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GitHub - 2 views

    GitHub is a source code management repository host, wiki and issue tracker (GitHub Inc., 2010) that enables software developers to collaborate in the development of web and application software as primary focus but it is useful for collaborating on books and other activities of a text-based nature. GitHub is built around the Git source code management tool which is a distributed version control system developed by Linus Torvalds and hundreds of other developers (Chacon, 2010). The software allows developers to track changes between versions and other milestones. The changes are shown in the form a 'diff' that can be created between any two revisions (Git Diff, 2010). Projects hosted on GitHub can be public or private. Public and open source projects are free while commercial users and those not willing to share source code need to pay a monthly fee. In a public project, the source code stored in the repository is available to the public who can easily fork or submit patches to the project. Private projects are completely hidden from the public and can only be accessed by specifically nominated collaborators. The private project is ideal for organisations, which wish to exploit the power of GitHub but do not or cannot release their source code to the public for various reasons.
    GitHub includes an issue tracker which can be used to track bugs, assign tasks and generally keep track of what needs to be done to get the software to a state as desired by the developers and other stake holders in a project (GitHub Inc., 2010). Issues can be tagged with labels to indicate what they contain (bug, enhancement, tasks, etcetera) and to specify which version they are relevant to (Preston-Werner, 2009). For example, whether or not they need to be completed before it is possible to release version 8.9.2 or need to be ready for the 9.0 release. These same labels can be used to assign an issue to a specific person (Preston-Werner, 2009) so that they are made aware that they have been delegated the task of dealing with the issue. GitHub also includes a wiki that can be used to collaborate with other members of a project and provide documentation for the project and its output.
    Git Diff. (2010). Retrieved April 18, 2010, from learn.github: Chacon, S. (2010). About Git. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Git - Fast Version Control System: GitHub Inc. (2010). Secure source code hosting and collaborative development - GitHub. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from GitHub: Preston-Werner, T. (2009, April 15). GitHub Issue Tracker! Retrieved April 18, 2010, from GitHub Blog: Wesley, R. (1998). Version Control and the Single Developer. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from MacTech:

Commenting on SharePoint as discussed by Craig - 2 views

    Commentary by Louwna. Posted to Diigo on: 1/4/2010 from a discussion by Craig on 31/03/2010 As recent as November 2009, Microsoft was warning businesses about security, privacy issues specially differing jurisdiction when considering cloud computing as a means of collaboration. "Privacy protections are essential to building the customer trust needed for cloud computing and the internet to reach their full potential." Stafford warns that a lot of cloud computing services don't have their own infrastructure but rent from others. This will necessarily be the smaller companies. Customers of SharePoint can be assured that "sophisticated controls for securing company resources" have been thoroughly integrated into the product as it is backed by years of research from Microsoft. (Stafford, P. 2009) SharePoint encourages 3rd party developers to develop custom modifications or to incorporate SharePoint into existing collaboration software. Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Social Fest was a, 'competition by invite', to ten, cloud-collaboration, IT companies who each came up with some unique new way of utilizing SharePoint into their own collaborative platforms. SharePoint has a built in editor that allows some customization. SharePoint 2010 will provide deeper integration with Office 2010 soon to be available for retail sales. This version of Office will support Office Web Apps coming with Office 2010. Online support called "SharePoint Online Services" is already supporting more than a million users on line. Microsoft promises; "We're going to be more Internet-focused and cloud focused than ever before." ( Johnston, S.J. 2009) (Stafford, P. 2009) Retrieved on 31/03/10 from: no

Delicious - social bookmarking tool utilized to share web pages from a central location - 2 views

