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Kevin Stranack

Academic self-publishing: a not-so-distant-future | Open Scholar C.I.C. - 7 views

    Proposes an alternative future where author self-publish their work for peer review outside of traditional journals.
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    Encuentro muy apropiado el artículo que propones en tu tag, en realidad creo que ha sido una constante del MOOC que hay que celebrar: la mesura, el diálogo, que evita la tendencia hacia una visión naive de los temas que discutimos.
    Si, porque también se menciona, como dice en su proposición, Harvie et al. (2014) hacen un magnífico trabajo que describe los hechos exasperantes de la actual académico panorama editorial. Todos sabemos cómo funciona el sistema y cómo se juega el juego. Lo que se quiere dar a conocer una realidad alternativa facilitada por la plataforma de revisión por pares abierto gratuito, libre y sugerir acciones concretas que ayuden al movimiento científico comunidad hacia un sistema de evaluación de conocimientos y el intercambio más abierto y eficiente que se divorcia de revisión por pares desde la publicación de revistas.
    The proposed alternative future is achievable, but not without resistance of traditional publishing, I think.

The Future of Books is the Device You Have With You - Which Might Not be Your Phone - T... - 0 views

    The Verge posted an interview yesterday of Oyster founder Willem Van Lancker. He makes some bold claims about the future of books, including that the phone is the future of ebooks: Where are people reading more, tablets, phones, or on the web? We've always been really big believers that the device of the future for books is ...

Future of College? - 0 views

Are MOOCs the future of college? I sure hope so.

mooc future college

started by elovelidge on 29 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
moonlove - 1 views History of Knowledge, a book written by Charles Doren 1991. I enjoyed reading some chapters of this book. It is a interest...

module13 past&future of knowledge mooc

started by moonlove on 17 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Publishing: The Economist Publishes an Online Essay About the Future of the Book - 3 views

    "The five-chapter essay (5000+ words) is titled, "From Papyrus to Pixels: The Digital Transformation Has Only Just Begun" and is available in web or book-like formats. It can also be listened to. It includes several charts and a bibliography is also included."
    Very good essay about the future of books. I particularly liked chapter two where you get a kind of mixed image of the current state of the book; on the one hand, it is stated that e-book sales are declining to the benefit of the physical book, but on the other hand it discusses how giants like Amazon has a very negative effect on the book business. Interesting for sure!
    You are here: Home / Uncat / Publishing: The Economist Publishes an Online Essay About the Future of the Book Filed by on The five-chapter essay (5000+ words) is titled, "From Papyrus to Pixels: The Digital Transformation Has Only Just Begun" and is available in web or book-like formats.
Ad Huikeshoven

New Open Knowledge Initiative on the Future of Open Access in the Humanities and Social... - 2 views

    This post is part of our Open Access Week blog series to highlight great work in Open Access communities around the world. To coincide with Open Access Week, Open Knowledge is launching a new initiative focusing on the future of open access in the humanities and social sciences.

3D printers build homes. - 0 views

    3D printers can cheaply construct homes and could soon be deployed to help victims of catastrophe rebuild their lives. [The future of the printing press for books has morphed into the the printing press for houses.]
    3D printers can cheaply construct homes and could soon be deployed to help victims of catastrophe rebuild their lives. [The future of the printing press for books has morphed into the the printing press for houses.]

10 Unanswerable Questions that Neither Science nor Religion can Answer - Futurist Speaker - 2 views

    A few years ago I was taking a tour of a dome shaped house, and the architect explained to me that domes are an optical illusion. Whenever someone enters a room, their eyes inadvertently glance up at the corners of the room to give them the contextual dimensions of the space they're in.

Futurist Speaker - 1 views

    Senior Futurist at the DaVinci Institute, and Google's top rated Futurist Speaker. Unlike most speakers, Thomas works closely with his Board of Visionaries to develop original research studies. This enables him to speak on unusual topics and translate trends into unique business opportunities.
Kevin Stranack

With Stephen Fry Remix, Penguin Crowdsources Future of the Book | Publishing Perspectives - 0 views

    "In opening up its new Stephen Fry book to crowdsourced remixes, Penguin hopes to catalyze an amazing, disruptive reading experience."

