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Christopher Clarke

GoToMeeting - 7 views

    GoToMeeting is a service from Citrix that facilitates online meetings between multiple people. The service not only allows for audio chat, but also desktop/screen and file sharing (Citrix, 2010). The service supports up to 15 concurrent users in a single meeting. Similar services are available for larger presentations in the form of GoToWebinar and GoToTraining allowing for 100-1000 and 25-200 users respectively depending on the level of service subscribed. At the conclusion of a meeting, GoToMeeting offers the ability to see who attended the meeting and who did not. To protect the security of its subscribers, GoToMeeting and Citrix's other GoTo products use 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) end-to-end encryption (Citrix, 2010). This ensures that all communication is only seen by the intended recipients. AES encryption is a proven encryption algorithm and the cipher approved by the NSA (an American intelligence agency) for storing information up to the SECRET level (and TOP SECRET if a 192-bit or 256-bit key is used) (CNSS Secretariat, 2003). GoToMeeting has several competitors. The main competitors appear to be Cisco WebEx and Microsoft SharedView (successor to NetMeeting). However, competition also exists with combinations of free tools that fill the same need once combined. For example, Skype coupled with TeamViewer could be used to accomplish much the same task although not nearly as easy to use in the screen sharing combined with audio conferencing aspect. Citrix. (2010). Features. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from GoToMeeting: Citrix. (2010). Security & Reliability. Retrieved April 13, 2010, from GoToMeeting: CNSS Secretariat. (2003,
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    GotoMeeting is a tool which delivers online meetings and webinars. Viewers can watch from anywhere as long as they have access to a computer with internet. There are both meetings and webinars which both provide meeting organizers with the ability to share applications or documents in real time [1]. There is also the ability to record meetings and/or webinars for viewers to watch at their own leisure. GotoMeeting software is for small groups who can all contribute to the meeting as if they were in the one room. Users can either dial in or use voip depending on their requirements. GotoWebinar is ideal for one presenter interacting with up to 1,000 people at one time. The attendees are able to communicate with the presenter via instant chat messages. It is also possible to engage the users by running polls, having a Q&A session at the end of the webinar. There are a few competitors in this market with Webex being a major competitor. Most of the applications are similar with a few variables depending on the price. One thing that gives GoToMeeting the edge is the price at approx $500 per month for unlimited webinars for up to 1,000 attendees [2]. In comparing GotoMeeting and Wimba's Live Classroom (another competitor in the market), Flatley (2006)[3] favoured GoToMeeting as the "easiest to use" with students catching on quickly with no guidance. In keeping up with current trends, Citrix have announced its GoToMeeting App for iPad which is available in the App Store [4]. This makes GotoMeeting more accessible which creates a more productive work environment. References [1] GoToWebinar: Features. Retrieved 14 April 2010 from [2] Flat-Rate Pricing. Retrieved 14 April 2010 from [3] Flatley, M., E. (2007). Teaching the Virtual Presentation. Business Communication Quarterly 2007; 70; 301. Retrieved 14 April 2010 from
    GoToMeeting is a "popular online meeting application" (Ramachandran & Beeram, 2009) that is used to "collaborate online, give presentations and for online training." (Ramachandran & Beeram, 2009) This easy-to-use application allows collaborating with anyone, anywhere, saving businesses time and money particularly with traveling expenses. (Business Wire, 2009) GoToMeeting is used by small and large businesses; with the ability to "host an online meeting with up to 15 people". (Online Meetings, 2010) For $US49 a month and an Internet connection, it can be operated on Mac or PC, and now on the iPad. An App for the iPad was created, due to the "need for more mobility in our work styles." (Citrix Online, 2010) This creates more opportunity to collaborate remotely, without the need to be in the office. Online meetings can begin with a simple click of a button. Members can be invited to join by phone or a link in an email or instant message. (How It Works, 2010) Members can join quickly and start collaborating, using their computers microphone and speakers or by calling in via telephone. (Ramachandran & Beeram, 2009) Some feature of GoToMeeting are listed below: * Display presenters screen - The presenters screen is shown, displaying the desktop, an application or document. The presenter can change the screen shown to view another members screen. This helps members visualize. * Drawing tools - encouraging interactive collaboration. Highlighting and drawing using the pen, highlighter, arrow or spotlight tool * Record Meetings - meeting can be reviewed at a later date. Recording can be posted on the company website for other employees to listen to. * Mouse and keyboard controls - can be given to other members in the meeting, allowing members to collaborate.
    * Security features - Creating a safe and secure environment. "SSL-encrypted Web site, End-to-end 128-bit AES encryption, Automatic inactivity time-out" (Security & Reliability, 2010) GoToMeeting is a quick and simple meeting tool that is effective for small and large businesses and allows employees to collaborate with each other on a daily basis. Reference: Business Wire. (2009). Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Citrix Online Launches GoToMeeting App for iPad. (2010). Retrieved April 17, 2010, from SourceTemplate=expertcity%2Fpr%2FpressReleases.tmpl How It Works. (2010). Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Online Meetings Made Easy. (2010). Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Ramachandran, K. & Beeram, S. (2009). Supporting Enterprise-Grade Audio Conferencing on the Internet. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 5448(2009), 143-152. Retrieved April 16, from SpringerLink database. Security & Reliability. (2010). Retrieved April 16, 2010, from
Jane Power

eRoom Family - Content Management - EMC - 8 views

  • EMC Documentum eRoom enables distributed teams to work together more efficiently
  • EMC Documentum eRoom Enterprise enables complex enterprise collaboration by combining the EMC Documentum eRoom workspace environment with EMC Documentum enterprise content management tools including access to enterprise content and workflow processes.
  • Provide team members with access to personalized views of the latest project task information within their eRoom workplaces while eliminating outdated task information.
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  • Combine web conferencing with the eRoom digital workplace to provide tools for realtime meetings and presentations including whiteboard sessions, desktop sharing, live demonstrations, and one-to-many presentations.
  • Gain the functionality of eRoom but in a hosted environment, enabling project teams to collaborate with partners and suppliers in a secure online space with less up-front investment.
    For any enterprise that wants to provide a secure and scalable shared workspace for geographically disparate project teams then the EMC Documentum eRoom Family [2] of products release 7.4 provides an integrated solution that provides many benefits. The EMC website [1] provides an overview of the five components in their Documentum eRoom family that together provide a fully integrated system for online collaborative workgroups. The whole family comprises a suite of products that cover many of the areas that are out lined as essential features for successful enterprise online collaboration in the White Paper prepared by the Gilbane Group [3] Collaboration and Social Media-2008 [4]. Features such as (a) Secure shared workspace (b) Secure storage for shared rich content including, images, audio and documents, (c) Ability to run on intranet or secure hosted website that can run outside of the corporate firewall to allow external partners to join the group, (d) eRooms can be organised on a project basis each with their own workspace that can incorporate user access privileges, (e) Notifications and integrated IM and (f) Project management tools. The modules included in the Documentum eRoom Family include: eRoom - Web based collaborative workspace eRoom Enterprise - Combines the eRoom capability of a collaborative work space with the power of the EMC content management tools. eRoom Real-Time Services - Combines eRoom workspace with real time conferencing tools such as real time meetings, presentations and whiteboard sessions. eRoom Viewer -Team access to Microsoft Project Management tools. eRoom .Net - The functionality of the eRoom environment nut within a hosted web environment. References [1] EMC Corporation. (2010). EMC. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from EMC: [2] EMC Corporation. (2010). EMC Documentum eRoom Family. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from EMC:
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    eRoom is a web-based collaboration system that is popular amongst corporations. It has in built security features that IT departments require and can be rolled out globally.
    Documentum eRoom provides a "web-based collaborative workspace for distributed teams" [1]. Additions to Documentum eRoom include real time services, collaboration management capabilities, Microsoft Project compatibility and a secure online shared environment. The eRoom Family of software has been a major player in the field of collaboration over the last ten years. EMC released a document about what they regard as their top 10 tips regarding what a SMB (medium to small businesses) should look for when considering web-based collaboration software. This document can be located at So how does EMC's very own software hold up these top 10 tips? DLA Piper Rudnick is mostly a US based law firm, forty offices, which required an easy and secure method to collaborate online. "The verdict: use of EMC's Documentum eRoom, a web-based collaboration platform that allows for secure information sharing" [2]. DLA Piper was deciding between Lotus QuickPlace and Documentum eRoom and stated that eRoom scored the battle because "eRoom's functionality and ease of use won out" [2]. EMC's top 10 tips echo this statement; "workspaces that are easy to manage" and "collaboration software should be flexible" [3]. However, even though eRoom has a proven history of being reliable software, they faced a new battle of collaboration-software competition.
    Although Documentum eRoom and the rest of the family can live up to the top 10 tips, it may however, suffer a loss at the nature of technology. eRoom lacks compatibility with Web 2.0 tools such as "blogs, RSS and wikis" [5]. In an effort to keep up with technology EMC created "Centre Stage: moving beyond collaboration" [4]. In addition, the popularity of Microsoft's SharePoint has increased competition between the two products with companies migrating from eRoom. With such competition, a free version called CentreStage Essentials was released: the"version is a "limited" release of CenterStage. It does include storing documents in folder and attachment boxes like in eRoom, plus a few other features. There is no charge for this version" [5]. eRoom might still be the best suited software for many businesses, but with technology advances happening continually, it may also mean that for any new businesses delving into new collaboration software it could be a good idea to read up on Microsoft's Sharepoint 2010 or CentreStage. References/Notes [1] Details from [accessed April 8, 2010]. [2] Chen, A., (2007). Law firm makes case for eRoom,, eWeek: The enterprise weekly, Issue: March 28, 2007 [accessed April 8, 2010]. [3] EMC. Top Ten Tips for Web-based Collaboration in SMBs, [accessed April 6, 2010]. [4] OpenVine, Migrating from eRoom to CentreStage, [accessed April 9, 2010]. [5] OpenVine Web Solutions and Consulting, experts in best eRoom practices, the eRoom blog, [accessed April 9, 2010].
Jill Perry

