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bbriele01 - 4 views

shared by bbriele01 on 03 Apr 14 - Cached
    Offers a good variety of lessons, for both beginners and advanced students, from notes' duration to Neapolitan chords. Also tools such as chord calculator, metronome, pop up piano window etc., are available for free.
  • ...50 more comments...
    This is a free website that has music theory lessons as well as exercises. It covers the basics of music and more. Teachers are able to customize exercises and have students print out a progress report
    This is a free website that has music theory lessons as well as exercises. It covers the basics of music and more. Teachers are able to customize exercises and have students print out a progress report
    This site provides lessons and exercises in music theory for students. The lessons are not interactive, but the exercises are with quizes.
    This site provides lessons and exercises in music theory for students. The lessons are not interactive, but the exercises are with quizes.
    This is a great website to further music theory knowledge. This site helps students with ear training and music reading. There are many games, lessons, and activities to improve one's musical knowledge.
  • is a free resource for music theory students. You can select from lessons, notation and aural exercises, and much more.
    The purpose of this site is to provide a program that teaches music theory. This program has lessons and exercises to facilitate the learning of music theory and ear training.
    The purpose of this site is to provide a program that teaches music theory. This program has lessons and exercises to facilitate the learning of music theory and ear training.
  • contains free online music content. Students and teachers can explore the fundamentals of music through animated lessons. You can also create custom exercises to improve your musical recognition and use interactive tools to calculate notes, intervals, and chords for specific keys.
    This website has numerous music theory resources and lessons.
    A great site to direct any music student to!  I used it a lot when I was struggling in Aural Skills in college, so great for any age.
    This is a fantastic resource that I have been using for many years. There are many options for lessons among the music elements, which are customizable for different levels of difficulty. My favorite to use this site for is identifying pitches. I can customize the lesson to only include specific pitches and ranges, and even with sharps and flats.
    This is one of the most useful music education resources I have ever found. I use it with all of my students, from beginners all the way to AP Music Theory. The webpage is completely downloadable and can be accessed offline.
    Learn Music theory online or on your mobile device. 
    This website assists all musicians of levels from middle school and beyond with understanding basic to advanced music theory. There are lessons, tutorials, and exercises for ear training, intervals, and chords.
    This website assists all musicians of levels from middle school and beyond with understanding basic to advanced music theory. There are lessons, tutorials, and exercises for ear training, intervals, and chords.
    A free website with music theory lessons and exercises. From the very basic (note identification) to more advanced topics (chord structure, modes, 7th chords), this would work well for students in grades 5 and up.
    This is a music theory site that emphasizes beginning music fundamentals. This site is available for download in a free offline edition.
    This music theory website contains both exercises and lessons that are very useful to teachers and students. The website includes a wide variety of categories including but not limited to key signatures, scales, note identification, and rhythms. This would be very useful if ever teaching a high school theory course or even for an instructor to brush up on their own music theory skills.
    Teachers can assign ready made lessons in music theory.  Easy to use and comprehensive covering note identification to ear training. 
    This interactive site offers lessons in different musical concepts and exercises to build knowledge. All exercises are customizable to fit different skill levels and work with interactive white boards. A list of tools features handy applications like an interval finder and a metronome. Users who enjoy the site can purchase the app, Tenuto, for their smart phones and tables.
    Purpose of this resource: is a website that contains many lessons on music theory as well as drills for practicing each concept. Musical Content: This website covers basic music notation elements (staff, bar lines, ledger lines etc.), key signatures, major/minor scales, intervals, note identification and interval identification (with note names, moveable do solfege, fixed do solfege, or piano keyboard), Chord building, and chord progressions. Other information: This website is great as a supplement to basic music theory lessons. It also has great possibility for reinforcing and practicing concepts. Each exercise is graded and can be submitted to instructors electronically. Teachers can also make custom exercises. There is a paid app available for iOS devices
    This is a great resource to learn and practice ear training. You can easily practice various aspects of ear training and adjust the difficulty or the specific things you are working on. It is also fairly easy to track your progress and see what still needs work.
