always do them at the end they will never grow!
  • Warm up your shoulders, chest, triceps and rotator cuffs before training. The shoulders are vulnerable to injury. Try seated lateral raises to really isolate the side delts. This is my favorite move to build round shoulders!
  • BALANCE YOUR PROTEINS: Take in protein of all types from all sources — fast acting, slow acting, whey, casein, egg, fish and animal proteins (beef, chicken, turkey, etc.).
  • WHERE'S THE BEEF: Beef is great for offseason growth. In addition to the amino acids, you get tons of B vitamins, iron and testosterone-boosting fats.
  • JUNK IT UP: Don't be afraid to eat some junk food once or twice per week. This boosts your metabolism and gives your body a different type of fuel. Stick to the "clean junk." These are calorically dense, but not super greasy foods. Examples are pasta, burgers, steak, sweet potato fries and cheesecake.
  • If you want to grow, insulin spikes are your friends. You just have to time them correctly, like breakfast and postworkout. These are the times to have some fast-acting carbs that quickly replenish glycogen stores.
Wasif H

How Long To Gain Strength? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • While bicycling, jogging and other aerobic workouts are ideal for improving your heart function and lowering your risk for stroke, you'll need to dedicate time each week to resistance exercise --- also called strength training --- in order to build stronger muscles and overall body strength.
  • Machine weights or free weights like barbells represent the primary tools for resistance workouts, although your strength also increases when you stretch resistance bands or carve out time for pushups and pullups.
  • Your timeline for improved strength depends on the intensity of your resistance workout, as well as how often you visit the gym, according to Dr. Ed Laskowski, a Mayo Clinic fitness specialist. Lifting weights for 20 minutes on three days each week is sufficient to gain larger muscles and better strength.
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  • Although online bloggers often suggest that lifting multiple sets is necessary, your body gains the same benefit from one set of each exercise. An appropriate weight is one that fatigues your muscles after between 12 and 15 repetitions
  • Although a disciplined routine typically produces higher strength levels in about a month, you'll hinder your progress if you test your muscles two days in a row. Resistance exercise promotes strength through a cycle of exhaustion and regrowth.
  • An effective workout tires your muscles and triggers an alarm response --- or an adaptation process that allows the muscles to adapt to the challenge and strengthen for increased activity. Any muscle tested to a healthy level of fatigue often causes soreness and needs a minimum of 48 hours of rest. Your best chance to continue strength development and avoid muscle deterioration comes with a schedule that lets you work the muscle in your upper body on day and your lower-body muscles in the following workout.
  • You'll have the greatest chance to meet your strength-building timeline by warming your muscles prior to a resistance workout with up to 10 minutes of mild aerobic exercise, including a brisk walk. Stretching your muscles at end of a workout is also beneficial in order to reduce discomfort and stiffness. Begin a resistance regimen only with your physician's consent.
Joti P

Muscle confusion: The Globe and Mail - 0 views

  • “It's changing up your workouts on a very regular basis to make sure that your body doesn't get used to the task
  • doing the same workout over and over, the body's muscles dull to the routine
  • mixing up exercises, sets and reps, muscles become “confused,” forcing them to work harder
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  • There's plenty of science to support muscle confusion's claims, says Matt Heath, a neuroscientist in the school of kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario.
  • It's about the strategy you employ in order to recruit all the different … motor neurons that ultimately go on to fire off and tell the muscle to contract.
  • mixing things up does have one benefit that can't be denied, especially when it comes to the often tedious experience of trying to get in shape. “It doesn't get boring,”
  • Muscle confusion: Hey biceps, you'll never guess what's next
    • Jason Levitt
      Tony Horton - P90X built his entire program on this principle. No plateau and keeps you interested!
    This is a really good article from a relly famous magazine that really emphasises my 8th question.
Ali C

