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Peer Review & Evaluations - 0 views

started by deanshyy on 08 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

eLife lens - 1 views

started by christofhar on 13 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

The new technology is the internet - 0 views

started by salma1504 on 13 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

A Scalable and Sustainable Approach to Open Access (EDUCAUSE Review) | - 1 views

    "Funded by tertiary institutions rather than individual researchers, this new model seeks to provide open access not just to traditional academic publications but to all forms of scholarly output."

Culture Machine Journal of Culture and Theory - 2 views

    ' Pirate Philosophy' explores how the development of various forms of so - called internet piracy is affecting ideas of the author, the book, the scholarly journal, peer review, intellectual property, copyright law, content creation and cultural production that were established pre - internet. To this end it contains a number of contributions that engage with the philosophy of internet piracy, as well as the emergence out of peer-to-peer file sharing networks of actual social movements- even a number of political 'Pirate Parties' Culture Machine Journal of Culture and Theory Vol 10 (2009)

Not-for-profit Scientific Journals - 3 views

started by Jamie F on 09 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Should journalism worry about content marketing? : Columbia Journalism Review - 0 views

    Fascinating article about The Feed, a news org backed by Purina, designed to influence public opinion, while delivering "the news".

Open Access (or, why I love the internet) - 10 views

    The wonderful blog, Hack Library School, has recently posted a piece on open access publishing. This piece is a great overview, which covers many of the basic concepts covered in Module 6. The article discusses what open access is (and what it isn't) and some of the biggest discussion points on the issue today. It's a great overview and well worth the read if you want an overview or a refresher on the topic!
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    Thanks for sharing this link. It includes a clear breakdown of what gold and green Open Access are and identifies some of the challenges of gold OA.
    Well, its a worth reading article. We can say about open access that its a peer-reviewed work that's published in full on the internet and available at no cost to readers and that helps the whole society. OA is today's need.
    Great link you shared, shows very well on the concepts covered in module 6 and shows an overview of assunto.Engloba and greatly enriches our knowledge.
    Excelent! thanks for the resource!
    Yes thank you for passing it on. As a librarian I'm happy to know more of us are out there and participating in the conversation.
    The internet is pretty awesome guys. Privacy attacks and trolls aside, no other tool humans have ever created can match its potential for information transfer. Sure, I often use it to watch cat videos and buy clothing I don't need, but it also supports one of the biggest developments in modern librarianship and one of...
    This blog covers a lot of relevant concepts related to OA, but a finer point need to be clarified. Regarding Google Scholar, not everything retrieved from GS is OA. GS is a web crowler, it crows wherever it is allowed, including references and citations to articles behind paywalls. On the other hand, many librarians are working to make their paid journals subscriptions available to their faculty and students via Google Scholar. So when faculty/students are on their universities' network, they can search GS, find articles from journals. If their library subscribes to that journal, there is a good chance a link to the full text will be available.
    I agree with the point that "findability" for green OA articles is a current problem. We need a PubMed or Web of Science for green OA articles!

Comparison of Wikipedia and other encyclopedias for accuracy, breadth, and depth in his... - 2 views

    This paper seeks to provide reference librarians and faculty with evidence regarding the comprehensiveness and accuracy of Wikipedia articles compared with respected reference resources.
    Actually the article conforms our Wikipedia research field work results.

List of Predatory Publications - 3 views

    This list is not to be taken at face value (many of the publishers on it do have legitimate journals), but it serves as a reminder that there are many predatory journals that ask scholars to pay a lot of money to share their work, and many that also skirt traditional peer review processes in order to get money from unwary authors.
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    while the list is not provided as an evidence based indicator of relative credibility, Beall's site and blog do give quite a bit of 'food for thought'. There are certainly a number of dodgy publications, and like many I have been bombarded by invitations to publish, act as a guest editor etc. If you dont work for an organisation willing to pay the cost for open access publishing, it is an expensive option for individuals. There needs to be a clearer means of determining relevance and credibility of material at times.
    Thank you for sharing this! I am in a process of publishing article myself. I've been though some interesting stuff as well. It is unbelievable how much fraud is going on in publishing world! I wish I could've known this website before (added to my bookmarks :)
    Will show to some colleagues who sometimes are interesteed in publishing issues.
    Lists by By Jeffrey Beall of predatory journals Released January 2, 2014

Dealing with 'open access' demons - 1 views

    This article discusses the start of open access publications and the arguments against open access journals.
    Excellent and concise article, thank you for posting. I think this type of anonymous testing of open journals must continue to be applied to ensure standards are raised, and then consistently maintained. It also serves to call out frequent offending publications that may repeatedly demonstrate a lack of stringent review.

