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U.S. Army Music - 0 views

    The Army's music is a source for several beneficial resources. You can find upcoming performances for all of the bands to find a performance closes to you. These bands include the active bands, Army Reserve Bands, National Guard bands, and the U.S. Army School of Music Band. Each band will also have smaller ensembles such as jazz bands and rock bands. The site also has recordings of the Army band performing some traditional ceremonial songs including marches, fanfares, and even bugle calls that are found on the music tab. This is very beneficial if you are are trying to perform a patriotic show or performing for the school's JROTC programs. There are pages for the National Anthem and The Army Song that provides the history of the songs as well as the lyrics and recordings. You can click on the songs titles to download mp3 files. The education tab is great because it has a list of U.S. Army Music Master Classes for every instrument and covers a wide range of topics. From basics and fundamentals to practicing to percussion. Master classes are added periodically. When you click on the title of the master class, a PDF will download. You can also request for a clinicians, clinic teams, master classes, or guest conductors to come out to your school. The only expense you might have to pay is for travel expenses if they are not in the area.
    The Army's music is a source for several beneficial resources. You can find upcoming performances for all of the bands to find a performance closes to you. These bands include the active bands, Army Reserve Bands, National Guard bands, and the U.S. Army School of Music Band. Each band will also have smaller ensembles such as jazz bands and rock bands. The site also has recordings of the Army band performing some traditional ceremonial songs including marches, fanfares, and even bugle calls that are found on the music tab. This is very beneficial if you are are trying to perform a patriotic show or performing for the school's JROTC programs. There are pages for the National Anthem and The Army Song that provides the history of the songs as well as the lyrics and recordings. You can click on the songs titles to download mp3 files. The education tab is great because it has a list of U.S. Army Music Master Classes for every instrument and covers a wide range of topics. From basics and fundamentals to practicing to percussion. Master classes are added periodically. When you click on the title of the master class, a PDF will download. You can also request for a clinicians, clinic teams, master classes, or guest conductors to come out to your school. The only expense you might have to pay is for travel expenses if they are not in the area.

"Puff The Magic Dragon" by Peter, Paul And Mary Ukulele Tabs on UkuTabs - 0 views

    The purpose of this website is to find songs to use in the elementary music room with ukulele tabs. A ukulele is much easier to work with when dealing with young students and this website provides many song resources with the ukulele tab. The chords can also be transposed to make playing them easier. The current song that is linked is a favorite of my Kindergarten students.

ULTIMATE GUITAR TABS - 1,100,000 songs catalog with free Chords, Guitar Tabs, Bass Tabs... - 0 views

    This website is very helpful when teaching students to play guitar chords. Students are able to search for the song they would like to play and see what chords are needed to play. When the mouse moves over the chords, a chart pops up to show the student how to play the chord.

Music For Life - 1 views

  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
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  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Visit YvetteMusic on Facebook
  • Upcoming shows, recordings and swag
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ePortfolio_Tonya Mashburn - 0 views


Free printable staff paper @ Blank Sheet Music .net - 0 views

    This website offers a free template for printing staff paper. Several customizable options including staff size, clef, indentation, and guitar tab are also included.
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    This website offers a free template for printing staff paper. Several customizable options including staff size, clef, indentation, and guitar tab are also included.
    This resource provides users with access to free customizable music staff paper.  Users can select different clefs, change orientation, add measures, and manage bar lines.  Students can utilize this resource for music theory, personal composition, and jazz transcribing while teachers can use this website to print sheet music to construct exercises, arrange/transpose parts, assign music theory problems, and for other uses.
    This is a great tool to get manuscript paper. Easy to use and customizable.
    This may seem like a small thing, but the ability to print sheet music on demand is vital to music educators and students alike. This is an invaluable resource for your students!
    Print blank sheet music for free, supports guitar and bass tabs too, ready-to-print sheets in a few seconds, no software to download and install, no watermarks on prints, requires Flash plugin
    Create your own blank sheet music. Tons of customization including TAB.
    A Flash-based website that allows the user to print free manuscript paper for personal use. Choose from a variety of clefs, with options of brackets, barlines and more.
I Soliz

ComposerHome - The Website of James Humberstone - 0 views

    This website has technology lesson plans under the Resources tab, specifically GargageBand and Sibelius. There are also music and education resources that he has written.
    This website has technology lesson plans under the Resources tab, specifically GargageBand and Sibelius. There are also music and education resources that he has written.

