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Kevin Stranack

Tesla's Elon Musk proves why patents are passé - 2 views

    Looks at the "Linux model" as a successful way of doing business."I think there is a general movement and a general recognition in the technology community that we need to reform the patent process. There's far too much effort and energy put into creating patents that do not end up fostering innovation," said Musk. "I think no reasonable person would say that the current patent system is ideally suited to foster innovation."
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    I found this article extremely interesting as it made me view patents from a different perspective. I had always viewed patents as a means to benefit the inventor, but this article opened me to the extent to which large corporations and the legal profession can monetize from patents - at the cost of the inventor. Hopefully this move by Musk, a very prominent executive, continues to be noticed by other corporations.
    yes, i've been following Tesla patent narration for a i'm into researching on energy & society issues. Sometimes i'm skeptical about applying open source to other realities than ITs as other interests, values and people are at work. Anyway we'll see if TESLA produce a critical mass for a revolution in the engine market... I like the P2P foundation by Michel Bauwens discussing on relevant issues and creating alternative scenarios
    A true pioneer, Mr Musk is. I think he has an extra sense for the future. Patents seem to be an institution which increasingly focuses on short term profit instead of the common benefit on the long run.
    Patents are the biggest responsible for the technological delays. The laws should change radically.
Julia Echeverría

African Knowledge & Innovation - Scenarios for the Future - Jeremy de Beer - 0 views

    Cape Town, 10 December 2013 - This is a presentation to the combined 3rd Global Congress on IP and the Public Interest and Open A.I.R. Conference on Innovation and IP in Africa,
Julia Echeverría

Transitioning to College via a MOOC - 7 views

    Coming soon to MITx on edX is a new kind of MOOC-a MOOC to help high school students better prepare for college. Many students who arrive at college find themselves struggling with the courses they must take, as their high school experience has not provided them with the necessary preparation to do well at college....
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    Preparatory courses for the next study level are a good idea in many countries. The MOOC form can be really a good experience for the future college students both from the subject content and technology use point of view.
    Bookmarking this as I have two students at home who enjoy learning via MOOCs.
    I took this coursera course in the summer - Learning How to Learn - It was really well put together with lots of practical ideas to implement right away. It's being offered regularly and is only 4 weeks long, very worthwhile.

Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future - 2 views

    Introduction Sophisticated knowledge of the natural world is not confined to science. Human societies all across the globe have developed rich sets of experiences and explanations relating to the environments they live in. These 'other knowledge systems' are today often referred to as traditional ecological knowledge or indigenous or local knowledge.


    Indigenous knowledge is unique to a culture or society. It shows us how to connect and to sustain through the environment. This kind of knowledge is passed down to generation to generation. Back then our ancestors did not have Internet or computers to store or to share their ideas. Our ancestral knowledge is very fragile and can easily be lost. Knowledge is history and our roots, which are passed down from our ancestors to us and these knowledge should be kept and be preserved. New information is also valuable, but so is our past. Here is a site that helps us to learn about what Indigenous knowledge is and activities to help us how to preserve Indigenous knowledge.
    It is a good idea. We should remember our indigenous knowledge and pass it down to following generations. People without past can not value the present. We shouldn't let these knowledge be destroyed by fast information on the internet.
Pris Laurente

Open-Source Learning - 5 views

    Well-written article on open sources and open learning. It discusses what the future holds and how the next step must be to converge technology, ideas/content and resources even further.

Cathy Davidson's Blog - 0 views

    I took a course taught by this professor on Coursera - The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education. Davidson contributed the Hacking the Academy, a source I posted elsewhere. Her blog is a great exploration of creativity in Higher Ed (or the lack thereof). The blog is on the HASTAC site - Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Alliance Collaboratory. LOTS going on there... I enjoy her blog because of the lively language and the provocations - at least they are provocative for so-called traditional schools.The recent blog post reviews a film about education The Ivory Tower; "...that the movie is strong and powerful on the problem, and a bit weak on solutions." Haven't seen it. Davidson puts in a plug for HASTAC: "HASTAC has been addressing the connection between equity and innovation since its founding in 2002." I'm digressing. This is not a critique of her particular blog post, just a suggestion that the blog is interesting and HASTAC site has lots on it that is relevant to the topics we're exploring in this course.
c maggard

Comments as "post publication peer review" - 2 views

    Sad and interesting situation here, scientist publishes his research, and in the comments, his work is called into question and it costs him a job. Brings into question the integrity of pre-publication peer review, and casts a shadow on the future of comments. Frequently, the comments are made by anonymous users, which itself should be a problem, even if the comment brings to light errors in the research. Now it seems, entire websites have sprung up with the sole purpose of debunking the hard work of others, sometimes needlessly. It's a good read.
    Thank you for sharing. The situation with PubPeer actually encounters problems which are common on internet. As long as one comments anonymously, there are many off-topic and offensive comments. As soon as only registered comments are welcome, there are very few of them or not at all. Besides, one can presume that some scientific communities, even world-wide, are quite small and because of different reasons people do not want to comment under their real names... Another interesting resource to explore.