    A fantastic free online interactive software that offers lessons, exercises and ear training. It is a great tool for assessment as it offers immediate feedback in every exercise with a built-in timer.
    This website offers lessons and exercises on numerous topics such as keyboard notes, reading the music staff, and even ear training exercises intervals and chords. Each exercise is also customizable to make it as easy or difficult as you see fit.
    This website offers lessons and exercises on numerous topics such as keyboard notes, reading the music staff, and even ear training exercises intervals and chords. Each exercise is also customizable to make it as easy or difficult as you see fit.
    The best site for free Music Theory training exercises. Note reading and aural skills.
    This is a website that offers free lessons, exercises, and tools for music theory. This could be used by any music student to reinforce theory concepts taught in the classroom or the private studio. 
  • is an amazing resource for providing teachers and students with lessons, quizzes as well as assessments in all aspects of music theory. The program online allows teachers to set up practice sessions, tutorials, as well as assessment on basic and advanced theory concepts. Students are able to access the online program from home or through tablet/laptop at school. 
  • offers a wonderful music theory training exercises. It offers free lessons, exercises, and tools for learners of any age to partake of. The site also offers two mobile (paid) apps that allow users to take their learning with them. Great for anyone, especially those involved with music theory or aural skills training.
  • offers a wonderful music theory training exercises. It offers free lessons, exercises, and tools for learners of any age to partake of. The site also offers two mobile (paid) apps that allow users to take their learning with them. Great for anyone, especially those involved with music theory or aural skills training.
  • is a great resource, not just specifically for music theory students, but for all students of music. The "lessons" section is great for introducing new concepts of theory, and the "exercises" section is a fun way to quiz and practice these concepts.
    This is a free online interactive resource that is an alternative to traditional paper and pencil of learning music theory. I recommend for late elementary on up.
    The apps that coincide with this website are fantastic. Give them a look!
    This a wonderful resource for all types of music classes!
    The website is a comprehensive platform focused on teaching music theory. The purpose of the website is to teach or reinforce music theory concepts at all levels of experience. There are numerous free lessons available that cover many aspects of music theory. There are also numerous customizable exercises to help reinforce the concepts learned in the lessons. Teachers can utilize this website at all levels of performing arts. I have found success with using the note name identification exercise as I can choose exactly what notes the students are practicing.
    An excellent app for any musician wanting to sharpen their theory skills. Users have a wide range of theoretical topics to study, with lessons and assessment built in.
    Interactive music theory website with virtual lessons and activities. Lessons include: reading notes on various staffs, the musical alphabet, chords, and more. There is a free mobile app available, and lessons are well sequenced.
    Offers Music Theory Lessons over a wide variety of Topics and Exercises for Students. Lessons may be completed individually by students or as a class at an IWB (Interactive WhiteBoard). Additional tools are provided, as well as the ability to complete exercises online or offline.
    This website is a great resource for a high amount of theory information. A great feature is the separation of lessons (learning) then exercises to quiz you. The customization for exercises is perfect to test something specific or a wider range.
    This is a free website that offers lessons, exercises, and tools for music theory. The site is geared towards an older student and can be self pace
    This website has good music theory exercises and videos. Students uses the lessons and practice on the exercises. Has other products available for a price.
    This website provides numerous resources for learning, studying, and practicing music theory. Users can explore the lessons section to learn about various topics in music theory. Users can also practice various elements of both written and aural theory. This website focuses specifically on music theory.
    This is a wonderful, free music theory website for a general music, band, choral, or music theory class. This website gives sample lessons and has exercises that students can take. There are also available apps to make it easy on-the-go.
    The purpose of this site is to provide free online content and resources for music theory lessons. Students can access theory lessons with assessment in every aspect of music theory for the beginner to advanced student.
    This website is an interactive resource for students to use to learn basic note reading, theory, and ear training. This could be used in a music technology class or general music class with access to devices. In a performance ensemble setting, this could be used as a warm up for the whole class with the aid of an interactive whiteboard or projector. 
