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neotonics - 0 views

    Neotonics Only $49/Bottle Limited Time Offer! Neotonics Special Deal + Special 51% Discount Save $300 + 60 Days Money Back Guarantee Neotonics FDA Five Star Neotonics™ is a dietary supplement specifically designed to provide essential probiotics, which are known to promote youthful, glowing skin while reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Regular Price: $99/per bottle Only for: $49/per bottle Buy Now Support Healthy Eyesight No Matter Your Age 100% NATURAL 100% NATURAL with ingredients sourced from local growers that let plants naturally reach their full maturity and use no chemical treatments 100% EFFECTIVE 100% EFFECTIVE mixing ingredients in the right way and in the right amount to keep their properties intact 100% SAFE 100% SAFE processed under strict sterile standards with regularly disinfected equipment. What Is Neotonics? NeoTonics is an all-natural supplement formulated with strains that promote skin and digestive health. Notably, the combined ingredients are reckoned to foster dermal balance, support digestion, and, thus, ensure a healthy weight. Neotonics Gummies is an all-new supplement created to enhance the health and well-being of your skin. The formula is based on research that suggests gut health plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. This is why the Neotonics supplement boosts both gut health and skin health by using a combination of amazing nutrients. These transform the gut health and restore its functions effectively. Available as a gummy, Neotonics delivers a blend of crucial probiotics and other complementary ingredients to promote skin health, digestion, weighty loss, and more. Just take one gummy daily to support active effects. The creators of Neotonics developed the gummy based on new scientific discoveries from May 2023. That discovery revealed the root cause of skin cell turnover: an aging gut. Your gut dictates the cellular turnover rate, and gut health can promote skin health. Neotonics is
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Mango Juice Uses Cures Acne And Skin Health - 0 views


    Mango Juice Perhaps you are surprised to know that mangoes are closely related to skin health. Other than bringing a healthy glow to your face, mango Juice also help to lighten skin color. You can easily enhance your beauty by including this tasty fruit in your diet on a regular basis.

    Mangoes effectively treat acne by opening the clogged pores of the skin. Once these pores are opened, acne formation will eventually stop. Unclogging the pores of the skin is the most effective way to eliminate acne. To enjoy this benefit, there is no need to eat mangoes every day you need to remove the mango pulp and apply it on the skin for around 10 minutes, then rinse it off.

    Consuming this Mango Juice regularly will help keep your body healthy and slow down premature skin aging caused by environmentally stresses such as pollution and sun damage.


    Mango Juices are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, loaded with phytonutrients and they help build and repair skin collagen and connective tissue, thus reducing acne scars and acne scarring.

    Some juices may also help to balance hormones, whereas others may have antibacterial and antibiotic properties.

    Furthermore, these juices can help reduce stress, improve circulation, and speed healing.

    Five Best Skin Health Benefits of Mango Juice:

    Besides being extremely pleasing to your taste buds, mango is amazing for your skin as it is a great source of antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, which keep your skin healthy and glowing. It is often used in various face masks and scrubs. Its various skin benefits are as follows:

    1. Mango juice for Glowing Skin:

    Mango Juice are great for your skin as they have the ability to reduce dark spots, blemishes and acne, thus imparting a natural glow to
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Skin Benifits Of Mango Juice - 0 views

    Mangoes for Glowing Skin are great for your skin as they have the ability to reduce dark spots, blemishes and acne, thus imparting a natural glow to your skin. Vitamin A and Beta carotene in this fruit restore, rejuvenate and revive your skin with vigor as well as add shine to your skin. Mangoes are delicious for your skin and not just for your taste buds. Does that sound strange to you? Well, while mango is loved by thousands and thousands of Indians for having catered to their appetite for ages with its exotic sweetness and flavor, not many people are aware of the beauty benefits that this soft, juicy fruit is capable of. Mangoes can be amazing for your skin. Therefore, do not forget to treat your skin with its pulpy flesh while gorging on frozen mango slices and relishing mango shakes in this summer. Mango juice Clears the Skin is an advantage of mango juice is that it enhances the beauty of your skin by providing essential nutrients in great quantities. Acne, pimples and other skin issues can be treated by using the Mango Drinks externally. You just need to apply the mango pulp on your skin for about ten minutes. After the recommended time, wash your skin with tepid water. Mango juice For Glowing Skin-top Five Facts: * Mangoes which is rich in Vitamin A (beta-carotene), contains powerful anti-oxidants thus, it helps in imparting a younger-looking skin. * It is helps in regeneration of skin cells. * It is useful in restoring the elasticity of skin. * Including mango in skincare regimen ensures that dry skin is moisturized and it helps to prevent wrinkle formation. * It helps to shield the skin from clogged pores and sun damages.
Mango Dash india

