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Janos Haits

LAWA | Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data - 0 views

    LAWA will federate distributed FIRE facilities with the rich Web repository of the European Archive, to create a Virtual Web Observatory and use Web data analytics as a use case study to validate our design. The outcome of our work will enable Internet-scale analysis of data, and bring the content aspect of the Internet on the roadmap of Future Internet Research. In four work packages we will extend the open-source Hadoop software by novel methods for wide-area data access, distributed storage and indexing, scalable data aggregation and data analysis along the time dimension, and automatic classification of Web contents.
Janos Haits

AIFB Web Portal - - 0 views

    The AIFB Web Portal is the public web site of the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. It uses Semantic MediaWiki to provide a highly customised Content Management System. The site provides content in two languages (German and English), and it offers rich views for browsing different kinds of data. The content of the AIFB Web Portal is regularly edited by most members of the institute, from secretary to professor, but it is not open for public editing.
Janos Haits

Web Science Trust - 0 views

    The Web Science Trust (WST) is a charitable body with the aim of supporting the global development of Web Science  through a network of world class laboratories known as WSTnet . It is hosted by the University of Southampton. The origins of the Web Science Trust can be found in the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI) which was established in 2006.
Janos Haits

LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data - 0 views

    The Linked Data paradigm has therefore evolved from a practical research idea into a very promising candidate for addressing one of the biggest challenges in the area of intelligent information management: the exploitation of the Web as a platform for data and information integration in addition to document search. To translate this initial success into a world-scale disruptive reality, encompassing the Web 2.0 world and enterprise data alike, the following research challenges need to be addressed: improve coherence and quality of data published on the Web, ...
Janos Haits

Introduction | swsa - 0 views

    The Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) is a non-profit organisation for promotion and exchange of the scholarly work in Semantic Web and related fields throughout the world. The main SWSA activities include: supervision of the organisation of the International Semantic Web Conference series (ISWC); see Call for Bids for further details.
Janos Haits - 0 views

    '.. our Semantic Web Portal technology will be a community portal for the Semantic Web community, at We aim to bring together research groups, research projects, software developers and user communities in the Semantic Web area.'
Janos Haits

Tetherless World Constellation | Tetherless World Constellation - 0 views

    The Tetherless World Constellation (TWC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) explores the research and engineering principles that underlie the Web, to enhance the Web's reach beyond the desktop and laptop computer, and develops new technologies and languages that expand the capabilities of the Web under three themes: Future Web, Xinformatics and Semantic Foundations.
Janos Haits

Web History, a timeline - 0 views

    A timeline of the history of the World Wide Web Key dates, browsers, technologies and ideas in the history of the World Wide Web. Originally compiled by John Allsopp from Web Directions we welcome your suggestions.
Janos Haits

EnAKTing - Forging the Web of Linked Data - 0 views

    EnAKTing is an EPSRC-funded project dedicated to solving fundamental problems in achieving an effective web of linked data.
Janos Haits

Read the Web :: Carnegie Mellon University - 0 views

    "Can computers learn to read? We think so. "Read the Web" is a research project that attempts to create a computer system that learns over time to read the web. Since January 2010, our computer system called NELL (Never-Ending Language Learner) has been running continuously, attempting to perform two tasks each day:"
Janos Haits - 0 views

    "The Knowledge Web today is an activity rather than a web site-an expedition in time, space, and technology to map the interior landscape of human thought and experience. Thanks to the work of a team of dedicated volunteers, it will soon be an interactive space on the web where students, teachers, and other knowledge seekers can explore information in a highly interconnected, holistic way that allows for an almost infinite number of paths of exploration among people, places, things, and events."
Janos Haits

Tetherless World Constellation | Tetherless World Constellation - 0 views

    Tetherless World Constellation (TWC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) explores the research and engineering principles that underlie the Web, to enhance the Web's reach beyond the desktop and laptop computer, and develops new technologies and languages that expand the capabilities of the Web under three themes: Future Web, Xinformatics and Semantic Foundations.
Janos Haits

Real-time Web Monitor - 0 views

    "Akamai monitors global Internet conditions around the clock. With this real-time data we identify the global regions with the greatest attack traffic, cities with the slowest Web connections (latency), and geographic areas with the most Web traffic (traffic density)."
Janos Haits

LarKC: the Large Knowledge Collider - 0 views

    The aim of the EU FP 7 Large-Scale Integrating Project LarKC is to develop the Large Knowledge Collider (LarKC, for short, pronounced "lark"), a platform for massive distributed incomplete reasoning that will remove the scalability barriers of currently existing reasoning systems for the Semantic Web.
Skeptical Debunker

Technology Review: Mapping the Malicious Web - 0 views

  • Now a researcher at Websense, a security firm based in San Diego, has developed a way to monitor such malicious activity automatically. Speaking at the RSA Security Conference in San Francisco last week, Stephan Chenette, a principal security researcher at Websense, detailed an experimental system that crawls the Web, identifying the source of content embedded in Web pages and determining whether any code on a site is acting maliciously. Chenette's software, called FireShark, creates a map of interconnected websites and highlights potentially malicious content. Every day, the software maps the connections between nearly a million websites and the servers that provide content to those sites. "When you graph multiple sites, you can see their communities of content," Chenette says. While some of the content hubs that connect different communities could be legitimate--such as the servers that provide ads to many different sites--other sources of content could indicate that an attacker is serving up malicious code, he says. According to a study published by Websense, online attackers' use of legitimate sites to spread malicious software has increased 225 percent over the past year.
    Over the past couple of years, cybercriminals have increasingly focused on finding ways to inject malicious code into legitimate websites. Typically they've done this by embedding code in an editable part of a page and using this code to serve up harmful content from another part of the Web. But this activity can be difficult to spot because websites also increasingly pull in legitimate content, such as ads, videos, or snippets of code, from outside sites.
Janos Haits

Home | Metamaps - 0 views

  • is a free and open source web platform for changemakers, innovators, educators and students. It enables individuals and communities to build and visualize their shared knowledge and unlock their collective intelligence.
Janos Haits

BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Initiative (Library of Congress) - 0 views

    "Initiated by the Library of Congress, BIBFRAME provides a foundation for the future of bibliographic description, both on the web, and in the broader networked world. This site presents general information about the project, including presentations, FAQs, and links to working documents. In addition to being a replacement for MARC, BIBFRAME serves as a general model for expressing and connecting bibliographic data. A major focus of the initiative will be to determine a transition path for the MARC 21 formats while preserving a robust data exchange that has supported resource sharing and cataloging cost savings in recent decades."
Janos Haits

Hypothesis - The Internet, peer reviewed. - 0 views

    "Annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere. We're a on a mission to bring an open conversation over the whole web. Use Hypothesis right now to hold discussions, read socially, organize your research, and take personal notes."
Janos Haits

ScienceWISE - Scientific Web-based Interactive Semantic Environment - 0 views

    The provides scientists with possibilities of article annotation and scientific bookmarking, helping the international community of physicists to generate dynamically, as a part of their everyday work, an interactive semantic environment, containing a field specific concept ontology with direct ..
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