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Contents contributed and discussions participated by koobredaer


Fair use (when creating new media), CMSI - 0 views

    List of resources from the Center for Media & Social Impact, American University (DC). Includes best practices, guidelines, teaching materials, and info graphics for reuse. Especially helpful information about creating documentaries, etc. Interesting "Question of the Month" posts

The Public Domain, James Boyle - 1 views

    interesting website that provides free access to several books and educational resources about the public domain, plus an interesting blog. [i can't remember if this was already a course reading, but I thought I should include it anyway...]

Bound by Law (comic book about fair use) - 1 views

    an exciting comic book created by the Center for the Study of Public Domain (Duke University), that explores fair use, copyright, and public domain. It is important to note that the way they distribute the book is also amazingly open--they provide download of many formats to enable easy access and easy reuse.

Linux Command Line By William Shotts (free ebook, website) - 0 views

    Are you a new linux user? (and why not give a linux a try! There are many great, stable, simple to use distributions out there now! And you can try many of them out with out even installing via live cd) The GUI is great, but to "unlock the POWER" it is great to learn about a few more advanced commands. I don't bother memorizing the command, but you will be amazed at the things you can easily figure out how to do with Linux, making your computing life easier and more powerful... The website is very helpful, and the book version is free and CC.

free software alternatives - 0 views

    handy page from Ubuntu community wiki with links to the main listings for open alternatives to mainstream commercial applications

Smithsonian Digital Volunteers - 1 views

    Smithsonian museums transcription center--volunteer on projects to create information about newly digitized collections, lots of fascinating stuff to see. "Join us as we create digital records for the United States National Entomological Collection! Bumblebees (the Bombus genus) are social insects that feed on nectar and collect pollen to feed their young, making them very important pollinators!

Your brain loves rewards-whether you like it or not - 0 views

    why you are addicted to devices and the internet, not the reward, but anticipation of reward--oh yeah, and designers know about your cognitive psychology and are trying to exploit it for profit! "In the 1940s, two researchers named James Olds and Peter Milner accidentally uncovered some peculiar properties of a special area of the brain. The researchers implanted electrodes in the brains of lab mice that enabled the mice to give themselves tiny electric shocks to a small area called the nucleus accumbens.

"Freedom for scholarship in the internet age" - 1 views

    This is a thesis from a professor who occasionally teaches a Scholarly Communication course at UBC iSchool. It deals with complicated questions of economics of scholarly publishing. If you are looking for sources for research, there is a lot in here for you. Worth skimming through and reading any chapters of interest. "Freedom for Scholarship in the Internet Age examines distortion in the current scholarly communication system and alternatives, focusing on the potential of open access. High profits for a select few scholarly journal publishers in the area of science, technology, and medicine contrast with other portions of the scholarly publishing system such as university presses that are struggling to survive."
1More - 0 views

    Canadian community activism organization that rallies for open internet, and launched the international organization " works to engage, educate and empower citizens to defend and advance their communication interests, values and rights. Engage: Through online campaigns and participatory events that resonate with everyday people, and civic engagement around media and communications policy in Canada. Educate: Through educational events high school and university presentations and workshops, and online resources.

Open standard, Mozilla news site about Open stuff - 0 views

    published by Mozilla, covers all sorts of open news. Interesting feature: unlike most news sites the content is actually CC-by-sa. "The Open Standard provides online news coverage of open, transparent, and collaborative systems at work in technology and our daily lives. Our purpose is to showcase the positive global impact of these systems and inspire more people to seek out, support and adopt open principles of accessibility, participation and experimentation. The Open Standard is published by Mozilla, a global community of technologists, thinkers and builders working together to promote openness, innovation and opportunity online. We will disclose and be transparent if we take a position on or promote the products and services of Mozilla or a partner company."
    for example, check out this article about companies collecting data on school kids,

2012 Book Archive - 8 views

    A source of some open text books with a interesting back story that should act as a warning about open--they are all now ex-open text books. After 2012 the publisher decided to abandon the CC/open textbook model and shifted the licensing on all their books. However, you can not revoke a CC license retroactively, so copies of the books downloaded prior to the change are still CC. But if the publisher no longer provides access to them, they disappear from CC circulation and access--luckily in this case, some one saved the CC versions and makes them available on this website. thanks!

