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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Michael Kimmig

Michael Kimmig

I am a Digital Citizen - 3 views

    ThinkLink Resource
Michael Kimmig

Everything is broken - 2 views

    "It's hard to explain to regular people how much technology barely works, how much the infrastructure of our lives is held together by the IT equivalent of baling wire. Computers, and computing, are broken." Love this one, because it explains in easy words the technological background why things (not) work as they work...
Michael Kimmig

Open Source Digital Content - List | Diigo - 2 views

    Well, a Link to another Diigo List... Online UCF's List: Open Source Digital Content - This section is a collection of open online learning materials, categorized by disciplines. It covers resources such as Merlot, MIT Open Courseware, open textbooks,, Google Scholar, and more.
Michael Kimmig

Take control of your personal data - 1 views

    Short video spot from the European Comission on private data protection.
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