    Most internet users have a list of favourite websites they visit regularly and depending on what browser you use they are known as "bookmarks" or "favourites". Bookmarks can end up being a long list of unorganized information and can be frustrating if not kept updated and maintained. Also if you use more than one computer it can be difficult to keep track and ensure bookmarks are current. Delicious is a tool which alleviates these problems. Delicious enables "users to tag, save, manage and share web pages from a centralized source" [1]. Not only are you able to share your bookmarks with your friends but you also have access to the most current information on the web. You can look at the most popular tags discussing the information you are interested in. There is also a space to leave a comment or description of the site. As Stolley suggests, Delicious allows users to build a network of users who are interested in the same topics and from a workplace perspective everyone in a work environment can access the same valuable information [2]. Delicious is about sharing information and with so much information publicly available on the web today it makes it easier to have other people find the information you require. As with any tool it is important to be organized and tag relevant websites appropriately otherwise it loses its value and it can become useless for other users. To get the most out of Delicious you need to build a network of friends who have similar interests. References [1] Delicious. Retrieved 11 April 2010 from [2] Stolley, K. (2009). Integration Social Media Into Existing Work Environments: The case of Delicious. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 2009; 23; 350. Retrieved 11 April 2010 from
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    DELICIOUS BOOKMARKS Delicious Bookmarks is a free to join online bookmarking and collaboration tool that enables users to bookmark, tag and make notes with references on their favourite websites, articles and resources for a specific aim or project for either personal or public use. Locating a specific web resource for use at a later date is made easier as this bookmarking tool has a simple interface for inputting information. Delicious bookmarks also has a search feature allowing users to delve into the website for bookmarks relating for a specific area of interest (Delicious. 2010). Using Delicious bookmarks can assist users in time management ensuring that they are able to access and share with their peers popular websites and links relevant to their project, whether that project is for personal or business use or for academic research. When working collaboratively on a project such as a team researching a topic, by using the Delicious bookmarking tool users are able to save important bookmarks and tags allowing the groups user to contribute web resource links to the tag and thus making it easier to share references. Users also have the ability to tag bookmarks and collaboratively come up with a list of items which reflect each tag. Delicious has a number of free tools available to make collaboration easier such as browser extensions the major internet browsers, badges and tagrolls/linkrolls for blogs and websites [2]. Delicious has a very active community for developers of third party tools [3] with the majority being free and available as open source to use. Delicious has active community forum for developers to discuss programming and development. REFERENCES [1] Delicious (2010). "Delicious Search". Retrieved 3 April 2010 from [2] Delicious (2010). "Delicious Tools". Retrieved 3 April 2010 from [3] Delicious (2010). "Delicious Third Party Tools". Retrieved 3 April
  • is a social bookmarking manger website, which allows individuals to save, tag, manage and share their collection of bookmarks with others. (About , n.d.) The website is a database of bookmarks, creating a collaboration of users bookmarked websites. Its "a growing source of human generated content." (Kolay & Dasdan, 2009) Previously to save a website URL, users would bookmark them in their web browser located on one computer. With no order, URL's would be hard to find. Now allows users to bookmark their URL's in an organised online space, on any computer with an Internet connection. Introduced in 2003, (Millien, Feinberg & Kerr, 2005) this free website, allows anyone to register and create an account. Once registered, buttons are installed and appear on the web browser. (LeFever, 2009) These buttons assist in making bookmarking quick and easy. When bookmarking a site, a users clicks on the tag button, which allows the users to add tags and keywords. (LeFever, 2009) These are words that are related to the website and help searching for the webpage at a later date. By using tags, it allows users to search by tag or keyword, narrowing search results and saving time. creates a network, with constant updates of new and interesting bookmarks being added to the website. (LeFever, 2009) Bookmarks are made public so anyone can search the website by tag or keyword and a list of websites collaborated from registered users are displayed. This creates greater search results.
    Reference: About. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2010, from Kolay, S. & Dasdan, A. (2009). The Value of Socially Tagged URLs for a Search Engine. International World Wide Web Conference. April, 1203-1204. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from ACM Database. LeFever, L. (2009). Social Bookmarking in Plain English, for the rest of us. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from Millen, D., Feinberg, J. & Kerr, B. (2005). Social Bookmarking in the Enterprise. Queue, 3, 28-35. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from ACM Database.

Jive SBS - 2 views

    Jive SBS (Social Business Software) is a community building application, formerly known as Clearspace. It is specifically suited for medium to large organisations and boasts that it is "built for the enterprise" [1]. The application allows you to build communities for employees, the public (or both) [2]. Looking primarily at the Employee Community product, we are offered a powerful social networking tool that connects employees for the purpose of online collaboration. Employees can have detailed profiles and connections to "foster teamwork". At a glance information is also provided about online status, allowing employees to quickly see who is available for meetings etc. The profile information facilitates simple creation of organisation charts and groups for projects, teams, sections etc [3]. Features include discussions, collaborative documents, a configurable homepage dashboard, blogs, polls, bookmarks, categories, status updates, access control, private storage, mobile device support, project management tools (milestones, tasks, and calendars), search engine optimisation, and a range of other rich features [4]. Search and tag capabilities are worthy of note. The software supports tagging like most popular applications; however all content is included in search results (blog entries, discussion posts, annotations etc). This means that nothing is missed when undertaking a site search. Jive SBS has been considered a leader by Gartner in corporate social software [5] and a range of IT based experts have given encouraging reviews [6] [7]. Jive considers itself "robust, [and] enterprise tested" due to its 8 year maturity and the successful hosting of public sites with in excess of 80 million views/month, and employee communities comprising 20,000+ active users [4].
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    There are three pricing tiers varying on the level of features, type of hosting and maximum number of users required. Entry level is 1000 (max.) users at $3 per user per month. Free demos are available to allow you to try before you buy [8]. Jive SBS appears to be particularly useful for networking and information sharing in the corporate environment, however it is important to consider reliability and uptime of any product that is hosted entirely under the control of an external provider [9]. References [1] Jive Software. (2010). About. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [2] Jive Software. (2010). Products. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [3] Jive Software. (2010). Enterprise collaboration and communication. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [4] Jive Software. (2010). The Jive SBS Foundation. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [5] Jive Software. (2010). Magic Quadrant for Social Software in the Workplace. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [6] Live Enterprise. (2009). Social Software leaders: Jive, SocialText and NewsGator. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from
    [7] Fontana, J. (2009). Jive refines corporate social networking tools. InfoWorld. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [8] Jive Software. (2010). Get up and running with Jive Social Business Software. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [9] Marks, O. (2009). All that Jive: Putting the 'social' into business software. ZDNet. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from
    Jive SBS was built for business and is the largest and fastest Social Business Software (SBS) in the world [1]. It brings together collaboration software, community software and social networking tools and enables organisations to connect with either employee's or customers or both [1]. When Jive SBS were looking to extend their leadership in the enterprise market with a new leadership strategy [2]. They went to 62 companies to find out what their business objectives were and how they use social software within their organisation. They found there were four main areas of focus; employee engagement, innovation, marketing/sales, market engagement, government and support [2][3]. With this information they redesigned their software [2]. On April 14, 2010, Jive SBS announced its next generation of the Jive Market Engagement solution product. Jive SBS aquired Filtrbox earlier in the year and has now integrated the technology into its product [4][5]. Filtrbox is a social media monitoring software, and Jive is the first company to combine it with collaborative SBS [5]. With the Market Engagment product a business can monitor and highlight people, conversations and brands influencing your product or service. Users are able to personalise a dashboard for their organisation so that you can configure topics, competitors, or product lines and employ filtering options. The learnings made through the software can be shared among the organisation by publishing findings onto an observation wall [5]. This becomes a central point of collaboration where others in the organisation can post their comments or feedback [5]. [1] Jive SBS (2010). Jive SBS 4.0. Retrieved 19 April, 2010, from [2] Mosher, B. (2009). Next for the Enterprise: Social Networking Suites. Retrieved 19 April, 2010, from [3] Jive SBS (2010). Social Business Acc

