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Anita B

Nutrition for Everyone: Basics: Carbohydrates | DNPAO | CDC - 1 views

  • What are the types of carbohydrates?
    • Anita B
      There are two main types of carbs: 1. Complex - starch and dietary fiber are two types of complex carbs 2. Simple carbs- sugars added during food processing
Anita B

Carbohydrates: Good Carbs Guide the Way - What Should I Eat? - The Nutrition Source - H... - 0 views

  • Adding Good Carbohydrates
    • Anita B
      1. Start the day with grains 2. Use whole grain bread 3. Bag the potatoes- eat brown rice instead not potatoes 4. Whole wheat pasta 5. Eat lots of beans
Anita B

Good Carbohydrates Vs. Bad Carbohydrates | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      So the main difference between good and bad carbohydrates is that when carbohydrates are found in natural foods its much healthier compared to foods in that are unprocessed. Examples of this would be fruits, vegetables, and whole nuts and seeds etc. Bad carbohydrates are foods that are unprocessed foods, that have taken the nutrients and fiber have been removed. Example is McDonald's From this information, it has really opened my eyes that McDonald's is not healthy at all it has bad carbohydrates, which is really bad for me, because  I do not want to just throw off insulin productions, causing fluctuations in blood glucose levels. By reading this, it really does scare me, it has given me a heads up. 
  • Basic Differences One basic difference between the quality of carbohydrates is nutrition. The carbohydrates found in natural foods are healthier than those in processed foods. While carbohydrates are an essential part of good nutrition, getting too many carbohydrates from the wrong sources can increase your risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.
  • Good Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are what you want the most of in your diet. They provide the body with the fuel it needs for energy. Good carbohydrates are found in foods that have not been processed, but are eaten pretty much in their natural states. Fruits, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds are all sources of healthy carbohydrates.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Benefits of Carbohydrates Good carbohydrates are high fiber foods that help you feel full longer. These are carbohydrates that are chock full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs on a daily basis. Low glycemic carbohydrates break down slowly during digestion, releasing glucose into the bloodstream gradually, thereby helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that break down quickly have high glycemic indexes, causing blood sugar to rise quickly. Consuming a diet low in energy density means eating fewer refined carbohydrates and more unrefined carbohydrates that are high in nutrients. Including more good carbohydrates in your diet can help you lose excess body fat and feel more energized.
  • Bad Carbohydrates Bad carbohydrates are the refined, highly processed carbohydrates from which most of the nutrients and fiber have been removed. White flour and refined sugar contained in many processed foods are primary examples of bad carbohydrates. The body has trouble processing these foods, and therefore, they do not digest well. Simple starches and sugars throw off insulin production, causing fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Most foods that contain bad carbohydrates provide empty calories with little or no nutritional value. As a result, the body stores these extra calories in the cells as fat.
  • A healthy diet must include carbohydrates, which are broken down into glucose that the body's cells use as energy
    • Anita B
      There are good and bad carboydrates so it is important to avoid the bad ones. The carbohydrates which we find in processed foods are ofcourse unhealthy compared to those we find in natural foods. Bad carbs are high processed carbohydrates from which the good parts (fiber and nutrients) are removed. Example are white flour and refined sugar.
Anita B

10 Best Ways to Get Fiber in your Diet - 0 views

  • 10 Best Ways to Get Fiber in your Diet
    • Anita B
      1. Orange pulp 2. Leave the skin on 3. Eat seeds 4. Don't eat white bread 5. Listen for the crunch 6. Add cereal in more places of your diet 7. Eat those almonds 8. SLOWLY incorporate fiber-rich foods in your diet 9. Reduce your intake of meat and replace with vegetables 10. Fiber supplements
Anita B

Fiber - 0 views

  • So, what exactly is fiber?
    • Anita B
      Fiber is found in plants and are the carbohydrates that cannot be digested.
  • Sometimes, a distinction is made between soluble fiber and insoluble fiber: Soluble fiber partially dissolves in water and has been shown to lower cholesterol. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, but that's why it helps with constipation
    • Anita B
      Fiber itself doesnt have any calories. A sufficient amount of fiber helps prevent constipations and helps the movement of food through one's digestive system!
  • Snacks and Treats: Bake cookies or muffins using whole-wheat flour instead of white. Add raisins, berries, bananas, or chopped or pureed apples to the mix for even more fiber. Add bran to baking items such as cookies and muffins. Top whole-wheat crackers with peanut butter or low-fat cheese. Go easy on the butter and salt and enjoy popcorn while watching TV or movies. Top ice cream, frozen yogurt, or regular yogurt with whole-grain cereal, berries, or almonds for some added nutrition and crunch. Try apples topped with peanut butter
Anita B