    Free music theory lessons
    This resource is focused on teaching elements of music theory through slideshow presentations and exercises. This could be used to supplement instruction, be used in stations in a music classroom, or as an enrichment tool for gifted music students.
    Online music theory site that helps to learn and practice various theory topics from beginner to advanced levels. Downloadable app for mobile devices is also available for a small nominal fee.
    This is a great website that provides theory lessons and exercises for all levels and abilities. It also allows students to print and submit progress reports to track progress.
    A great free cite for notation practice exercises and lessons.
    Music Theory Learning to read music

National Association for Music Education (NAfME) - 0 views

shared by marshallb85 on 24 Sep 15 - No Cached
    Advocacy available for all types of music (orchestra, band, choir, etc.). Educational articles and monthly magazine with ideas and thoughts on pedagogy.
  • ...26 more comments...
    The National Association for Music Education provides a huge number of resources for music educators. There are sample lesson plans, information about standards, and access to scholarly journals and other articles. There is also important information regarding advocacy.
    The National Association for Music Education provides a huge number of resources for music educators. There are sample lesson plans, information about standards, and access to scholarly journals and other articles. There is also important information regarding advocacy.
    NAfME is a professional organization that helps music educators. This website gives updates on legislation, standard updates and other pertinent news within music education.
    NAfME is a professional organization that helps music educators. This website gives updates on legislation, standard updates and other pertinent news within music education.
    This is a professional group for music educators.   This site provides upcoming events, insight on what is going on in the world of music education, and presents professional development opportunities.
    The website for the National Association for Music Education. NAfME supports all aspects of music education and is a great resource for lesson plans, advocacy and student opportunities.
    NAfME is where any music educator can get an abundance of infromation. There are lesson plans, forums for classroom management and other teaching situations. The page can also be related to what is happening within your state, from community, programs and to take action in being a music activist in your town.
    NAfME is where any music educator can get an abundance of infromation. There are lesson plans, forums for classroom management and other teaching situations. The page can also be related to what is happening within your state, from community, programs and to take action in being a music activist in your town.
    Maybe the best source of information for music educators who are in "real world" situations.
    For Immediate Release Contact: Ronny Lau at NAfME or 703-860-4000, ext. 225 The Music Education Policy Roundtable Gains Another Corporate Supporter, Grows to 35 Total Members RESTON, VA (September 25, 2015)-The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) is pleased to announce that Conn-Selmer has joined with NAfME and 33 other like-minded organizations as a corporate supporter of the Music Education Policy Roundtable.
    The National Association for Music Education is a leading organization that addresses all aspects of music education. NAfME advocates for music and music educators at many local, state, and national levels and provides support for educators, administrators, and students. They offer a wide variety of professional development that help aide the music community in ways to advocate for music as well as improve the practice of music teaching. The group provides members with a plethora of articles and activities relating to music and instruction. 
    NAfME is an organization that supports and advocates for all aspects of music education. Members have access to monthly magazines, as well as online journals. As a member we also can attend county and statewide workshops for music learning and professional development. It is great being part of an organization that seeks to reach out to all music educators and our students.
    The National Association for Music Education website contains a great deal of resources for music teachers. They routinely publish articles with wonderfully helpful information and insight for instrumental and vocal music teachers. Being a member also provides educators with state level information and resources.
    This is the National Association for Music Education. The purpose for this website is to promote music education in all grades and all areas of music from band, chorus, and orchestra to elementary general music. This is a great resource for all music educators.
    The National Association for Music Education's website is a great place for all types of resources for all music educators. There are sections of the website that are for members only; however, there are also many free and open access resources for the public. NAfME provides information on their honors organizations and programs, action items for the promotion of music education, and classroom resources. The items for the classroom include lessons, national standards, professional development, and scholarship opportunities. NAfME's website also provides access to journals and magazines archieves.
