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Matti Narkia

Study Finds No Benefit From Daily Multivitamin - Well Blog - - 0 views

    In a study of 161,808 women who were part of the government-funded Women's Health Initiative research effort, doctors from 40 centers around the country collected data on multivitamin use. While research shows that people who eat nutrient-rich diets filled with fruits and vegetables have lower rates of heart disease and cancer, it hasn't been clear whether taking a daily supplement results in a similar benefit.
Matti Narkia

Despite Sun Exposure, Some Still Vitamin D Deficient - 0 views

    According to a study conducted by University of Wisconsin researchers, even people who are regularly exposed to sunlight can have low vitamin D levels.\n\nThe study focused on subjects who lived in sunny Hawaii and spent an average of 11.1 hours in the sun each week. (None of the participants in the study used any type of sunscreen.) Despite the exposure, 51 percent of participants were found to be deficient in vitamin D.
Matti Narkia

Aging decreases the capacity of human skin to produce vitamin D3. - Journal of Clinical... - 0 views

    Aging decreases the capacity of human skin to produce vitamin D3. MacLaughlin J, Holick MF. J Clin Invest. 1985 Oct;76(4):1536-8. PMID: 2997282 doi:10.1172/JCI112134 An evaluation of surgically obtained skin (age range, 8-92 yr) revealed that there is an age-dependent decrease in the epidermal concentrations of provitamin D3 (7-dehydrocholesterol). To ascertain that aging indeed decreased the capacity of human skin to produce vitamin D3, some of the skin samples were exposed to ultraviolet radiation and the content of previtamin D3 was determined in the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis in the young and older subjects was the major site for the formation of previtamin D3, accounting for greater than 80% of the total previtamin D3 that was produced in the skin. A comparison of the amount of previtamin D3 produced in the skin from the 8- and 18-yr-old subjects with the amount produced in the skin from the 77- and 82-yr-old subjects revealed that aging can decrease by greater than twofold the capacity of the skin to produce previtamin D3. Recognition of this difference may be extremely important for the elderly, who infrequently expose a small area of skin to sunlight and who depend on this exposure for their vitamin D nutritional needs.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D Is Associated with Improved Survival in Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cance... - 0 views

    Vitamin D is associated with improved survival in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer patients. Zhou W, Suk R, Liu G, Park S, Neuberg DS, Wain JC, Lynch TJ, Giovannucci E, Christiani DC. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2005 Oct;14(10):2303-9. PMID: 16214909 In conclusion, the joint effects of surgery season and recent vitamin D intake seem to be associated with the survival of early-stage non-small cell lung cancer patients. In summary, for early-stage NSCLC patients, patients who had surgery in summer with "high" recent vitamin D intake have a statistically significantly improved RFS and OS than patients who had surgery in winter with "low" vitamin D intake. These results should be confirmed in a prospective study to assess the serum vitamin D levels at time of surgery. If the results are confirmed, our results, combined with findings in other studies, suggest that dietary vitamin D supplementation may be advisable for early stages of lung cancer patients, particularly during the winter season and in groups that tend to be deficient in vitamin D.
Matti Narkia

Low-carbohydrate diets increase LDL: debunking the myth | The Blog of Michael R. Eades... - 0 views

    This week sees the publication of yet another study showing the superiority of the low-carbohydrate diet as compared to the low-fat diet. This study, published in the prestigious American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, demonstrates that subjects following the low-carb diet experience a decrease in triglyceride levels and an increase in HDL-cholesterol (HDL) levels; and that these changes are accompanied by a minor increase in LDL-cholesterol (LDL), which prompts the authors to issue a caveat. Yes, although just about all the parameters that lipophobes worry about improved with the low-carb diet, the small increase in LDL has caused great concern and has prompted the authors to gravely announce that this small increase is troublesome and should be monitored closely in anyone who may be at risk for heart disease. Since most people who go on low-carb diets do so to deal with obesity issues, and since obesity is a risk factor for heart disease, it would appear that this small increase in LDL often seen in those following a low-carb diet could put these dieters at risk. Does it? We'll see.
Matti Narkia