HyperOffice - 2 views

    HyperOffice is an online collaboration suite that is designed for the small to medium sized business. The catchphrase is "collaboration made simple" and one of the advantages of HyperOffice is that it is entirely web based, meaning that no major IT infrastructure or expertise is needed to utilise it in your business [1]. Features of the Collaboration Suite include business email service (web based), online calendar, task manager, online document management, online contact management, custom online portal, intranet/extranet publishing, plus a range of supporting tools such as online database management, polls, discussion boards and a project management tool [2]. The service is mobile device supported and can also synchronise with Outlook, to leverage existing communication applications. It is both Windows and Mac compatible. HyperOffice staff have 10 years experience providing online collaboration [3] and a wide range of clients are presented for reference, which builds credibility in the product [4]. It has also been met with favourable criticism by a number of reviewers [5] [6] [7]. A free 30 day trial if available, after which pricing depends on extended product features and the number of users e.g. Collaboration Suite for 100 users is $6239.90 per year and includes 12.5GB online document storage hosting [8]. This is an affordable solution for small and medium sized businesses that do not have the expertise or budget to implement larger enterprise communications and collaboration tools.
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    References [1] HyperOffice. (2010). Boost Productivity with Total Collaboration! Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [2] HyperOffice. (2010). Homepage. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [3] HyperOffice. (2010). Press Coverage. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [4] HyperOffice. (2010). Clients. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [5] Mendelson, E. (2006). HyperOffice. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from,2817,1954116,00.asp [6] Needleman, R. (2006). HyperOffice takes on Outlook and Exchange. Cnet news. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [7] Online Document Management. (2008). HyperOffice Review. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from [8] HyperOffice, (2010). Pricing. Retrieved April 11, 2010, from
    HyperOffice, launched in 1998 and powered by Ajax and other Web 2.0 technologies, [1] is an award-winning, cloud-computing software-as-a-service (SaaS) [2] offering a suite of online collaboration and communication tools specifically targeted at the small-to-medium enterprise (SME). Users collaborate online through dedicated virtual workspaces to share documents, contacts, calendars and projects from any computer or mobile phone both in and out of the office. [3] One of the key differentiators of HyperOffice is its exceptional ability to create a branded or customised portal in your existing website that allows clients to be directly linked through a log-in to those specific areas of your business that they deal with. This is a seamless process and the branding is independent of any reference to HyperOffice. No specialist expertise is required as you can use the HyperOffice Publisher or HTML editor to achieve a professional result. [4] HyperOffice has recently released its Beta HyperSynch feature enabling "iPhone, Droid, Blackberry, mobile phones and other wireless devices to connect, to update and synchronise Outlook email, contacts, calendars, projects tasks and corporate networks via over-the-air updates" [5] As a further enhancement to the product, HyperOffice embedded a 'Skype-Me' icon next to their contact list, in the Shared Contact Manager, and as a result allowed HyperOffice users to contact each other directly using the Skype service and avoid the cost of traditional phone charges. This has seen HyperOffice's sales increase dramatically on a global basis by leveraging off the free and low-cost options of the Skype communications and collaboration application. [6] HyperOffice has also expanded its operations and product distribution into Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) which will result in enhanced opportunities for collaboration with small-to-medium-enterprise (SME) businesses in these areas further underpinning Hy
    References: [1] 'HyperOffice expands global marketing channels for cloud-computing collaboration suite; VNC to distribute new edition of software-with-services business tools to EMEA resellers, partners, customers'. Retrieved from URL: [2] Hamilton, D. (2010). 'Cloud collaboration suite HyperOffice Expands Global Marketing Channels in EMEA". Web Host Industry Review. Retrieved from URL: [3] HyperOffice. Retrieved from URL: [4] HyperOffice. Retrieved from URL: [5] HyperOffice; HyperSynch Connects iPhone, Droid, Blackberry, Windows Mobile Phone Users to Email, Contacts, Calendars, Projects, Data, Tasks and Corporate Networks. (2010, March). Computer Weekly News,302. Retrieved from ProQuest Computing. (Document ID: 1984904381). [6] HyperOffice; HyperOffice Wins Skype for Business Competition. (2009, September). Computer Weekly News,175. Retrieved from ProQuest Computing. (Document ID: 1855792061) [7] HyperOffice. Retrieved from URL:
    HyperOffice is a software as service company offering hosted intranet solutions. The services offers various business oriented tools allowing information, and communication throughout an organisation. Employees can use the service to collaborate on projects and there are many customisation options (HyperOffice, 2010). HyperOffice has many features. These include the desktop which reports on things that may be of interest. It is essentially a dashboard. User-specific features include a calendar (personal and organisation wide). Documents manager, contacts, tasks, bookmarks, notes and reminders. HyperOffice also has features for groups within a company that may be used by teams or setup for specific projects. The document manager in particular has inbuilt version control where all copies of a file are saved as edited versions of the file is uploaded and this allows changes that go in the wrong direction to be rolled back to prior versions. Many of the same features available for personal use are available for groups along with the addition of forums, and voting. Specific to collaboration, HyperOffice can facilitate online meetings and collaborative management of databases. The database feature in particular is very similar to Microsoft Access in functionality in that it allows not only for tables and user permissions but also customs input methods in the way of forms and custom views to show data in the manner which suites it most (HyperOffice, 2010).
    HyperOffice Review. (2008, July 2). Retrieved April 20, 2010, from Online Document Management: Review Online Document Collaboration & Document Sharing: HyperOffice. (2010). Boost Team Productivity Total Productivity. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from HyperOffice:
3More - Web based group training - 2 views