Fiber - Your Nutrition Questions Answered - The Nutrition Source - Harvard School of Pu... - 0 views

  • How many vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products do I need to get enough fiber each day?
    • Anita B
      Adult women, should aim for about over 20 grams of fiber each day and this can achieved by eating 3 servings of vegatables, 3 servings of fruit, 2 servings of whole grain foods, and one serving of legumes (kidney beans, lentils etc)
Anita B

Omega-3 fatty acids - 0 views

  • Clinical evidence is strongest for heart disease and problems that contribute to heart disease, but omega-3 fatty acids may also be used for:
    • Anita B
      high cholestrol
    • Anita B
      high blood pressure
    • Anita B
      heart disease
    • Anita B
    • Anita B
      Rheumatoid arthritis: a disease which causes the inflammation of the joints
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function. In fact, infants who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk for developing vision and nerve problems.
    • Anita B
      I actually never realized how important omega-3 fatty acids are until now ! I never knew they helped so many ways such as normal growth and developement.
Anita B - Warming Up To A Great Workout! - 0 views

    • Anita B
      When you are warming for strength, you should always start off slow, due to the fact, you do not want to pull a muscle right to start. When you are doing pull-ups, make sure you are doing the right form. 
Anita B

Omega 3 Fat - Health Benefits of Eating Omega 3 Fat - 1 views

  • Why is Omega-3 Good? Omega-3 is often referred to as one a healthy fat.
Anita B

Protein Info - How Much Protein Do You Need - 1 views

  • But shouldn’t protein intake be a percentage of total calories? Quite a few programs and nutritionists quote percentage of calories, usually in the range of 10 percent to 20 percent, as a way to figure out how much protein a person needs to consume daily. This is a rough estimate of a person's minimum protein needs. It works because typically, larger and more active people need more calories, so the more calories they need, the more protein they will get.
  • What foods have the most protein? Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts all have substantial amounts of protein. These articles can help:
    • Ali C
      Good site because my questions had lots to do with protein and meat. Although it could have gave me more info about meat and the effects, it is still a good site.
    • Ali C
      Yes Mr. Leviitt I am still interested! I think I gained alot of knowledge about protein that I never knew before from all this research!
  • What is protein? How much protein do we need? Is it possible to eat too much protein?
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • mainly made up of protein. However, p
  • mainly made up of protein. H
  • mainly
  • Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids. Our bodies cannot manufacture nine of the amino acids, so it is important to include all these amino acids in our diets.
  • Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level.
    Ali, looks good! I hope that through this process you gain a valuable research tool and gain some information which will help you get in the shape you are looking for. Still want to pursue that Personal Training career? Mr. Levitt
Anita B

Cardio vs. Weight Training | - 0 views

    • Anita B
      Cardio vs. Weight Training In reality neither cardio nor weight training is bad for you. Cardiovascular exercise is meant to make the heart become stronger and more efficient at pumping larger quantities of blood with each pump and the lungs and muscles of the respiratory system become stronger and more efficient.
Anita B

Good sources of protein - Canadian Living - 0 views

    • Anita B
      Here's are some good example of foods with a good amount of protein:  - steak (6 oz)- 42 grams - chicken breast (3.5 oz)- 30 grams  - fish fillets (3.5 oz)- 22 grams  - pork chop- 22 grams of protein  - egg- 6 grams of protein  - 1 cup of milk- 8 grams 
Anita B

How much protein do we need? - Canadian Living - 0 views

  • 1800 x 0.20 = 360 calories from proteinSince 1 gram of protein = 4 calories, divide protein calories by 4 = 90 grams of protein daily
    • Anita B
      1. number of calories per day x 0.20 = amount of calories from protein 2. 1 gram of protein= 4 calories so, amount of protein calories divides by 4 gives you the amount of grams of protein you should be having daily
  • Protein is one of the three macronutrients that is a requirement in the daily diet
  • daily calories from optimal protein sources such as lean meats, eggs and dairy products. In other words, if you are a female consuming 1,800 calories per day and 20 per cent of the calories are derived from protein, the calculation would be:
Anita B