Fructose tied to higher blood pressure: study | Health | Reuters - 0 views

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A diet high in a form of sugar found in sweetened soft drinks and junk food raises blood pressure among men, according to research likely to mean more bad news for beverage companies and restaurant chains. One of two studies released on Wednesday provided the first evidence that fructose helps raise blood pressure. It also found that the drug allopurinol, used to treat gout, can alleviate the effect by reducing uric acid levels in the body. The second study, which measured fructose intake in mice, suggested that people who consume junk foods and sweetened soft drinks at night could gain weight faster than those who don't.
Matti Narkia

Reductions In Cancer And Overall Mortality Persist 10 Years After Vitamin And Mineral S... - 0 views

    ScienceDaily (Mar. 24, 2009) - Individuals who took a dietary supplement called "factor D", which included selenium, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, continued to have lower gastric cancer and overall mortality 10 years after supplementation ceased compared with individuals who did not take the supplements, according to long-term follow-up data from the randomized, double-blind General Population Nutrition Intervention Trial in Linxian, China.
Priyanka meh

Vaginal gel can prevent HIV-AIDS infection in Women - 0 views

    As per new medicine, women who applied vaginal microbicidal gel containing an antiretroviral medication which is used to treat the AIDS virus, tenofovir, had 39% less chances of contracting the HIV virus than the women who used placebo.
Matti Narkia

Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part I | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D. - 0 views

    "One of the problems - if it could be called a problem - in writing this blog and moderating the comments is most readers are pretty intelligent. Occasionally I have the angry vegetarian wander in, take me to task for my errant ways, and, after a comeback or two on my part, drift away to never be heard from again. Thanks to the confirmation bias, this blog pretty much selects against the non-meat eater. So, I tend to forget how many people there are out there who are pretty much clueless about basic nutrition, and how many people there are who bobble through life spouting cliches they've heard along the way as great nutritional truths. Based on the comments I get on this blog, it seems to me that most people are pretty nutritionally sophisticated and reasonable."
Matti Narkia

Largest-ever meta-analysis finds CRP is unlikely to be causal for CVD - - 0 views

    "Largest-ever meta-analysis finds CRP is unlikely to be causal for CVD December 21, 2009 | Lisa Nainggolan Cambridge, UK - In the largest and most comprehensive meta-analysis to date looking at C-reactive-protein (CRP) levels and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, British researchers conclude that CRP is unlikely to be a causal factor for cardiovascular disease [1]. Although CRP concentration was linearly associated with CHD, stroke, and vascular mortality, as well as nonvascular mortality, statistical adjustment for conventional cardiovascular risk factors "resulted in considerable weakening of associations," note the scientists of the Cambridge-based Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration (ERFC), who report their findings online December 21, 2009 in the Lancet. In an editorial accompanying the paper [2], Drs S Matthijs Boekholdt and John JP Kastelein (Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) say the UK authors "are to be commended for this impressive data set." Although the findings "add weight to the evidence of noncausality" for a role of CRP in the development of cardiovascular disease, "the debate can be resolved only by randomized trials with agents that specifically target CRP, and such compounds are currently under development," say the Dutch doctors. Commenting on the new meta-analysis for heartwire, Dr Paul Ridker (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA), a long-time advocate of CRP and the lead investigator of the JUPITER trial, said: "Whether or not CRP is 'causal' for heart disease is neither the crucial issue at hand nor relevant for public health. What is crucial is getting international agreement that CRP identifies higher-risk individuals who would not otherwise qualify for a life-saving therapy, and then showing that such individuals clearly benefit from treatment. The new meta-analysis demonstrates the former, and JUPITER demonstrates the latter." "
Matti Narkia