Health And Fitness Benefits of Mango Fruit Juice - 0 views

    Mangoes are the richest source of most important vitamins (A, C, B, E, K), minerals, dietary fibbers, electrolytes and iron which are mostly required by the for better growth and development as well as being healthy and live life without any diseases and infections. It is liked by all people due to its nice color, taste, flavor and quality health aspects. I have mentioned below the few beneficial aspects of the mangoes which you must know to enhance your interest while eating mangoes: Benefits of Mango juice for Cancer Prevention Mango fruit has antioxidant compounds (such as quercetin, fisetin, astragalin, gallic acid, isoquercitrin, methyl gallate and etc) and lots of enzymes which help in protecting against various body organs cancers like colon, leukemia, breast, stomach, prostate, lungs, cervical, oral cavity cancers and etc. These compounds include, as well as the abundant. Polyphenols found in it acts as an anti inflammatory agent and restricts the growth of cancerous cells. The soluble dietary fibers, pectin found in it has property of decreasing the action of protein (galectin) found in the cancerous cells. Benefits of Mango juice for Heart health It contains highest level of soluble dietary fibers (pectin) and vitamin C which involves in lowering the bad serum cholesterol levels means Low-Density Lipoproteins as well as enhancing the good serum cholesterol levels means High-Density Lipoproteins thus keeps the heart healthy by keeping all the heart problems away. It is the rich source of potassium which involves in controlling the blood pressure thus heart rate. Benefits of Mango juice for Skin It is beneficial for the skin in both ways whether it is eaten or applied externally on the skin. It India juice has antioxidants which make the skin healthy, smooth, glowing and wrinkles free. It clear out the blocked pores and provides solution to get free from the pimples if applied on the face. It makes the skin glowing by reducing the dark spot
Matti Narkia

Aging decreases the capacity of human skin to produce vitamin D3. - Journal of Clinical... - 0 views

    Aging decreases the capacity of human skin to produce vitamin D3. MacLaughlin J, Holick MF. J Clin Invest. 1985 Oct;76(4):1536-8. PMID: 2997282 doi:10.1172/JCI112134 An evaluation of surgically obtained skin (age range, 8-92 yr) revealed that there is an age-dependent decrease in the epidermal concentrations of provitamin D3 (7-dehydrocholesterol). To ascertain that aging indeed decreased the capacity of human skin to produce vitamin D3, some of the skin samples were exposed to ultraviolet radiation and the content of previtamin D3 was determined in the epidermis and dermis. The epidermis in the young and older subjects was the major site for the formation of previtamin D3, accounting for greater than 80% of the total previtamin D3 that was produced in the skin. A comparison of the amount of previtamin D3 produced in the skin from the 8- and 18-yr-old subjects with the amount produced in the skin from the 77- and 82-yr-old subjects revealed that aging can decrease by greater than twofold the capacity of the skin to produce previtamin D3. Recognition of this difference may be extremely important for the elderly, who infrequently expose a small area of skin to sunlight and who depend on this exposure for their vitamin D nutritional needs.
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Why You Need a Mango Juice Every Day....? - 0 views

    Mangoes may very well be the king of all fruits. They Prevents Cancer, alkalize the body, aid in weight loss, regulate diabetes, help digestion, clean your skin, and make the perfect snack. and many reasons why you should be Drinking a mango juice every day. They are Many reasons of mango juice 1. Prevents Cancer Antioxidants like quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat present in mango protect the body against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. 2. Helps in Lowering Cholesterol Mango has high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibres that help to lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps to control heart rate and blood pressure. 3. Mangoes Nourishes Skin Mango is beneficial for skin health. It is a source of antioxidants which delays the onset of skin aging and pigmentation. Vitamin-C in mango helps in curing pimples and acne. It can be directly applied on the skin as it smoothens it and acts as a natural moisturizer. Antioxidants are responsible to protect against harmful free radicals which can cause skin cancer. Vitamin-A and beta carotene helps in rejuvenating the skin and brings glow to the skin. 4. Alkalizes the body According to natural health, mango juice is rich in tartaric acid, malic acid and traces of citric acid that primarily help in maintaining the alkali reserve of the body. 5. Weight loss Mango has a lot of vitamins and nutrients that help the body feel fuller. Also, the fibrous fruit boosts the digestive function of the body by burning additional calories, helping in weight loss. 6. Regulates diabetes Mango Juice Not only the fruit Juice but the leaves of mangoes are healthy too. For people suffering from diabetes, just boil 5-6 mango leaves in a vessel, soak it through night and drink the filtered decoction in the morning. This is helps in regulating your insulin levels. 7. Ap
Arturas Sinkevicius