BioMed Central - 1 views

started by pad123 on 31 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement: Achievements, Challenges, ... - 2 views

    Although this was published in 2007, the creation of OER is put in an historical context. It's interesting to see the rapid and continual growth of the movement in seven years.

Extremely inspiring (and "crazy" in a good way!) talk about using video games to change... - 9 views

    Dr Jane McGonigal (a professional game developer) talks about the time spent playing video games (which approximates to the span of human evolution), and that this time has to increase to make any major changes to the world. I have selected this resource partially in relation to week 3's Clarke's lecture (and others), which talks about using our idle time to do something meaningful - participate in citizen science games, for example. Dr McGonigal's talk very much illustrates this point - except that it talks about solving global issues through indirect games, e.g. a World Without Oil online game simulates a world in which you have to survive oil shortage. Creator's research shows, that people maintain the skills and habits they have taken up after playing this intense game, which include making better choices for our changing environment. The only difference here from actual citizen science games is that Dr McGonigal's games are fictional (rather than providing direct data / input for actual scientific research), however, they empower people to influence global change, which is the topic of the other lectures this week, especially Morozov's thoughts about the power of internet and connectiveness to create "revolutions". Although Morozov has taken up a rather critical view, suggesting only those who want it, take the best from the Internet, Dr McGonigal's ideas might be what bridges the two - taking games, which are integral part of many people's lives, especially in the younger generation, and turning them into real "life schools" may help more people get the idea and the essential skills to "fix" their environments. In all honesty, this is a video I would watch again and again, and recommend it to anyone who would listen (and that doesn't happen often for me).
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    Very interesting view about gaming in a digital world and gaming in a real world. How to balance both world is the challenge that we are all facing. One can see the advantage of computer gaming but also the disconnect with nature that over gaming can create.
    A very interesting perspective. I took a course of Organisational Analysis offered in Coursera by Stanford University and, in the modules of "Learning Organisations" and "Organizational Culture" we reviewed this issue. Gamers usually develop different skills by playing online games as World of Warcraft, such as: communication, decision making, collaborative work, frustration tolerance and goals setting. This is because they practice, in an alternative world, many different real life situations. In addition, in clinical psychology are using virtual games to treat pacients and educate chilldrens. So, for that reasons, i think it is something really possible.
    A thought-provoking viewpoint of gaming related to reality.Gamers can become empowered in the real world through skills learnt through gaming. Gaming is changing the look of education. 'Latest games are finally unlocking the key to making learning more fun' by Emmanuel Felton.
    Gamification for learning - using game elements - sounds very promising. Prior to the internet, technology, there were board games or hands on projects - all with the intent to engage and interact with each other. So it is no surprise to me given the appropriate design/project that students can learn and solve real world problems. Letting students choose their persona and role also allows them to make their own future and take ownership for how they want to participate. Just like the original promise of multimedia training that was purported to replace the traditional classroom events and enable getting the "best" teacher recorded for all to have the same experience...I believe it was then thought that the learning experience needs o be "blended". Different techniques - online, face to face, etc.. This is not my field of expertise so these are just personal opinions. If the online game approach can be combined with face to face and tactile/outdoor activities, aka a blended approach - I think that might be very useful. I do also believe that design solutions should be encouraging win win situations to reinforce collaboration and the feeling that all can succeed. One question I might have is how do you measure success in learning?
    Gaming promoters unfortunately for me have a commercial agenda and its always difficult to make that balance of pure learning and commercialization aspect

Information Research: an international electronic journal. Information science, Informa... - 0 views

shared by Kutty Kumar on 25 Nov 14 - No Cached
    Information Research, is an open access, international, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, dedicated to making accessible the results of research across a wide range of information-related disciplines. It is privately published and edited by Professor T.D. Wilson. It is hosted, and given technical support, by Lund University Libraries, Sweden and editorial support by the University of Borås, Sweden.