  • offers a web based training solution for collaborative groups [1], the multi-user program is an online application that lets a single administrator manage a group of Online Training Library® subscriptions. This program is ideal for institutions, offering Online Training Library® access to a group of 5 or more users. The multi-user program administrator has access to a series of reports that track individual account usage. A key benefit of is the 24 hour online access to the database of thousands of training videos [2], which reduces costly offsite training expenses, with production loss and geographical transport issues, with a trainer can find out, down to the minute, how long a section of training will take, making easy to fit the training into a hectic schedule. Traditionally, inter-departmental training interactions within organisations and collaborations have been infrequent and difficult to maintain and monitor the benefit of the adoption of the software tools and services that foster fluidity and cooperation uses technology to build bridges between departments. The comprehensive reporting and graphing within this training application, tracks usage per account and offers other statistical data such as most viewed titles, total usage by all users, offering simple analysis of performance. A case study is provided by the media giant Time Warner Cable Media, who produce television commercials and require constant training on the latest multimedia applications, but the company's offices, are spread across a large region. Historically, assembling these busy professionals together for training was a huge challenge [3].
    References: [1] available from [2], Is It Really Worth The Money? Retrieved 8th April 2010 from [3] Anonymous. 'Case Study:Time Warner Cable Media Sales'. Retrieved 9th April 2010 from http://www.lynda/casestudy.pdf
  • is a useful tool to help software users keep up to date with the latest releases and technology available [1]. No matter what software skills you require, there is bound to be a online tutorial available on to watch and learn. With access to 40,000+ tutorials, there is sure to be a software program to suit your needs [1]. Even if users are comfortable with an application, there are always tricks to learn or additional upgrades with more features. With keeping up to date is simplified [2]. Whether you're into digital photography, web design and development, motion graphics, or just need to brush up on Excel, you can learn all the software skills you need to gain a competitive edge with our online tutorials. Once users have registered, they are able to watch any of the videos available from anywhere at any time with their login details. There are different subscription options available either on a monthly or annual basis. The prices range from US$25 per month for the basic subscription which allows access 24/7 to all courses. The monthly premium package for US$37.50 per month includes exercise files which you can use to follow along with the tutorials. The annual subscription saves $50 which is an extra 2 months free and the annual premium subscription [2]. Online education plays an important role in today's education and as Richardson (2009) [3] explains it is common for both on campus and off campus higher education refers to "face-to-face and online course delivery as 'blended learning'". Over the years, online learning has improved significantly and the accessibility of anywhere, anytime learning is an attractive factor in choosing online learning [3]. References [1] Our Mission. Retrieved 14 April 2010 from [2] Products. Retrieved 14 April 2010 from [3] Richardson, J. T. E. (2009). Face-to-Face Versus

Web conferencing solution Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro - 2 views