5 Tips For Healthy Skin | Clear Skin Max - 0 views

    With these 5 Tips For Healthy Skin you can not only have healthier skin but maintain younger looking skin for longer!
AMVital Nutrition

Turmeric Cream For Face, Dark Spots & Hyperpigmentation - 0 views

    Readers and consumers can better evaluate the versatility and multi-fold action of turmeric night cream given as follows: 1. Use It As An Eye Cream Combined with the potent antioxidant vitamin C, turmeric eye cream possesses beneficial properties that can combat dark circles under the eyes effectively. Turmeric's skin lightening and soothing traits can enhance circulation, thereby reducing under-eye puffiness and discoloration caused by inadequate blood flow. Further, its anti-inflammatory features, as well as its ability to lighten skin and increase microcirculation, make turmeric vitamin C eye cream an ideal ingredient in this case. 2. Turmeric Cream for Skin Whitening Turmeric is a sun-drenched tropical spice that has a wide range of skin-friendly benefits. It can help reduce oxidative stress and address skin conditions like dullness and dehydration. Turmeric cream can enhance the skin's radiance thanks to its healing, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties that effectively cleanse and revitalize congested, inflamed, or impaired skin. Adding more turmeric to your skincare routine may enhance the skin's microcirculation, resulting in a firmer and more supple complexion. 3. Use Turmeric Cream For Hyperpigmentation Since turmeric inhibits the production of melanin, the utilization of vitamin C can effectively diminish hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is a skin problem in which some parts of the skin produce excessive melanin, resulting in blemishes such as sunspots, age spots, and melasma. It can possibly emerge in areas where the acne has been treated and healed previously. Turmeric can prevent the production of melanin responsible for dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Applying a product like a turmeric skin cream consistently can help reduce imperfections and provide a smoother, more even complexion.
Mango Dash india

Why You Need a Mango Juice Every Day ? - 0 views

    They are Many reasons of mango juice 1. Prevents Cancer Antioxidants like quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat present in mango protect the body against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. 2. Helps in Lowering Cholesterol Mango has high level of vitamin C, pectin and fibres that help to lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps to control heart rate and blood pressure. 3. Mangoes Nourishes Skin Mango is beneficial for skin health. It is a source of antioxidants which delays the onset of skin aging and pigmentation. Vitamin-C in mango helps in curing pimples and acne. It can be directly applied on the skin as it smoothens it and acts as a natural moisturizer. Antioxidants are responsible to protect against harmful free radicals which can cause skin cancer. Vitamin-A and beta carotene helps in rejuvenating the skin and brings glow to the skin. 4. Alkalizes the body According to natural health, mango juice is rich in tartaric acid, malic acid and traces of citric acid that primarily help in maintaining the alkali reserve of the body. 5. Weight loss Mango has a lot of vitamins and nutrients that help the body feel fuller. Also, the fibrous fruit boosts the digestive function of the body by burning additional calories, helping in weight loss. 6. Regulates diabetes Mango Juice Not only the fruit Juice but the leaves of mangoes are healthy too. For people suffering from diabetes, just boil 5-6 mango leaves in a vessel, soak it through night and drink the filtered decoction in the morning. This is helps in regulating your insulin levels. 7. Eye care Did you know that mango is rich in vitamin A. One cup of sliced mangoes equals 25% intake of your daily need of vitamin A. Mangoes help in promoting good eye sight, fights dry eyes and also prevent night blindness. 8. Helps in digestion Mango Juice c
Natural Skincare

Natural Skin Care Products - 1 views

I always want my skin to look fair and natural. I have been using many skin care products, yet, I obtain no change. My skin did not even improve. I am looking for a natural skin care product that...

natural skin care

started by Natural Skincare on 14 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
Alex Warren

