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Erich Feldmeier

Anthony Ives, Stephen Carpenter: Stability and Diversity of Ecosystems - 0 views

    "Understanding the relationship between diversity and stability requires a knowledge of how species interact with each other and how each is affected by the environment. The relationship is also complex, because the concept of stability is multifaceted; different types of stability describing different properties of ecosystems lead to multiple diversity-stability relationships. A growing number of empirical studies demonstrate positive diversity-stability relationships. These studies, however, have emphasized only a few types of stability, and they rarely uncover the mechanisms responsible for stability. Because anthropogenic changes often affect stability and diversity simultaneously, diversity-stability relationships cannot be understood outside the context of the environmental drivers affecting both. This shifts attention away from diversity-stability relationships toward the multiple factors, including diversity, that dictate the stability of ecosystems."
David Haow

Diversity of plant parasitic nematodes associated with common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris... - 0 views

    Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are the most important legume staple food in Kenya coming second to maize. In Central Highlands of Kenya, the 0.4-0.5ton ha-1 output is below the genetic yield potential of 1.5-2ton ha-1 partly due pests and diseases. Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) have been reported to cause yield losses of up to 60% on beans. Though bean production is important in the Central highlands of Kenya, information on PPN associated with the beans in the region is lacking. This study was therefore undertaken to establish the diversity of PPN associated with common beans and to assess the root knot nematode damage on beans in the region. The study covered 50 farms (32 in Kirinyaga and 18 in Embu Counties) distributed in eight localities namely Kibirigwi (L1), Makutano (L2), Kagio (L3), Mwea (L4) and Kutus (L5) in Kirinyaga County and Nembure (L6), Manyatta (L7) and Runyenjes (L8) in Embu County and covering three Agro Ecological Zones (AEZs); UM2 (L1, L2, L3 & L4), UM3 (L5, L7 & L8) and UM4 (L6) AEZs. Manyatta (L7) and Nembure (L6), had the highest and second highest gall indices, respectively, while Kibirigwi (L1), Makutano (L2) and Mwea (L4) had some of the lowest gall indices. The most common PPN in bean roots were Meloidogyne spp. Pratylenchus spp. and Scutellonema spp. with a frequency of 94.38%, 78.25% and 59.13%, respectively. This further confirm the importance of these nematodes in bean production systems. Upper Midland 3 (UM3) AEZs and UM4 had higher nematode population densities and diversity than UM2. Disease severity and nematode composition and distribution were notably low in the irrigated areas Kibirigwi, Kagio and Mwea compared to rain-fed areas such as Makutano, Nembure and Manyatta.
charles stibs

Branches of Biology Depict Its Essence in Diversities! | adidarwinian - 1 views

In this intelligent research article, author has clearly revealed the True Essence of Biology by going through its Diversities as Branches of Biology!!

branches of glossary Terms Dictionary Biology What is applied biological Science definitions Sciences Diversities

Erich Feldmeier

Cadotte, Dinnage, Tilman: ESA Online Journals - Phylogenetic diversity promotes ecosyst... - 0 views

    "Our results indicate that communities where species are evenly and distantly related to one another are more stable compared to communities where phylogenetic relationships are more clumped. This result could be explained by a phylogenetic sampling effect, where some lineages show greater stability in productivity compared to other lineages, and greater evolutionary distances reduce the chance of sampling only unstable groups. However, we failed to find evidence for similar stabilities among closely related species. Alternatively, we found evidence that plot biomass variance declined with increasing phylogenetic distances, and greater evolutionary distances may represent species that are ecologically different (phylogenetic complementarity). Accounting for evolutionary relationships can reveal how diversity in form and function may affect stability."
Erich Feldmeier

@biogarage #diversity Kim Hughes: The hottest guy guppies stand out in a crowd | Scienc... - 0 views

    "Evolution likes to keep what works best. The rest falls by the wayside. In theory, this means that the most "fit" variations, say, a color that looks poisonous or one particularly attractive to the ladies, would become the most common. By this logic, the many colors of the guppy should have conformed to a single common pattern long ago. But they haven't. Instead, the male guppies continue to show not only bright colors but also a high diversity of colors. What keeps the variety going? The rare-male effect. Female guppies prefer the males that are rare, no matter what their color pattern actually is. This effect has been documented in the laboratory in guppies and in other species like fruit flies."
Erich Feldmeier

Gunter Dueck: Normalos & Abweichler - YouTube - 0 views

    "Veröffentlicht am 19.08.2013 Was, wenn man sein Leben lang gesagt bekommt: Du bist seltsam, mit dir stimmt was nicht? Erkenntnisse über Normvarianten und Diversity"
Janos Haits

Free Online Course Materials | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCo... - 0 views

    Graduates of MIT's electrical engineering and computer science department work in diverse industries and conduct research in a broad range of areas.
Janos Haits

total-impact: tell the full story of your research impact - 0 views

    total-impact aggregates altmetrics: diverse impacts from your articles, datasets, blog posts, and more.
Janos Haits

Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is an open source middleware system for volunteer and grid computing. It was originally developed to support the SETI@home project before it became useful as a platform for other distributed applications in areas as diverse as mathematics, medicine, molecular biology, climatology, and astrophysics. The intent of BOINC is to make it possible for researchers to tap into the enormous processing power of personal computers around the world.
Erich Feldmeier

@NerdyChristie "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for." - 0 views

    ""A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for." By Christie Wilcox | February 14, 2013 A year and a half ago, the decision to pack up shop at ScienceBlogs and begin blogging at Scientific American was an easy one. The inimitable Bora Zivkovic had assembled a blogging dream team, a group of people I respected and admired and couldn't wait to call networkmates. Under Bora's nurturing oversight, we all have flourished, and the SciAm blog network has become the most diverse and prolific science blogging network around"
Janos Haits