The Benefits Of Glucose When Working Out | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Glucose, which is transported by your bloodstream to organs and tissues after eating carbohydrates, provides an essential source of energy for both your muscles and brain when working out. As energy and glucose needs to increase with exercise, it's important to eat enough carbohydrates in order to fuel your workouts. Having low blood glucose levels during exercise harms performance and can lead to physical and mental fatigue, sometimes resulting in weakness, dizziness and hypoglycemia. Glucose also prevents the body from using protein for energy.
  • When glucose isn't needed for immediate energy, the body stores it as glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscle. Glycogen stores are especially important when working out, as the body's energy demands may exceed the amount supplied by glucose in the bloodstream after prolonged exercise or when exercising with insufficient carbohydrate intake. According to Iowa State University, during low-intensity workouts, glycogen stores can be used to increase glucose levels in the bloodstream for as long as 90 minutes -- whereas during high-intensity exercise, glycogen stores provide energy for only about 20 minutes. Active people therefore need to replenish glucose regularly by eating plenty of carbohydrates. However, in less-active people with adequate glycogen stores, additional glucose is stored as fat.
    • Ali C
      Website was pretty good, I wanted to learn more about the effects of sugar intake before a workout, but I did get my answer. Sugar is good for our body, but must be used is a respective amount.
    • Jason Levitt
      All things in moderation! Sugar contains no fat, but has lots of calories. Natural, not refined sugar is the best for you. Important learning taking place here.
Aninder S

Teen Obesity & Fast Food | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images As more and more teenagers are being classified as over
  • gers are bei
  • teenagers
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  • As more and more teenagers are being classified as ov
  • weight and obese, many parents are looking to fast food as a possible cause
  • children and teenagers who are overweight has more than doubled in the past 30 years
  • a trend that seems parallel with the growth of the fast food industry
  • McDonald's Double Quarter Pounder hamburger without fries or a drink can provide 730 calories, 40 grams of fat and 1,330 milligrams of sodium. When combined with a 590-calorie order of French fries and a 1,330-calorie milk shake, it is easy to see how even infrequent visits to fast food restaurants can add to the amount of calories and fat a teenager consumes on a regular basis.
    • Aninder S
      This article is really good in showing the relationship between teen obesity and fast food by using statistics. Not only that but it also tells us how we can control and manage our weight and not get sucked into big corporate business ways, like those of McDonalds. Providing junk at an affordable price. 
Wasif H - How More Protein Equals You Being More Lean! - 0 views

  • Protein is second to only water as the most abundant nutrient in the human body. All living tissue is made of 22 amino acids, amino acids that are only present in protein
  • The amino acids into which proteins are broken down to maintain the health of skin, mouth, eyes, hair; stabilizes appetite; necessary for carbohydrate metabolism; weight control, essential for normal functioning of the heart, nerve tissues, muscles, digestion, learning capacity, replacement of old cells and growth.
  • These amino acids work to repair muscle tissues and structures that are damaged during life and exercise. Cellular waste if not destroyed causes a bevy of ailments/disease and hinder the bodies metabolic processes.
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  • ncomplete proteins come from "plant products", beans, rice, etc. They must be combined in order to supply the body with the 9 essential amino acids it needs. Ladies and gentlemen, now that you see how important consuming protein is let's look at how much should be consume and what types.
  • The world health organization and many national health agencies have independently conducted studies, which (even though they differ slightly) all conclude our daily protein requirement should be between 10% to 15% of our daily caloric intake. If you eat 2000 calories a day that equates to 50 to 75 grams of protein.
  • Protein needs of individuals vary in nature. To estimate your personal protein needs you will need to take your current weight in pounds, divide it in half and then subtract 10. The result is a rough estimate of how much protein you should consume.
  • If you do not already do so, read food lables, then buy your food uncooked and cook it healthfully. If you do not take anything else from this article that last sentence is paramount.
  • your schedule is hectic and you are just too busy and do not have time to eat high protein foods then bars and powders can be substituted. A lot of bars on the market are loaded with other "not so good" man made additives, trans fats, aspartame, saturated fat content (over 3.5g), etc.
    • Wasif H
      The amount of protein when your not working out varies from each source. 
Wasif H - The Best Time To Take Your Supplements. - 0 views

  • Creatine - Learn More Best taken 1/2 hour or so BEFORE a workout and again RIGHT after a workout. What I do is take a creatine/juice/protein drink about a half hour before a workout and than another shake right after. This "bracketing" technique helps set up an anabolic (muscle-building) state for your muscles and helps prevent muscle breakdown from a workout (catabolism). Other than these 2 opportune times, you can add another creatine serving or two any time throughout the day. I usually recommend 25 to 30 grams of creatine on a loading phase and 10-20 grams a day on a maintenance phase.
  • Glutamine - Learn More Definitely take glutamine right before bed. This is where the overwhelming research shows the value of glutamine raising growth hormone levels significantly by taking 5 grams before bed. Also, another great time is upon waking, when your muscles have been without significant nutrition for up to 6-8 hours. Another good time for glutamine is about a half hour or hour after working out. This helps in the recovery/recuperation process from demanding workouts. So, creatine definitely before and after your workout and glutamine right before bed and right upon waking.
  • The best times to take ANY protein drink or protein supplements are as follows. I've listed them in order of importance, so based upon what you can afford, start at the top of the list and work down. When Should You Take It? The most important time is right after a workout. Your muscles are like a sponge and need instant nutrition for muscle recovery and growth. Right before bed. You're about to sleep for 6 to 8 hours. That's a long time without protein. Could you imagine going throughout your day (when awake) not eating 6 to 8 hours? Right before bed is important. Right upon waking. Same thing, you've just gone 6 to 8 hours without proper nutrition. Your body needs protein quick. Half hour before a workout. This sets up the "anabolic window" before your workout and provides your muscles with adequate nutrition so that the effects of weight training (weight training breaks down muscle-called catabolic) are not as severe.
Wasif H - Dissecting And Rebuilding Your Daily Nutrition! - 0 views