Google Docs - 8 views

    Google Docs is a free application provided by Google in which team members can collaborate online for free. Google Docs offers the ability to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations online. Google Docs offers you the ability to share your documents with whoever you choose and has different settings depending on your needs. You can set the file to either be viewed by other people and or edited as well. One of the advantages of an application such as Google docs is that you have no need to download or upload data. Online storage also reduces the risk of loss of data due to computer crashes. Google Docs offers a number of export options and formats which you can save your files in. states that they offer "DOC, XLS, CSV, ODS, ODT, PDF, RTF and HTML formats." Online collaboration can take place in real time so that employees can automatically follow the changes and or contribute. Murray, 2010, Describes Web 2 applications such as Google Docs as "Web 2.0 technologies can be modified, remixed, adapted, and displayed in a multitude of variations, allowing for highly customizable workflows to be developed with little effort." Dekeyser and Watson state that "We found the interface to be very usable, effective, and efficient. In addition, setting up collaboration with colleagues proved to be exceedingly simple. We suggest that Google Docs is an excellent platform for ad hoc collaboration on document creation." Overall Google docs is an excellent option for a free collaboration tool that will allow you to operate anywhere. Google is currently improving Google Docs with new features such as being able to upload any file and language translation. Google States that "We're still working to make Google Docs a better place, and we're listening closely to your suggestions".
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    References: Dekeyser, S., & Watson, R. (n.d.). Extending Google Docs to Collaborate on Research Papers. Google. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Google Docs. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Google Docs Tour. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Murray, A. (2008). Electronic Resource Management 2.0: Using Web 2.0 Technologies As Cost-Effective Alternatives To An Electronic Resource Management System. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 20(3), 156-168. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from the Routledge Informa Ltd database.
    GOOGLE DOCS Google Docs is a collaborative software tool created by Google that allows users to work together collaboratively by giving them the ability to store, share and edit documents and projects over the internet (Google Docs. 2010). All users require to access Google Docs is a Google Gmail account, a computer, and an internet connection. Once accessible, users are able to commence sharing and collaborating on their project, whether that is a document, presentation, spreadsheet, drawing or form. Projects able to be created from Google Docs or uploaded from the users current files (PC World. 2010). Tasks such as project management is made easy with Google Docs ( 2008) as project documents can easily be shared with other users via email invitation link with tracking of users additions and deletions to documents is made simple with the Google Docs interface. The email invitation link also allows the document owners and users to control the accessibility of the documents being collaboratively worked on. Google Docs are a valuable resource for both personal and business users due to users ability to access documents and collaborate on these documents with their peers from anywhere throughout the world as long as there is an internet connection. Users do not require any digital storage equipment such a usb drives or CD Roms etc as all Google Docs data is stored online. REFERENCES Google Docs, (2010). "Getting to know Google Docs" . Retrieved 15 April 2010, From PC World (2010). "Work smarter with online collaboration tools". Retrieved 10 April 2010, From (2008) Project Management with Google Docs" Retrieved 9 April 2010 from
    Google Docs is a cloud service that allows users to import, export, upload and share documents, drawings, flowcharts, presentations, and spreadsheets. It is useful for both personal and corporate application, given the ability to share and collaborate freely without the need for standalone software or a requirement to carry storage devices [1]. All you need is a Google account (for example, your existing Gmail account) [2]. The service has evolved since its early days of just being for documents and spreadsheets, with some tech experts suggesting Google Docs is well placed to compete with the next version of Microsoft Office [3]. Some of the new features include better search and sharing [3] [4], and a new document editor [5]. Google Docs is great for collaborating online with team members or friends when the need arises to work on a shared file. However, it is important to note that use of cloud computing such as Google Docs does run the risk of losing control of one's information, as well as other security issues [6]. There have also been concerns over whether Google owns all content uploaded, shared and created via its services and applications. The terms and conditions suggest that while the content is yours, Google reserves the right to alter and use it as they see fit (see [7] for further discussion). Despite these possible downsides, Google Docs is proving popular in the corporate arena, with some reports demonstrating an increase in the use of Google Docs over internal networked solutions [8].
    References [1] Albanesius, C. (2010). Google Docs Adds Cloud Storage For Any File. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from,2817,2357996,00.asp [2] Jones, S. (2007). Google Docs & Spreadsheets (Beta). PC Authority. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from,google-docs--spreadsheets-beta.aspx [3] Lytle, M. (2009). Google Docs gear up to take on MS Office 2010. Retrieved April 9, 2010, from [4] Bangaru, V. (2009). Pardon our Dust. The Official Google Docs Blog. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from [5] Belomestnykh, O. (2010). A rebuilt, more real time Google documents. The Official Google Docs Blog. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from [6] Brodkin, J. (2008). Gartner: Seven cloud-computing security risks. InfoWorld. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from [7] Absolom, N. (2009). Google Terms of Service Explained! Retrieved April 19, 2010,
    [8] Achohido, B. (2009). Microsoft Prepares Office Web Apps, But Popularity of Google Docs Loom. Inside Tech. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from
    Commentary on specific collaborator features of Google Docs Google Docs is a great document editor and word processor alternative to Microsoft Word which makes collaboration on a document easy. Before the introduction of Google Docs, you were required to send documents around via email, hover over your colleagues back or ensure that only one of you were editing the document at a time and still require a method to ensure the document is going in the direction desired. Then Google Docs introduced the ability to have more than one person edit a single online document in much the same way as a wiki. You would edit, save, refresh, see and take into account your partners' edits who would then repeat the same process. Recently Google Docs has adopted a feature from another Google product, Wave, something that had been present in the Docs spreadsheet application for a while but absent from Google Docs Document, Presentation and Drawing. Google Docs introduced real time collaborative editing (Rochelle, 2010). Real time collaborative editing allows two or more people to work on a single document simultaneously and instantly see the changes each other is making (Rochelle, 2010). To aid this Google Docs integrates a chat feature (Rochelle, 2010) and comments. Chat allows real time communication outside the document but in the same window maintaining focus. Comments allow commentary on specific parts of a document to be made. Useful when you want to suggest a change but are not entirely sure or you dislike the change your colleague has just made. Unlike chat, the contents of comments stay put between edits, allowing notes be to left for when another person is editing the document.
    Google Docs also integrates version tracking for documents allowing you to see which changes were made by who and when (Ross, 2009). The ability also exists to revert to previous revisions of a document (Google, 2010) in case you make a mistake or a decision does not pan out. These revisions are created during auto-save and when you specifically save (automatic on exit of a document). Google. (2010). Tools: Revision history. Retrieved April 21, 2010, from Google Docs Help: Gralla, P. (2010, April 22). Google Docs better; ready to take on Office? Retrieved April 22, 2010, from BusinessWeek: Rochelle, J. (2010, April 12). A new Google Docs. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from Google Docs Blog: Ross, G. (2009, August 10). Google Docs Review. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from Notebook Review:
Elaine McDonald

