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Nathan Goodyear

Testosterone: a metabolic hormone in health and disease - 0 views

  • E2 and the inflammatory adipocytokines tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα) and interleukin 6 (IL6) inhibit hypothalamic production of GNRH and subsequent release of LH and FSH from the pituitary
  • Leptin, an adipose-derived hormone with a well-known role in regulation of body weight and food intake, also induces LH release under normal conditions via stimulation of hypothalamic GNRH neurons
  • In human obesity, whereby adipocytes are producing elevated amounts of leptin, the hypothalamic–pituitary axis becomes leptin resistant
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  • there is evidence from animal studies that leptin resistance, inflammation and oestrogens inhibit neuronal release of kisspeptin
  • Beyond hypothalamic action, leptin also directly inhibits the stimulatory action of gonadotrophins on the Leydig cells of the testis to decrease testosterone production; therefore, elevated leptin levels in obesity may further diminish androgen status
  • increasing insulin resistance assessed by glucose tolerence test and hypoglycemic clamp was shown to be associated with a decrease in Leydig cell testosterone secretion in men
  • ADT for the treatment of prostatic carcinoma in some large epidemiological studies has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of developing MetS and T2DM
  • Non-diabetic men undergoing androgen ablation show increased occurrence of new-onset diabetes and demonstrate elevated insulin levels and worsening glycaemic control
  • Prostate cancer patients with pre-existing T2DM show a further deterioration of insulin resistance and worsening of diabetic control following ADT
  • The response to testosterone replacement of insulin sensitivity is in part dependent on the androgen receptor (AR)
  • Low levels of testosterone have been associated with an atherogenic lipoprotein profile, characterised by high LDL and triglyceride levels
  • a positive correlation between serum testosterone and HDL has been reported in both healthy and diabetic men
  • up to 70% of the body's insulin sensitivity is accounted for by muscle
  • Testosterone deficiency is associated with a decrease in lean body mass
  • relative muscle mass is inversely associated with insulin resistance and pre-diabetes
  • GLUT4 and IRS1 were up-regulated in cultured adipocytes and skeletal muscle cells following testosterone treatment at low dose and short-time incubations
  • local conversion of testosterone to DHT and activation of AR may be important for glucose uptake
  • inverse correlation between testosterone levels and adverse mitochondrial function
  • orchidectomy of male Wistar rats and associated testosterone deficiency induced increased absorption of glucose from the intestine
  • (Kelley & Mandarino 2000). Frederiksen et al. (2012a) recently demonstrated that testosterone may influence components of metabolic flexibility as 6 months of transdermal testosterone treatment in aging men with low–normal bioavailable testosterone levels increased lipid oxidation and decreased glucose oxidation during the fasting state.
  • Decreased lipid oxidation coupled with diet-induced chronic FA elevation is linked to increased accumulation of myocellular lipid, in particular diacylglycerol and/or ceramide in myocytes
  • In the Chang human adult liver cell line, insulin receptor mRNA expression was significantly increased following exposure to testosterone
  • Testosterone deprivation via castration of male rats led to decreased expression of Glut4 in liver tissue, as well as adipose and muscle
  • oestrogen was found to increase the expression of insulin receptors in insulin-resistant HepG2 human liver cell line
  • FFA decrease hepatic insulin binding and extraction, increase hepatic gluconeogenesis and increase hepatic insulin resistance.
  • Only one, albeit large-scale, population-based cross-sectional study reports an association between low serum testosterone concentrations and hepatic steatosis in men (Völzke et al. 2010)
  • This suggests that testosterone may confer some of its beneficial effects on hepatic lipid metabolism via conversion to E2 and subsequent activation of ERα.
  • hypogonadal men exhibiting a reduced lean body mass and an increased fat mass, abdominal or central obesity
  • visceral adipose tissue was inversely correlated with bioavailable testosterone
  • there was no change in visceral fat mass in aged men with low testosterone levels following 6 months of transdermal TRT, yet subcutaneous fat mass was significantly reduced in both the thigh and the abdominal areas when analysed by MRI (Frederiksen et al. 2012b)
  • ADT of prostate cancer patients increased both visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat in a 12-month prospective observational study (Hamilton et al. 2011)
  • Catecholamines are the major lipolysis regulating hormones in man and regulate adipocyte lipolysis through activation of adenylate cyclase to produce cAMP
  • deficiency of androgen action decreases lipolysis and is primarily responsible for the induction of obesity (Yanase et al. 2008)
  • may be some regional differences in the action of testosterone on subcutaneous and visceral adipose function
  • proinflammatory adipocytokines IL1, IL6 and TNFα are increased in obesity with a downstream effect that stimulates liver production of CRP
  • observational evidence suggests that IL1β, IL6, TNFα and CRP are inversely associated with serum testosterone levels in patients
  • TRT has been reported to significantly reduce these proinflammatory mediators
  • This suggests a role for AR in the metabolic actions of testosterone on fat accumulation and adipose tissue inflammatory response
  • testosterone treatment may have beneficial effects on preventing the pathogenesis of obesity by inhibiting adipogenesis, decreasing triglyceride uptake and storage, increasing lipolysis, influencing lipoprotein content and function and may directly reduce fat mass and increase muscle mass
  • Early interventional studies suggest that TRT in hypogonadal men with T2DM and/or MetS has beneficial effects on lipids, adiposity and parameters of insulin sensitivity and glucose control
  • Evidence that whole-body insulin sensitivity is reduced in testosterone deficiency and increases with testosterone replacement supports a key role of this hormone in glucose and lipid metabolism
  • Impaired insulin sensitivity in these three tissues is characterised by defects in insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity, in particular into skeletal muscle, impaired insulin-mediated inhibition of hepatic glucose production and stimulation of glycogen synthesis in liver, and a reduced ability of insulin to inhibit lipolysis in adipose tissue
    Great review of the Hypogonadal-obesity-adipocytokine hypothesis.
Nathan Goodyear