Welcome to - 1 views

    The official home of the Python Programming Language
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    También existe un lenguaje de programación llamado Julia ( bastante parecido a Python
    Open source is the future. Obvs, Microsoft paved the way, but moving forward, the route to privacy and access is via free software that can be adapted on the fly.
    Microsoft también tiene un sitio sobre "open source" llamado Codeplex (, aunque no siempre se debe fiar (, hablan de open source, pero no de software libre.

The future of books - 2 views

El ensayo es muy interesante y actual (2014) y plantea ciertos argumentos de cómo se ve la evolución que, parece, ya ha empezado a transformar la industria del libro, pero cómo, al mismo tiempo, la...

open access knowledge mooc publishing Module8


Is this the end for books? - 5 views

    In 1996, the US computer entrepreneur Brewster Kahle set up the Internet Archive, its mission being to provide "universal access to all knowledge". This admirable project strives to store copies of every single web page ever posted: a ghostly archive of the virtual.
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    Apliquemos la ley de Clarke a estas predicciones. Si la predicción de los eminentes estudiosos de edad madura, y bibliófilos, se formula así: ES POSIBLE QUE EL LIBRO IMPRESO EN PAPEL NO DESAPAREZCA, y la ley de Clarke dice: "Cuando un científico pero de edad madura afirma que algo es posible, casi siempre estará en lo cierto. Cuando declara que algo es imposible, lo más probable es que se equivoque", la predicción casi siempre será cierta si esos libros no desaparecen. Si la predicción se formula en esta forma: ES IMPOSIBLE QUE EL LIBRO DESAPAREZCA, y los libros desaparecen, lo más probable es que se equivoquen. ¿Por cuál fórmula optamos? Apliquemos ahora la primera versión del corolario de Asimov a la predicción que augura el fin del libro formulada así: EL LIBRO ESTÁ MUERTO (O MORIRÁ), AUNQUE NO DEL TODO. El corolario dice: "Sin embargo, cuando el público profano se manifiesta en torno a una idea denunciada por científicos eminentes pero de edad madura, y apoya dicha idea con fervor y sentimiento, es posible, después de todo, que los científicos eminentes pero de edad madura estén en lo cierto". Por lo tanto: Es posible, después de todo, que los eminentes estudiosos pero de edad madura, y bibliófilos, estén en lo cierto. No hay más remedio que esperar a que pase el tiempo para ver si se cumplen la ley y los corolarios en las predicciones, enunciadas en una u otra forma. (Tomado de
    Thank you for posting. Although I am not very keen on reading fiction electronically, the article was very interesting and informative about the latest tendencies in electronic publishing.
    I am one of those people who like reading books electronically and enjoy it. Kindle has been around for some years now but we still have books publshed in paper format. There is still a number of people who prefare to have paper copy of a book. Books are here to stay. I have a kindle but I hardly ever use the devise. I use the app on my mobile, computer or Ipad.

Nature's Notebook | USA National Phenology Network - 1 views

    a huge citizen science project in the USA, formalizing the sharing of the traditional (and ancient) practice of Phenology. Phenology is an important way to be connected to the natural world around you--basically observation of seasonal changes. People have been collecting observations for all of human history--this project seeks to help standardize recording of the data so that it can be shared en mass, creating huge and flexible data sets for many different current and future scientific experiments. "Nature's Notebook is a national, online program where amateur and professional naturalists regularly record observations of plants and animals to generate long-term data sets used for scientific discovery and decision-making."
    oh, and an important thing is that (unlike some cit sci projects) the resulting data is shared freely online, check out some stats and visualizations at

CienciaDirecta - 2 views

    Descubre, Fundación Andaluza para la divulgación de la Innovación y el Conocimiento I would like to introduce the Spanish Fundación Descubre ( and, inside it, the network called "Divulga red" (, thought to connect people (professional and amateur researchers and citizens in general), communicate and collaborate among them. DivulgaRed let people reveal research topics and the value of the science in different fields, sharing ideas with other researchers and group of people, all with the basis of a collaborative work. I had the pleasure of giving two talks in high-schools telling about optical communications and novelties that people can have in a near future. In a very good atmosphere, students and their own teachers asked me questions and I can enjoy a very nice atmosphere making my knowledge in this topic public. Even more, teachers in the high school were later discussing with me about possibilities in Education, and both they and me built some experiments to be made by students in the high school during the semester. So, as a concluding remark, every body who wants to share a new idea, or to obtain a new point of view, or simply who wants to introduce or simply to learn about a new topic is welcome in Fundación Descubre and DivulgaRed project. Regards. Dr. Antonio Jurado-Navas