AJAXWorkspace - Project Management Software for Everyone! - 5 views

    Online project management tools such as AJAXWorkspace facilitate team collaboration by eliminating delays from miscommunication or uncertainty over job roles. Effective online project management helps to keep teams on task and projects on budget. AJAXWorkspace uses a common Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) workspace as the foundation for an online collaboration workspace. (Myerson, 2009) AJAXworkspace management software provides more than 10 powerful online project management and collaboration tools such as document management, task to-do list, notepad, file sharing, discussion board, news, polls, graphical reporting and more. (AJAXWorkspace) The project expenses feature in AJAXWorkspace allows users to manage all team expenses associated with a project. Team members can submit their expenses for approval online for the project manger to either approve or reject. Approved expenses can be deducted from the project budget and team members can find project expenses Key Performance Indicators (KPI) under the project's dashboard feature. (AJAXWorkspace) The dashboard feature exhibits a workspace summary of recent news, activities and tasks, as well as upcoming events, documents list, graphical reporting of pending tasks and bookmarks. AJAXWorkspace allows the creation and tracking of many projects in the one workspace. Is easy to use from anywhere that a computer and Internet access is available. (van Bavel, 2010) Using a common central Ajax workspace, team members can collaborate on one or more projects at individual, departmental, and corporate levels. Different templates can be created for each level and also for both private and public use. The central workspace provides technical support, training, network monitoring, and data security. (Myerson, 2009) AJAXWorkspace offers superior, flexible project management services that support financial and personal accountability by tracking expenses, monitoring budgets, and regulating resources.
    References Myerson, J. (2009, October 20). Manage tasks with common Ajax workspace. IBM - United States. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Project management and online collaboration features: AJAXWorkspace. (2010). Project management software, online collaboration & task software: AJAXWorkspace. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from van Bavel, I. (2010). Internet Business Tool, Internet Business Idea, Starting Online Business. Internet Business Tool, Internet Business Idea, Starting Online Business. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from
    "Secure project management software which consists of an integrated suite of collaboration functionalities. Organize your tasks, manage projects and coordinate well with your entire enterprise, colleagues and team members within a central location". [1]
    "It helps you in effectively organizing your tasks, managing projects and coordinating well with your project members or colleagues within a centralize location. It is an ideal tool for any kind of project management, whether you are working in an organization or a freelancer from home" [2]
    Advantages of AJAXWorkspace:
    "The online workspace services consist of the following criteria: * Cost effective, No Hardware or Software to Buy * It's a Free Services * Rapid Setup and Deployment with no client-side implementation * Access your data at anytime, from anywhere in the world. * Secure and Reliable which available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. * Free Automatic Upgrades Services * Interactive, fast and high usability with latest MS AJAX Framework". [3] References:
    [1] Project Management and Collaboration Software, [accessed April 14, 2010]. [2] Earn money online from home, [accessed April 14, 2010]. [3] Online project management software and collaboration workspace, [accessed April 14, 2010].
blue puffle

Extranet, online project workspace: ProjectSpaces - 3 views

    ProjectSpaces provides secure online collaboration working space for project management teams, workgroups and committees. Flexibility is a main feature, with companies able to customise their workspace for co-ordinating and knowledge sharing. A review of ProjectSpaces by, found its user-friendly interface a major factor in attracting users as well as its level of control [3]. Document management is easy with version control and the organisation and management of files with smart folders, RSS feeds, blogging and discussion tools. Some features include [1]: * Support of any document file type, with multiple file uploading * WYSIWYG editor * Email notification * Export of Workplan to Word and Excel * Announcements with related links * Calendar and Contacts with photo uploading facility to identify users * Export of contacts to Excel and any email client e.g. Outlook * Customisable user level rights with password restriction * Integration with reporting tools such as Google Analytics The user-friendly interface helps users to locate information quickly with no training course needed and the help of an online video tutorial is available via YouTube [5]. OnlinePMTools rated ProjectSpaces five stars on ease of use [2]. compared ProjectSpaces with Basecamp and found it the better product: "ProjectSpaces, from ForumOne Communications, is like Basecamp on steroids…I tried using Basecamp for a project a while back and I found it infuriating…for those who crave more features, ProjectSpaces seems like a good option" [4]. ProjectSpaces also offer the option to host on your own servers and can easily transfer hosting to another server as needed. Customers of ProjectSpaces include THiiNC Health, Smartlife, Englin Consulting and the Greater New Orleans Community Data Center (GNOCDC), who after Hurricane Katrina relied on ProjectSpaces to keep the team working together across several states.
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    References: [1] Forum One Communications Corporation (2010). 'Full feature list'. Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [2] OnlinePMtools (2010). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [3] Killer Start Ups (n.d.). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [4] Mashable (2006). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [5] YouTube (2008). 'ProjectSpaces'. Retrieved April 10, 2010 from
    ProjectSpaces is an online workspace and extranet application that is designed to facilitate online collaboration [1]. A 30-day free trial is provided which is beneficial to companies who are trying out a range of options before committing to a particular solution. The application has been reviewed by a number of IT reviewers and received positive feedback, and client testimonials are provided, which allows the prospective buyer to conduct independent research to determine its suitability to their requirements[2]. Features include common online collaboration tools: online document editing and version control, document sharing, discussion boards, and project management tools such as a calendar, and task lists [3] [4]. In this respect, ProjectSpaces doesn't offer significant differences to other similar applications, however it is considered a competitor of other most established project collaboration tools, such as Basecamp [5] [6], and Sharepoint [7]. I would suggest this could be because other proven enterprise solutions are quite expensive comparatively. Pricing for ProjectSpaces is tiered depending on requirements in amount of users and storage capacity [6] [8], however companies can opt to self-host to reduce monthly hosting costs and increase security controls [9].
    References [1] ProjectSpaces. (2010). Homepage. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from [2] ProjectSpaces. (2010). Testimonials. Retrieved April 22, 2010, from [3] ProjectSpaces. (2010). Full Feature List. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from [4] Mehmet. (2008). Review: Manage your projects online with Projectspaces. GabFire Web Design. Retrieved April 22, 2010, from [5] Cashmore, P. (2006). ProjectSpaces - Project Collaboration (And a Potential Basecamp Rival). Mashable. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from [6] Gunderloy, M. (2007). ProjectSpaces Offers Collaboration, Web 1.0 Style. WebWorkerDaily. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from [7] ProjectSpaces. (2010). ProjectSpaces vs. SharePoint. Retrieved April 22, 2010, from
    [8] ProjectSpaces. (2010). Pricing. Retrieved April 22, 2010, from [9] PRLog. (2008). ProjectSpaces Releases Self-Hosted Perpetually Licensed Version of Its Online Collaboration Platform. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from
blue puffle

Collaboration Software and Online Project Management for Businesses - 6 views

    Central Desktop is a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) social technology tool that allows global online collaboration between multiple users within organisations. The flexibility of Software-as-a-Service or SaaS for short, is that it allows organisations to rent the use of developed software, without the costs involved in maintaining licensing and continual upgrading to the latest product [5]. Central Desktop offers low cost, scalable SaaS solutions, advanced enterprise security, support, secure online meetings, centralised IT and staff resources and integration. In 2009, Central Desktop announced Zoho Projects as online spreadsheet partner [2]. Central Desktop offers a range of plans to cater for different industries, with a 30-free trial option. Plans are available as the Workgroup edition, the Enterprise edition and the Community edition. Central Desktop offers risk free, Upgrade Anytime and Cancel Anytime options and no cancellation fees. The upgraded 2.0 version announced in February of 2010, offers wizards, templates with drop-down menus and an online file viewer that is compatible with Microsoft Office, Adobe PDF and Photoshop, JPEG and TIF [3]. YouTube [4] offers an overview of the database features available through Central Desktop. According to Central Desktop it "is a Web-based collaboration software solution that allows users to securely organize, share and communicate from a single online location. With no software or hardware to install, organizations using Central Desktop can increase revenue, maximize productivity and improve project management. Central Desktop offers a full suite of collaboration tools, including wikis, document sharing, Web conferencing, task management and shared calendars. Central Desktop also features a fully integrated micro-blogging tool that allows users to post their status and syndicate their updates out to other social networks like Twitter and Facebook" [1].
    Customers of Central Desktop include the Humane Society of the U.S., CBS, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Avid Technology, Omniture, InterContinental Hotel Group and the University of Wisconsin-Madison [1]. Central Desktop has received a range of awards and recognition from industry peers since it's founding in 2005. The latest awards received are the 2010 Hot Technology Companies and the 2010 Hot 90 Award - Southern California [1]. References: [1] CentralDesktop (2010). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [2] CrunchBase (2010). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [3] PcWorld (2010). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from [4] CentralDesktop overview (2007). Retrieved April 10, 2010 from [5] What is SaaS (n.d.). Retrieved April 09, 2010 from
    With 275,000+ customers……"Central Desktop is a heavy-hitter in the online collaboration arena. It's used by companies such as Sony, Adobe, J.D. Power and Associates and Greenpeace…" [1] Benefits of central desktop are: * Does not require you to download any software. It is 100% web based. * Data can be exported from CentralDesktop ®. * Three types of workspace options for teams, the company at large, and external customers. * Avoids the need of using multiple passwords, usernames, and products to share information and collaborate with teams. * 5 different levels of security and protection. * Strong support from customer base that is over 200,000 strong and received a number of awards touting the software. " [2] "Central desktop offers real-time collaboration for your team members. With the web meetings and audio conferencing features you can also collaborate with customers or partners by voice, sharing screens or remote presentation. Central Desktop also integrates with Skype (with voice supported), Yahoo, MSN Messenger, AIM, ICQ and Jabber, centralizing all your communication".[1] "Their next moves include upgrading mobile device support, and providing an enhanced API, as well as increasing the ability to customize for verticals. Recent research has indicated that collaboration will be one of the major growth uses of mobile devices so this is timely. Central Desktop also plans to set up a marketplace where customers can share templates. [3] References: [1] The Mobility Guy [accessed April 14, 2010]. [2] Business Services Insider, [accessed April 14, 2010]. [3] Appopedia, [accessed April 14, 2010].
meryl olait

