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"Freedom for scholarship in the internet age" - 1 views

    This is a thesis from a professor who occasionally teaches a Scholarly Communication course at UBC iSchool. It deals with complicated questions of economics of scholarly publishing. If you are looking for sources for research, there is a lot in here for you. Worth skimming through and reading any chapters of interest. "Freedom for Scholarship in the Internet Age examines distortion in the current scholarly communication system and alternatives, focusing on the potential of open access. High profits for a select few scholarly journal publishers in the area of science, technology, and medicine contrast with other portions of the scholarly publishing system such as university presses that are struggling to survive."

Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources | for Open Educational Reso... - 6 views

    Community Colleges for Open Education Resources I chose this resource since I work at a community college and The mission is expanding access to education by promoting awareness and adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER). Over 250 colleges have joined the consortium and many more participate in our activities and use resources posted here. The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER)is a joint effort by individual community colleges, regional and statewide consortia, the Open Courseware Consortium, the American Association for Community Colleges, the League for Innovation in the Community Colleges, and many other educational partners to develop and use open educational resources, open textbooks, and open courseware to expand access to higher education and improve teaching and learning.
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    I am a member of this consortium and wanted to share it with others who work in community colleges.
    Open education information and group resources
    Open education information and group resources

Fair use (when creating new media), CMSI - 0 views

    List of resources from the Center for Media & Social Impact, American University (DC). Includes best practices, guidelines, teaching materials, and info graphics for reuse. Especially helpful information about creating documentaries, etc. Interesting "Question of the Month" posts

South African initiative Siyavula - 3 views

May Siyavula go from strength to strength. May they gain much support for the fantastic work they're doing to improve education and the lives of South African (and other) youth.

OER school textbooks science


My design of an open course - 12 views

Dear Julia and Dilrukshi, Thank you for getting back to me and for your encouragement. I know it's been a while and this is not entirely good practice, but I would appreciate your feedback on the d...

mooc Open Knowledge

Ana Muñoz de Rivera

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - 6 views

    Openline courses
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Using Twitter in university research, teaching, and impact activities - 21 views

I have a feeling like discussing in real person is still more efficient compare to online however social media like twitter do provide a convenient online platform for information sharing.

Module2 social media Twitter


Great expectations: e-learning is not a choice but a reality - 0 views

    We live in a digital world with too much information and not enough knowledge. How do we find our way through the mass of information available via the internet on our laptops, mobile phones, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts to meaningful interaction?

Open Textbook Library - 1 views

shared by rafopen on 31 Oct 14 - No Cached
    This library is a tool to help instructors find affordable, quality textbook solutions. All textbooks in this library are complete and openly licensed. I found the site difficult to search. The available books are not useful for the courses that I teach but the site is probably useful for numerous courses and educational levels.
c maggard