    Slogan: Travel is a luxury, communication is not. Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro is a web conferencing solution. The full capabilities of Adobe's Acrobat Connect Pro software allows hosting of instant, collaborative meetings with hundreds of participants using only a web browser and Adobe Flash Player. (Adobe, 2009) Some of the features are: * Secure sharing of desktops, documents and presentations. * Control over access to online meetings. * Instant communicate and collaborate. * Online meeting rooms. * Video and audio * Screen-sharing * Text and chat (Adobe, 2009) Clemson University (USA) chose Adobe's Acrobat Connect Pro to accommodate the needs of graduate students who couldn't always attend their classes in person. The university decided on Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, partly because it was easy to scale as and needs and resources allowed or dictated. (Dawson, 2009) Adobe's Acrobat Connect Pro conferencing solution encompasses a comprehensive set of tools that have satisfied a variety of needs for both on and off campus students and tutors. IT support staff, teachers and students frequently use the system for troubleshooting and learning support. The use of video conferencing has significantly reduced travel expenses for the faculty. (Dawson, 2009) Designed to protect meeting spaces from security threats, one of Connect Pro's greatest assets is the end-to-end encryption provided by password strength optimisers that require user authentication both for presenters and attendees alike. Hosts and presenters can control all levels of attendee access, from media files to voice privileges. In addition, Adobe Connect Pro provides features to enable the keeping of full logs of meetings and the functionality to audit logs for potentially malicious use or data corruption. (TopTenReviews, 2010) References below - in comment
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    Not all businesses are looking for an all-in-one product that cost more than a 2 day old kidney on the black-market. Adobe is certainly a worldwide name, giving it the upper hand in the multimedia and creativity software market (, n.d). Communication in a business is an important aspect; and video conferencing is not bound by physical boarders, meaning several people from around the world can participate as if they are sitting within the same room. With Adobe Flash installed on 98% of internet-connected computers, Adobe has taken advantage of this and has built a collaboration tool that integrates straight into the web browser (, n.d); something that Radvision's SCOPIA Desktop does not do. With all online video conferences, great dependency weighs heavily on the internet connection; Acrobat Connect Pro is bandwidth friendly and is not a hog (, n.d). However, this product would work effortlessly for a web conferencing environment. In 2009, the U.S Marine Corps selected Adobe's product Acrobat Connect Pro to communicate enabling Marines to communicate more effortlessly and securely across locations worldwide (Adobe, 2009). "Some of the world's most secure organizations in financial services, life sciences, and government - including the U.S. Department of Defense - have turned to Acrobat Connect Pro as a real-time collaboration solution. It not only meets the government's highest security standards, but also enables increased efficiency and communication across networks." (Adobe, 2009) - Rob Tarkoff (senior vice president, Adobe's Business Productivity Business Unit) References Adobe (2010). Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro Retrieved March 30, 2010, from Adobe (2009). U.S. Marine Corps Selects Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro for Mission-Critical Communications Retrieved March 30, 2010, from
    References - Adobe - Acrobat Connect Pro free trial. (2009). Adobe. Retrieved March 22, 2010, from Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro 2010 - TopTenREVIEWS. (2010). Web Conferencing Review 2010 - TopTenREVIEWS. Retrieved March 22, 2010, from Dawson, C. (2009). Education IT mobile edition. Education IT mobile edition. Retrieved March 22, 2010, from
    Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro If your students/employees have a web browser and Adobe Flash Player then Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro is an e-learning tool that may have value in their education, training and conferencing needs [1]. Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro has three main streams of use and several key features: 1. Web Conferencing a. Delivery through any web browser that doesn't require extra software downloads. b. Worldwide connection of distributed teams c. Synchronous viewing by all participants. d. Custom URL for consistency. e. Works with multiple audio platforms f. Facility to record meetings g. Customisable interface 2. eLearning a. Content creation can be customised to suit the situation - virtual or self-paced courses. b. Synchronous viewing by all participants c. Customisable templates that can be adapted for reuse. d. Tracking of students progress e. Surveying and polling of students f. Facility to incorporate third-party systems within the existing e-learning tool 3. Web Seminars a. Branding of interface b. Extends your arm of contacts and participants c. Cut costs while increasing your point of contact. d. Manage registrations e. Qualify attendees and send out email notifications. Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro is built on the foundation of Flash technology, which is compatible with up to 98% of Internet connected computers. Add to this its ability to function on an extremely low bandwidth, and its user authentication strengths, this makes it an effective, safe and highly accessible application [2]. While Oliver Rist, of, rates the overall application highly, he does warn that its depth of features can lead to a need for a large learning curve when starting out [3]. Rist also lists the applications main strengths as being within the meeting, or conferencing, component because of its slick and clever interface, which can be customised all while working within the web browser.
    [1] Adobe (2010) Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from [2] TopTen Revies (2010) Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from [3] Rist, Oliver (2008) Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from,2817,2279709,00.asp
3More for CRM - 2 views