Huddle | Project Management Software, Online Collaboration and Document Sharing - 16 views

  • Collaborate privately on multiple projects with unlimited users
  • Upload large (up to 2GB!) files, manage versions and get work approved
  • Create, view and edit documents and spreadsheets inside your browser
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  • Integrated web & phone conferencing
  • Easily track tasks, deadlines and milestones with our project management software
  • Whiteboards and discussion forums keep ideas and conversations in one place
  • named as one of BusinessWeek’s fifty tech start ups you need to know
    Huddle is a secure, affordable, online project management tool that is fully customisable with a range of dashboard widgets and tools that can be turned on or off to meet a specific project's needs [1]. Users can upload large 2GB files and a team can be made up of an unlimited number of users [2]. Online conferences, or face-to-face meetings can be added to the dashboard's calendar and individual or group tasks can be added or allocated [3]. Huddle allows users to work on MS Word and Excel files online, with automated versioning and audit trails. Files can be set up with custom access (permission) levels according to the team leader's requirements. Automated emails can be customised to notify teams and team-leaders of calendar events, versioning and file changes [3]. Web conferencing and desktop sharing can be implemented via the interface [4]. Huddle has provided a collaborative business solution for government, enterprise, IT, marketing, retail, manufacturing, charity and education sectors. Case studies from big and small companies attest to the benefits of using Huddle [5]. Toshiba, Nokia, UNICEF & Harvard University have enjoyed the benefits of using Huddle's collaborative capabilities and Huddle is free for registsered charities [6]. Huddle's intuitive, user friendly interface makes project collaboration easy, even for users with no prior experience in the field of project management, and its free iPhone application makes it even easier for users to contribute when they are out of the office [7]. -------------------------------- see References below
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    References [1] Ninian Solutions Ltd. (2010). 'Project Management Software, Online Collaboration and Document Sharing ~ Huddle'. Retrieved March 27, 2010 from [2] Smith, T. (2008). 'Review: Huddle online collaboration software - Personal Computer World'. Personal Computer World. Retrieved March 27, 2010 from [3] Ninian Solutions Ltd. (2010). 'Enterprise Collaboration Tools ~ Huddle'. Retrieved March 27, 2010 from [4] ubergizmo. (2009). 'Huddle Collaboration Tool - New Version'. Retrieved March 28, 2010 from [5] Ninian Solutions Ltd. (2010). 'Case studies ~ Press Releases ~ Huddle'. Retrieved March 28, 2010 from [6] Ninian Solutions Ltd. (2010). 'Huddle for Charities ~ Business Solutions ~ Huddle'. Retrieved March 29, 2010 from [7] Reisinger, D. (2009). 'Huddle adds collaboration features, iPhone app'. CNet News. Retrieved March 28, 2010 from
  • (2010) and (2010) seem to offer the same kind of features and all the sources seem reliable. Huddle offers a few more perks than, in that it has a dashboard with everything that needs to be done on one screen; this is vital for keeping employees in the loop and keeping productivity at its high. For a business that has multiple employees spaced out over a wide geographical rage, has a built in web conferencing aspect which allows everyone to view presentations as if they were all in the same room. offers features that are found in and Radvision's (2010) SCOPIA Desktop. Real world case studies offered by prove valuable when it comes time for that decision to be made on what product to use. This addresses how can be implemented into a running business, with minimal overhead and disruption. Both and allow for synchronous and asynchronous communication and collaboration. This is good for employees in different time zones or for those who are on the move. Prices of cause will vary depending on the size of the business and the services it offers. With a list of well accredited names on board, it seems Huddle will be best suited for an all-in-one online collaboration tool and is suitable for this project. References: (2010). Complete List of Features Retrieved March 30, 2010, from (2010). Take the Tour Retrieved March 30, 2010, from (2010). SCOPIA Desktop Video Conferencing Retrieved March 30, 2010, from
    Originally suggested by Meryl Olait on: 29/3/2010 . This review is from VentureBeat; a site that covers news and profiles about innovation companies. According to this investment review in 2007, Huddle received US$4million from Eden Ventures; an investment company of "serial entrepreneurs with strong seed investment track record, creating business of lasting value." Huddle's mission statement is "to be the world's best online B2B collaboration platform" Huddle's target market is the corporate market with a impressive list of corporate customers; Boots, Panasonic, Nokia, Kerry Ingredients, Kia Motors and many more. Important features for companies will be Huddle's ability to store Microsoft Word and Excel documents as well as a online office on iPhone application , intranet, extranet, file sharing, team collaboration and project management tools even when they do not operate within the same firewall. Huddle won the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Social Fest competition for "Leverage SharePoint into [your] existing product". Huddle received honourable mention in the ReadWriteWeb Top 10 International Web Products of 2009.
Jane Power

Join WebEx online meetings in seconds when you're away from the office-no account required - 4 views

    The Cisco WebEx Meeting Centre [4] provides a secure, scalable and cross platform online meeting environment that allows people to collaborate and brainstorm online. The features of WebEx Meeting Centre allow people to participate in virtual meetings, talk to each other, video conference and conduct presentations in a secure online environment. The introduction of the iPad[2] from Apple Inc [1] provides another opportunity for Cisco to extend the capacity of mobile collaboration to people that are not necessarily sitting behind a desk. WebEx was first available on the iPhone and Cisco were one of the first software providers to release their application on the iPad [3] [5]. The Webex Meeting Centre provided by Cisco for enterprise online meetings has been available for sometime on the iPhone via the iTunes app store. IPad users will be able to participate in online meetings and view shared presentations, applications, view the meeting participant list, see who is talking and talk privately with someone else in the meeting. Cisco is delivering the app free from the iTunes store. References [1] Apple Inc. (2010). Apple Inc. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Apple: [2] Apple Inc. (2010). iPad. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Apple: [3] Bradley, T. (2010, April 1). Must-Have iPad Apps for Business Professionals. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from PC World: [4] Cisco. (n.d.). Cisco Webex. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Cisco: [5]iTunes. (2010). iTunes Store. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Cisco WebEx Meeting Center:
    WebEx video conferencing software operates on multiple platforms such as Windows, Macintosh, Solaris and Linux. WebEx provides users with quality, interactive meetings and provides data, voice and video seamlessly through the MediaTone Network [1]. Free trials allow businesses to evaluate the online collaboration services and with the added support for PC-to-Mac, Mac-to-PC and Mac-to-Mac and iPhone, WebEx proves to be an excellent remote access solution. With a growing Mac customer base, Cisco WebEx aims to provide the same support as what their current PC users receive. Director of product management, Ilan Kasaan said in a 2008 interview: "You can't deny that the Apple Mac is becoming more prevalent in businesses; in fact we have seen Mac usage double in last year…and as with all of our solutions, we are consistently upgrading to meet the demands of our growing user base" [2]. With the introduction of the Apple iPad, the WebEx Meeting Center (downloadable free from the Application Store) provides online collaboration to users by email and calendar invitation. The WebEx app also features a private chat option and audio conferencing and data sharing. Says Debra Chrapaty from Cisco Collaboration Software Group: "When a powerful collaboration solution like Cisco WebEx Meeting Center for the iPad is combined with an intuitive and WiFi enabled user experience, businesses and users both win" [3]. With the offering of the WebEx application free to Apple iPad, Cisco ensures support for their online collaboration software, allowing users to continue interaction via their networked computers and mobile devices [4].
    References: [1] the Mac Observer (2003). Retrieved April 12, 2010 from [2] Cisco (2008). Retrieved April 12, 2010 from [3] CBR Mobility (2010). Retrieved April 12, 2010 from [4] TECHblips (2010). Retrieved April 12, 2010 from

Commenting on SharePoint as discussed by Craig - 2 views

    Commentary by Louwna. Posted to Diigo on: 1/4/2010 from a discussion by Craig on 31/03/2010 As recent as November 2009, Microsoft was warning businesses about security, privacy issues specially differing jurisdiction when considering cloud computing as a means of collaboration. "Privacy protections are essential to building the customer trust needed for cloud computing and the internet to reach their full potential." Stafford warns that a lot of cloud computing services don't have their own infrastructure but rent from others. This will necessarily be the smaller companies. Customers of SharePoint can be assured that "sophisticated controls for securing company resources" have been thoroughly integrated into the product as it is backed by years of research from Microsoft. (Stafford, P. 2009) SharePoint encourages 3rd party developers to develop custom modifications or to incorporate SharePoint into existing collaboration software. Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Social Fest was a, 'competition by invite', to ten, cloud-collaboration, IT companies who each came up with some unique new way of utilizing SharePoint into their own collaborative platforms. SharePoint has a built in editor that allows some customization. SharePoint 2010 will provide deeper integration with Office 2010 soon to be available for retail sales. This version of Office will support Office Web Apps coming with Office 2010. Online support called "SharePoint Online Services" is already supporting more than a million users on line. Microsoft promises; "We're going to be more Internet-focused and cloud focused than ever before." ( Johnston, S.J. 2009) (Stafford, P. 2009) Retrieved on 31/03/10 from: no
Elaine McDonald