A crisis of trust - 2 views

    This is a blog post from, a website that allows for crowd-sourced peer reviewing. This post details the website's insight about fake scientific evidence and sloppy science, and how open data can help mitigate these issues. It also mentions that after they allowed "anonymous" people to post, they received more "calling out" of bad science and poor methodology.

Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have 'Nothing to Hide' - The Chronicle Review - The Chr... - 26 views

    Text from 2011, still extremely timely, about privacy. The author, professor of Law, deconstructs the "nothing to hide" argument that says that we should not be scared to disclose private activities or information when we do nothing wrong.
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    Excellent, thanks for this. The "nothing to hide" argument also rests on the absurd premise that the authorities all have pure motives and will not abuse their power with this level of access to private information. To assume that all authorities, everywhere, all have noble intentions and pure motives is absurd as assuming that all human being are perfect....
    Even though it is a few years old, the topic is still relevant--and maybe even more so in the wake of Snowden. Although most of us do truly believe we have 'nothing to hide', we are all naively unaware of just how easily something innocent can be twisted to nefarious means. At the same time, if we are all being watched, are any of us really being watched? Something to ponder.
    The big problem is the concept of privacy. In Brazilian law we have three kinds of personal information (data): public, private, and restricted. The difference between public and private information is matter of personal choice, in others words, each one may decide what is matter of the public or private information. The restricted informations are those that we are required by law to give the government, but the government cannot disclose without authorization. The privacy issue is respect for this choice between private and public data. When government or anybody disrespects this choice, we have a problem. I think in virtual ambience the users ignore those distinctions and make a big mess. If in one hand government and big players have been stealing our data, in other hand the users don't have necessary care about his own private information.
    "Nothing to hide as at now" might be correct as a current status but not for the future. Human beings we always behave like we have control of our future. I may have nothing to hide as at now but in 10 years time when I ran for political office my past will surely halt me.
    True, however our real name / our real identity, if used consistently across the variety of online audiences we engage with, permits Big Data to be aggregated, defining our activity as a distinct entity, giving it greater value in the analytics marketplace -- whether we have anything to hide or not ... What price do you wish to place on your digital self as an online product is the real question.
    Makes a great point. I used to think that way, if I have nothing to hide I don't have to worry about what others find about me. But is true there is no need for everyone to have access to every single detail about you. And the point Kim and Philip made is really important, with more information available and more companies interested in making profit of it becomes more difficult to maintain control of who access your information and what it is used for.
    The article raises two important points: (1) the right to know how information is being used and (2) the right to correct incorrect inferences being made from sometimes an incomplete information sets. I begin with the assumption that,despite how I take care to protect information, there are individuals and institutions that will find ways of dong so. So I want the right to appeal and set the record straight.
    This would be a good addition to the next addition of our core reading list.
    Thank you for sharing this. I can agree on that even though we have nothing to hide, it is matter of violating our right to keep it to our selves. However, I can say that it people's opinion for public-surveillance cameras in cities and towns may be different. The cameras may have good usage in order to solve or prevent crimes. It depends on how it is used I guess.
    I like to differentiate 'privacy' which is a right every human should have, from 'privatisation' which is corporate mandates that suggest the right to hide or share information - mostly based in monetization. Technology has given us access to each other in ways never imagined, and until humanity reaches a higher order of compassion toward and consciousness with each other, this issue will eat at the very fabric of our society until our security obsessions destroy us.
    Thanks for your sharing. The example of the government has installed millions of public-surveillance cameras in cities and towns, which are watched by officials via closed-circuit television in Britain makes me reflect on two aspects. Firstly, in my personal opinion, I think public-surveillance cameras provide citizens a better sense of security especially during nights. Secondly, the key point here is how the officials deal with the documentation of public-surveillance cameras, will citizens' privacy be exposed to public?
    "With regard to individual rights,.... there exists a private domain in man which should not be regulated or violated. This realm constitutes what is deepest, highest, and most valuable in the individual human being.",_Flourishing,_and_Happiness.shtml
    Privacy off course matters.It is right that if I have not done anything wrong then why should I hide it. On other hand we can not share our family relationship information with anyone.

EIFL-OA: open access | EIFL - 1 views

    "EIFL enables access to knowledge through libraries in developing and transition countries to contribute to sustainable economic and social development."
    EIFL-OA - free unrestricted access to peer-reviewed research literature
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