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Wasif H

Free Workouts To Increase Speed | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • In order to build speed, run interval sprints to work on your technique, explosiveness and speed. Go to the starting line at your local high school or college track and sprint 100 yards. Go back to the starting line and then sprint 90 yard. Follow that by sprinting 75 and 60 yards. Take a 2-minute break and repeat the set. In addition to helping you build speed, this is a conditioning drill that will build endurance.
  • You can work on your speed by doing box jumping. Place a 15-inch box in the middle of the floor. Stand to the left of the box and jump over it one bound so that you are on the right side of it. Then jump back over it so you are on the left side. Do 10 side-to-side jumps; take a 30-second break and then repeat the set. This will build explosive strength in your calf muscles, which will help you run faster.
  • Hill running will help you build power and explosiveness while running uphill, and it will help you run with balance and form by running downhill. Run uphill 60 feet and then downhill the same amount. Take a 1-minute break and then repeat the set. This technique has been used by many NFL stars to increase foot speed, including Hall of Famer Jerry Rice. "I ran hills to prepare for every season," Rice said. "I didn't want anyone catching me from behind and I think running the hills really helped me."
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  • This is an exercise that can be done at your local football field. Start off on the goalline and jump as high and as far as you can off your dominant foot. When you land, go as high and as far as you can while bounding off your opposite foot. Continue in this manner until you have bounded for 20 yards. Then sprint for 20 yards. Follow in this patten until you get to the opposite goalline. You will have bounded 60 yards and sprinted 40 yards. Then turn around and go back in the same manner. This will increase explosiveness in your legs and help you run faster.
    • Wasif H
      good suggestions on this website.
Wasif H

Speed Enhancement Drills For Soccer | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Soccer is a game of many elements including strength, coordination, discipline, communication and speed. The ability to utilize explosive speed on the soccer field sets the best teams apart from everyone else.
  • An alternate start is a sprinting drill that requires you to run 10 to 20 yards at a time. It is designed to improve your explosive speed from different positions and actions that more closely mimic a soccer game.
  • A speed ladder is a piece of training equipment that you lay on the ground and run through to develop foot speed and coordination. The ladder is laid out over a short distance and consists of small squares that you must step in on each stride.
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  • Adding resistance to your sprints helps build takeoff power in your legs for explosive speed down the field. You can add resistance by sprinting up a hill of about 30 degrees, or by using speed parachutes that follow behind you as you run. Parachutes are effective, but not always practical if you are training as a team.
  • Building speed for the defensive part of soccer is just as important as speed for offense. Practice sprinting backwards for short distances, using quick turns and crossovers along the way. This drill simulates an offensive player trying to dribble past you and will help you keep up during a game.
    • Wasif H
      This is a good source because it ties in with soccer. I incorporate many of these tactics in my routine. We also do many of these drills at practice. I think overall my speed has increased
Wasif H

Explosive Speed Training | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • In regard to athletics, speed is how fast an individual can travel from one point to another. It has to do with stride frequency, or the number of steps per unit of time, and stride length, or the distance that each step covers.
  • To increase your speed, your daily training sessions should place emphasis on improving your overall work capacity, ensuring that your joint mobility is normal, increasing the strength of your legs and core, developing running endurance and improving running coordination.
  • There are numerous drills that should be incorporated into an explosive speed training program that help to improve your coordination and running technique. Marching drills, skipping and arm swings are typically done prior to more intensive training exercises.
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  • Because these are not physically intensive, you should try to fit these in every day. They’re meant to develop muscle memory and teach your nervous system and muscles how to efficiently work together, so the more repetitions you can get in of form drills, the better.
  • Form drills are very important, but it’s essential that you take the skills that you learn from them and apply them to actual speed and endurance drills.
  • There are different types of speed and endurance training workouts that you can incorporate, such as participating in extensive intervals, which means completing a high number of sprinting repetitions, or you can use intensive intervals, which require you to do less repetitions but at high-speed, very intense sprints, perhaps with added resistance such as running hills, or using a parachute for drag.
Wasif H