Cholesterol-Fighting Drugs Show Wider Benefit - New York Times - 0 views

    CHART: Statins Reduce Risks: A study of 18,000 people with high levels of C-reactive protein, or CRP, found that the risk of a heart attack or stroke was cut in half among those who took a statin. The study was stopped after two years, but some participants were tracked for up to five years. (Sources: Dr. Paul M. Ridker; New England Journal of Medicine) (pg.A21) A large new study suggests that millions more people could benefit from taking the cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins, even if they have low cholesterol, because the drugs can significantly lower their risk of heart attacks, strokes and death. The study, involving nearly 18,000 people worldwide, tested statin treatment in men 50 and older and in women 60 and older who did not have high cholesterol or histories of heart disease. What they did have was high levels of a protein called high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, or CRP, which indicates inflammation in the body.
Matti Narkia

Mango effective in preventing, stopping certain colon, breast cancer cells - 2 views

    "COLLEGE STATION - Mango. If you know little about this fruit, understand this: It's been found to prevent or stop certain colon and breast cancer cells in the lab. That's according to a new study by Texas AgriLife Research food scientists, who examined the five varieties most common in the U.S.: Kent, Francine, Ataulfo, Tommy/Atkins and Haden. Though the mango is an ancient fruit heavily consumed in many parts of the world, little has been known about its health aspects. The National Mango Board commissioned a variety of studies with several U.S. researchers to help determine its nutritional value. "If you look at what people currently perceive as a superfood, people think of high antioxidant capacity, and mango is not quite there," said Dr. Susanne Talcott, who with her husband, Dr. Steve Talcott, conducted the study on cancer cells. "In comparison with antioxidants in blueberry, acai and pomegranate, it's not even close." But the team checked mango against cancer cells anyway, and found it prevented or stopped cancer growth in certain breast and colon cell lines, Susanne Talcott noted. "It has about four to five times less antioxidant capacity than an average wine grape, and it still holds up fairly well in anticancer activity. If you look at it from the physiological and nutritional standpoint, taking everything together, it would be a high-ranking super food," she said. "It would be good to include mangoes as part of the regular diet." The Talcotts tested mango polyphenol extracts in vitro on colon, breast, lung, leukemia and prostate cancers. Polyphenols are natural substances in plants and are associated with a variety of compounds known to promote good health."
Matti Narkia

Signs of Magnesium Deficiency are all around you... if you know what to look for - 0 views

    "Signs of Magnesium deficiency are simply EVERYWHERE in the US- if you know what to look for... But hardly anyone, even doctors, are taking notice of these magnesium deficiency symptoms- and it's likely that YOU are paying for it! Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms, while seemingly vague to those who don't know what to look for, all but SCREAM out at you when you begin to notice that they are there. And they ARE there- there in just about everyone that you come across who has a health problem or even a minor ongoing health complaint."
Matti Narkia

Tempeh and tofu, for better or worse | The Jakarta Post - 0 views

    "Consuming tempeh can reduce the risk of developing dementia in the elderly, but eating tofu can increase it, said a joint study between universities here and in Britain on Wednesday. The study between University of Indonesia (UI), Indonesia Respati University, University of Loughborough and University of Oxford said people over 68 years of age who consumed tofu more than twice a day had a worse memory than those who rarely ate it. But if they also ate tempeh, the risk of dementia was reduced. "Tempeh consumption very likely offsets tofu's negative associations with memory," Professor Eef Hogervorst of the University of Loughborough said in a seminar on aging and health at UI campus in Depok, where she presented the result of the study. The study involved 712 respondents from Jakarta, Citengah in West Java and Yogyakarta, with ages ranging from 52 to 99 years. "
Emilia Klapp

How to Cook Beans to Degas Them | The Diabetes Club - 0 views

    For centuries, beans have been a staple food in the Mediterranean countries where they have played an important part in the fight against heart disease, mainly because of their connection to lower cholesterol. In fact, in recent years studies have shown that people who eat dry beans regularly have a lower risk of suffering from heart attacks than those who barely eat them.
Matti Narkia