Web conferencing solution Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro - 2 views

    Slogan: Travel is a luxury, communication is not. Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro is a web conferencing solution. The full capabilities of Adobe's Acrobat Connect Pro software allows hosting of instant, collaborative meetings with hundreds of participants using only a web browser and Adobe Flash Player. (Adobe, 2009) Some of the features are: * Secure sharing of desktops, documents and presentations. * Control over access to online meetings. * Instant communicate and collaborate. * Online meeting rooms. * Video and audio * Screen-sharing * Text and chat (Adobe, 2009) Clemson University (USA) chose Adobe's Acrobat Connect Pro to accommodate the needs of graduate students who couldn't always attend their classes in person. The university decided on Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, partly because it was easy to scale as and needs and resources allowed or dictated. (Dawson, 2009) Adobe's Acrobat Connect Pro conferencing solution encompasses a comprehensive set of tools that have satisfied a variety of needs for both on and off campus students and tutors. IT support staff, teachers and students frequently use the system for troubleshooting and learning support. The use of video conferencing has significantly reduced travel expenses for the faculty. (Dawson, 2009) Designed to protect meeting spaces from security threats, one of Connect Pro's greatest assets is the end-to-end encryption provided by password strength optimisers that require user authentication both for presenters and attendees alike. Hosts and presenters can control all levels of attendee access, from media files to voice privileges. In addition, Adobe Connect Pro provides features to enable the keeping of full logs of meetings and the functionality to audit logs for potentially malicious use or data corruption. (TopTenReviews, 2010) References below - in comment
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    Not all businesses are looking for an all-in-one product that cost more than a 2 day old kidney on the black-market. Adobe is certainly a worldwide name, giving it the upper hand in the multimedia and creativity software market (, n.d). Communication in a business is an important aspect; and video conferencing is not bound by physical boarders, meaning several people from around the world can participate as if they are sitting within the same room. With Adobe Flash installed on 98% of internet-connected computers, Adobe has taken advantage of this and has built a collaboration tool that integrates straight into the web browser (, n.d); something that Radvision's SCOPIA Desktop does not do. With all online video conferences, great dependency weighs heavily on the internet connection; Acrobat Connect Pro is bandwidth friendly and is not a hog (, n.d). However, this product would work effortlessly for a web conferencing environment. In 2009, the U.S Marine Corps selected Adobe's product Acrobat Connect Pro to communicate enabling Marines to communicate more effortlessly and securely across locations worldwide (Adobe, 2009). "Some of the world's most secure organizations in financial services, life sciences, and government - including the U.S. Department of Defense - have turned to Acrobat Connect Pro as a real-time collaboration solution. It not only meets the government's highest security standards, but also enables increased efficiency and communication across networks." (Adobe, 2009) - Rob Tarkoff (senior vice president, Adobe's Business Productivity Business Unit) References Adobe (2010). Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro Retrieved March 30, 2010, from Adobe (2009). U.S. Marine Corps Selects Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro for Mission-Critical Communications Retrieved March 30, 2010, from
    References - Adobe - Acrobat Connect Pro free trial. (2009). Adobe. Retrieved March 22, 2010, from Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro 2010 - TopTenREVIEWS. (2010). Web Conferencing Review 2010 - TopTenREVIEWS. Retrieved March 22, 2010, from Dawson, C. (2009). Education IT mobile edition. Education IT mobile edition. Retrieved March 22, 2010, from
    Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro If your students/employees have a web browser and Adobe Flash Player then Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro is an e-learning tool that may have value in their education, training and conferencing needs [1]. Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro has three main streams of use and several key features: 1. Web Conferencing a. Delivery through any web browser that doesn't require extra software downloads. b. Worldwide connection of distributed teams c. Synchronous viewing by all participants. d. Custom URL for consistency. e. Works with multiple audio platforms f. Facility to record meetings g. Customisable interface 2. eLearning a. Content creation can be customised to suit the situation - virtual or self-paced courses. b. Synchronous viewing by all participants c. Customisable templates that can be adapted for reuse. d. Tracking of students progress e. Surveying and polling of students f. Facility to incorporate third-party systems within the existing e-learning tool 3. Web Seminars a. Branding of interface b. Extends your arm of contacts and participants c. Cut costs while increasing your point of contact. d. Manage registrations e. Qualify attendees and send out email notifications. Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro is built on the foundation of Flash technology, which is compatible with up to 98% of Internet connected computers. Add to this its ability to function on an extremely low bandwidth, and its user authentication strengths, this makes it an effective, safe and highly accessible application [2]. While Oliver Rist, of, rates the overall application highly, he does warn that its depth of features can lead to a need for a large learning curve when starting out [3]. Rist also lists the applications main strengths as being within the meeting, or conferencing, component because of its slick and clever interface, which can be customised all while working within the web browser.
    [1] Adobe (2010) Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from [2] TopTen Revies (2010) Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from [3] Rist, Oliver (2008) Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional. Retrieved on 14th April 2010 from,2817,2279709,00.asp
blue puffle

Collaboration software|online collaboration tool|online software tool | Collaber - 5 views

    Collaber is a virtual office that holds user information secure on a dedicated server, working on both Intranets and Extranets. The multi-platform (such as Windows, Linux and Mac) project management software allows for communication and sharing of data in a password-protected online environment. Educational institutions can benefit by creating virtual classrooms with file sharing and live interaction utilising the attractive graphics. First-time users immediately gain an understanding of available features by viewing the short video tutorials available on every feature, further enhancing the overall perception of ease of use. A demo page is also available to work through the complete process of engaging online collaboration with Collaber [1]. Collaber' features will soon include online account management for mobiles [1]. Editors are context sensitive with wizards improving file and picture sharing. Discussions and Chat tools features a time line and instant messaging with attachments. A review by Business Hacks [4] points out the value of the quantity of services Collaber offers its users and also mention the quality of interactive visuals used to enhance the user' experience of the software. Features include [1]: * Searchable contacts with changeable status and profile * Instant messaging with file and picture sharing * Drag and drop functionality to share files and folders * Task management tools to assign tasks to members and track progress * Application tool designer * Discussions, Wiki's and polls
    A review by [3] of Collaber' features view the highlights as: * Web version with unified account * Multi calendar with similar functionality to Google App's Calendar * Improved HTML editor * Keyboard short cuts * Advanced alerts and support * Compatibility with web applications, especially attractive to application store developers * New filters enabling items found by tags, date, members, status and more References: [1] Collaber (2007). Retrieved April 11, 2010 from [2] SoftSea (n.d.). 'Online Project Management'. Retrieved April 11, 2010 from [3] PR-inside (2007). 'Web based multi-platform collaboration software released'. Retrieved April 11, 2010 from [4] BNet insight (2009). 'Collaborate in an online share workspace with Collaber'. Retrieved April 11, 2010 from
Duane Fogarty