Creatine Myth and Facts - 0 views

  • Q: Is Creatine a Steroid?
  • A:  I would like to dispel this myth by giving you the definition of what an anabolic steroid is.  These  are synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone.  Creatine, as you will see below is not.  Basically anyone who says this should immediately be labeled a gymbecile. 
  • Q: What is Creatine?
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  • A:  First, let me emphasize that our bodies already produce creatine naturally.  Did you ever watch the transformers when you were a kid?  Well if not, there were groups of robots called " combiners. "  They would join together and form an even larger and more massive robot, crushing everything in their paths!  Our liver does the same thing with the three amino acids, Arginine, Glycine and Methionine.  It combines them to form creatine, much like the constructicons combined to form devastator!  Ok so that was a lame example, but it explains the process quite nicely.  
  • Q: What exactly does creatine do?
  • 1. Creatine works mainly to increase our Creatine Phosphate System
  • 2. Increases The Pump!
  • 3. Increases The Reparation Process of Bodybuilding.
  • Q: How exactly does Creatine Apply to An Athlete?
  • A:  Simple, it does so by enhancing your creatine phosphate energy system.  This does a number of things: 1.  Increases explosion - Most athletes notice more explosiveness after utilizing this supplement 2.  Allows yourself to push yourself harder and longer. 
  • Q: What are the side effects of Creatine, and in General how safe is it? A:  As stated above, creatine is not, and I repeat not a hormone.  Therefore it does not have the side effects associated with any Prohormone or illegal steroid. There have been hundreds of studies done on creatine that all show that it is a safe supplement. To further prove its safety two an a half million kilograms of creatine were consumed in the United States alone in 1999!  That statistic alone speaks volumes about the safety and efficiency of this supplement!  Not only that, but creatine has been the number one supplement on the market for almost a decade and no one has reported any adverse side effects from it. ( aside from the ones I listed above. )
  • : I don't workout, but do you think that creatine will build muscles and help me to lose fat?
  • No!  If you don't workout I cannot imagine what supplement would help you.  Creatine provides your muscles with more short term energy - but that is wasted if you do not exercise them. If you take creatine you should push yourself even harder in the gym. The idea is with more energy you should be able to workout harder. A harder workout leads to increased muscle mass.
  • Q: Since Creatine makes you gain weight should I not take it on a cut?
  • Yes, creatine causes your body to hold water, but that is a good thing!  The fact that your muscles are super hydrated even on a cut is fantastic.  I see absolutely no correlation between taking creatine and our body storing fat.  If anything, creatine will assist us in maintaining more lean mass while dieting.  In my mind there is no point to discontinuing the use of creatine while trying to burn fat.
  • Can I take Creatine and Protein at the same time?
  • Firstly, protein is a food product.  If you couldn't take creatine and protein at the same time, then you would have to be a strict vegetarian and still you would end out consuming around 40 grams a day just from normal foods.  To top this off, creatine is not much use without a significant protein intake.  What is the point of pushing your muscles further than they are used to, if you are not going to provide the amino acids necessary for their repair?  
  • Which supplement is Better Creatine or Protein?
  • :  ( I probably get asked this question at least once a day through email.)  Amino acids are the building blocks of our muscles.  If you do not get enough than there is no point to working out.  Creatine is an outstanding supplement, but if you have to choose from getting at least 1 gram a day of protein or getting your creatine then opt for the protein.  However I do want to stress that creatine is an excellent supplement.  In fact for assistance in muscular gains I would rate it second only to whey.
  • Do you feel that creatine is cheating?  I want to earn my muscles the hard way and don't want to cheat to get them.
  • ( I can't stand these types of questions!!! )  Yes, you would be cheating.  You would be cheating yourself out of great gains by not supplementing with it!
  • s there anything I can take to make creatine a more effective supplement?
  • The first thing I would like to emphasize is that creatine will not work if you are not properly hydrated!  It relies heavily on this, so you must drink tons of water, if you want optimal results from it.  Super hydrating your body will also improve your weight room pumps tremendously!
  • What is the best method, dose wise, of taking creatine?
  • For creatine to produce optimal results, muscle stores must be topped off or saturated with it.  To accomplish this you need to load the creatine for 5 days at 20-25 grams, spread out throughout the day into 4-5 servings.  This is the quickest and in my opinion the " best " way to saturate your muscles with creatine.  Following this phase, all you need is to take 5-10 grams a day to maintain your saturation levels.  After this, any creatine you take will be excreted as creatinine.
  • Do I need to Cycle Creatine?
  • My recommendation is to load for 5 days, followed by a 5-10 gram maintenance dosage for 4-6 weeks.  Following this, there are two particular strategies: 1.  You can take one to two weeks off and then start the cycle over.  Many athletes attest to receiving a better results this way.  2.  However, several athletes will never come off of it.  They will load it for 5 days, maintain for a few weeks and then reload again.  This is increasingly becoming the more popular method of usage.
    • Wasif H
      This is more of like a blog but much of his info is credible. I think of some it may not be true. I think if you take creatine you should cycle it out of your body. 
Justin D