Internet Archive: Live Music Archive (free music download, streaming, and preservation) - 4 views

    One place the tradition of fans recording live shows and trading the bootleg tapes (ala the Grateful Dead) is being brought to the digital world is at's Live Music Archive Bands officially agree to allow the practice, and then stores and allows access to the files for eternity... Some info about those details: For example, here is my friends, a ROCKING bluegrass band from Duluth Minnesota: The rights statement is actually an email: On February 7, 2007 Trampled by Turtles a GO! for "Hello, This is Dave Simonett from Trampled by Turtles. I'm writing to give permission for our music to be posted at archive. Please let me know what you need from me. Thanks for the email. Dave Simonett trampled by turtles" "Welcome to Internet Archive's Live Music library. is a community committed to providing the highest quality live concerts in a lossless, downloadable format. The Internet Archive has teamed up with to preserve and archive as many live concerts as possible for current and future..."
    Awesome resource - thanks for sharing. I have often found the conflict between quality recordings and open access to be a challenge. It seems the music that is free isn't usually high-quality, whereas the higher quality isn't usually free. :)
Anna Kloc

Education in 2030 - 2 views

    A good overview of open education in the future. Personalized education will play a great role in preparing people for a job market.

Open educational resources and the role of university - 0 views

    This article gives opinion that university is playing an important role that will not be replaced by the open educational opinion, which I also agreed. Instead of considering OER as a threat to university, the article argues that "OER can help institutions provide higher education to rapidly increasing numbers of students and lifelong learners".
    Thank you for sharing the article Ming Tang. I think you make a great point about OER and the university working together as opposed to a "war of the roses" type scenario where a married couple refuses to work together. As the article mentioned the university is the one that gives the diploma and is the one that deals with accreditation inspections, etc. OER to me would make a nice complement on the arms of any university. Another good article along the same lines can be found at
    Thank you Melduncan2!
Kevin Stranack

Beating the Odds: Building a Publishing "Maker" Culture | American Libraries Magazine - 1 views

    "With the emergence of new publishing tools, public libraries are able to be publishers for themselves. In essence, we can build a Maker culture for local publishing. "
    Thanks! I did not know about Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. Quite useful!
    Two competing views on the future of publishing, and how shifts in consumer behavior to purchasing or consuming electronic content is causing such a shift in the literary world. I found it interesting to read that a number of open source software platforms were identified as the harbingers of today's self-publishing model online. I never knew Wattpad existed - watt an awesome site (pun intended). I agree with the articles viewpoint about the role that public libraries can play in this shifting landscape. A good read.
Kevin Stranack

How it works - Knowledge Unlatched - 5 views

    The Knowledge Unlatched model depends on many libraries from around the world sharing the payment of a single Title Fee to a publisher, in return for a book being made available on a Creative Commons licence via OAPEN and HathiTrust as a fully downloadable PDF.
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    This is a great slide show. Sums it all up. Thanks. I may pass this on to my collection development manager.
    Great concept! This goes to show that Open Knowledge does not equate to free and giveaway. I love the blend of effectively using a crowd-funding model through libraries to ensure appropriate fees are paid to cover costs and compensate authors and publishers to enable open access under a CC license across a global library network. It would be interesting to see the follow up to this. I would think this approach would be useful for school libraries in a district or region to use this approach and effectively share the resources.
    Interesting take on what will happen to the future of libraries and how information will be published and sold. It's important to realize that nothing comes free and that we should promote a business model that benefits content-producers as well as consumers.

Fragmented Publishing: The Implications of Self-Publishing - 2 views

    Unfortunately, the webinar itself is not free, but the slides are here. In particular, Mark Coker of Smashwords provides a good overview of the trends and future for self-publishing.
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    it is useful powerpoint thanks
    read presentation

المصادر المفتوحة خيارات بلا حدود - 0 views

    كتاب يتناول فكرة المصادر المفتوحة والبرمجيات الحرة من عدة نواحي فلسفية وعملية واقتصادية، ومقارنة بين البرمجيات الحرة مفتوحة المصدر بالمغلقة وأثر ذلك عربياً.
    The book "Open Source Options Without Borders" is one of the best books in Arabic on the philosophy of open source ,it is one of the first works that dealt with the explanation and clarification meaning of the word "open source", and the importance of taking advantage of them to build an Arab future software according to this philosophy.
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