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10 Points To Save Earth | Save Water | Planting Trees | - 0 views

    Save Water Planting Trees Prevent Food Wastage Maintain Food Chain Humanity First Save Energy Respect Farmers Family Planning Avoid Throwing Garbage & Save The Environment Preventing Epidemics and Pandemics Visit here to learning in details
Janos Haits

Citavi - Reference Management and Knowledge Organization - 0 views

    "Search databases and library catalogs directly from within Citavi. Save results to your project with a click. Surf and save: when you find a book, article, or webpage online, use the Picker to quickly add its information to Citavi. Save copies of webpages as PDFs. Find and save all available PDF full text articles in Citavi. Everything in one place and always at hand."
Walid Damouny

New climate targets may not change daily life much - 0 views

  • Public health officials from around the world on Wednesday released a series of studies showing that reducing greenhouse gas emissions - by the same 83 percent by 2050 that Obama targeted - would save millions of lives because of reduced air pollution.
    • Walid Damouny
      Saving the planet also saves human lives from pollution realted deaths.
    Americans' day-to-day lives won't change noticeably if President Barack Obama achieves his newly announced goal of slashing carbon dioxide pollution by one-sixth in the next decade, experts say.
    Saving the planet also saves human lives from pollution realted deaths.

Polymer Engineering For Making Earth A Better Place To Live - 1 views

We live in a world where comfort happens to be the thing with utmost importance, we guys have spoiled all the resources along with the health of our planet for our personal comfort and we continue ...

Polymer engineering Trivedi Effect polymer science Trivedi Science

started by anonymous on 18 Feb 15 no follow-up yet
solar energy

illusions4real - Energy Saving Solutions - Contact Information - 0 views

    Contact illusions4real, a energy saving products manufacturer, supplier and trader from jaipur, rajasthan
solar energy

illusions4real - energy saving solutions - 0 views

    A energy saving solutions provider offering solar water heating, solar lighting and led lighting solutions
solar energy

LED Lighting - Solar Water Heating - Solar Lighting - Leading Energy Saving Solutions p... - 0 views

    illusions4real is a energy saving solutions provider offering solar water heating, solar lighting and LED lighting solutions to build and maintain a cleaner, energy-efficient environment.
Philip Solars

Go Solar Today! - 1 views

started by Philip Solars on 29 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Erich Feldmeier

Infusion of pseudo-poo cures gut infections in two women - Phenomena: Not Exactly Rocke... - 0 views

    "People swap bacteria all the time-through sneezes and coughs, through hugs and sex, or through touching the same surfaces. Then there are people who swap bacteria because a doctor deliberately transplants faeces from one into the other. This isn't a bizarre medical perversion. It's usually a life-saving gambit. Faecal transplants-which are exactly what they sound like-are used to treat people who suffer from intense diarrhoea following rounds of antibiotics. The goal is simple: recalibrate the beneficial bacteria in a person's gut to fight off the ones that are causing them harm."
Janos Haits

Wikipedia:Books - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    A Wikipedia Book is a collection of Wikipedia articles that can be easily saved, rendered electronically in PDF, ZIM or OpenDocument format, or ordered as a printed book. For information and help on Wikipedia books in general, see Help:Books (general tips) and WikiProject Wikipedia-Books (questions and assistance).
Janos Haits

Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative (Library of Congress) - 0 views

    The Library of Congress is launching a review of the bibliographic framework to better accommodate future needs. A major focus of the initiative will be to determine a transition path for the MARC 21 exchange format in order to reap the benefits of newer technology while preserving a robust data exchange that has supported resource sharing and cataloging cost savings in recent decades. This work will be carried out in consultation with the format's formal partners -- Library and Archives Canada and the British Library -- and informal partners -- the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and other national libraries, the agencies that provide library services and products, the many MARC user institutions, and the MARC advisory committees such as the MARBI committee of ALA, the Canadian Committee on MARC, and the BIC Bibliographic Standards Group in the UK.
Janos Haits

Prevention of Organ Failure Centre of Excellence | Proof Centre - 0 views

    The PROOF (Prevention of Organ Failure) Centre is a not-for-profit organization that develops and implements blood-based biomarker tests to better manage patients with heart, lung and kidney failure and prevent disease progression. By embracing a cross-disciplinary team of people and uniting organizations including commercial partners, we can speed up the development of these tests, applying them sooner to improve and save lives.
Janos Haits

Piazza - Ask. Answer. Explore. Whenever. - 0 views

    Piazza-a place where students can come together to ask, answer, and explore under the guidance of their instructor. It'll save you time, and your students will love using it. It's also free, and easy to get started. Learn more...
Erich Feldmeier

@biogarage Ian Seppelt: #microbiome Human faeces pumped through a patient's nose used a... - 0 views

    "So far the treatment, known as faecal transplant, has been tested only on a drug resistant form of the bowel disease caused by the bacterium clostridium difficile. Antibiotics are unreliable against the superbug, but the transplant is 95% successful, saving patients from constant stomach cramps and chronic diarrhoea. "It sounds radical but it makes a lot of sense," said Seppelt on Thursday at a gathering of more than 4,000 Australasian anaesthetists and surgeons. "Usually patients are sufficiently miserable to go ahead, often using a donation from a relative." Healthy humans have about 100 times more bacteria cells in their gut than their own cells."

Getting Started with Chrome extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  • Use the “Save” option to bookmark a page. Bookmarking saves a link to the page in your online Diigo library, allowing you to easily access it later.
  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
solar energy

Means to utilize the energy of the Sun - 0 views

    illusions4real - energy saving solutions provider in Rajasthan
solar energy

solar water heater for home-solar products - 0 views

    illusions4real, a energy saving solutions provider, maintaining ISO 9001:2000 and CE certifications company based in Jaipur, dealing in solar products, solar lantern, led lights and led fixtures
solar energy

illusions4real news and events - 0 views

    illusions4real, a energy saving solutions provider, maintaining ISO 9001:2000 and CE certifications, company based in Jaipur.
solar energy

solar water heater - water heating commercial solutions - 0 views

    illusions4real, a energy saving solutions provider, maintaining ISO 9001:2000 and CE certifications company based in Jaipur, dealing in solar water heater,solar products.
solar energy

Get a quote - solar water heating - 0 views

    illusions4real, Energy Saving Solutions - Request A quote for solar water heater
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