Dryland Hockey Drills | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

    Since the 1970s, hockey players have used dryland training to improve conditioning and skills for ice hockey. While skating is a huge part of the game and never can be ignored, players can develop leg strength and core strength and improve their overall skills with dryland drills. 1.) Pull-Ups vs. Lat Pull Machine: With a pull-up, a person uses their own body weight; this creates excellent body awareness, more importantly pull-ups require a great amount of abdominal strength (keeping the abs tight keeps you from swinging). The lat pull machine lacks these two important features. 2.) Push-Ups vs. Bench Press: Push-Ups again require a person's body weight along with lower body stabilization and contracted abdominals. Lying flat on a bench is a very non-athletic position and requires almost no leg or ab strength. 3.) Lunges vs. Leg Extension: Lunging requires a lot of balance and coordination along with strength from the glutes, quads, hamstrings and abs since you are standing and moving forward during the exercise. The leg extension does one thing; isolate the quads. Unless you want to walk around like Quadzilla there is no place for the leg extension in athletics. 4.) Squats vs. Leg Press: When done correctly no other exercise will develop more leg power than the squat. Since they are done in a standing position they require balance, stabilization, coordination, along with ab and back strength. The leg press lacks all of these factors. 5.) Hang Cleans vs. Shrugs: Hang Cleans are an explosive exercise that develops fast twitch motor units in the muscle. It is a full body exercise. Shoulder Shrugs isolate one muscle group the trapezious and involve little athletic ability to perform. Forget the shrugs! 6.) Squat Press vs Seated Shoulder Presses: Many athletes like to perform the seated dumbbell shoulder press. Try standing up and hold two dumbbells at your shoulders, squat down to 90 degrees as you begin to rise explode with a Dumbbell shoulder press using all
Wasif H - 4 Easy Steps To Improve Your 10-yard Dash And 40-yard Dash. - 0 views

  • The starting stance and "set" position of the athlete is crucial. Improper form here will result in a super slow time. To begin, the athlete needs to decide which foot goes in front. A simple test is to have the athlete stand upright with both feet together. Moderately push the athlete in the back and watch which foot moves first. The foot that moves first should be their rear "quick" leg. The other leg will be called the "drive" leg or "power" leg.
  • Leg Positions.
  • For athletes shorter than 6-feet tall, place their "power" leg just millimeters from the start line. Athletes taller than 6-feet should play with their stance for the best time. Most athletes at this height place their "power" leg about 4-6 inches behind the starting line.
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  • Bend the opposite knee to the ground so the front of the knee almost touches the starting line. Take the hand that is to the "quick" leg side and place it on the ground (I have seen college athletes do this backward!). Place the opposite hand near the hip so it is "cocked" and ready to "fire!"
  • A poor first step is the result of a poor stance. Having your feet too far back will result in a step that may not pass the starting line which results in one extra step to run the sprint, which could add 0.1 seconds to your time! If flexibility (addressed above) is not an issue, practicing the start from the new stance is the next step.
  • Set a hoop or line of tape on the floor to help as an aiming point. How far should the athlete step? I was pretty flexible and was able to get a large first step without sacrificing body angle.
  • The 40-yard dash is a test of acceleration and top-end speed. Research suggests that top end speed can be maintained in elite sprinters for about 2 seconds and occurs around the 50-meter mark
  • Forward Body Lean The athlete needs to keep an exaggerated forward body lean for 30 yards. The forward lean keeps the athlete from reaching full speed too fast. During this acceleration phase, the athlete should focus on keeping arms bent at about 90 degrees and focus on "pulling" the elbows back and "pushing" with the feet. Trying to "pull" back may result in a hamstring pull and also a slower time.
  • The final common mistake is that players take way too many steps. The 40-yard dash should be over in about 18-20 steps for high school players and older (If you have seen programs to reduce 40-yard time by 0.2 seconds, they take 20 strides and try to reduce ground contact time but 0.01 seconds x 20 strides = 0.2 seconds). However, counting an athlete's strides is not an easy task.
Wasif H

Power, Speed & Strength Training | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Training for speed seems straightforward; perform your activity or sport over and over working to get faster. Training for speed requires the ability to accelerate fast from a standing position or a slow jog, according to Derek Hansen, CSCS of SPS Athletic Training Group.
  • Generating speed requires nerve and impulse control and strength in your muscles. Speed requires a high output of energy and strength.
  • Hansen recommends only training for short times because you can tax your nervous system to exhaustion quickly. Recommended training intervals shouldn't be more than 300 meters for team sports, such as football, soccer, basketball, lacrosse and track and field events.
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  • Plyometrics is a protocol used to develop strength, speed and power for various types of sports.
  • Plyometrics require your muscles to contract while overcoming a lengthening phase and producing maximum strength in the shortest amount of time. According to Denis Knowles of, the faster a muscle is stretched, the greater the power output during the contraction phase of the muscle.
  • Hansen states that to perform faster and with greater strength and speed, stretching helps to elongate your stride or ability to move.
  • Stretching should concentrate on elongating your muscle overall and focus specifically on the sport you engage in. This is for two purposes: passive stretching elongates your muscles and helps them warm up and also cool down from everyday activities and training.
  • Second, dynamic stretching related to your sport works on the elastic properties of your muscles and connective tissues.
  • Dynamic stretching works on your nervous system that coordinates movement, power and strength so you can produce more power, strength and speed.
Justin D

Cardio Exercises Hockey - 0 views

    This is a plyometrics exercise which is very helpful in hockey and other sports.
    Plyometrics (also known as "plyos") is a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purpose of improving performance in sports. Plyometric exercises may also be referred to as explosive exercises. Plyometric movements, in which a muscle is loaded and then contracted in rapid sequence, use the strength, elasticity and innervation of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, run faster, throw farther, or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal.
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