Lowered testosterone in male obesity: Mechanisms, morbidity and management Tang Fui MN,... - 0 views

  • The number of overweight people is expected to increase from 937 million in 2005 to 1.35 billion in 2030
  • Similarly the number of obese people is projected to increase from 396 million in 2005 to 573 million in 2030
  • By 2030, China alone is predicted to have more overweight men and women than the traditional market economies combined
  • ...37 more annotations...
  • diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 (DGAT2), mechanistically implicated in this differential storage, [10] is regulated by dihydrotestosterone, [11] suggesting a potential role for androgens to influence the genetic predisposition to either the MHO or MONW phenotype.
  • bariatric surgery achieves 10%-30% long-term weight loss in controlled studies
  • The fact that obese men have lower testosterone compared to lean men has been recognized for more than 30 years
  • Reductions in testosterone levels correlate with the severity of obesity and men
  • epidemiological data suggest that the single most powerful predictor of low testosterone is obesity, and that obesity is a major contributor of the age-associated decline in testosterone levels.
  • healthy ageing by itself is uncommonly associated with marked reductions in testosterone levels
  • obesity blunts this LH rise, obesity leads to hypothalamic-pituitary suppression irrespective of age which cannot be compensated for by physiological mechanisms
  • Reductions in total testosterone levels are largely a consequence of reductions in sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) due to obesity-associated hyperinsulinemia
  • although controversial, measurement of free testosterone levels may provide a more accurate assessment of androgen status than the (usually preferred) measurement of total testosterone in situations where SHBG levels are outside the reference range
  • SHBG increases with age
  • marked obesity however is associated with an unequivocal reduction of free testosterone levels, where LH and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are usually low or inappropriately normal, suggesting that the dominant suppression occurs at the hypothalamic-pituitary level
  • adipose tissue, especially when in the inflamed, insulin-resistant state, expresses aromatase which converts testosterone to estradiol (E 2 ). Adipose E 2 in turn may feedback negatively to decrease pituitary gonadotropin secretion
  • diabetic obesity is associated with decreases in circulatory E 2
  • In addition to E 2 , increased visceral fat also releases increased amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines, insulin and leptin; all of which may inhibit the activity of the HPT axis at multiple levels
  • In the prospective Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), moving from a non-obese to an obese state resulted in a decline of testosterone levels
  • weight loss, whether by diet or surgery, increases testosterone levels proportional to the amount of weight lost
  • fat is androgen-responsive
  • low testosterone may augment the effects of a hypercaloric diet
  • In human male ex vivo adipose tissue, testosterone decreased adipocyte differentiation by 50%.
  • Testosterone enhances catecholamine-induced lipolysis in vitro and reduces lipoprotein lipase activity and triglyceride uptake in human abdominal adipose tissue in vivo
  • in men with prostate cancer receiving 12 months of androgen deprivation therapy, fat mass increased by 3.4 kg and abdominal VAT by 22%, with the majority of these changes established within 6 months
  • severe sex steroid deficiency can increase fat mass rapidly
  • bidirectional relationship between testosterone and obesity
  • increasing body fat suppresses the HPT axis by multiple mechanisms [30] via increased secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, insulin resistance and diabetes; [19],[44] while on the other hand low testosterone promotes further accumulation of total and visceral fat mass, thereby exacerbating the gonadotropin inhibition
  • androgens may play a more significant role in VAT than SAT
  • men undergoing androgen depletion for prostate cancer show more marked increases in visceral compared to subcutaneous fat following treatment
    • Nathan Goodyear
      Interesting: low T increases VAT, yet T therapy does not reduce VAT, yet T therapy reduces SAT.
  • irisin, derived from muscle, induces brown fat-like properties in rodent white fat
  • androgens can act via the PPARg-pathway [37] which is implicated in the differentiation of precursor fat cells to the energy-consuming phenotype
  • low testosterone may compound the effect of increasing fat mass by making it more difficult for obese men to lose weight via exercise
  • pro-inflammatory cytokines released by adipose tissue may contribute to loss of muscle mass and function, leading to inactivity and further weight gain in a vicious cycle
  • Sarcopenic obesity, a phenotype recapitulated in men receiving ADT for prostate cancer, [55] may not only be associated with functional limitations, but also aggravate the metabolic risks of obesity;
  • observational evidence associating higher endogenous testosterone with reduced loss of muscle mass and crude measures of muscle function in men losing weight
  • genuine reactivation of the HPT axis in obese men requires more substantial weight-loss
  • A number of intervention studies have confirmed that both diet- and surgically-induced weight losses are associated with increased testosterone, with the rise in testosterone generally proportional to the amount of weight lost
  • men, regardless of obesity level, can benefit from the effect of weight loss.
  • inconsistent effect of testosterone on VAT
    to be read
Nathan Goodyear