Tabs that show the theory behind songs - Theorytab - 0 views

    TheoryTab is an ideal resource for theory teachers who are teaching students familiar with guitar tab, but not yet ready for practical notation based music theory. The approach of this site is to integrate tablature with the functional approach to harmony, using songs from the popular music cultures of today.
Cheyenne Cleveland

American Composers Forum | Music by Kids for Kids - 0 views

  • composition curriculum especially designed for computer labs equipped with MIDI keyboards.
  • Music by Kids for Kids fills the gap in the music classroom between performing and composing music.
  • 7th through 12th grade educators to incorporate composition and notation software into their classrooms.
    Music by Kids for Kids, is a website dedicated to the incorporation of composition and notation software into music classrooms. The "Education" tab on this site will suggest software programs and resources to use in any music education setting.
Clint Weinberg

Plank Road Publishing's Music K-8 Magazine and Music Teaching Resources - 0 views

    Music K-8 is a popular site among elementary/middle school classroom music teachers. The popular magazine is full of great ideas, music, games, articles, and musical performance programs. A very useful aspect of the website is the "Idea Bank" which is located in the Resources tab. Subscribing to the idea bank list allows music teachers to instantly interact, discuss, and share with colleagues across the nation. The diverse wealth of resources available here are sure to be helpful in every kindergarten through 8th grade music class.
Meghan Kiniry

Beethoven digitally - 0 views

    Beethoven is my favorite composer and this site has many great resources as well as many links to other great resources (see the "links" tab).

Theorytab - 0 views

    Purpose of Resource: This website can be used to identify the chord progressions for many modern songs. The website can also be used to transpose chord progressions into various keys. Specific Musical Content: This webpage contains the chord progressions of over 5,000 songs. The original song can be played as well as just the chord progression on a piano. Each song can be transposed into different keys and modes while preserving sonic relationships. Theory Tab also can display the chords being played on a piano keyboard or a Guitar Fretboard. Other Information: This could be a great resource for any composition units, as well as for directors looking to incorporate popular music, or arrange popular tunes for their ensembles.

Kindergarten Lesson Plans for Music Subjects | HotChalk Lesson Plans Page - 0 views

    HotChalk Lesson Plans offer a multitude of online resources in regards to lesson plans. The plans can be modified to fit a specific grade level and it shows what other subject area the lesson plan overlaps with. The lesson plans list materials needed to complete the activity and provides related lesson plans at the bottom of the page. Teachers can also share their own lesson plans on the page. There is also a tab for news and tips that teachers can look at to aid in different types of learning.

K12MusicResources - 0 views

    K-12 Resources for Music Education website is a valuable and resourceful page filled with endless opportunities for all types of music educators in grades K-12. There are specific tabs for band, choir, orchestra, classroom, and all music. Once you click on these you are taken to a variety of sites with a variety of topics/activities. This is definitely a resource to have at the top of your list for K-12 reference material.