Glasscubes - 4 views

    Share. Collaborate. Communicate. [1] Glasscubes is all about file sharing, intranets, contact management and document management. [1] It is an application that is ideal for maintaining customers, employee relations and dealing with issues in a real time collaborative feed. The 'cubes' part refers to workspaces where access is assigned to various individuals or departments within and external to the company. Glasscubes is a UK company with the highest audience base, as per, from South Korea, India, United Kingdom and United States [2]. The application allows for real-time editing of office, pdf and image files online so that users know they will be editing the latest update. Users can share calendars, if they require, and in March 2010 Glasscubes announced its calendar synchronization for active employees. "Glasscubes... announced that its online-based collaboration software now allows users to synchronise calendars directly with Google Calendars, or to view (read only) events in other calendaring applications that support the iCal format"[3]. Adding to this announcement Glasscubes has also been accepted into the "Google Apps Marketplace" [4].
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    Not only a recently reworked calendar tool but Glasscubes also includes a free conference call service. This makes Glasscubes a viable product for many recommended businesses: teams, agencies, small businesses, legal professionals, educational institutions, charities, enterprises and project managers [5]. It is a solution that is "clearly going to be better-employed by small and medium-sized businesses whose departments and teams could use a little direction" [6]. There is much more that can be discovered about Glasscubes and what it can do! They offer clients a variety of packages to cater for various budgets. "When it comes to the actual pricing of this application, you can go for any of the following five plans: 'Basic', 'Limited', 'Standard', 'Professional' and 'Premium'" [6]. Considerable differences to the packages include file uploading sizes, workspace storage capacity and the number of users and contacts [7]. Watch the information video at Vimeo: .
    References/Notes [1] Tagline from . [2] Traffic Stats, [accessed April 4, 2010] [3], (2010). Glasscubes Synchronises with Google Calendars Enables users to create and share calendars across different programmes, ttp:// [accessed April 5, 2010]. [4] Glasscubes Blog, (2010). Glasscubes added to Google Apps Marketplace, Published March 18, 2010, [accessed April 5, 2010]. [5] Glasscubes, . [6]Killer Startups, (2010). A tool for collaborating online, [accessed April 5, 2010]. [7] Glasscube's packages and prices, .
    Glasscubes brings together a multitude of features specifically intended to help small and medium sized organisations share files, collaborate on documents, and manage key elements of their online operations securely. (Miles, 2009) Each Cube is a workspace with a dashboard providing a comprehensive summary of activities within the Cube and a secure area for documents. Every Cube also has its own calendar that can be merged with other personal or business calendars for a full overview and to ensure bookings and deadlines do not clash with each other. (Harris, 2009) Glasscubes requires no add-ons and files are backed up daily, but it falls short of Basecamp's ( ) robust and structured method of document management and sharing and there is no support - either included or as add-ons, for milestones, reporting and analytics. (Harris, 2009) Like Basecamp, Glasscubes was designed for small businesses and is limited when it comes to working with large clients and teams that have multi-level, frequently changing tasks that don't require all members to see everything at all times. For larger organisations, Salesforce ( ) can be scaled up for customer relationship management and offers more functionality, such as email support. (Harris, 2009) As an online service for small businesses, Glasscubes is a competitively priced Web-based project management tool with ample collaborative features to help link up with colleagues and clients anywhere there is an Internet connection. Unlike many customer relationship management tools, Glasscubes is simple to use even without extensive training or technical knowledge. (Miles, 2009)
    References Glasscubes: Online intranet, workspaces and simple CRM. (n.d.). Share. Communicate. Collaborate. - Glasscubes: Online intranet, workspaces and simple CRM. Retrieved April 8, 2010, from Harris, C. (2009, November 13). Glasscubes Review | Business Computing World. Business blogging and technology reviews - Business Computing World. Retrieved April 8, 2010, from Miles, S. (2009, December 26). Glasscubes ‚ Facilitating Communication and Collaboration - Reviews by AppVita. - Discovering web-based applications that just make life better. - Reviews by AppVita. Retrieved April 8, 2010, from
Jacqui Harry

FACEBOOK FOR ONLINE COLLABORATION - 11 views When looking to describe the online phenomenon, social networking with friends, family and colleagues is one of the first thing that comes to mind to describe it...

net308 online-collaboration tool SynchronousCollaboration

Elaine McDonald

Comindwork - 8 views

    Comindwork software is a versatile online project management and implementation tool that allows organisations to record, maintain and share project information from a single location. It is fully customisable and integrates all of the features and capabilities necessary to manage and execute diverse project tasks, such as schedules, milestones, Gantt charts and project risks along with the management of tasks and issues. Comindwork's Project and Team Dashboards support effective communication through its collaboration and blog facility, regular Email Notifications and RSS, [2] Twitter integration ( ) plus comprehensive reporting and chart display for visualisation of a project's status.[1] Assistance for project managers is provided by the centralised storage that stores all the project artefacts in an organised way, making an overview available at any time. It is easy to link tasks, pages, discussions, people and results for a more effective view of the task organization and to allocate tasks efficiently within the team. Team members and clients can communicate informally, share ideas and useful tips through the project blog or discuss project requirements via the Wiki feature. [2] Clients have the ability to track project tasks and project progress status at anytime. They can see the next milestone and know what progress to expect. They are able to review and comment on the project and comments are tracked until they are purposely closed. Clients have full access to the features set up by the original organisation's account with Comindwork. However, if a client wants to add their own projects, they can upgrade their account and add their own customers, projects and users independent of the original company that opened the account with Comindwork. [3] ....................continued in comment
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    ......Comindwork's customer, the original company, benefits from a client's signup through affiliation-discounts on their future payments. In this way the Comindwork system works to link companies and grow the Comindwork business. [1] References [1]Online Project Management Software Free and Tools: Project Management, Collaboration, Communication, Tracking - COMINDWORK. (2009). Online Project Management Software Free and Tools: Project Management, Collaboration, Communication, Tracking - COMINDWORK. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from [2]Project Management Software Comindwork free download. Comindwork is online project management software that includes: * Project Management - Creating project tasks, build schedule, Gantt charts, milestone.... (2009, April 14). Free Downloads Center - software and free game downloads. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from [3]Wright, D. (2008, September 23). Techspoke: Comindwork. Techspoke LLC - technology bespoke, custom software consulting. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from
    Comindwork is an online application that can be utilized by business for online collaboration. It offers a free service for smaller projects, with a pricing structure that then varies on your enterprises needs and demands. As such its flexibility can be fit in with any organizations growth. The interaction that can be achieved through Comindwork with clients is also a feature of this product. Allowing client's access gives you the ability to communicate effectively and quickly with them in a professional manner. Jay (2010) at Smashing Apps states that "It's simple and clear time tracker interface provides project managers with a quick overview on time management issues." Beckman (2010) states that "Comindwork combines over 250 project management related capabilities under one roof, yet does it with a web interface that is, by and large, a breeze to use. Some of the strengths of the service include traditional project management tools, knowledge management, collaboration tools, information sharing and versioning, and both agile and traditional waterfall management tools (e.g.: think Gantt)." Gunderloy, (2008) of WebWorkerDaily states "Comindwork includes bits of functionality that you might ordinarily find spread across multiple sites and services. As with just about any other project management software, it will track projects, tasks, team members, and deadlines, as well as the connections between them. But in addition, it includes time-tracking, issue-tracking, internal blogs, and svn-versioned file storage." Komssi et al (2009) states that "Software as a Service (SaaS) is accepted as one of the most important models in the service-oriented software business today". As a management tool using software as a service (SaaS), Comindwork is a good way of implementing employee and client integration.
    References: Beckman, Z. (2010, February 4). Not a panacea, but trying: Comindwork is attractive | Rational Scrum. Rational Scrum. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from Gunderloy, M. (2008, February 18). Comindwork Piles on Project Management Features . WebWorkerDaily . Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Jay, A. (2010, January 8). Comindwork, The Most Customizable Suit Of Flexible To-Dos, Wiki, Emails - With Gantt Charts, MS Project And Workflows @ SmashingApps. Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers @ SmashingApps. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from Komssi, M., Kauppinen, M., Heiskari, J., & Ropponen, M. (2009). Transforming a Software Product Company into a Service Business: Case Study at F-Secure. Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2009. COMPSAC '09. 33rd Annual IEEE International, 1, 61-66. Retrieved April 15, 2010, from the IEEE Xplore database.
Jane Power

Mindjet Catalyst - Mind Mapping by Mindjet - 6 views

  • Mindjet Catalyst is a simple yet powerful collaboration solution that combines secure online workspaces, web conferencing, and a best-in-class visual productivity application (mind mapping). With Mindjet Catalyst, teams can visually connect ideas, information and people to save time, improve business processes and drive innovation – whether you are driving the sales process, managing a meeting, conducting a meeting, or simply getting organized.
    Mindjet [5] is best known for its mind mapping software but with the introduction of Catalyst [5] in October 2009 Mindjet released the power of their mapping software to the web. Catalyst is an online mapping tool that is delivered on a subscription service across the web. It enables team members to co-edit a map in real time. Members can brainstorm ideas, design business process, store their documents in a secure and centralised workspace and keep a work log of all changes. Catalyst also augments the support of social networking tools to help share the vision [1]. Currently the service is delivered as a subscription service charged at $25/user/month plus an extra $25 for web conferencing moderators. Catalyst runs on all major browsers [4] but it must have Adobe Flash Player 9.0 enabled. "We think better in picture than text and how that can that be related to business process" Scott Raskin CEO of Mindjet (Howlett, 2009). "Catalyst team members can simultaneously video-conference while modifying a shared document on an online " (Chapman, 2009). While this online collaborative mapping tool is impressive an area of consideration is the fact that it does not alert team members of asynchronous changes [3] via IM or email. Alerting team members of change during a project is an important feature for collaborative tools as discussed in the research study by Daniela Damian M. Sc. [2] which looks at how real projects actually use collaboration tools and what were their main areas of use and importance are. However, with the inclusion of social networking tools like Facebook and Twitter this oversight could be overcome with good project management practices.
    References [1] Chapman, G. (2009, Oct 8). Mindjet boosts online collaboration with Catalyst. Retrieved April 13, 2010, from Google (AFP): [2] Damian, D. (2010, Feb 1). Case study of feature based awareness in a commercial software team and implications for the design of collaborative tools. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from UVicDSpace: [3] Howlett, D. (2009, October 6). Mindjet takes on Cisco with Catalyst. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from ZDNet: [4] mindjet. (2010). Catalyst - Technical Requirements. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Mindjet: [ 5]Mindjet. (2010). Catalyst. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Mindjet: [6] Mindjet. (2010). Mindjet. Retrieved April 16, 2010, from Mindjet:
Duane Fogarty