    An important and resourceful website for nation-wide music educators. This website contains the latest information and most recent news in the world of music education. It shares tips and lessons for the classroom, as well as networking opportunities. It's main mission is to advance music education, and provides great advocacy resources. 
    This site includes a variety of resources for music educators that include sample lesson plans, national standards, relevant videos, forums, a job center, advocacy information and so much more!
    The website for the National Association for Music Education is a valuable resource for all music educators. There are discussion boards, professional develop webinars, journals and articles, and many other professional resources. NAfME provides many resources for music educators; pre-service, first-year and veteran teachers alike all benefit from the resources NAfME provides.
    NAfME is a top resource for music educators all over the country. On their website, teachers can view national music standards, preview sample lesson plans, sign up to join in-service conferences, learn about professional development opportunities, and connect with NAfME members around the country.
    NAFME addresses the topic of music education in the United States on local, state, and national terms. This association also acts as a resource for music advocacy. NAFME offers professional development for music educators as well.
    This is the national professional organization for music educators. This site offers information about conferences, lesson plans, and suggested resources. This site is a home-base for music educators from all walks of life.
    The purpose of the NAfME page is to compile advocacy links, resources and information in music education for teachers, parents, and administrators. It also hosts professional development opportunities for teachers as well as leading and cutting edge opportunities for students.
    This is the website that all music educators should be familiar with. Aside from being able to purchase/ renew membership, it has a ton of educational resources such as monthly journals, national core standards, and professional networking opportunities.
    The ultimate resource for music teachers nation-wide. Lesson plans, tools for music advocacy, professional development opportunities and many other resources.
    This website offers resources for music educators including a lesson plan library, opportunities for professional development, national music standards, and ideas for music education advocacy.
    The website for the National Association for Music Ed, this site provides a plethora of information relating to the many different facets of music education. It provides links to websites, resources and tools for teaching, and valuable ideas for technology integration.
    The website for the National Association for Music Ed, this site provides a plethora of information relating to the many different facets of music education. It provides links to websites, resources and tools for teaching, and valuable ideas for technology integration.
    NAfME, among the world's largest arts education organizations, is the only association that addresses all aspects of music education.

Classics For Kids - 2 views

  • LISTEN TOGETHER Classics for Kids features a variety of classical music selections. Kids pick some favorites and listen to them with your family.
    • Joe Renardo
      I loved checking out the 'Listen Together" tab.  This feature would enhance the students' understanding of compositional techinques used by various composers.
    This website is a great resource for K-5 music.  There are jokes, games, and information regarding famous composers, including recordings of famous pieces of music.  This can be used by a classroom of kids in a computer lab, or by a teacher for lesson planning.
  • ...19 more comments...
    This website is a great resource for K-5 music.  There are jokes, games, and information regarding famous composers, including recordings of famous pieces of music.  This can be used by a classroom of kids in a computer lab, or by a teacher for lesson planning.
    This website is useful to teachers and students. It has podcasts, composer biographies, activity pages, and even lesson plan ideas. Also useful are the games for kids, which cover note names, composers, and also let students compose, too!
    This website introduces children to classical composers, their music, and musical timelines. There are also composition games included at this site as well as practice in identifying notes and rhythms.
    Good website for stories about classical composers told in story form where kids will listen and learn. The websites covers the majority of the known composers and often creates a series from the well known composers.
    Good website for stories about classical composers told in story form where kids will listen and learn. The websites covers the majority of the known composers and often creates a series from the well known composers.
    Classics for kids is a great website where you can read and learn about different composers and classical music. There are links to podcasts and listening maps for the students to actively engage in. There are also composer biographies and other great resources.
    Elementary students can explore instruments, composers, and various elements of music as well as play games. 
    This site is fantastic for Elementary Aged students!  There are tons of games that my students love (especially when we're reading notes), and so much information and recordings.  It's a great supplement to any lesson!