Home - League of American Orchestras - 0 views

    League of American Orchestras is a site for educators, professional musicians and students can explore. Teachers can look at advocacy and the government to find out what is happening in legislation. There is a career center for teachers and professional musicians who are looking to perform. Everyone can learn about Learning and Leadership development of students and teachers. The Knowledge, Research and Innovation tab is great as it is the latest research happening. You can also find conferences, meetings, journals, conducting, composing and performing tab.
    This site is a great resource for orchestra teachers. The purpose of this resource is to provide information about the current state of music programs and opportunities for orchestral students. The content of this site is mainly articles and registration links for different conferences. There are also links to webinars, fellowships, etc. as well as current issues revolving around orchestral music/education. Some sources particularly helpful for teachers are a link with interesting facts about orchestra and articles about how to reach out to bigger audiences. It offers a subscription for "Symphony" Magazine and provdes information about composing, conducting, and performing, all major elements or any music education program.
    This website has resources for orchestra students. Students can find practice and performance tips, learn about local and famous orchestras and musicians, and find resources for their specific instruments.

Classics For Kids - 0 views

    Classics for Kids is a website featuring high quality weekly radio shows/podcasts about classical composers and their music. The service is provided by Cincinnati Public Radio. Excellent biographical information along with quality excerpts of composers' works are included. There is an extensive catalog of previous shows available for listening which are child friendly and is a great resource for music educators. The website also includes games and a section under the "For Grownups" tab for educators featuring music lesson plans.

Smithsonian Jazz | National Museum of American History - 0 views

    This website provides information related to jazz and jazz history. This website, under the education tab, provides multiple jazz recordings. Additionally, lesson plans are provided to help align the tracks with classroom activities.

SMART Exchange - 0 views

    SMART Exchange is a website that allows users to create a free account. After creating a free account, users may upload and share any presentation that the user has made. Also, a great resource to search for presentations that have been made. You can search by subject area, grade, or any topic that you wish to search.

New York Philharmonic - 0 views

    NY Philharmonic Kids is an interactive website. There are a variety of games, and interactive tabs on music, instruments of the orchestra, and composers.
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    Great site to learn about the orchestra and instrument families. It also has fun games and students can even create their own instruments.
    This is a great website that has a ton of information. It includes interactive games, sections about each orchestral instrument, a composer's workshop and many other fun activities.
    This website is clearly geared toward younger students. A website like this is probably most useful in a general music setting. The website provides activities to learn about many music concepts that are relevant to younger students.

Music Education Blogs - 3 views

    A source for links to music education blogs. Blogs are categorized -- elementary, middle school, high school, kodaly-inspired, orff-inspired, technology, choir, orchestra etc.  
  • ...6 more comments...
    A source for links to music education blogs. Blogs are categorized -- elementary, middle school, high school, kodaly-inspired, orff-inspired, technology, choir, orchestra etc.  
    Some of the top music education blogs to provide instructional resources to music educators.
    The title says it all. This is a collection of music education blogs, covering all kinds of topics.
    The Music Education Blogs link contains links to blogs for all sorts of music educators.  The links are catered to specific school settings, teaching methodologies, ensembles, and free online services.  I enjoyed exploring several of the blogs because blogging is something I've just become acquainted to within my graduate studies with the University of Florida's Online Master of Music.  For example, I clicked on the "Elementary Blogs" tab to see what some of my elementary music educator colleagues have to say/share.  A handful of links to other teachers' blogs and websites were made available at a click of the mouse.  I clicked on the first link, "Mrs. Miracle's Music Room," and was able to read posts from "Mrs. Miracle" about her teaching strategies for classroom management when utilizing technology.  Her blog contained other features like a personal bio and links.  My blog for this course doesn't contain those things, and perhaps exploring the website more would allow me to make similar changes to my Blog. Being able to share ideas within any online community, in this case a blogging community, could be so useful for any sort of educator.  Considering we are currently enrolled in an online Master of Music program, we are capable of sharing ideas from across the country and even across the globe.  This blog link just makes that possibility more accessible with more educators.
    This blog is an organized data base of music educatin blogs categorized by topic.
    Some of the top music education blogs to provide instructional resources to music educators.
    For persons that enjoy reading blogs, this is the place for you.  Separated into pages from elementary to high school, Kodaly and Orff-inspired, choir or orchestra, there is something for everyone.
    This website is a great home base for many music educator blogs. It's great to see shared ideas, lesson plans, and teaching strategies.
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