Weights Vs. Cardio: Your Guide To The Perfect Body | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    • Anita B
      When working out you should not be only worried about how many calories you are losing. Instead you should be more focused on how your body expands calories outside the gym. To get more bulky, you do not only focus on lifting weights but also on what you eat. Overall, strength training can help you lose body fat and it's faster to better fitness than just plain cardio exercises. 
Anita B

Top 10 Foods Highest in Calories - 1 views

    • Anita B
      This website shows how even healthy foods have many calories but are way better to eat than foods that are high in calories. One main example is the difference between the amount of calories in nuts and seeds vs. junk food. For example, macadamia buts have 718 calories. Yet they are full of vitamns, minerals and healthy fibers and fats. On the other hand, junk food is very high in calories but are also very unhealthy. 
  • #2: Vegetable Oils (Soybean, Peanut, Palm, Olive)
Anita B

Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise - 1 views

Anita B

Learning About Calories - 0 views

  • When people talk about the calories in food, what do they mean? A calorie is a unit of measurement — but it doesn't measure weight or length. A calorie is a unit of energy. When you hear something contains 100 calories, it's a way of describing how much energy your body could get from eating or drinking it.
    • Anita B
      We eat many calories on a daily basis, but sometimes we truly don't know what calories are. But these calories can be both good and bad. For example, people who try loosing weight cut down on the amount of calories they consume. 
  • Some people mistakenly believe they have to burn off all the calories they eat or they will gain weight. This isn't true. Your body needs some calories just to operate — to keep your heart beating and your lungs breathing.
Anita B

Protein In Your Diet | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • The protein you obtain from your diet plays numerous roles in your body. Protein contributes to your connective tissue and helps your body build muscle, which allows you to stand and walk. Protein also helps your body synthesize enzymes and some hormones. Proteins help your body maintain acid-base and fluid balance. Your body also relies on protein as part of your immune response to help destroy potentially harmful substances.
    • Anita B
      Protein is a crucial part of ones diet. Proteins allow us to fulfill everyday routines just like walking. But what i always wonder is how much do we really need?
    • Anita B
      Since every persons body is different, everyone needs different amounts of protein! It is said that: 1. consume 0.8 g of protein for every kg of body weight 2. from your calories intake, about 10 to 35 percent should be proteins
  • protein foods, such as ground beef, full-fat cheese and whole milk, are also high in saturated fat. If you consume too much of these types of protein-rich foods, it can lead to increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase your risk of heart disease
    • Anita B
      I never really thought about this point made here, but infact it's true. Sometimes people that are low on iron begin eating ground beaf etc. but dont actually realize that there foods are high in saturated facts. I've actually seen this with one of my family friends. She is low on iron and eats a great amount of ground-beef!
Anita B

Good Calories, Bad Calories - 0 views

  • According to him if we concentrate on including good calories in our diet and cutting out the bad calories it will be much easier for us to lose weight as well as to maintain good health
    • Anita B
      Usually when people want to loose weight they cut down on things such as fat, sugar etc. and don't pay much attention to good calories vs bad calories, myself included
  • “Exercise does not make us lose excess fat; it makes us hungry.” His belief is that exercising can actually make you gain weight because you end up eating more than you normally would.
    • Anita B
      I disagree here as a person can workout and even though they are hungry they can eat healthy, leading to a healthy lifestyle
Gurkirat S

How Hard Are You Working in Your Workout | Coulee Region Bootcamps - 0 views

  • Four Signs You’re NOT Working Hard Enough
  • 1.) Lack of Muscular Burn:
  • 2.) Lack of Personal Confrontation:
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • 3.) No Sounds of Exertion:
  • 4.) Not Sweating:
  • Four Signs You’re Working Too Hard
  • 1.) Diminished Training Intensity:
  • 2.) Excessive Resting:
  • .) Excessive Breathing:
  • 4.) Dizziness or Blurred Vision:
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