shared by louwnaw on 02 Apr 10 - Cached
    Salesforce is a sales and service, customer relationship management (CRM), cloud computing operation. To date, 72,500 Companies have made Salesforce Sales Cloud, Australia's most-popular collaborative sales application. Some corporate customers are: BlueScope Steel, Crocs, Langdon Ingredients, Mission Australia, Australian air Express and many more. Features of the application: Accounts and contracts: An abridged customer overview. Marketing and Leads: Manage multichannel campaigns and turn prospects into sales. Opportunities and Quotes: Real time quote, product tracking, sales process, schedule automatic email reminders to keep teams up to date. Approvals and workflow: Eliminate redundant tasks, modify workflow, respond to order requests, define, administer and analyse territories and alter boundaries easily. Email and productivity: Synchronise or embed Salesforce with Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Google Apps, Microsoft word and Excel address book, calendar and email. Personalize email with templates. Genius: Share best practices, sales tools, supporting material, case studies, and similar deals from mentors. Content Library: Integrated content library with web features like tagging, search and ranking, find the latest presentations and information and marketing tools. Analytics and Forecasting: Dashboard graphics to display performance indicators at a glance. Generate reports and forecasting from valid data. Partners: Collaborate with partners in real time, sharing leads, opportunities and tasks towards greater loyalty. Mobile: Salesforce comes with free Mobile Lite or upgrade to the full version. Get instant access to vital information and dashboards. Service Cloud: The platform for modern customer service. Service cloud is a Call centre, a customer portal, integrates with Twitter and Fac
    Cloud computing and businesses seems to be a perfect match. With a report found on Sales Force's website, Predicts 2010: Customer Service Meets Social CRM (Maoz, Jacobs, Davies, & Thompson, 2009), finds that tapping into social networks improve marketing, sales and service processes; when planning social networking projects, consideration about the dominant social networking sites needs to be addressed; and by 2011, all customers will be able to perform their own self-service functions on CRM packages. The report Predicts 2010: Customer Service Meets Social CRM relates to what louwnaw (2010) comments on about social networking integration: "Service Cloud: The platform for modern customer service. Service cloud is a Call centre, a customer portal, integrates with Twitter and Facebook." To in enhance productivity, Sales Force also allows itself to integrate into other products (louwnaw, 2010). Being a cloud service means that it can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, and as Sales Force promote, no software to be installed. As "it all runs online, in the cloud, you avoid the expense of infrastructure and headaches of software." (Sales Force, 2010c). The real time chat feature allows for any user to communicate and collaborate with one other, encouraging dynamic interactions between people and groups (Sales Force, 2010a). With a great deal of success stories, it is not hard to see why so many companies have chosen this product (Sales Force, 2010b). louwnaw (2010). Australia Retrieved April 3, 2010, from Maoz, M., Jacobs, J., Davies, J., & Thompson, E. (2009). Predicts 2010: Customer Service Meets Social CRM. Retrieved from Sales Force (2010a). Chatter Retrieved April 3, 2010, from Sales Force (2010b). Customers Retrieved April 3, 2010, from http://www.
    Twitter has a more open platform than Facebook and present opportunities for businesses to tap into the online conversations of their customers and initiate micro-interactions with them. (Schindholzer, B 2009) David Markus from Smartcompany .com says functionality, ease of use, stability, price, support, level of integration with other tools and security for cloud computing are the criteria to evaluate web-based collaboration technologies on. Countless case studies confirm that meet these criteria. Reference Sales Cloud Features Datasheet.( 2010) Retrieved on 1/4/2010 from: Markus, D.(2010)Retrieved on 30/3/2010 from:

Swivel: Data Sharing and visualization tool (2) - 2 views

  • References [1] IPSN'07 Overview. Data sharing and Interoperability on the world-wide Sensor Web. [2] Features page 2010 from: [3] Cuff, D et al. 2008 Urban Sensing: Out of the Woods. Communications of the ACM. Vol 51, No 3.Retrieved on 3/4/2010 from:
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    "Swivel is not a data visualization tool. Swivel is not a data analysis tool. Swivel is the world's first data sharing tool." [2] A multitude of embedded sensing platforms have given rise to abundant statistical data available on request, or in the public domain.[1] Geocoded data, its visualization on the geographic information system Google Earth and "mash-ups" with Google Maps, have reduced the technical barrier to visualize data. Embedded network sensing has gone from the lab to nature and is now in our suburbs. "Urban -sensing" are reaching into the worlds of politics, aesthetics, interpretation and motivation.[3] As a business tool mash-up applications; or, the ability to pull data in from multiple sources and render it into a coherent visual model for presentations to customers or team members, can make a significant difference to the experience.[1]
    The Swivel mission statement commits to, "empower the world's data" by turning information into action. Customers range from businesses to clubs or individuals., The Huffington Post, U.S. News and The Texas Tribune has embedded the product for journalistic statistical manipulation. Swivel lets people see, understand and share their numbers, visually. Contributing data to the public domain or to a private setting, (group, project, customer-base etc.), allows comments and feedback by way of notes. Swivel can be teamed up with,, Google docs, Google Analytics, QuickBooks and more.[2] Swivel is user friendly; you can upload Excel files, (97 through to 2007 version), or use Swivel spreadsheets by pasting (or typing) raw data from a file or website. Formatting options are available for font face, size and colour.' One-click' manipulation creates custom charts. Interactive error messages guide and suggest alternatives. A wide range of chart types are available. Most importantly charts and spreadsheets are easily embedded as interactive widgets or static images. Swivel is free for public data or available on a monthly contract for private use. Swivel support is available on email and Twitter. , for Public reports, charts and data e.g. "Forbes Top Ten List over the past 10 Years.[2]
    Swivel Co-founders Dmitry Dimov and Brian Mulloy describe their company as "YouTube for Data." The Swivel site allows users to upload any data and display it visually to other users. Users can upload any type of data for rating, commenting and bookmarking by other users. Graphs of the data can also be used and embedded into other websites. (Arrington, 2006) Any data on Swivel can be compared to any other data regardless of whether or not there is any correlation. Arrington (2006) remarks that it is possible to compare data as diverse as "gas prices to presidential approval ratings or UFO sightings to iPod sales". Not all data is made public though. Swivel provides a free service for public data but also offers a premium service whereby, for a fee, data can be stored privately, still allowing the owner to compare their private data to public data sets. (Arrington, 2006) In comparison to Swivel, similar data sharing capabilities are offered by IBM's Many Eyes Many Eyes allows users to create more complex graphs such as network illustrations, which depict nodes and connections as well as treemaps that present data as groups of nested rectangles. (Butler, 2007) Brent Edwards, director of the Starkey Hearing Research Center in Berkeley, California, points out that journals could move science forward much more effectively by using the Internet to share information. He says "I'm often frustrated by my inability to analyse in a different way data that are printed in peer-reviewed publications, when I'm interested in looking at a relationship that the authors didn't think of". If journals and research organisations linked the raw data behind their papers to collaborative software tools such as Swivel and Many Eyes, he argues, "it would have considerable value to the scientific community as a whole". (Butler, 2007)
    References Arrington, M. (2006, December 5). Swivel Aims To Become The Internet Archive For Data . TechCrunch . Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Butler, D. (2007). Data sharing: the next generation. Nature, 446, 10-11. Many Eyes. (n.d.). Many Eyes. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from

