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Intentional Insights

10 + 10 Challenge Grant - 0 views

    help intentional insights get a 2 000 challenge grant help us empower people to reach their goals using science by helping unlock a 2 000 challenge grant from a group of generous anonymous donors here is the goal get 10 donations from new donors and get 10 additional monthly donors
thinkahol *

Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life - YouTube - 3 views

    Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
Erich Feldmeier

The Top 10 papers in Biological Sciences by Mendeley readership. - 0 views

    William Gunn The Top 10 papers in Biological Sciences by Mendeley readership. With the Mendeley for Life Scientists webinar coming up on Thursday, I thought I would take a look at the readership stats for Biological Sciences. Biological Sciences has long been our biggest discipline, and having done my doctoral work in the Life Sciences, I knew this would be interesting. Overall, researchers in bioinformatics contributed most strongly to the most read papers, along with the older disciplines of micro- and molecular biology. Regardless of discipline, however, it's clear that the days of toiling away in isolation to thoroughly study one gene are over. Today, it's all about huge consortia and massive data. Here's what I found
Erich Feldmeier

O. Peedersen Dick durch dünne Darmflora? - bild der wissenschaft - 0 views

    "Den aktuellen Ergebnissen zufolge ist also ein hoher Artenreichtum in diesem Zusammenhang besonders günstig. „In den nächsten Jahren werden wir mehr Wissen sammeln, wie man die Darmbakterien und ihre Zusammensetzung positiv beeinflussen kann", sagt Oluf Pedersen. Originalarbeiten der Forscher: Nature, doi: 10.1038/nature12506 und doi: 10.1038/nature12480"
Skeptical Debunker

Naps May Improve Performance Later In The Day : NPR - 0 views

    "In the study, researchers took two groups of healthy young adults. Each group completed two learning sessions. The difference was that between the first and second sessions, one group got to take a 90-minute nap. The group that got the nap improved in their ability to learn by 10 percent, while the non-napping group did 10 percent worse."
thinkahol *

Natural brain state is primed to learn - life - 19 August 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    Apply the electrodes... Externally modulating the brain's activity can boost its performance. The easiest way to manipulate the brain is through transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), which involves applying electrodes directly to the head to influence neuron activity with an electric current. Roi Cohen Kadosh's team at the University of Oxford showed last year that targeting tDCS at the brain's right parietal lobe can boost a person's arithmetic ability - the effects were still apparent six months after the tDCS session ( More recently, Richard Chi and Allan Snyder at the University of Sydney, Australia, demonstrated that tDCS can improve a person's insight. The pair applied tDCS to volunteers' anterior frontal lobes - regions known to play a role in how we perceive the world - and found the participants were three times as likely as normal to complete a problem-solving task ( Brain stimulation can also boost a person's learning abilities, according to Agnes Flöel's team at the University of Münster in Germany. Twenty minutes of tDCS to a part of the brain called the left perisylvian area was enough to speed up and improve language learning in a group of 19 volunteers (Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1162/jocn.2008.20098). Using the same technique to stimulate the brain's motor cortex, meanwhile, can enhance a person's ability to learn a movement-based skill (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0805413106).
thinkahol *

Straight Talk about Vaccination: Scientific American - 0 views

    Last year 10 children died in California in the worst whooping cough outbreak to sweep the state since 1947. In the first six months of 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recorded 10 measles outbreaks-the largest of which (21 cases) occurred in a Minnesota county, where many children were unvaccinated because of parental concerns about the safety of the standard MMR vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella. At least seven infants in the county who were too young to receive the MMR vaccine were infected.
thinkahol *

Mind-reading scan identifies simple thoughts - health - 26 May 2011 - New Scientist - 3 views

    A new new brain imaging system that can identify a subject's simple thoughts may lead to clearer diagnoses for Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia - as well as possibly paving the way for reading people's minds. Michael Greicius at Stanford University in California and colleagues used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify patterns of brain activity associated with different mental states. He asked 14 volunteers to do one of four tasks: sing songs silently to themselves; recall the events of the day; count backwards in threes; or simply relax. Participants were given a 10-minute period during which they had to do this. For the rest of that time they were free to think about whatever they liked. The participants' brains were scanned for the entire 10 minutes, and the patterns of connectivity associated with each task were teased out by computer algorithms that compared scans from several volunteers doing the same task. This differs from previous experiments, in which the subjects were required to perform mental activities at specific times and the scans were then compared with brain activity when they were at rest. Greicius reasons his method encourages "natural" brain activity more like that which occurs in normal thought.