  • Caloric intake is also very important for your strength levels. If your calories are too low for your energy expenditure you will be going backwards with your progress instead of forward.
  • f you are training hard and you are not taking in the optimal amount of protein that your body needs to recover and replenish from your hard workouts, much of your time in the gym will be wasted. This doesn't sound so good does it?
  • One very important thing your Dietician forgot is your pre and post workout nutrition plan. Where are they? What you eat before and after your training plays a major role in your success. If your nutrition plan doesn't have these included in them then you are definitely getting shortchanged on your results.
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  • Jack Up Your Fiber
  • You need to increase your daily fiber intake especially since you will be increasing your protein intake, as this will make sure to keep the plumbing in proper working order.
    • Wasif H
      Very good source , learned a lot information , would reccomend this 
Gurkirat S

Should I rest my muscles after working out? - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      So, it is recommended that you rest your muscles for atleast 48 hours, for weightlifting sessions, so you can completely recovery and heal. But even after waiting for 48 hours, your body is still very sore, wait for another day. But this is for beginners like me, who are more likely to be more sore at first and the ones who are more highly advanced in weightlifting will, might even need more rest for their muscles to recover and heal. 
  • Rest Needed You can complete cardiovascular workouts nearly every day. The American Council on Exercise recommends that those looking to lose weight perform cardiovascular workouts four to six days per week. Your muscles require about 48 hours of rest in between weight training sessions in order to fully recover and heal, according to the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. If you wait 48 hours between your weight training workouts and still are feeling fatigued and sore, consider waiting another day before completing your next training session. Beginners who are likely to be more sore or advanced lifters that perform high volume weight training sessions may need more rest for their muscles to recover.
    Should I rest my muscles after working out?
Gurkirat S

The Overload Principle for Fitness: How Hard Should You Work Out? | Ray the F... - 0 views

  • The Principle of Overload asserts that you must gradually and systematically increase your fitness training load.  Overloading causes changes within your muscles as a direct result of the type of training you perform.  Because your body gets used to working out at a particular level, you must progressively increase your work load in order to continue to improve.
  • For strength, lift weights at 60-100% of your single maximum repetition (1 RM) for specific lifts (e.g., squat, bench press).  However, if you are not conditioned, testing 1 RM is not advisable nor is it feasible for all exercises.  One RM calculators offer a safer way to estimate the weight you can lift for a single repetition.
Gurkirat S

What kind of food, will help me keep my sugar at normal level - 0 views

  • Whole Grains
  • Medical News Today recommends that you always choose whole-grain foods over white, refined foods in order to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Specifically, it suggests you eliminate white rice and white pasta from your diet, and replace them with brown rice and whole-grain pasta
  • Fresh And Raw Fruits And Vegetables
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  • fresh and raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables, may help keep your blood sugars at a stable and healthy level.
  • Lean Sources Of Protein
  • Choose lean sources of protein, including skinless chicken, wild salmon, tuna and wild game. Eating healthy proteins in meals with balanced carbohydrates and fats can help control your blood sugar levels.
    • Gurkirat S
      To maintain my blood sugar at level, I should be eating whole grains, fresh and raw fruits and vegetables, lean and sources of proteins.
    What kind of food, will help me keep my sugar at normal level
Paul McCarlie

Staying skinny all about your attitude | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sp... - 0 views

  • The things that make you slim are not what keep you slim. You need a different skill set.
  • o stay slim, it turns out, you need to stay positive, regularly giving yourself praise, rewards, pep talks and back pats for staying on track. Forget modesty. Tell yourself daily, "Great job!"
  • Find new thrills
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  • Love your new body.
  • Adopt a "can do" philosophy.
  • Learn to say "Ahh," not "Oh, no."
  • Check the scales.
  • Find 8.5 minutes a day
    • Paul McCarlie
      basically stating that in order to stay skinny, you need to be positive
    about the connection between weight loss and attitude
Aninder S