Codaset - 1 views

    Codaset is an online collaboration environment for software developers who use the Git source code management system (SCM). The service supports version control, source code browsing, issue tracking, milestones, wiki and blogs (Develop with Style, 2010). Codaset is built around the Git source code management tool which is a distributed version control system developed by Linus Torvalds and hundreds of other developers (Chacon, 2010). The software allows developers to track changes between versions and other milestones (Wesley, 1998). The changes are shown in the form a 'diff' that can be created between any two revisions or between any two revisions of a specific file (Git Diff, 2010). Projects hosted on Codaset can be public, semi-private or private (Develop with Style, 2010). The first private or semi-private project is free while Public projects have all information stored within them available to everyone and are open for forking and collaboration with all who wish to work on the project Develop with Style , 2010). Semi-private projects have all aspects of the project available to the public except the crucial source code (Develop with Style , 2010). Private projects on the other hand are completely hidden from the public and only those selected by the creator of the project can participate (Develop with Style, 2010). Codaset projects each contain a wiki which can be used to document, and plan the direction of a project. Like source code management, this wiki is also versioned (Develop with Style, 2010).
    Git Diff. (2010). Retrieved April 18, 2010, from learn.github: Wesley, R. (1998). Version Control and the Single Developer. Retrieved April 18, 2010, from MacTech: Chacon, S. (2010). About Git. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Git - Fast Version Control System: Develop with Style. (2010). Retrieved April 18, 2010, from Codaset:

Tinychat - Free Online Group Video Chat Service - 1 views

    TinyChat is a web-based audio and video communication platform. It enables users to create group video chats or one-to-one (p2p) private video chats. With the group chats disposable or permanent rooms can be created with a simple URL for up to 400 participants and 12 live video streams. For the p2p video chat no sign up is necessary. It is secure and when the two people go to the same URL they are connected automatically and the call begins [1]. It doesn't require any downloads or plug-in's, and works on any browser and operating system [2]. TinyChat is a very social tool and can be connected with Facebook [4]. Now it has recently integrated with YouTube [5] for videos, Etherpad [6] for document collaboration and Flockdraw[7] for whiteboard features [2]. With YouTube, the administrator of the chat controls where to start, pause and end the video. Integrating Etherpad into a chat is simple and everyone in the chat can discuss a particular document while using Etherpads features as well as TinyChats. The document can also be saved and reopened in future video chats. Flockdraws whiteboard feature is similar to using Etherpad, but rather than using a document you can draw, paint, erase and write. With all these collaborative features TinyChat could become essential for any business that is spread globally [3]. [1] TinyChat. (2010). TinyChat. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from [2] Crunchbase. (2010). TinyChat. Retrieved 16 April, 2010, from [3] Rao, L. (2010). TinyChat Upgrade brings Etherpad, Whiteboard and YouTube Intergrations. Retreived 16 April, 2010, from

Commentary by Louwna on ConceptShare as suggested by Craig J/ - 1 views

    ConceptShare is cleverly pursuing like-minded partners at a time when web-based software concepts are becoming exceedingly popular. Partnerships increase the visibility of both parties. **ConceptShare teamed up with Vimeo to create free, basic and advanced tutorials to learn how to use this product prior to purchasing.[1] **Email clients are teamed up to create co-op workspaces by a built in, email system that automatically parse the email list and send invitations to the list members.[1] **Alliance with the Adobe users, multipage PDF documents can be imported which make brochure, instruction pages and other multi-page documents easy to collaborate on. [1] **ConceptShare and Marketbright; a marketing automation platform, teamed up in a mutually beneficial relationship. Creative and marketing professionals can liaise on marketing and advertising campaigns. [1] Retrieved on 5/4/2010 from: [2] Scott , 2010. Marketbright and ConceptShare launch partnership. Retrieved on 5/4/2010 from:

Web SMS Service, Mobile Phone Marketing & Advertising, Bulk SMS Australia - 1 views