    Classics for Kids is designed for children to be able to navigate and explore. It features a "Composer of the Month" with sound clips of the work of that composer along with biographies, and other interesting information. The website also includes musical games for children, a music dictionary, timelines, and information about musical instruments.The "For Grownups" section includes lesson plans along with other valuable resources.
    Classics for Kids is designed for children to be able to navigate and explore. It features a "Composer of the Month" with sound clips of the work of that composer along with biographies, and other interesting information. The website also includes musical games for children, a music dictionary, timelines, and information about musical instruments.The "For Grownups" section includes lesson plans along with other valuable resources.
    A website that offers various worksheets and games for the music classroom. There is also a section on composers. However, some of the text may be too advanced for K-5. 
    A website that offers various worksheets and games for the music classroom. There is also a section on composers. However, some of the text may be too advanced for K-5.
    This provides easy and practical shows and lessons for students and teachers. Masters of classical music: Bach, Mozart and Kodaly to name of a few are easily accessible for young age groups. 
    This is an excellent website for listening to classical music, as well as, activities to accompany the music. Composer and piece information is written in kid friendly terminology.
    This music resource page is a great way to have students learn about classical composers and not take up too much precious rehearsal time. Students can go on the page and select a podcast of the history of the composers being studied during a particular season. Then they can submit a short write up based on the podcast and have short discussions before rehearsal.
    Something I have often struggled with is getting students to connect with classical music and composers. Classics for Kids breaks the material down to a kid-friendly level, offering games and activities to help students learn and retain the content. It also puts various pieces from classical composers in one place, making for easy access for classroom use.
    Something I have often struggled with is getting students to connect with classical music and composers. Classics for Kids breaks the material down to a kid-friendly level, offering games and activities to help students learn and retain the content. It also puts various pieces from classical composers in one place, making for easy access for classroom use.
    Such a great website with tons of resources for music education. There are interactive games for development of rhythm, composition, and note naming skills, as well as loads of information on composers, music professions, and music time periods.You can also access some prominent compositions for students to listen to, as well as activity sheets for your students to complete based on a composer, or genre of music.
    Site is a great resource for students for composer info and musical examples. Also has a section of kids music games, as well as music dictionary and list of instruments with sound clip examples. There is also a "grownups" section that includes lesson plans, tips, and advice.
    Classics for Kids is a resources for teachers, parents, and children. It provides lesson plans, music games and interactive links, a podcast, tips for parents, and information about composers, instruments, and music history. The lesson plans (written by my former music education professor, Dr. Kay Edwards) are standards-based and incorporate elements of Orff, Kodaly, and Dalcroze.
    This website is for elementary/general music education. It is a resources for lesson plans on composers, music theory, and music listening.

Music Tech Teacher - 8 views

    A great resource for your last minute lesson plan needs!  There are plans, activities, and quizzes!
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    (a) The purpose of the resource is to provide students and educators with effective interactive music technology for instructional use.  Additionally, this teacher uses the resources in her own classroom. (b) The specific musical content addressed in this resource is note identification, reading music, composers, music history, and orchestra instrumentation.  (c) This site also includes quizzes and lesson plans.
    A teacher create page for music teachers who want to use technology in their music instruction.
    The Music Tech Teacher site includes quizzes, games, lessons, worksheets and other resources for teachers interested in using technology to enhance music education.
    The Music Tech Teacher site includes quizzes, games, lessons, worksheets and other resources for teachers interested in using technology to enhance music education.
    This site has resources for music tech teachers. It features student work samples, online quizzes, worksheets, games, and sample lesson plans.
    Green Acres Middle School music tech curriculum. Equipped with technology lessons, quizzes, and online quizzes. Curriculm includes student work, veideos, phots and music compositions
    A fun website with great review games that cover quality information and are fun to play. Simple lesson plans especially for the piano and technology. 