MOOCs -- Completion Is Not Important - 20 views

    By: Matthew LeBar Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are often described as the future of education - or at least a significant part of it. But there may be a significant problem with them: a very small proportion of students who start them actually finish. This poses a serious threat to their legitimacy.
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    Very interesting article. I was at an Open Access week event recently that was a debate on the place of MOOCs in higher education. One point that another attendee raised about the completion rate of MOOCs that seemed really important to me was that many MOOCs require participants to register before viewing the content, and this can impact completion rate numbers. A person may only have the requisite information about whether or not the wish to participate once they have registered for the MOOC.
    Thanks for sharing this! :) I am taking MOOC course about MOOC right now. I feel like completion could be a challenge for anyone who took it. I actually agree that completion is not everything in education. Since learning is more about understanding rather than completing, I think there is no point if someone did complete his/her MOOC but he/she does not understand about what he/she learned. However, I believe, in order to fully understand the course, it is better to complete what you have started.
    I too feel that completion of MOOC is important. Other wise no point in participating in that MOOC. we also will get any information on the internet for knowledge gain. But there will be a regular follow up of the course for completing any MOOC. But only problem is having proper IT infrastructure to participate in that.
    Thank you for sharing. On the one hand one can choose form the course lessons and material that they want and choose not to complete the whole course. Then of course one can not evaluate the course judging from the completion rate. On the other hand, ability to complete what is started develops human will-power and purposefulness. Otherwise the world is full of people with unfinished educations, short-term employments etc.
    What the article says really is "MOOC completion rate is not a meaningful metrics about the course." Universities and institutions may need to have other metrics in order to evaluate whether to continue offer certain courses. As for individual participants, each person is her/his best critic on how much has been gained from the course.
    Cierto, tal vez muchos no lo terminen. Yo creo que lo importante es el conocimiento aprendido.
    Thanks for sharing this article. I'm in agreement with LeBar, completion of the MOOC is not the correct metric to be used for evaluation. The goal of many participants is to gain or increase knowledge on a topic which may be achieved without completing the whole course.
    This ongoing MOOC is hard for me to complete since there is a lot of internet and network action required which I don't like to use at the moment. Still, I got so much Information that I will try to fulfill the requirements to pass it. It is not for the statistics - but for my personal support of the MOOC instructors (I wounder whether they notice)
    i think MOOC will be more effective for exchange of knowledge e for certain important topic for stakeholder who aim self progress development
    I have joined another MOOC and received the "statement of accomplishment" and it was totally a big disappointment. The design and the language used reflect mentality is not related to what they are teaching online. It is underestimating people around the world time and efforts by issuing a statement is not well designed and meaningless. The question would be: does it worth it to finish any course online? the knowledge is already free and affordable all over the net, why do I need to follow an institute organized free course? People are not finishing the MOOC courses because of frustration and disappointment and this has to be reviewed.
    Tal vez no puede decirse que sea el futuro de la educación, pero si coadyuva para que el conocimiento pueda acercarse a cualquier persona, e incentivar al autoaprendizaje.
    Habría que preguntarse cuál es el problema de que los estudiantes no concluyan los cursos MOOC, buscar las alternativas respectivas.MOOC ventanas de oportunidad para cualquier persona.
    This brings up the question of what it means to complete something? And why is it so important to us? And why 'productivity', a thing somebody defined ages ago, is so important to our humanity? .. or is it anymore?
    Because I am taking a MOOC course but also on campus at University, I receive credits and grades where this is definitely one of the motivations for me to contribute. Although I agree that completion of the course is not essential to attain knowledge, what about our motivations to learn? And what about our incentives? Not saying MOOCs are not interesting nor helpful, I like MOOCs, but I think people like recognition too. I think to just receive the "statement of accomplishment" is not enough to prove efforts made within the course. However MOOCs are not as well developed at this stage, there definitely will be adjustments in the near future.
Abdul Naser Tamim

Peer Learning in Higher Education - 3 views

    In everyday life we are learning continually from each other. Whatever the situation, most of us draw on the knowledge, skills and experience of our friends and colleagues. Within any educational setting learners naturally engage in informal peer learning to make sense of their course, test their ideas and share their concerns.
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    Esto viene a ser un aprendizaje colaborativo, que contribuye a la alfabetización de la informaciuón.
    Peer learning is engaging, and researches say that people learns most effectively when they are interacting with each other. It creates this network of knowledge when you share and connect with people, it not only benefits the individual, but benefits everyone as a whole. It also relieves the pressure of University funding with teachers having to teach such a large class, which affects the quality of learning as well. With peer learning, students engage with one another, and will eventually find the correct answer. It is not independent learning, this is interdependent learning.
    Thank you for your share. I think this is a great article that introduces the potential of peer learning in higher education from the teacher's perspective. I agree that connected learning does a great job in promoting student's interactivity, creativity, motivation and interest in learning a particular topic with peers. In addition, peer learning provides learners with opportunities to collaborate and learn a subject together, which might maximize the productivity if used in a correct way. Peers and collaborative learners can do their own research separately, and meet together to discuss and express different opinions on the issue, which can inspire student's deep thinking. However, peer learning and collaborative learning is not always superior to individual work, or contributing to the learning result of every individual. Sometimes it might decrease the learning productivity if the group members or peer partners over reply on others in the group without doing much themselves, or if they didn't communicate well. Thus it's important to practice students learning ability and teacher's facilitating ability in peer learning or collaborative learning.

الموارد التعليمية المفتوحة: تحديات التعليم و التعلم في الدول العربية - 0 views

    The document consists of two parts; the first part is about Open Educational Resources: the challenges of teaching and learning in the Arab countries. the second part is about Open textbooks and Higher Education in the Arab States
Kevin Stranack

The MOOC and the Genre Moment - 8 views

    "If you were only reading the popular press you would think that higher education is experiencing a sea change."
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