Top 10 Data Integration and Management Challenges in the Pharma Value Chain | ACL Digital - 0 views

    Medicines and healthcare are synonymous globally. As treatments become more innovative, to address unmet clinical needs, it is important that there is innovation in the pharma value chain as well. In order that patients receive the right medicine, at the right time and the right place, there is a need for a complex value chain. The full set of activities that occur prior to a patient receiving a medicine, constitute the pharmaceutical value chain. This value would differ within markets and also between markets.
Erich Feldmeier

@biogarage Jamil Bhanji, Mauricio Delgado: The social brain and reward: social informat... - 0 views

    "This research provides an understanding of the neural basis for social behavior from the perspective of how we evaluate social experiences and how our social interactions and decisions are motivated. We review research addressing the common neural systems underlying evaluation of social and nonsocial rewards. The human striatum, known to play a key role in reward processing, displays signals related to a broad spectrum of social functioning, including evaluating social rewards, making decisions influenced by social factors, learning about social others, cooperating, competing, and following social norms. WIREs Cogn Sci 2014, 5:61-73. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1266"
Skeptical Debunker

'Hella' Proposed as Official Big Number - Yahoo! News - 0 views

  • To become official, "hella" would have to jump through quite a few bureaucratic hoops. It would have to pass through the Consultative Committee for Units (CCU), one of 10 advisory committees of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM). If the CCU recommends it the CIPM, that board must then decide whether to advance the cause to the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM), the official authority that can make changes to the SI system. That international organization, based in France, includes members from 81 countries. "I think that for a number of reasons it's a long shot," said Ben Stein, a spokesperson for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the U.S. organization that handles measurements. "The types of things they would consider are is it needed, does it add or reduce confusion, are the names consistent with other names associated with the prefixes?" Sendek argues that the name would honor the scientific contributions of Northern Californians, who have famously popularized the phrase "hella" to mean "a whole lot."
    Soon the word "hella" may not be associated with California surfers as much as with scientists in lab coats. A physics student is petitioning to add "hella" to the International System of Units (SI) as the official designation of 10 to the 27th power, or a trillion trillions.
Charles Daney

Farthest Galaxy Cluster Ever Detected | - 0 views

    Captured by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and combined with data from infrared and optical telescopes, this image shows the farthest galaxy cluster ever detected. Designated JKCS041, the cluster is located 10.2 billion light-years from Earth, beating the previous distance record by a billion light-years. Astronomers think JKCS041 formed just about as early as was feasible.

Growing Mustard: A Beginners Guide for Commercial Production - 1 views

Mustard is a common spice grown in Indian sub-continent and is used for garnishing various dishes. The plant bears seeds that are processed into dry seeds for garnishing or crushed to extract musta...

mustard seeds plants growing sustainable farming industrial agriculture organic The Trivedi Effect

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10 Points To Save Earth | Save Water | Planting Trees | - 0 views

    Save Water Planting Trees Prevent Food Wastage Maintain Food Chain Humanity First Save Energy Respect Farmers Family Planning Avoid Throwing Garbage & Save The Environment Preventing Epidemics and Pandemics Visit here to learning in details
Erich Feldmeier

Sanne Moormann: - Gesangsstunde mit Zebrafinken #spatzenhirn - 0 views

    Sanne Moorman (Utrecht University) et al.: PNAS; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1207207109 "Junge Zebrafinken und Kleinkinder haben offenbar mehr miteinander gemein als bisher gedacht: Bevor sie klingen wie die Erwachsenen, brabbeln sie erst einmal alles nach, was ihnen die Eltern vormachen - und nutzen dabei fast ausschließlich ihre linke Gehirnhälfte. Von Menschen ist dies zwar schon lange bekannt, für Tiere ist das jedoch relativ ungewöhnlich. Entdeckt haben die unerwartete Gemeinsamkeit jetzt Forscher der Universität in Utrecht. Ihre Schlussfolgerung: Zumindest in Bezug auf die Kommunikation muss die Evolution von Singvögeln und Menschen parallel verlaufen sein."
Erich Feldmeier