    Website created and run by a music tech teacher in Alabama. The site contains a large selection of printable theory worksheets as well as interactive music games and quizzes. This is geared towards younger beginners
    Website created and run by a music tech teacher in Alabama. The site contains a large selection of printable theory worksheets as well as interactive music games and quizzes. This is geared towards younger beginners
    The Music Tech Teacher site is an online extension of Karen Garrett's band and music technology class. On the site, she provides lessons, quizzes, and artifacts of student work. One nice feature is the scrolling set of images with students modeling the activities that take place in the piano lab.
    This is my favorite site for games that can be used as informal, formative assessments. There are many options under the "Quizzes/Pianos" tab. The games can be played as a class using the smartboard, or individually if you're lucky enough to get time in the computer lab.
    This site is provided by the music technology teachers at Green Acres Middle School in Birmingham, Alabama. The site is a very useful resource for both music technology and general music teachers. The purpose of the site is to provide online lessons, quizzes, practice opportunities, and assistance with music theory. The site contains a variety of simple piano practice pieces such as "Jingle Bells," "All Through the Night," "Ode to Joy," and many others. 
    This is a site created by a teacher about how she uses technology in her music classes. It includes lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes, and samples of student work from the website creator's classes.
    This is a Music Technology classroom set up online. The teacher has been generous enough to post all of her lessons, quizzes, and other assignments on this website for anyone to use! If you are thinking about starting up a music technology class at your school this could be a great starting point.
    Good source for tech information and music education awareness. Offering note-reading and theory-based quizzes.
    This is an extension of a music technology classroom of a teacher in Birmingham, AL. It provides links, quizzes, resources, and information for teachers preparing to use technology in the classroom.
    Online music educators resource for group or private lessons. Interactive games, quizzes and tests are created on various musical concepts and topics.
    This site offers a plethora of resources for both beginning and advanced music tech teachers, as well as ways to blend technology into your everyday classroom. The site includes musical lesson plans, unit plans, quizzes, tests, and media demonstrating many uses of music tech in the classroom.
    This website contains video games, quizzes, piano lessons, and worksheets suitable for upper-elementary to middle school students. Students learn different music concepts such as rhythm patterns, ear training, piano skills, music history, composers, music careers and so forth.
    Resource for UF Masters in Music Education. I love this resource primarily for the fun and interactive nature that the games provide to my classroom. There are plenty of resources such as lessons, pre-made assessment, and videos. However, the games allow students to enjoy learning through assessment and interactive scenarios.
    This website is a great resource for beginning to integrate technology into your classroom. There are ready-made lesson plans, as well as fun activities to do with your students. There are worksheets on theory, lessons on piano, and so much more.

Music Tech Teacher - 0 views

  • extension of the music technology and band classroom at Green Acres Middle School in Birmingham, AL
  • elementary students are learning to read, write, compose, publish and perform their music. Student work, videos, photos and music compositions are posted on this site
  • technology links, quizzes, resources and information to all music teachers interested in using technology to enhance music instruction
    This site contains lessons, worksheets, and quizzes for young music students. In addition, there are links to other music tech related resources and suggested reading materials and other supplies
  • ...13 more comments...
    This is the website of a music teacher in Alabama. She has free music theory lessons and TONS of theory games and quizzes. This teacher made them all herself and shares how she did it. The site is directed toward elementary age students, though you could get away with middle school students too. High school teachers might want to create their own games.
    This page gives a great example of how a music technology program can work. It also includes lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes, and links to completed student projects.
    This website has useful information on using technology to teach music. There lessons and quizzes to use.
    This is one of my favorite websites and I use it frequently at school. There are over 140 elementary music quizzes, puzzles and games. There are lessons, a piano practice interface, and worksheets all about music notes, rhythms, instruments, composers, and more. This site also incorporates the use of NoteFlight and showcases student work. There are also links and resources for music technology available on the site.
    This website contains various lessons, worksheets and interactive elements for students and instructors in a general music to high school theory classroom.  It contains a large library of music worksheets for lesson plan strategies!
    This website contains various lessons, worksheets and interactive elements for students and instructors in a general music to high school theory classroom.  It contains a large library of music worksheets for lesson plan strategies!