Effect of Testosterone Treatment on Glucose Metabolism in Men With Type 2 Diabetes: A R... - 0 views

    Only the abstract available in this publication.  Good study design.  No improvement in insulin resistance, glycemic control or visceral adiposity in obese men with type II diabetes.  The levels of inclusion were TT < 346, which would not meet the criteria put forth by other studies.  This study appeared to look at border line "low T" men with obesity and type II diabetes and found no direct glycemic control improvement.  An increase in lean muscle mass and decrease in subcutaneous fat was found.
Nathan Goodyear - 0 views

    Again, what is the evidence on androgens in women.  The majority of data is points to negative metabolic effects.  This study looked at men and women and found inverse relationships between Testosterone and DHEA in the sexes.  In women, higher bioavailable Testosterone and DHEA was associated with visceral and subcutaneous fat in women, where as the opposite is true in men.  In both men and women, higher SHBG was associated with lower fat.
Nathan Goodyear

Covariation of change in bioavailable testosterone and adiposity in... - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    Bioavailable Testosterone is positively associated with Visceral adipose tissue and to a lesser degree subcutaneous fat in women.  
Nathan Goodyear - Cell Metabolism - Estrogen Receptors and the Metabolic Network - 0 views

  • The pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons have an anorexigenic action and, when activated, reduce food intake through the release of two peptides, α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) and cocaine-and-amphetamine-regulated transcripts (CART). The neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons, on the other hand, release NPY hormone and agouti gene-related protein (AgRP), which prevent the binding of α-MSH to MC3R and MC4R, increasing food intake
  • This suggests that the central anorexic effects of E2 may occur via ERβ
  • The main hypothalamic areas involved in food intake and satiety are the arcuate nucleus (ARC), the lateral hypothalamus (LH), the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), and the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH)
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Leptin is a potent anorexigenic and catabolic hormone secreted by adipose cells that reduces food intake and increases energy expenditure
  • E2 not only modulates leptin receptor mRNA in the ARC and VMH, but also increases hypothalamic sensitivity to leptin, altering peripheral fat distribution
  • ghrelin. It acts on growth hormone secretagogue receptors (GHSR1a) located in the ARC and is a potent stimulator of food intake
  • It thus appears that of the two ERs, ERα plays a predominant role in the CNS regulation of lipid and carbohydrate homeostasis.
  • Both ERs have been identified in the ARC
  • Stimulation of MCH neurons increases food intake and fat accumulation while its inhibition leads to decreased food intake and reduced fat accumulation.
  • Both ERs have been identified in the LH
  • both ERs have been identified in this nucleus
  • The PVN is the region of the hypothalamus with the highest expression of ERβ and is reported to be weakly ERα positive
  • The VMH is ERα regulated
  • Skeletal muscle is responsible for 75% of the insulin-induced glucose uptake in the body
  • GLUT4 is highly expressed in muscle and represents a rate-limiting step in the insulin-induced glucose uptake
  • data suggest that in the physiological range, E2 is beneficial for insulin sensitivity, whereas hypo- or hyperestrogenism is related to insulin resistance
  • In aging female rats, E2 treatment improves glucose homeostasis mainly through its ability to increase muscle GLUT4 content on the cell membrane
  • It is evident that ERα and ERβ have distinct actions and that much more research is needed to clearly identify the function of each receptor in muscle.
  • E2 prevents accumulation of visceral fat, increases central sensitivity to leptin, increases the expression of insulin receptors in adipocytes, and decreases the lipogenic activity of lipoprotein lipase in adipose tissue
  • In rats, ovariectomy increases body weight, intra-abdominal fat, fasting glucose and insulin levels, and insulin resistance followed by decreased phosphorylation of AMPK and its substrate acetyl-CoA carboxylase in adipose tissue
  • decreased adiponectin, PPARγ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α), and uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) and increased resistin
  • Men with aromatase deficiency have truncal obesity, elevated blood lipids, and severe insulin resistance
  • Although not all studies are in agreement, polymorphisms of ERα in humans have been associated with risk factors for CVDs
  • Human subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues express both ERα and ERβ, whereas only ERα mRNA has been identified in brown adipose tissue
  • suggesting that ERα is the main regulator of GLUT4 expression in adipose tissue
    very nice article that looks at the balance of ER-alpha/ER-beta and their role in metabolic syndrome.  This article discusses the balance of  these receptors are tissue dependent in their effect.  I like their conclusion: "...but these mechanisms will never be completely understood if they are not considered in the context of a whole system.
Nathan Goodyear