Clobetasol cream effective treatment for eczema - 0 views

    Skin infection is the most annoying one to deal with as this infection causes itching and burning sensation. This is quite disturbing as itching may occur at any time and during this "itching outbreak" you won't be able resist yourself from scratching the affected part. Eczema is one of the skin infections whose exact cause is not clear. But there are treatment options available such as use of clobetasol cream which is also known as Generic Temovate. This is the topical treatment for eczema which known to ease the burning sensation and itching. Eczema is generally defined as atopic dermatitis, characterized by reddening and swelling of the affected area. The body part or the section of the skin which gets affected becomes very itchy. The severity of infection and itching vary from person to person. In mild eczema infection the skin is dry and itchy and hot to touch. A severe infection shows broken, raw and bleeding skin. Skin rashes that itch a lot is the most common symptom of eczema. The reduction in itching is the primary step in the treatment for eczema.
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Wonderful Benefits And Uses Of Lemon - 0 views

    Lemon comes from an evergreen tree originally found in Asia. The fruit is usually greenish or yellow in colour. The whole fruit with its pulp, the juice, the rind and the zest are used in cooking as well as non-culinary purposes. Lemon juice is often used to make lemonade and other lemon beverages. The juice contains 6% citric acid which makes its taste sour. It contains vitamin c, calcium, folate, vitamin b5, vitamin b3, vitamin b1 and b2, iron, magnesium, phosphors, potassium, zinc as well as sugar, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fat and protein. Here is an exhaustive list of the health benefits of lemon: Body skin loses moisture when in contact with chlorinated water at the time of bathing. Use lemon along with turmeric and starch as a cleanser before bath. Take 4 tablespoons of yogurt and 3 teaspoons of lemon juice and mix them well. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (any variant) to it and massage this pack on body using upward strokes and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off and take your usual bath. lemon oil benefits for hair Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons tomato juice and 2 tablespoons milk in a bowl and apply it on the face and body. This mixture works as natural bleach. lemon face benefits for oily skin Lemon juice can help relieve you from wrinkles. To make the anti-wrinkle mask, use a tablespoon of honey and add some drops of lemon juice to it. Also add a few drops of almond oil (sweet) to this and mix the ingredients into a paste. Then use this on the face and keep it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash off. Lemon also helps to relieve chapped lips. Mix a teaspoon of fresh cream, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey and make this into a paste. Use this on the lips and rub it in. Store the rest and use for a week to see results. Lemon can be used to make your hands and body skin younger and beautiful. To make this application you will need the juice of a lime (freshly squeezed), a teas
wb health

The explanation on skin and vitamin for skin - 0 views

    Before we discuss about vitamin for skin. There is no harm if we know in advance how the shape and anatomy of the skin.
Matti Narkia

White Europeans evolved only '5,500 years ago' - Times Online - 0 views

    White Europeans could have evolved as recently as 5,500 years ago, according to research which suggests that the early humans who populated Britain and Scandinavia had dark skins for millenniums. It was only when early humans gave up hunter-gathering and switched to farming about 5,500 years ago that white skin began to be favoured, say the researchers. This is because farmed food was deficient in vitamin D, a vital nutrient. Humans can make this in their skin when exposed to sunlight, but dark skin is much less efficient at it.
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Top Health Advantages of Lemon Juice - 0 views

    Hundreds of miraculous health benefits are associated with the consumption of lemon juice. In this article, I have elaborated on the top ten amongst all the lemon juice benefits. Lemon enjoys a global eminence, thanks to its incredible health benefits. Several advantages are also associated with the consumption of this tangy juice. Scroll down and enjoy the read. Lemon Juice: Prevents Cancer Lemon is well-known for its richness in multipurpose flavonoid compounds which defend your body against different types of cancer. Thus, regular consumption of lemon juice ensures the prevention of cancerous cells. Lemon Juice: Treat the Upset Stomach Lemon juice is a marvellous drink for people who are suffering from an upset stomach. Digestive problems like diarrhoea or constipation make you feel uncomfortable in addition to botching up your daily routine. To deal with such problems, intake one glass lemon water at the start of the new day. You can maximize the benefits by adding one teaspoon of honey to this solution. Lemon Juice: Good for Liver One of the main advantages of lemon juice is its assistance in improving the liver function and flushing out the toxins from the body. This zesty fruit increase the production of bile in the body that is required for breaking down the fats and lipids. Lemon Juice: Assists in dealing with infections Lemons contain a high amount of Vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening the immune system. So, consuming it in any form is a natural way to prevent viral infections like cold and flu. Lemon water also aids in treating urinary tract infections. Lemon Juice: Best for Hypertension Patients People, who don't consume sufficient amount of potassium, are at higher risks of getting affected by cardiological disorders. Lemon juice contains a satisfactory amount of potassium, so it can help in reducing the risks of such problems. Lemon Juice: Acts as Natural Cleanser for Skin The cleansing properties of lemon juice
sami Ali