10 tips for Online Collaboration by EMC - 7 views

    "Your information is one of your most strategic assets. You can count on EMC to keep innovating ways to store, protect, optimize, and leverage information, all with the aim of contributing to your ongoing success." (Joe Tucci, Chairman, President and CEO of EMC) EMC insignia is a company that provides IT solutions, support and training to a worldwide audience. Amongst the commercial side of EMC, they also provide valuable advice on many topics that can be discussed and used to enhance small and medium business (SMB) growth. The document in focus concerns EMC's top 10 tips for online collaboration for SMB's. These 10 tips may help SMB's in selecting what kind of collaboration software is best suited to the company. The document is in PDF format and located at . A brief interpretation of the PDF is below, for the full article refer to the link immediately above. EMC's Top 10 Tips in Brief 1. Workspaces should be simple and easy to setup and manage. Workplace setup should be a quick process with limited IT involvement. 2. Avoid collaboration software that creates multiple points within workspaces. Locating a document should not be confusing or misleading. 3. Select the software that provides tools to deliver and work on assignments in real time. "Managers must be able to assign owners, create tasks, set milestones, establish deadlines, and track the progress of tasks" [1]. 4. Avoid collaboration software that requires workspaces to have custom coding or IT development. Instead, allow for software that provides an easy design.
    5. Go for collaboration software that gives managers constant visibility across several projects. 6. Choose software that provides a secure way to manage external teams- including partners or suppliers. 7. Ensure the collaboration software has web-based workspaces so that geographic location and time zones do not become an issue. 8. The software must be secure and protection settings easily managed. 9. Keep in mind what level of internal workspace security is required - should permissions be at folder level or file level? Make sure the collaboration software suits the internal security levels of the business. 10. Collaborative software should be cost effective, consider company growth and tolerate a mixture of operating systems, various browser types and email clients. The strength of EMC's tips is that they can be applied to many web-based collaboration products on the market and are clearly suited towards SMB's. However, this implies that the list may not be extensive enough to relate to large firms. Overall, EMC's tips offer a starting point for what to look for when selecting collaboration software for businesses. References/Notes [1] EMC. Top Ten Tips for Web-based Collaboration in SMBs, [accessed April 6, 2010].
Elaine McDonald

Yammer - real time communication - 6 views

    Yammer is the leading real-time communication platform for companies, groups and organisations. It is changing the way that people communicate at work, and making project teams more connected and productive. Yammer is essentially a micro-blogging service like Twitter but it focuses on the enterprise. (Hatton, 2009) A feed is created in one central location as employees answer the question "What are you working on?" - enabling co-workers to debate ideas, post news, ask questions, and share information and links. (Datapaedia, 2010) Yammer makes it easy to securely collaborate with internal and external groups. People within an organisation can use Yammer to collaborate on projects and Yammer Communities can be used to form secure project specific Yammer networks to collaborate with customers and external partners, separate and private from the company's Yammer network. (Yammer, 2010) Each member of an organisation can have a Yammer profile including information such as photo, title, contact info, background and area of expertise. (Ives, 2009) Yammer can be used to ask a question, share news, ideas, and documents within the private network. Unlike email, "following" specific people and joining groups an individual can choose whose messages to receive thereby creating a custom feed. Messages, profiles and tags can all be archived and they are searchable, so new members can get up to speed quickly by tapping into the power of the organisation's collective database of past ideas and solutions. (Yammer, 2010) Yammer integrates with emails, Twitter, Google Talk, Jabber, Google Reader, Firefox. There are apps for Desktop, iPhone, iPod touch, SmartPhone, BlackBerry and SMS integration and several third party applications are available. It also offers a suite of corporate class security features to suit company requirements. All data sent to and from the Yammer website uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and all backup data and data in transit is encrypted to maximise prote
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    References Hatton, J. (2009, February 23). Review: Yammer for iPhone Review | Business Center | iPhone Central | Macworld. Apple, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Reviews, Help, Tips, and News | Macworld. Retrieved April 8, 2010, from Ives, B. (2010, August 31). Implementing Enterprise Micro-messaging with Yammer at Oce. Portals and KM. Retrieved April 7, 2010, fromé.html Yammer. (2010). About. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Dataopedia. (2010). - - All you need to know about Retrieved April 8, 2010, from
    "Yammer takes the familiar Twitter messaging system and applies it to internal corporate communications" [1]. Essentially, it is microblogging whereby users can contribute, ask questions and communicate about current projects. Yammer is free to start up and businesses, if they choose, can pay for network administration rights later. Yammer has strong positives as clean and simple collaboration software. Yammer has a presence in Australia with companies like Deloitte offering up their success stories online [2]. Yet, isn't Yammer just another name for Twitter? All over the web, people are comparing Yammer to Twitter. Maybe the weakness in the web-based software is that users are looking for something that is a mix of the two. Corporate and personal - maybe something to consider - a 'Yatter' collaboration tool in the future! David Sacks, the CEO of Yammer, suggests that extras like the Yammer community and security features [3] sets Yammer ahead of Twitter as a microblogging tool. To see Sacks discuss his product on YouTube go to -
  • [5] is a similar product to Yammer. Needleman suggests that is a better tool for corporate companies; "the biggest wins in are at the platform level. Unlike Yammer, you can get either as a hosted service, or, if you want, you can install in your business, behind your corporate firewall. And supports the Twitter API, so tools that work with Twitter, like Twhirl, should be easily modifiable to work with" [4]. Could be a 'Yatter' solution? However, where Yammer is free, is only free for up to five users and then small costs apply depending on the package selected [4]. Whether a firm uses Yammer, Twitter or, it is clear microblogging has entered businesses as a fast, solid and dependable collaboration tool. References/Notes [1] Site Rapture Statistics, [accessed April 9, 2010]. [2] Deloitte Case Study, [accessed April 9, 2010]. [3] Sacks, David., (2008). [accessed April 9, 2010] [4] Needleman, Rafe (2008). Business microblog tool is smarter than Yammer, CNet News, published September 17, [accessed April 9, 2010]. [5] URL, [accessed April 9, 2010].
Jacqui Harry

Mind Meister - Collaborative Mind Mapping Software - 7 views

    Online collaboration requires unique group dynamic solutions, the lack of physical presence and asynchronous communication involved can create chains of emails and long lists of data that require constant analysis. The MindMeister software works like a digital whiteboard that can be manipulated by multiple users and instantly updated to reflect changes.[1] Mind mapping allows individuals to communicate to the overall objectives of the group, in a non delegate manner. Mind mapping is a very powerful methodology for structuring your own ideas but also within workshops it can be a strong tool for both learners and trainers. [2] diagrammatically communicating words, ideas and images into group visual thinking. The software has a creative and simple graphical user interface can create a hierarchical structure that can be linked and rearranged around a central theme, intuitively arranging the brainstormed concepts and ideas into groupings and assists targeting and distinguishing goals and objectives. The non-linear format allows for the creative progression of ideas with a simple history timeline to keep project teams updated on latest changes to the map, changes can be sorted by individual contributions to see how a team reached an idea and the ability to link and share ideas in real-time facilitates multi-user planning, brainstorming and project management sessions, removing obstacles of geography and time. The iPhone applications and browser extensions incorporate this creative software into standard business practice and the open source software is REST-based API allowing for simple integration into other applications and the 256 bit data encryption means that data is secure.
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    The MindMeister online collaborative tool creates a diagram with a central focal point from which ideas, words, concepts and tasks emanate in various directions [1]. MindMeister can be used to create SWOT analyses, project or assignment planning, business meetings, note taking, interactive presentations, or any idea that comes to mind [1]. Similar products include Creately [2], Mindjet Catalyst [3], and CoMapping [4] each offering varying degrees of use and accessibility. Creately can make a variety of designs, including wire-frames, interactive site-maps, sequence diagrams, network plans, SWOT Analyses, flowcharts and value stream maps that can double as mind maps [2]. Mindjet Catalyst is a dedicated mind-map tool that offers co-editing capabilities like MindMeister's, but it is a paid, subscription-based product that offers a limited, free 30-day trial [3]. CoMapping is an impressive mind-mapping tool however it does not offer co-editing options on it's free trial and its group pricing might be excessive for a small organisation [5]. Ultimately, MindMeister is one of the easiest products of these to use and collaborate on a project with others. MindMeister has been a useful collaboration tool to aid in the development of this NET308 team's organisation of the review information contained here on Diigo [6]. For the purposes of organising a large amount of information and tasks from a variety of users, MindMeister has proven itself as being a valuable and reliable asset for members of this NET308 Diigo group [7]. ------------------------ see References below
    References [1] MeisterLabs. (2010). 'Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming - MindMeister'. Retrieved April 3, 2010 from [2] Cinergix Pty Ltd. (2009). 'Creately Online Diagramming & Design'. Retrieved April 3, 2010 from [3] Mindjet. (2010). 'Mindjet Catalyst'. Retrieved April 3, 2010 from [4] (n.d.) 'Comapping Map out your work. Map out your life'. Retrieved April 3, 2010 from [5] (n.d.) 'Editions & Pricing'. Retrieved April 3, 2010 from [6] Net 308 Group from Open Universities Australia. (2010). 'Best content in Net 308 at OUA | Diigo - Groups'. Retrieved April 16, 2010 from [7] MindMeister. (2010). 'MindMeister'. Retrieved April 3, 2010 from
    References: [1] MindMeister available from [2] Top 100 Tools, Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies available from: [3] Programmable Web available from
    Mind maps are useful in the generation of ideas particularly in a group situtation. For a mind map, a main idea is taken and starts in the centre of the page. Key words and images are worked outwards in different directions. All words and ideas have many other ideas and concepts [1]. A Mind Map is "the Swiss Army Knife of the Brain" [3] which helps to improve your learning and thinking skills by prompting the brain with cues to help it work the left and right side of the brain [3]. A mind map helps organise information and rather than completing it on paper an online version such as MindMeister can be used for group collaboration [2]. Mind maps can be created in real time and viewed as changes are made [2]. Mind maps can be used in an organisation to plan meetings, know more about your competition, plan accounts and plan projects [2]. With MindMeister, mind maps can be worked on off-line and synchronised with your account once you are back so you can work anywhere that doesn't have an internet connection [2]. Mind Maps are private by default but can be made public if you choose so that you can share maps with people within your organisation or all over the world. All changes to the maps are recorded in a history so that you can see who did what and when [2]. [1] Creativity Web (2007). Mind Maps. Retrieved 19 April, 2010, from [2] MeisterLabs (2010). MindMeister. Retrieved 19 April, 2010, from [3] Buzan (2009). Maxamise the Power of Your Brain. Retrieved 19 April, 2010, from
Vivien Rayner