OpenRefine - 2 views

    Did you go get some Open Data this week? You need OpenRefine! A wonderful tool that lets you manipulate data files in amazing ways, i love working with it. Open source project spun off from google "OpenRefine : A free, open source, power tool for working with messy data"

The concepts of Free Software and Open Standards (FTA - Free Technology Academy) - 2 views

    Interesting open text book created by the Free Technology Academy that outlines the history, culture, and use of free software. "Free Software" is ambiguous in English and not the commonly used terminology. However, in Spanish and French it is possible to make a distinction between "Libre software" and "gratis" software. The authors argue that the term "open source" is too technical focused, while "libre software" better focuses on the rights of the users and community. Interesting and worth skimming for reference. Available in English, Spanish, Catalan, and Italian. Authors: Jesús M. González-Barahona, Joaquín Seoane Pascual, Gregorio Robles Coordinators: Jordi Mas Hernández, David Megías Jiménez Licenses: GNU Free Documentation License, Creative Commons Attribute ShareAlike License Information: 291 Pages; 3.2Mb Free software is increasing its presence in mainstream media and in debates among IT professionals, but it is still unknown for many people.

Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing - 3 views

shared by koobredaer on 01 Oct 14 - Cached
c maggard and michielmoll liked it
    RE: the multimedia editing activity. Paint.NET is free simple image editing program. It has more advanced features than windows paint, but less than a full editor like GIMP. Thus, you can use it to do some quick high quality editing when you don't want to mess around with a full editor. It is also interesting in terms of Open source, since it started as open source, but is no longer open source, because the author felt there was problems with plagiarism...

Internet Archive: Live Music Archive (free music download, streaming, and preservation) - 4 views

    One place the tradition of fans recording live shows and trading the bootleg tapes (ala the Grateful Dead) is being brought to the digital world is at's Live Music Archive Bands officially agree to allow the practice, and then stores and allows access to the files for eternity... Some info about those details: For example, here is my friends, a ROCKING bluegrass band from Duluth Minnesota: The rights statement is actually an email: On February 7, 2007 Trampled by Turtles a GO! for "Hello, This is Dave Simonett from Trampled by Turtles. I'm writing to give permission for our music to be posted at archive. Please let me know what you need from me. Thanks for the email. Dave Simonett trampled by turtles" "Welcome to Internet Archive's Live Music library. is a community committed to providing the highest quality live concerts in a lossless, downloadable format. The Internet Archive has teamed up with to preserve and archive as many live concerts as possible for current and future..."

Nature's Notebook | USA National Phenology Network - 1 views

    a huge citizen science project in the USA, formalizing the sharing of the traditional (and ancient) practice of Phenology. Phenology is an important way to be connected to the natural world around you--basically observation of seasonal changes. People have been collecting observations for all of human history--this project seeks to help standardize recording of the data so that it can be shared en mass, creating huge and flexible data sets for many different current and future scientific experiments. "Nature's Notebook is a national, online program where amateur and professional naturalists regularly record observations of plants and animals to generate long-term data sets used for scientific discovery and decision-making."
    oh, and an important thing is that (unlike some cit sci projects) the resulting data is shared freely online, check out some stats and visualizations at

Cory Doctorow's " News - 4 views

    I wanted to share a OK resource: Cory Doctorow... yes a whole author as resource. He writes about open access on a number of different platforms and enacts open access in his published works. He is a YA novelist with many good books that explore many of the complex issues of society and technology that we are considering in this class. He sells his books through major publishers in print--but does not allow them to have DRM. But he also provides ebook copies for free on this website. Basically you can read it and remix it, but if you like it and want to support him--buy the book. This model seems to work for him. You can find him ranting about DRM and other open access issues all over the net, such as BoingBoing. Interesting guy, interesting topics--and some interesting free fiction books that are relevant to this class.
    for a specific book suggestion, check out Little Brother exciting SciFi all about online surveillance state, but also supposed to be filled with actual advice about how to hack your way around it and be a subversive,

Social Annotation Site Recovering After Domain Hijacking Nightmare - 2 views

    this is an article from a few years ago that does a great job of telling the story of a major hack at Diigo--very interesting to see this as a narrative rather than just the headline, lets you understand the story more personally. I thought it was an interesting reflection considering the discussion of risks of a public course, public online life/profile. "Diigo, a social bookmarking and annotation site, is finally back online 50 hours after the domain was first hijacked. It's an incredible story that involves crisis management, blackmail, investigative research, payoffs, a clever thief, and points to potential problems with the domain name registry system that could affect anyone with a website."
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