Chocolate Soothes the Stressed-Out Soul - Mental Health Disorders on - 0 views

    "THURSDAY, Nov. 12 (HealthDay News) -- Feeling stressed? A dose of dark chocolate could cheer you right up by lowering your stress hormone levels, a new study suggests. Swiss researchers, who report their findings in the online issue of the Journal of Proteome Research, tracked volunteers who said they were highly stressed."
Matti Narkia

Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part I | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D. - 0 views

    "One of the problems - if it could be called a problem - in writing this blog and moderating the comments is most readers are pretty intelligent. Occasionally I have the angry vegetarian wander in, take me to task for my errant ways, and, after a comeback or two on my part, drift away to never be heard from again. Thanks to the confirmation bias, this blog pretty much selects against the non-meat eater. So, I tend to forget how many people there are out there who are pretty much clueless about basic nutrition, and how many people there are who bobble through life spouting cliches they've heard along the way as great nutritional truths. Based on the comments I get on this blog, it seems to me that most people are pretty nutritionally sophisticated and reasonable."
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Top Health Advantages of Lemon Juice - 0 views

    Hundreds of miraculous health benefits are associated with the consumption of lemon juice. In this article, I have elaborated on the top ten amongst all the lemon juice benefits. Lemon enjoys a global eminence, thanks to its incredible health benefits. Several advantages are also associated with the consumption of this tangy juice. Scroll down and enjoy the read. Lemon Juice: Prevents Cancer Lemon is well-known for its richness in multipurpose flavonoid compounds which defend your body against different types of cancer. Thus, regular consumption of lemon juice ensures the prevention of cancerous cells. Lemon Juice: Treat the Upset Stomach Lemon juice is a marvellous drink for people who are suffering from an upset stomach. Digestive problems like diarrhoea or constipation make you feel uncomfortable in addition to botching up your daily routine. To deal with such problems, intake one glass lemon water at the start of the new day. You can maximize the benefits by adding one teaspoon of honey to this solution. Lemon Juice: Good for Liver One of the main advantages of lemon juice is its assistance in improving the liver function and flushing out the toxins from the body. This zesty fruit increase the production of bile in the body that is required for breaking down the fats and lipids. Lemon Juice: Assists in dealing with infections Lemons contain a high amount of Vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening the immune system. So, consuming it in any form is a natural way to prevent viral infections like cold and flu. Lemon water also aids in treating urinary tract infections. Lemon Juice: Best for Hypertension Patients People, who don't consume sufficient amount of potassium, are at higher risks of getting affected by cardiological disorders. Lemon juice contains a satisfactory amount of potassium, so it can help in reducing the risks of such problems. Lemon Juice: Acts as Natural Cleanser for Skin The cleansing properties of lemon juice
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Recipe | Strawberry Fields on Spinach | Mmmm … Fresh Berries on Leafy Greens!... - 2 views

    a handful of fresh spinachseveral strawberries⅓ ripe avocado4-5 raw macadamia nuts1½ tsp raw apple cider vinegar1 tsp raw agave nectarpinch of sea saltground black pepper to taste Clean and stem spinach; tear into bite-size pieces and throw in a bowl. Slice strawberries, cube avocado, and coarsely chop macadamia nuts. Add. Though macadamia nuts are ideal, Brazil nuts or cashews may be used as a substitute-because really, who besides me has raw macadamia nuts on hand.Drizzle salad mixture with vinegar and agave, add a pinch of salt (to bring out the sweetness) and toss.Dish onto a plate and garnish with fresh ground black pepper. Serve within an hour of preparing as the spinach will wilt.Serves 1 starter salad. Double the recipe for an entree, or multiply the above quantities by the number of guests. Enjoy!

Why Do Women Need Multivitamins? - 0 views

    Everyone can benefit from taking multivitamin alternatives; however, doctors always suggest multivitamins for women who are trying to conceive, expecting a baby or experiencing any ailment. Multivitamins pills are also indispensable for those females who do not consume an appropriate diet, live stressful lives and often get sick.
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