Canada's Food Guide | Heart&Stroke Health Check Program - 0 views

  • Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide provides direction on the type and amount of food we should eat for overall health
  • By choosing a variety of foods from the four food groups (Vegetables and Fruit, Grain Products, Milk and Alternatives and Meat and Alternatives) and following the recommendations to choose foods lower in fat, sugar and salt, you can add to your overall health and vitality.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruit.
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  • Choose whole grains versus refined grains more often.
  • Choose fish* and meat alternatives such as beans, lentils and tofu more often.
  • Drink skim, 1% or 2% milk each day.
  • Within each food group, choose foods that are lower in fat, sugar and salt.
  • Include a small amount (30 – 45 mL) of unsaturated fat, such as oil, salad dressing, soft margarine or mayonnaise each day.
  • Limit your intake of : saturated fats from fatty meats, butter, lard, shortening and hard margarine sugar from desserts and soft drinks foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar or salt
  • Avoid foods with trans fats.
  • CFG recommends two food guide servings of fish each week. See Health Canada’s advice on limiting certain types of fish
  • By eating a variety of foods from each of the food groups you’re more likely to get all of the nutrients you need, and by limiting your intake of fat, sugar and salt, our eating pattern will be healthier.
    • Aninder S
      In order to maintain a healthy balance of food make sure you eat from all the four food groups to receive all the nutrients that you require. Now this food guide doesn't always work for everyone because of dietary restrictions, but there are always alternatives. You can click on this link and actually make your own personal food guide suited to your needs, that way you get all the essential nutrients. 
Wasif H

How Much Weightlifting & How Much Cardio Exercise? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • The amount of weightlifting and the amount of cardiovascular exercise you perform depend entirely upon your goals. If you plan on competing in a weightlifting competition or running a marathon, your training will need to be tailored accordingly. If your goal is to build strength and power while improving your overall health, your training demands can be less specific and less intensive.
  • Weightlifting training is unlike recreational lifting or bodybuilding in that you train to improve on two lifts. You will spend the majority of your training time practicing the two lifts, variations of the lifts, and then some simple assistance work such as barbell squats.
  • If you wish to make significant progress, increase both the intensity and the duration of your exercise, whether it is rowing, running, jumping rope, or swimming. And if you wish to improve at a specific activity, you need to train for that activity. While running will help your cardiovascular conditioning, it does not mean that it will make you a strong swimmer.
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  • While it is technically possible to train for a marathon and weightlifting competition at the same time, it is doubtful you will do well at either one, and run the risk of injury secondary to over-training. If your goal is general strength and conditioning, a few weightlifting training sessions a week and cardiovascular exercise on your off days will improve strength, power and health. If you wish to do well at one activity, you need to specialize. If you go for a limit run the day before a weightlifting meet, you are going to be too tired and sore to lift very much. If you snatch and clean heavy the night before a race, you are going to be stiff, sore and slow, so only you can determine how much of each.
Wasif H

So Just How Long Does it Take to Build Muscle? - 0 views

  • You will need to be about 16 years old in order to begin gaining muscle. The largest muscle gain in males will generally be between the ages of 18 and 21, if they are working diligently at it. Although this is the normal range, I have seen a 17 year old whose muscle development was very striking. Additionally, before the filming of "New Moon", Taylor Lautner was able to increase his muscle mass substantially.
  • Each individual has an "upper limit" of muscle that they are able to attain, without the assistance of drugs, and this limit is determined by a genetic predisposition. As you reach this genetic limit, building additional muscle will become more challenging and take longer.
  • Therefore, you should understand that gaining 15 pounds of additional muscle, when you have already increased your body's muscle by 15 pounds, will be a slower process. These general guidelines will not hold true if steroids are being used, however. Learning how to build muscle will not be an issue if steroids are being used.
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  • If you are willing to spend a substantial amount of time and energy each week on gaining muscle, then "how long does it take to build muscle", will be a process that takes much less time.
  • This is fine if you're an actor, but if you lead a normal life, this type of regimen isn't very practical. Although the objective of gaining muscle is reasonable, you should not allow it to become an obsession that rules all aspects of your existence.
  • Take for example the seemingly overnight transformations that can be observed in some actors that are preparing for specific film roles. These types of dramatic results will only be possible when training is a very big part of your weekly routine. The actors that we mentioned commonly train 7 days per week, twice each day, when getting ready for a film.
  • n the first 2 years that a novice is training, 15-20 pounds is a reasonable goal for muscle gain. This standard applies to individuals 17 years of age and older. Subsequently, 2-3 pounds of muscle growth each year is typical, for the next several years. These numbers are general guidelines, and your genetics will play a role in your specific results. Therefore, the question of "how long does it take to build muscle?", doesn't have one simple answer. We can only look at what is typical.
    • Wasif H
      I think that it depends on your body , how long it will take for you to gain muscle. The more effort your willing to put I think the better gains will be made. 
Wasif H