    Ms. Karen Garrett has provided a website that is comprehensive, interactive and impressive for a classroom teacher.  Her lessons, worksheets and quizzes/games are excellent resources to use for beginner piano, note reading, rhythms, basic music history and music theory.  
    Music Tech Teacher offers cloud based music theory lessons and quizzes for learners of all ages.
    This website is chock full of activities, quizzes, worksheets, and more. A good number of the quizzes are interactive, which would be great for technology centered music classrooms. Though a good number of documents revolve around piano, there is plenty of material on the site that would be great to use with your students.
    This website is chock full of activities, quizzes, worksheets, and more. A good number of the quizzes are interactive, which would be great for technology centered music classrooms. Though a good number of documents revolve around piano, there is plenty of material on the site that would be great to use with your students.
    The purpose of this resource is to provide free instructional content for music teachers. The site is also used to provide music technology links, quizzes, resources and information to all music teachers interested in using technology to enhance music instruction.
    Music Tech Teacher offers music based quizzes and games along with information about lessons, and band.
    The Music Tech Teacher website is interested and contains several menus including class lessons, quizzes, and examples of student work. The music tech lessons look great and seem pretty comprehensive on my quick review.
    Amazing resource for lesson plans, worksheets, and games to teach students about a wide variety of music topics. This website would be great for creating lesson plans for subs and would also be a great resource if you can't find printed worksheets that address theory. The games are also fun and educational, asking students to identify instruments, tempos, etc. and can act as quizzes that can be scored and printed out. Great resource!
    Music Tech Teacher is an open resource offered by Karen Garrett as an extension of her own music classes she had previously been teaching. Ms. Garrett offers free lessons, worksheets and assessments that can be downloaded as .pdfs and used by any teachers looking for materials that could be used within their own classrooms. Ms. Garrett's resources also have a strong focus on teachers looking to specifically make use of technology in their classes.

musictheory​.net - 3 views

    Great website to use in a music theory class I enjoy the lessons, exercises, and tools, plus the information on their mobile apps.
  • ...24 more comments...
    This website is really great for students who need to get practice mastering their notes names and familiarizing themselves with the music staff. There is a variety of different levels and concepts to help differentiate learning.
    Various exercises in aural and written theory. Help train students to perfect harmonic and melodic theory and ear training.
    Great free additional resource when working on note value, rhythm and meter, scales, key signatures, intervals, chords, ear training, and more.
    This website is an incredible resource for all things music theory. With a wide range of lessons, exercises, and tools, this website is a must for any music teacher. The resources available on this website are perfect for music lessons in and outside of the classroom.
  • is a free online music theory resource. There are lessons on: The basics, rhythm and meter, scales and key signatures, intervals, chords and chord progressions. These same lessons, as well as fretboard and ear training exercises, can be translated into exercises and also assignments that can be turned in and verified by a code checker. Beyond that there is also a set of tools that includes note, interval, scale and chord analysis calculators as well as a staff paper template and tempo tapper. More extensive options can be purchased.
  • is one of the best site for music theory lessons and exercises. This is very helpful for not only students of all ages, but also for the teacher to brush up on their theory.
    This resource is a useful tool for teaching music theory. Interactive lessons on Music Basics, Rhythm and Meter, Scales and Key Signatures, Intervals, Chords, and More. Interactive Exercises to help with Staff Identification, Staff Construction, Keyboard Identification, Fretboard Identification, Ear Training. Website is free, apps cost money.
  • offers students opportunities to practice and hone music theory skills from anywhere. Includes basic and advanced concepts.
    This website provides theory lessons ranging from beginner to advance. The lessons cover a wide range of material including: note names, note/rest values, accidentals, intervals, scale patterns and other music terminology. There are also exercises that can be completed by students. The exercises consist of various note name and ear training problems. Every exercise can be customized by the user to be at the beginner level or more advanced level. The website also keeps record of the user's score within as each exercise is completed.