Skin types and skin care methods according to your skin type - 0 views

Many of us wonder about the type of skin that is characterized by it or the types of skin that are characterized by the creation of God Almighty, so in this attractive article we will talk about sk...

health study medline research vitamin_D

started by sami Ali on 27 Oct 21 no follow-up yet
wb health

The mangosteen skin benefits | Free Diet Plan - 0 views

    Here are a few mangosteen skin benefits contained in the mangosteen fruit and its skin, which I summarized from various sources on the Internet:
Matti Narkia

The roles of calcium and vitamin D in skeletal health: an evolutionary perspective - Ro... - 0 views

    Robert P. Heaney is John A. Creighton University Professor, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Hominid evolution took place in an environment (equatorial East Africa) that provided a superabundance of both calcium and vitamin D, the first in available foods and the second through conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to pre-vitamin D in the skin, a reaction catalysed by the intense solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Seemingly as a consequence, the evolving human physiology incorporated provisions to prevent the potential of toxic excesses of both nutrients. For vitamin D the protection was of two sorts: skin pigmentation absorbed the critical UV wavelengths and thereby limited dermal synthesis of cholecalciferol; and slow delivery of vitamin D from the skin into the bloodstream left surplus vitamin in the skin, where continuing sun exposure led to its photolytic degradation to inert compounds. For calcium, the adaptation consisted of very inefficient calcium absorption, together with poor to absent systemic conservation. The latter is reflected in unregulated dermal calcium losses, a high sensitivity of renal obligatory calcium loss to other nutrients in the diet and relatively high quantities of calcium in the digestive secretions. Today, chimpanzees in the original hominid habitat have diets with calcium nutrient densities in the range of 2 to 2.5 mmol per 100 kcal, and hunter-gatherer humans in Africa, South America and New Guinea still have diets very nearly as high in calcium (1.75 to 2 mmol per 100 kcal) (Eaton and Nelson, 1991). With energy expenditure of 3 000 kcal per day (a fairly conservative estimate for a contemporary human doing physical work), such diets would provide substantially in excess of 50 mmol of calcium per day. By contrast, median intake in women in North America and in many European countries today is under 15 mmol per day. Two factors altered the primitive situation: the migration of humans from Africa to higher latitude
Mango Dash india

Mango Dash: Top 8 Health Benefits of Mango Juice - 0 views

    Mango Juice is good for Heart Diseases Mangoes contain Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, Potassium and Selenium. All these are effective in making your heart healthy; especially the beta-carotene, which is useful for the cardiac patients. Potassium makes your heart, nerves and muscles to work properly. Mangoes also develop the immune system because vitamin C stimulates White Blood Corpuscles s to work more efficiently thereby destroy the bacteria and germs. Mango Juice reduces the risk of cancer Mangoes contain polyphenol compounds as well as quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, all are useful in reducing the risk for different types of cancer. Mango Juice controls blood pressure Mangoes having low glycemic index, that maintains the blood sugar level. It balances the fat levels too. The presence of potassium regulates the blood pressure and fluid mechanism in the body. It also solves the problems of diabetes. Its leaf liquor is good for diabetic patients. Mangoes for glowing & shining skin Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A which makes the skin soft and shining. When the pulp of mango is rubbed over the skin, it makes your complexion fair and maintains the moisture and make the skin glow. Mangoes good for pregnancy Mango is useful fruit for pregnant women as it contain good amount of iron that enables to maintain the HB level and proper oxygen flow. It is suggested that problems during menstruation. Mango relaxes the muscles and prevent abortion due to presence of calcium and magnesium. Mangoes for eyesight The mineral, vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, C and E are adequately present in Mangoes. It also contains flavonoids, Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. All these help to keep your eyes healthy, enhance your vision and prevent from various eye diseases. Mangos aid digestion Mango is full of digestive enzymes like magneferin, katechol oxidase and lactase and helps to overcome the probl
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