How Long To Notice Muscle Gain? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • The time frame in which you can expect to notice muscle gain depends on several factors: your current fitness level, the intensity and consistency of your workouts and your body fat percentage.
  • According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine--an organization that educates personal trainers--those who are new to exercise can expect to notice muscle gain within four weeks of beginning a strength-training program.
  • Everyone from sedentary adults to seasoned body builders possesses skeletal muscles, the muscles that support the movement of the skeletal system. Body fat acts like a blanket covering these muscles.
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  • The American Council on Exercise suggests male athletes maintain a body fat percentage between 6 and 13 percent whereas female athletes should aim for between 14 and 20 percent. With this body composition, you can expect to see visible muscle gain more quickly.
  • Building muscle size requires fatiguing the muscle within eight to 12 repetitions of a given exercise in each set. Performing greater repetitions--20 to 25 per set, for example--yields muscle endurance, but this may not translate into visible muscle definition.
  • To maintain muscle size and strength, engage in at least two resistance workouts weekly. To increase your fitness level, however, perform strength-training workouts every other day. Contrary to popular belief, you do not build muscle while lifting weights; you build it during the recovery time. In the gym, you're actually breaking down the muscle and producing microscopic tears. The muscle repairs itself during the down time, yielding size and strength gains over time. Consequently, eliminating rest days to see muscle gains sooner will only backfire.
  • Because muscles are made of bundles of fibers, achieving muscle size and strength gains quickly requires targeting all of a muscle's various fibers. A single exercise, such as biceps curls, targets only one segment of the biceps muscle fibers.
  • To target the remaining fibers, work the muscle from different angles by performing other biceps exercises, such as chin-ups, hammer curls and seated angle curls. The National Academy of Sports Medicine recommends varying exercises with every workout, versus waiting until weekly or monthly intervals to make program changes.
  • Performing exercises that target multiple muscle groups simultaneously--such as a one-leg squat with reverse wood chop--burns more calories, maximizes strength gains and saves time.
    • Wasif H
      I think this is a great source of information. I learned that in order to see muscle gains you must have less than 10% body fat. I think to get to that goal you must have the proper diet. Also the more you change your workout the more the muscle will grow .
Wasif H

Free Workouts To Increase Speed | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • In order to build speed, run interval sprints to work on your technique, explosiveness and speed. Go to the starting line at your local high school or college track and sprint 100 yards. Go back to the starting line and then sprint 90 yard. Follow that by sprinting 75 and 60 yards. Take a 2-minute break and repeat the set. In addition to helping you build speed, this is a conditioning drill that will build endurance.
  • You can work on your speed by doing box jumping. Place a 15-inch box in the middle of the floor. Stand to the left of the box and jump over it one bound so that you are on the right side of it. Then jump back over it so you are on the left side. Do 10 side-to-side jumps; take a 30-second break and then repeat the set. This will build explosive strength in your calf muscles, which will help you run faster.
  • Hill running will help you build power and explosiveness while running uphill, and it will help you run with balance and form by running downhill. Run uphill 60 feet and then downhill the same amount. Take a 1-minute break and then repeat the set. This technique has been used by many NFL stars to increase foot speed, including Hall of Famer Jerry Rice. "I ran hills to prepare for every season," Rice said. "I didn't want anyone catching me from behind and I think running the hills really helped me."
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  • This is an exercise that can be done at your local football field. Start off on the goalline and jump as high and as far as you can off your dominant foot. When you land, go as high and as far as you can while bounding off your opposite foot. Continue in this manner until you have bounded for 20 yards. Then sprint for 20 yards. Follow in this patten until you get to the opposite goalline. You will have bounded 60 yards and sprinted 40 yards. Then turn around and go back in the same manner. This will increase explosiveness in your legs and help you run faster.
    • Wasif H
      good suggestions on this website.
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