Module 13 - 0 views

The future of open access in the Humanities and Social Sciences:

New Open Knowledge Initiative on the Future of Access in Humanities and Social Sciences -

started by mejjatialami on 30 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Julia Echeverría

Property Rights for the Future - 1 views

    Hi there, I have just find this excelente video about the future os property rihgts and think that may be interesting for you all. "Property Rights Development: Implications for Sustainability | PRESENTER: Brian Kelly, Graduate Student Fellow, MS Candidate in Community Development and Applied Economics | 4/20/12 Modern property rights assignments and regimes are ill-equipped to adapt to increased ecological scarcity, resulting in economically-inefficient outcomes and a systemic inability to enable the development of a green economy. This presentation will discuss how property rights emerge, the viability of rights for future generations, and the how the existence of environmental externalities necessitates the inevitable emergence of common property rights regimes, grounded in the empirical example of Vermont's groundwater". Regards Julia Echeverría
Kevin Stranack

The Library of the Future | Melanie Florencio | TEDxCreativeCoast - YouTube - 9 views

    A description of the future of libraries being makerspaces - centres of production as well as consumption.
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    Good video! The most similar thing I have experienced in Madrid was in a Public Museum: they had creative software in a file of computers available for kids: They did their own drawings, and those were shown in several screens that were hangging on walls as paintings all around the museum, next by the "real" artists artworks. It is a peatty it was just for children to participate! By the way, it is amazing the way this woman sweats in the video!
    I can absolutely get behind this movement.
    More than just making technologies available, the activities here really connect the community, and that is the spirit of "open". I love this.
    Gracias por compartirlo, esta nueva tendencia de la BIblioteca como espacios de creación y producción es muy enriquecedora.
    This video shows the possibilities for libraries: Encouraging users to create content in addition to absorbing it. Melanie Florencio provided excellent exemplars, spanning generations (the old and the young) and showing that all can participate.

Medieval Access to information - 4 views

    This interesting inset describes an early classification system for medieval manuscripts, taking early steps to make information easier to access. I thought that it would be interesting to add for the group.
    The reality is the present is the foundation for the future. The medieval libraries were effective and serving the needs of that generation. The same generation found loopholes that led to the development of what we call modern libraries. We no w know who to thanks for the wonderful and life and time saving GPS!
    The future will always trace its existence from the past which laid down the foundation. The shape of the libraries of the future is being crafted now. The GPS we see now has its roots in the Medieval libraries.
Kevin Stranack

The Diamond Model of Open Access Publishing: Why Policy Makers, Scholars, Universities,... - 1 views

    "The debate on open access is a debate about the future of academia. We discuss the problems of for-profit academic publishing, such as monopoly prices and access inequalities and point at the limits of contemporary perspectives on open access as they are frequently advanced by the publishing industry, policy makers and labour unions. "

Will paper books exist in the future? Yes, but they'll look different. - 6 views

    The change has come more slowly to books than it came to music or to business correspondence, but by now it feels inevitable. The digital era is upon us. The Twilights and Freedoms of 2025 will be consumed primarily as e-books. In many ways, this is good news. Books will...
    when I take a book in my hands, I always start with smelling paper (old or new), can we do the same thing with technology?
    I do like physical book in my hand, but I find e-books more convenient either when I am writing my research paper or I want to read certain book right away. I heard that more and more universities are supporting e-book system, and getting rid of physical textbooks due to costs and other reasons. A lot more e-books will become useful in the future. I think paper books will exist, but it will be rare in the future.
Kelly Furey

Digital Literacy Is the Key to the Future, But We Still Don't Know What It Means | WIRED - 5 views

    "The entrance to GitHub is the most Instagram-able lobby in tech. It's a recreation of the Oval Office , and the mimicry is spot-on---except for the rug. Instead of the arrow-clutching American eagle that graces Obama's office rug, it shows the code-sharing site's Octocat mascot gazing into the digital future, just above the motto: "In Collaboration We Trust."
    A neat article outlining the significance of digital literacy within the industrial revolution. "Digital literacy is about learning to use the most powerful tools we've ever built."
Kevin Stranack

ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit - 1 views

    "New technology and innovative business models offer proven opportunities for enhancing the sharing of scholarly information - research papers, primary data and other evidence, creative activity and other products of research and scholarship - across institutions and audiences. This scholarly communication - understood as the system through which research and other scholarly writings are created, evaluated for quality, disseminated to the scholarly community, and preserved for future use - promotes a shared system of research and scholarship. ACRL sees a need to vigorously re-orient all facets of library services and operations to the evolving technologies and models that are affecting the scholarly communication process. There is wide variance in the background understanding of and engagement in scholarly communication as a critical perspective and worldview for academic librarians. This Scholarly Communication toolkit was designed by ACRL's Scholarly Communication Committee as a resource for education and advocacy efforts in transforming the scholarly communication landscape."

Brazilian writer wrote a book live on the web, back to 2000. - 1 views

    Mario Prata, a Brazilian writer, did an unexpected thing back to 2000. While he was writing a book, internet users watched alive. It was very cool for that time. I remember this while I was reading tihs course article:
Kevin Stranack

Monograph Publishing Pilot | Open Library of Humanities - 2 views

    "building a low cost, sustainable, Open Access future for the humanities."
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