The Effect of Abdominal Exercise on Abdominal Fat. [J Strength Cond Res. 2011] - PubMed... - 0 views

  • Six weeks of abdominal exercise training alone was not sufficient to reduce abdominal subcutaneous fat and other measures of body composition
    Abdominal exercise doesn't decrease abdominal fat in 6 week study.
Nathan Goodyear

Pathways of adipose tissue androgen metabolism in women: depot differences and modulati... - 0 views

    aromatase activity is concentrated in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue.
Nathan Goodyear

Chronic exposure to Low dose bacterial lipopolysaccharide inhibits leptin signaling in ... - 0 views

  • Obesity and models of obesity induced by ingestion of HF-diet in rodents are associated with chronically elevated circulating levels of LPS
  • chronic low-dose administration of LPS induces leptin-resistance in vagal afferent neurons and abolition of CCK-induced inhibition of food intake
  • HF fat feeding has been shown to enhance gastrointestinal permeability promoting the translocation of LPS to the circulation
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • LPS leads to an increase in SOCS3 expression [20]. SOCS3 is a negative regulator of leptin signaling
  • We observed a significant increase in energy intake in the LPS-treated rats
  • the data provides a mechanism linking changes in gut microbiota induced by ingestion of HF diets to dysregulation of food intake and body weight
  • SOCS3 is an important mechanism by which leptin resistance develops in vagal afferent neurons and coincides with the onset of hyperphagia
  • Chronic low-dose LPS treatment induced TLR4 activation and MyD88 signaling in vagal afferent neurons, associated with increased SOCS3 expression and reduced leptin-signaling, characterized by the absence of leptin-induced pSTAT3.
  • We demonstrate that this chronic low dose LPS is sufficient to induce leptin–resistance in vagal afferent neurons, reduced sensitivity to the satiating effects of CCK, and loss of vagal afferent plasticity
  • it suggests that the increase in food intake and body weight we observed at week 6 in the LPS treated rats may be caused by LPS-induced leptin resistance.
  • chronic LPS treatment of mice for four weeks increased body weight
  • chronic LPS treatment of mice for four weeks increased subcutaneous fat
    Very interesting study.  High fat diet in rats induced gut flora change that resulted in LPS which induced appetite through leptin resistance and reduced cholecystokinin signaling.
Nathan Goodyear

Estradiol in elderly men. [Aging Male. 2002] - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

  • Plasma levels of estradiol do not necessarily reflect tissue-level activity
  • age-associated increased aromatization of testosterone
  • Estradiol levels are highly significantly positively related to body fat mass and more specifically to subcutaneous abdominal fat
    Review of the sources of estrogens in men and the impact it has on a man's physiology.
Nathan Goodyear

Insulin Up-Regulates Natriuretic Peptide Clearance Receptor Expression in the Subcutane... - 0 views

    elevated insulin in insulin resistance decreases circulating Natriuretic peptide.  This provides a direct link between obesity and cardiovascular disease
Nathan Goodyear

Effects of Hypo- and Hyperthyroidism on Noradrenergic Activity and Glycerol Concentrati... - 0 views

    Thyroid hormone increased localized norepinephrine production and liposlys resulting in decreases SQ adipose tissue compared to hypothyroid.  This study showed a localized effect of adipose tissue by thyroid hormone. 
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