    Burst SMS is a pay as you use web based instant messaging service that is marketed as a 'private label SMS marketing tool' for responsible mobile marketing and advertising [1]. The service can be accessed remotely from any external online source and offers instant messaging facility in both single and multiple SMS sending modes, to just about anywhere in the world [2]. It is a system that can be rebranded to fit any companies profile and is touted as being wholly SPAM compliant with a built in industry compliant opt-out system [3]. The system has the following features: · Web based SMS delivery to one or many recipients · Cheap SMS rates - within Australia 8.8 cents per SMS. Elsewhere in the world 7.2 - 15.8 cents per SMS. · Marketing application - offers up to 250 SMS messages per minute, within 10 seconds. Includes an opt-out code. · Delivers reports · SMS reseller offering, with a white label web SMS system · Provides quick and easy communication within a business - facilitates team communication. · Unlimited number of contacts · Use of a keyboard to send messages rather than a predictive text pad. · Personalise text messaging to multiple contacts by using the [firstname] variable [4]. · Sits as a bookmark in your toolbar - no login required · Multiple personalising features - schedule reminders, favourites list, use personal mobile number identifier to elicit a response. · Sends out updates, alerts, reminders, promotional messages, confirmations etc. · Sends pictures, video's and audio. The value of using such a system for collaborative purposes is found in its ability to contact, and send personalised messages to, multiple people at one time in order to relay updates, new ideas, and changes in schedules simply and effectively, which saves time, money and concern [5].
    References for BurstSMS: [1] CrunchBase (2008) Burst sms. Retrieved on 13th April 2010 from [2] BurstSMS (2010) Web SMS Service. Retrieved on 11th April 2010 from [3] MobileMarketing Magazine (2010) Burst SMS Offers Opt-out Advice. Retrieved on 13th April 2010 from [4] BurstSMS blog (2010) 10 ways the Burst Web SMS Bookmarklet can make your text messaging life easier. Retrieved on 13th April 2010 from [5] MattE (2010) How a school kept parents happy using SMS. Retrieved on 13th April 2010 from

Instant Messaging for Collaboration: A Case Study of a High-Tech Firm - 1 views

    This resource represents a case study done within a high-technology software and service company, known as KME, on the effectiveness of instant messaging (IM) as a collaborative tool for information exchange and project collaboration [1]. IM is identified as being effective as a problem-solving tool in the following ways: · Speeding up exchange of information · Posing quick questions · Making clarifications · Arranging and coordinating richer media collaborations · Problem solving through a network of people · Solicit an immediate response. However, the paper also explores the social processes of such a collaborative tool. Connectedness is fostered through IM, but whether it is positive or negative depends on the characteristics of the actors' relationships. These social processes are manifest in the form of power, social relationships and workplace norms. The social translucence of technology (STT) framework is used to examine their collaborative processes. The article focuses on STT's three characteristics and determines the following: 1. Visibility - IM has several key visibility features that allow the users to indicate their availability to communicate and interact. 2. Awareness - This is strongly connected to the social framework of the actors and their connectedness with each other. 3. Accountability -It is dependent on whether a workers status is higher or lower within the organisation. It recognises that IM is a lean media and, when used within the context of few social cues and less complex knowledge issues, it can foster a good sense of community, provide for ad hoc exchanges, and speed up the process of information exchange. However, it also recognises that the social processes involved must be considered in terms of whether this connectedness is perceived as positive or negative, whether it is used to create distance, and a person's hierarchical position within the company.
    Reference: [1] Quan-Haase, A., Cothrel, J., and Wellman, B. (2005). Instant messaging for collaboration: A case study of a high-tech firm. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(4), article 13. Retrieved on 12th April 2010 from

Adding Social Awareness to Jazz for Reducing Socio-Cultural Distance between Distribute... - 0 views

    This article talks about the issue of socio-cultural distance in distributed software development teams and methods to bridge this gap when using a collaborative software development environment. After discussing the various collaborative development environments available to developers, it goes on to talk about integrating FriendFeed micro blog and content aggregation service with IBM's Jazz, a plugin for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment. By integrating Friendfeed into the collaborative development environment, it is possible to reduce the socio-cultural distance that would otherwise be present if the development was done in a traditional office environment. Examples given included if a developer used LibraryThing to post a review of a book they had read, this would be revealed to the other developers who might be interested in the book which would give them a greater understanding of the developer's interests and become a possible conversation piece. Another example given was where the developers on a team were from different backgrounds such as the difference between American and Indian culture. It was stated that in Indian culture, it would be disrespectful to disagree with a senior developer. It was hoped that through making the development environment more collaborative and social, it would be possible to reduce cultural walls that would make it difficult for the parties to interact in a productive manner. While the article gives examples of the benefits of a more social collaborative development environment, specifically how their FriendFeed plugin for IBM's Jazz could bring these benefits. These do not seem to be based on an actual situation (case study) but rather seem to on how the authors imagine their plugin being used - perhaps based on their own experience in software development. This brings the reliability of the article into question and at the very least, indicates an area for further study.
    Calefato, F., Gendarmi, D., & Lanubile, F. (2009). Adding Social Awareness to Jazz for Reducing Socio-Cultural Distance between Distributed Development Teams. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Università degli Studi di Bari:
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