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Advanced Material Science Research To Enhance Ceramic Engine - 1 views

Material science is the science that is involved with the process of understanding material universe and make optimum use of them. It is a known fact that, the physical body is made up of different...

Advanced research materials Material science and engineering polymer trivedi

started by anonymous on 03 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
Janos Haits

Portal:Computer Science - Wikiversity - 0 views

    Portal is a directory of Computer Science pages at Wikiversity. This directory page provides links to Computer Science learning resources that have been developed by the various Wikiversity Computer Science content development projects. The main content development project is the School of Computer Science. This portal features exciting examples of Computer Science learning resources. Wikiversity participants who are interested in Computer Science are invited to create and participate in learning projects and learning resources and help organize them by developing this portal. We're just starting, but we already have some good materials. The Computer Science Portal serves to provide quick access to everything in the Computer Science category.
Erich Feldmeier

Michael Nielsen: Reinventing Discovery | Michael Nielsen - 0 views

    The book is about networked science: the use of online tools to transform the way science is done. In the book I make the case that networked science has the potential to dramatically speed up the rate of scientific discovery, not just in one field, but across all of science. Furthermore, it won't just speed up discovery, but will actually amplify our collective intelligence, expanding the range of scientific problems which can be attacked at all. But, as I explain in the book, there are cultural obstacles that are blocking networked science from achieving its full potential. And so the book is also a manifesto, arguing that networked science must be open science if it is to realize its potential. Making the change to open science is a big challenge. In my opinion it's one of the biggest challenges our society faces, one that requires action on many fronts. One of those fronts is to make sure that everyone - including scientists, but also grant agencies, governments, libraries, and, especially, the general public -- understands how important the stakes are, and how urgent is the need for change.

The Vast Expanse Of Microbiology And Its Uses To Human Life - 1 views

Microbiology is the branch of science that deals with the study of micro-organisms that are either made up of single cells or cell clusters. Micro-organisms cannot be seen with the naked human eye ...

microbiological research in microbiology mahendra positive thinking medical trivedi science

started by anonymous on 20 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Janos Haits

Open Science Federation | to open science - 0 views

    The Open Science Federation is a nonprofit alliance working to improve the conduct and communication of science. The purpose of Open Science is not different from that of science itself - open science is simply proper science - reproducible, extensible, accessible.
Erich Feldmeier

The Top 10 papers in Biological Sciences by Mendeley readership. - 0 views

    William Gunn The Top 10 papers in Biological Sciences by Mendeley readership. With the Mendeley for Life Scientists webinar coming up on Thursday, I thought I would take a look at the readership stats for Biological Sciences. Biological Sciences has long been our biggest discipline, and having done my doctoral work in the Life Sciences, I knew this would be interesting. Overall, researchers in bioinformatics contributed most strongly to the most read papers, along with the older disciplines of micro- and molecular biology. Regardless of discipline, however, it's clear that the days of toiling away in isolation to thoroughly study one gene are over. Today, it's all about huge consortia and massive data. Here's what I found

GCSE Science Course | GCSE Science | GCSE Science Online | IGCSE - 0 views

    Up2science offers GCSE Science online Course for students to get good grades in GCSE Science, this is the best online GCSE Science course in UK.
    Up2science offers Online GCSE Science Course, this is the best course for GCSE Science in the UK to get good grades in GCSE Science.
Janos Haits

Thomson Reuters | Web of Science | Science - 0 views

    Web of Science ® provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databases.  Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings.  You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900. Overcome information overload and focus on essential data across more than 250 disciplines.
Janos Haits

Web Science Trust - 0 views

    The Web Science Trust (WST) is a charitable body with the aim of supporting the global development of Web Science  through a network of world class laboratories known as WSTnet . It is hosted by the University of Southampton. The origins of the Web Science Trust can be found in the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI) which was established in 2006.

Discover the Real Science Behind Hypnosis - 1 views

    Is there any science behind hypnosis or it is just a thing shown in movies or stage for entertainment. Find out the actual working science behind hypnosis and what makes hypnosis so perfect to cure tedious health problems easily. Find out Science of hypnotherapy

Trivedi Science Research - 0 views

    Trivedi Science™ heralds a new path to the way, we understand and perceive science - 'establishing a new paradigm of science'.

Basic Polymer Science Linked With Everyday Materials - 0 views

    Polymer science and polymer engineering are the branches of material science where engineers are working towards developing new materials. Polymer materials refer to solid materials, and it is quite possible to quote various examples of liquid as well as gaseous materials that are beneficial to mankind.

Researches In Medical Field In India - 1 views

India has made quite a progress in the medical field in the past few decades. The advanced technologies and regular efforts made by medical professionals, be it physicians or Ph.D's, has only led u...

Stem cell research research in material science' stem cell cancer research' Trivedi Effect Trivedi Science

started by anonymous on 23 Feb 15 no follow-up yet
Erich Feldmeier

Ariel Waldman » Democratized Science Guidebook - 0 views

    "I wrote/curated a guidebook on democratized science instrumentation, documenting both hardware and software that significantly increase people's opportunity to participate in scientific discovery. The paper was commissioned by the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI) to be presented to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)"
Janos Haits

Social Science Research Network - 0 views

    Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research and is composed of a number of specialized research networks in each of the social sciences.
Janos Haits

Computer and Information Science research | Mendeley - 0 views

    Computer Science is a branch of science that focuses on the theoretical and methodological implementation of computational based information processes and computer technologies in both hardware and software. Theoretical fields include such areas as information theory, database and information retrieval and programming language theory. Applied computer science features areas of study such as artificial intelligence, computer architecture, computer security and software engineering.
Erich Feldmeier

Zen Faulkes: NeuroDojo: A patent clerk's pay, or, why is science so expensive? - 0 views

    "We often think that the limiting factors to doing science are intellectual or technological. There are many unsolved scientific problems that we know how to answer. We aren't waiting for any conceptual breakthroughs or new technologies. We're waiting for people. We need "hands at the bench" to put in the time to collect the data. The instabilities of salary is a major limiting factor for science and is probably a big reason a lot of them get out of science: they don't see a way to pay the bills. Creating permanent, stable positions for scientists would release a lot of scientific research."
Erich Feldmeier

A Scicurious CV « Are you Scicurious? - 0 views

    "A Scicurious CV In which Sci can boast about herself. Professional Honors Semifinalist in the 3 Quarks Daily 2010 Prize in Science: Featured in The Open Laboratory: Best Science Blogging 2008 Blogging Anthology. "Uber Coca, by Sigmund Freud" Featured in The Open Laboratory: Best Science Blogging 2009 Blogging Anthology. "Addiction and the Opponent-Process Theory" Nominated for Eureka's Top 30 Science Blogs at the Times Online."
Janos Haits

Semantic eScience at the Tetherless World (RPI) - 0 views

    Science has fully entered a new mode of operation. E-science, defined as a combination of science, informatics, computer science, cyberinfrastructure and information technology is changing the way all of these disciplines do both their individual and collaborative work.
Erich Feldmeier

Andrew Ede: Skeptic » eSkeptic » Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 - 0 views

    " Of course, skeptics hope that their efforts aid in advancing science education.1 In spite of these efforts, survey data from several sources suggests that paranormal belief and pseudoscientific thinking continue to be commonplace.2 Skeptics often use these findings to reinforce arguments for more science education. Their argument is based upon the largely untested assumption that increased science knowledge reduces the number of paranormal beliefs an individual holds. However, this assumption may not be valid. Andrew Ede recently argued that science education may do little to raise the level of rational thinking and may, in fact, actually deter it!"
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