D. Kumaran: Hierarchiegehorsam im Hirnscanner - 0 views

    Kumaran D et al., The Emergence and Representation of Knowledge about Social and Nonsocial Hierarchies, 2012, Neuron, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.09.035 Eine neue Studie, die in dem Journal Neuron veröffentlicht wurde, deckt auf, wie das Gehirn Informationen darüber abspeichert, wer in einer Gruppe das ‚Sagen' hat. Die Studie, die gemeinsam von Wissenschaftlern des Instituts für Kognitive Neurologie und Demenzforschung der Universität Magdeburg (IKND), des Deutschen Zentrums für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE, Standort Magdeburg) und der University College London (UCL) durchgeführt wurde, zeigt, dass Menschen zum Lernen von sozialen Rangfolgen einen bestimmten Teil des Gehirns brauchen. Die Größe dieses Gehirnareals sagt voraus, wie gut jemand soziale Rangfolgen lernen und einschätzen kann. Menschen und andere Primaten sind bemerkenswert gut darin, sich gegenseitig innerhalb einer sozialen Hierarchie einzuordnen. „Diese Fähigkeit ist überlebensnotwendig, weil sie hilft, Konflikte zu vermeiden und vorteilhafte Koalitionspartner zu finden. Allerdings wissen wir überraschend wenig darüber, wie das Gehirn dies steuert", sagt der Neurowissenschaftler Prof. Emrah Düzel.
Erich Feldmeier

S. Rudorf: Studie zeigt erstmals direkt die neurobiologischen Zusammenhänge z... - 0 views

    Originalpublikation: Rudorf S et al., Neural Correlates of Anticipation Risk Reflect Risk Preferences, Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4235-11.2012 „Diese Studie zeigt erstmals die neurobiologischen Zusammenhänge, wie individuelle Risikopräferenzen die Risikowahrnehmung bestimmen", sagt Prof. Weber. „Das hat auch Auswirkungen auf Handlungen in der Finanzwelt und im Gesundheitsbereich." Im nächsten Schritt wollen die Wissenschaftler untersuchen, welche Konsequenzen diese Resultate auf das ökonomische Verhalten etwa auf dem Aktienmark haben. „Damit ließe sich vielleicht sogar die Beratung von Anlegern mit Blick auf ihr individuelles Risikoverhalten verbessern", sagt Prof. Weber. Ein weiteres wichtiges Feld sei der Gesundheitsbereich. Raucher wissen, dass ihr Handeln sehr gefährlich ist, und rauchen trotzdem. „Wenn die Risikoeinstellung von Rauchern besser bekannt ist, können vielleicht wirksamere Anti-Raucher-Kampagnen entwickelt werden."
Erich Feldmeier - Mineralien gegen PMS - 0 views

    Patricia Chocano-Bedoya (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) et al. American Journal of Epidemiology, doi: 10.1093/aje/kws363 "Einen Haken hat die segensreiche Wirkung von Eisen und Zink allerdings: Eine signifikante Wirkung trat nur dann auf, wenn die Frauen mehr davon eingenommen hatten, als es der eigentlich empfohlenen Tagesdosis entspricht. "Weitere Studien sind deshalb dringend nötig, um festzustellen, ob die Vorteile einer höheren Eisen- und Zinkgabe die Risiken aufwiegen", betonen die Forscherinnen. Ebenfalls weiter untersucht werden muss ihrer Ansicht nach, warum ein weiteres Mineral, Kalium, PMS sogar zu fördern scheint. Selbst Frauen, die über längere Zeit knapp weniger als die empfohlene Tagesdosis von 4.700 Milligramm Kalium aufgenommen hatten, entwickelten häufiger Beschwerden als Teilnehmerinnen mit sehr niedrigen Kaliumwerten. Warum das so ist, müsse aber noch geklärt werden, sagen Chocano-Bedoya und ihre Kolleginnen."
Erich Feldmeier

Kiley Hamlin: - Nicht wie ich = blöd Babys Ausgrenzung - 0 views

    "Schon Kleinkinder bevorzugen Individuen, die ihnen möglichst ähnlich sind" Kiley Hamlin (University of British Columbia) et al.: Psychological Science, Online-Vorabveröffentlichung, doi: 10.1177/0956797612457785
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