Kismet - 0 views

    The Sociable Machines Project develops an expressive anthropomorphic robot called Kismet that engages people in natural and expressive face-to-face interaction. Inspired by infant social development, psychology, ethology, and evolution, this work integrates theories and concepts from these diverse viewpoints to enable Kismet to enter into natural and intuitive social interaction with a human caregiver and to learn from them, reminiscent of parent-infant exchanges.
thinkahol *

Jumping genes provide extensive 'raw material' for evolution, study finds - 0 views

    ScienceDaily (June 2, 2010) - Using high-throughput sequencing to map the locations of a common type of jumping gene within a person's entire genome, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found extensive variation in these locations among the individuals they studied, further underscoring the role of these errant genes in maintaining genetic diversity.
thinkahol *

Why the 'sixth extinction' will be unpredictable - life - 03 September 2010 - New Scien... - 1 views

    A major extinction event is under way - but predicting which species will survive could be harder than we thought. That's the conclusion of one of the most accurate analyses ever of diversity in the marine animal fossil record.
Skeptical Debunker

Scientists reveal driving force behind evolution - 0 views

  • The team observed viruses as they evolved over hundreds of generations to infect bacteria. They found that when the bacteria could evolve defences, the viruses evolved at a quicker rate and generated greater diversity, compared to situations where the bacteria were unable to adapt to the viral infection. The study shows, for the first time, that the American evolutionary biologist Leigh Van Valen was correct in his 'Red Queen Hypothesis'. The theory, first put forward in the 1970s, was named after a passage in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass in which the Red Queen tells Alice, 'It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place'. This suggested that species were in a constant race for survival and have to continue to evolve new ways of defending themselves throughout time. Dr Steve Paterson, from the University's School of Biosciences, explains: "Historically, it was assumed that most evolution was driven by a need to adapt to the environment or habitat. The Red Queen Hypothesis challenged this by pointing out that actually most natural selection will arise from co-evolutionary interactions with other species, not from interactions with the environment. "This suggested that evolutionary change was created by 'tit-for-tat' adaptations by species in constant combat. This theory is widely accepted in the science community, but this is the first time we have been able to show evidence of it in an experiment with living things." Dr Michael Brockhurst said: "We used fast-evolving viruses so that we could observe hundreds of generations of evolution. We found that for every viral strategy of attack, the bacteria would adapt to defend itself, which triggered an endless cycle of co-evolutionary change. We compared this with evolution against a fixed target, by disabling the bacteria's ability to adapt to the virus. "These experiments showed us that co-evolutionary interactions between species result in more genetically diverse populations, compared to instances where the host was not able to adapt to the parasite. The virus was also able to evolve twice as quickly when the bacteria were allowed to evolve alongside it."
    Scientists at the University of Liverpool have provided the first experimental evidence that shows that evolution is driven most powerfully by interactions between species, rather than adaptation to the environment.
thinkahol *

Life in the Third Realm - Opinionator Blog - - 0 views

    It's that time of the month again. Yes: it's time for Life-form of the Month. In case you've forgotten, this coming Saturday is International Day for Biological Diversity, a day of celebrations and parties to appreciate the other occupants of the planet. So if you do nothing else this weekend, drink a toast to "Other Life-forms!" In honor of this event, my nomination for Life-form of the Month: May is a group of abundant and fascinating beings that are undeservedly obscure: the archaea.
Janos Haits

Homepage | MIT EECS - 0 views

    The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department is the largest department at MIT, preparing over 300 graduate and undergraduate students each year to become leaders in diverse career fields such as academia, biomedical technology, finance, consulting, law, nanotechnology and more.  MIT EECS consistently ranks top by the the U.S. News and World Reports and is known globally for its world class faculty creating the best possible education, which is based on their innovative and award winning research.
Janos Haits

Microsoft Research - Emerging Technology, Computer, and Software Research - 0 views

    Scientists and engineers work across diverse research areas in labs worldwide.
Erich Feldmeier

Biodiversität: Seltene Arten helfen Ökosystemen - SPIEGEL ONLINE - 0 views

    "Seltene Tier- und Pflanzenarten sind für das Funktionieren eines Ökosystems oft extrem wichtig - weil sie Merkmale oder Eigenschaften haben, über die keine oder nur wenige andere Arten in ihrem Lebensraum verfügen. Der Verlust solcher Arten treffe das Ökosystem deshalb als Ganzes schwer, schreibt ein internationales Forscherteam im Fachmagazin "PloS Biology". Auch Artenschutzbemühungen - etwa im Rahmen des Weltrats für biologische Vielfalt - sollten das berücksichtigen, so die Forderung der Wissenschaftler. "
Erich Feldmeier - Aktives Leben in der Tiefe, Meeresbiologie - 0 views

    "14.06.2013 - Biologie, Geowissenschaften William Orsi (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole) et al., Nature, doi: 10.1038/nature12230 Aktives Leben in der Tiefe RNA-Analyse liefert ersten umfassenden Überblick über Aktivität, Ernährung und Bewegungsformen in der tiefen Biosphäre"
Erich Feldmeier

In Flies' Innards, Vital Clues to Biodiversity - - 0 views

    "How many mammal species live in the forest? It sounds like a simple question, but the actual distributions of shy, small or rare mammals are often murky, confounding conservationists seeking to protect them. Yet a paper published online on Tuesday in the journal Molecular Ecology explores a new way to track biodiversity: by capturing flies that feed on carcasses. The flies' stomachs offer DNA diaries of their recent meals, giving scientists clues to which animals live and die in the forest. "The animals are there, but you just don't see them," said Fabian Leendertz, a wildlife epidemiologist at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin and an author of the paper. "Those flies will find them and will tell us what is there"
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