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Nathan Goodyear

Vitamin D is associated with testosterone and hypogonadism in Chinese men: Results from... - 0 views

  • lower 25(OH)D level was significantly associated with lower total T, E2, SHBG, LH and FSH levels after adjusting for age, residence area, economic status and current smoker
  • association between 25(OH)D status and hypogonadism in Chinese men and confirms that this relationship is present in a large population
  • VDR knockout mutant mice showed gonadal insufficiencies
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • High LH and FSH levels in the male mice indicated hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
  • Another mouse study reported a tendency towards low testosterone/LH ratio and Leydig cell hyperplasia in VDR null mice
  • The serum testosterone levels could increase to normal values in vitamin D-deficient rats replete with vitamin D
  • VDR knockout mice had decreased sperm count, reduced sperm motility, and histological abnormality of the testis
  • vitamin D supplementation increases testosterone levels in non-diabetic subjects
  • The data from the European Male Ageing Study [9] indicated that 25(OH)D is positively associated with total T
    Study of 713 Chinese men finds a correlation between low vitamin D and low total Testosterone.
Nathan Goodyear

Environmental/lifestyle effects on spermatogenesis - 0 views

    The environment is playing a role in reduced testicular function in men.

Pharma Injectable Sust 250mg of the faculty Men's Health - 1 views

    Pharma Sust 250mg injections treat hypogonadism disorders in men, after the illness, impotence due to lack of hormones, menstrual symptoms in men such as reducing sexual pleasure and physiological activities. Side effects: The drug can cause erectile dysfunction, signs of excessive sexual stimulation, reduced sperm count, decreased volume of ejaculation, water & salt retention. In pre-puberty boys: develop sex early, increase the frequency of erectile dysfunction, enlargement of the penis, and early growth of bone heads.
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