Project management, collaboration, and task software: Basecamp - 6 views

    When pulling people together to work on a collaborative project, project management is essential. Basecamp is a popular web based, project management software application. It offers * dashboard (to control projects) * to do lists, * message boards, * file sharing, (files are actually stored on your server) * tracking milestones and * project tracking. Basecamp is used to manage teams and projects allowing you to set milestones, todos, comments, file uploads and messages. You can also organize your business in companies and invite different people for different companies. [1] [2] It works with Internet Explorer 7 or 8, Firefox 3 and higher, Safari 4, and Chrome 4 browsers.[2] Users report finding Basecamp very effective in managing projects, posessing an elegant user interface, and easy to use. [5] [6] 37Signals offer a 30 day free download to try and then you sign up for one of four available plans ranging in price from $24/month for a basic, 15 project, 5GB limit to a $149/month, unlimited projects, 75GB limit. All plans allow an unlimited number of users and you subscribe on a month by month basis with no minimum term. [3] Basecamp works with a variety of iPhone apps, third-party billing/invoicing tools, mock-up review software, time tracking tools, widgets and using Basecamp API you can create your own extras and add-ons. [4]
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    [1]37Signals. (2010). Basecamp. Audio, video, and screenshot tour. Retrieved 30 March 2010, from [2]37Signals. (2010). Basecamp. The Better Way To Get Projects Done. Retrieved 30 March 2010, from [3]37Signals. (2010). Basecamp.Plans and Pricing. Retrieved 30 March, 2010, from [4] Caplan, e. (2007). Small Is Essential. Retrieved from,9171,1622565,00.html [5] Mathews, M. (2010,). Basecamp Review: Is Basecamp Right for You? Retrieved 30 March ,2010 from [6] Viticci, F., & Fink, C. (2010,). Basecamp and Backpack, Quintessential Business Tools - As Seen from Web, Mac and iPhone.MacStories. Retrieved 18 March, 2010 from
    Project managers understand the importance of communicating effectively with both their team and clients in order to bring a project in on time and within budget. One solution is to have a central communications centre that is accessible to everyone involved in the project and easy to use. Basecamp project management software offers an easy online solution for tracking and organising all aspects of a project from start to finish. Organising and monitoring all phases of a project online can be easier to accomplish using Basecamp's internal dashboard. The dashboard facility centralises communication by maintaining task lists and a common message board to keep the project running smoothly. Files can be uploaded for sharing and review by other team members and clients can be kept up-to-date on the progress of their project. Within one central location, tasks and resources can be assigned to team members and project milestones can be set and monitored. (Reynolds, 2009) Basecamp offers a 30-day free trial, so potential customers can evaluate their needs and decide whether or not Basecamp is adequate for their online project management tasks. There are a multitude of third party plug-ins of extras and add-on tools built around Basecamp, that allow users to tailor their system to suit their own specific needs and to assist with more advanced functionality and security (basecamphq, 2010) - such as the file backup and archiving for Basecamp products that is available at
    References Basecamp extras and integrations via the API. (2010). Project management, collaboration, and task software: Basecamp. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Online Data Retrievel, Basecamp Backup - Centripetal Software. (2010). Online Data Retrievel, Basecamp Backup - Centripetal Software. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Reynolds, D. (2009, December 18). Basecamp Software – A Review of the Online Project Management Software. Find Health, Education, Science & Technology Articles, Reviews, How-To and Tech Tips At Bright Hub - Apply To Be A Writer Today! Retrieved April 7, 2010, from
Liz Barrett

Fuze Meeting - 5 views

    Fuze Meeting is one of the few browser-based web meeting platforms that allows the participant to not only host web conferences from their computer but to also attend a meeting from their Apple iPhone, RIM BlackBerry or any Wi-Fi or 3G enabled device [1] Since its 2009 software upgrade, participants can now invite attendees from several e-mail and instant messaging clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Hotmail, Google Gmail, Google Talk, AOL AIM, Skype, LinkedIn and Yahoo [2] and works seamlessly with Linux, Mac and PC. Fuze Meeting also integrates with Facebook and Twitter allowing users to announce their audio and web meetings to followers. Fuze Meeting provides high-definition, real-time synchronized desktop sharing for online collaboration of videos, images, documents and PowerPoint presentations (as well as text chat). It does this by operating solely through the browser and Internet cloud (in this instance, the Fuze servers) eliminating the need for downloads or installations. [3] Fuze Meeting's simple editing tools allow for annotations on files or video frames, drawing simple graphics or adding text. [4] Control meetings and content; invite participants on the fly or schedule in advance all through the easy-to-use dashboard. At the end of the meeting hosts are able to publish a Fuze Meeting Replay link for others to review the meeting and its content. Fuze Meeting is free for up to three web users and seven audio users however there are competitive, cost-effective pay-as-you-go, monthly and annual plans to cater for larger numbers of users (for example, at the monthly level, Fuze Meeting costs $29 compared to its competition, WebEx or Go-to-Meeting which cost $49 per month). [5]
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    References: [1] 'Share your screen with anyone, anywhere, anytime'. Fuze Meeting. Retrieved from URL: [2] Boulton, C. (2009). 'Fuze Meeting Lets Users Push Meetings to Facebook, Twitter'. Messaging and Collaboration. Retrieved from URL: [3] Sailors, J. (2009). 'Fuze Box Software Simplifies The Virtual Meeting'. San Jose Business Journal. Retrieved from URL: [4] Stern, Z. (2009). 'Collaborate Online with Fuze Meeting Service'. Software / Services. PC World Business Center. Retrieved from URL: [5] 'Web Conferencing Comparison'. Fuze Meeting. Retrieved from URL:
    Fuze Meeting is a web-browser based web conference service and it also provides compatible applications for Blackberrys and iPhones [1]. Fuze Meeting utilises the Flash browser plug-in to provide a useful tool with an easy-to-use interface [2]. Meetings can include up to 15 attendees and its built-in chat integrates with AOL, Google, MSN, and Yahoo's chat applications [2]. Out of the top 10 web-meeting applications ranked Fuze Meeting one of the top two products available [2]. Comparable online meeting services include GoToMeeting [3], Dim Dim [4], and iLinc [5]. Apple's GoToMeeting provides everything that Fuze Meeting does and more but at a higher monthly fee [3]. Dim Dim provides slightly more functionality to Fuze Meeting at a lower monthly fee [4]. iLink provide the same functionality as GoToMeeting with a focus towards the high-end corporate market, and iLink's pricing is available on application [5]. All four services offer 30 day free trial offers. Overall Fuze Meeting's nearest competitor in the meeting services market appears to be Dim Dim. Fuze Meeting and Dim Dim's services received an identical overall ranking from who tested for reliability, security, usability, features, support and value [6][7]. Fuze Meeting is a product worth considering for anyone interested in using a web conferencing service. ---------------- see References below
    References [1] Fuze Box Inc (2010). 'Web Conferencing, Online Meeting, Web Meeting Software | Fuze Meeting'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [2] (2010). 'Fuze Meeting Review - 2nd Place'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [3] Apple Inc. (2010). 'GoToMeeting'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 [4] Dimdim, Inc. (2010). 'Easy, Open and Affordable Web Conferencing and Webinars | Dimdim'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [5] iLinc Communications. (2010). 'iLinc | Web and Video Conferencing | Online Meetings | Virtual Training | Webinars | eLearning'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [6] (2010). 'Fuze Meeting | Review'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from [7] (2010). 'Dimdim | Review'. Retrieved April 6, 2010 from
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