  • is a great resource, not just specifically for music theory students, but for all students of music. The "lessons" section is great for introducing new concepts of theory, and the "exercises" section is a fun way to quiz and practice these concepts. The site contains lessons and exercises regarding notes, intervals, triads and 7th chords, scales, key signatures, guitar tablature, and other subjects. I have found it to be very useful for extra practice for my AP Music Theory students.
    This website can be a great resource for teaching and studying music theory. There are lessons on rhythm, meter, chords, and notes, among others. There are also exercises and tools to apply what you have learned through the lessons. The lessons, exercises, and tools from the website are free, and there are also a couple of premium apps, which can be used offline.
    Like many similar resources, this site offers both free and paid-for options. It functions in the could, so there is no need to download anything to a computer, though these is an mobile app available too. The site offers both lessons and exercises. The lessons take students through basic music theory concepts while the exercises practice these concepts. The exercises are completely customizable as can be sent to students as customized.
    This website is a fantastic tool for teaching basic or advanced music theory - it offers interactive and visually-engaging lessons that are simple for students of many levels to understand. There are also a number of exercises and tools that can be used to develop students understanding as well as assess students in a simple way. It can be used to help teach concepts and provide examples that solidify the concepts taught.
    This free resource has a variety of self-paced music theory lessons with coordinating graphics, exercises that are customizable, and tools including a keyboard and matrix calculator. The site also has paid apps that can be used on any iOS device.
    This website is full of helpful music theory exercises to help students identify chords, scales, intervals, and more. There is also an aural section. This is a great tool to use with theory students or student working on ear training.
    I plan on using this resource with my middle school concert band students.
    A fantastic website that offers basic and advanced music theory lessons. This site is a great resource for both secondary and college students.
  • is a great resource to use if you have a student who is taking private instrumental lessons with you. I use it with my students who are beginning piano to practice reading notes on the staff. I can set the range of the staff on their iPad or computer in advance and ask them to practice reading notes on the treble or bass clef. This resource is great for creating independent musicians.
    The purpose of this website is to deliver direct instruction regarding music theory and ear training concepts.  Music theory concepts range from basic (staff, note values) to advanced (undergraduate level analysis).  
    This site contains a bunch of music theory lessons, tools, and exercises all for free!
  • is an excellent free resource available for music teachers to use in their classes. Students can practice simple to advanced theory on the site. There are lessons that teach the basics of music theory with exercises students can complete for practice. It features many tools that teachers and students can use for extra help as well.
    This website provides music theory training for students and teachers. The website has lessons, Exercises, and tools to build music theory skills
    The site has several basic music theory lessons available and exercises for extra practice. There are several tools available that can be used in class. There are two apps that associate with the website available for download on a mobile device.
  • is an amazing tool to use for various Music Theory related concepts. Students can practice everything from scales, key signatures, and more. Educators can also create custom quizzes for their students to practice. It is an excellent free activity and study tool for your students!
    This is a famous popular website and also app, that i use to teach my private students. This is a great way to practice reading music, ear training and knowing knowledge of different type of topics in music theory. This website and app has definitely made me a stronger musician through my undergraduate years. The purpose of this website is to provide practice of musical content, to help strength the mindset in many areas.
    This is a website that offers free lessons, exercises and tools for the development of music theory knowledge and skill. 

Music Games | PBS KIDS - 1 views

    • Joe Renardo
      The "Tap Your Feet to the Rock Beat" option was so fun.  How "on" are your beat/rhythm skills?
    This website from PBS gives students (K-5) an opportunity to play games associated with different types of music.  Art and music are combined in some instances to appeal to this age group.  Non-traditional composition is also covered in these games in particular genres of music.
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    This website from PBS gives students (K-5) an opportunity to play games associated with different types of music.  Art and music are combined in some instances to appeal to this age group.  Non-traditional composition is also covered in these games in particular genres of music.
    Find fun music games for elementary students to try on a computer or an e-pad.
    PBS has great resources, especially their stuff on Jazz musicians. This page is fun, too. Kids can explore sound as it relates to up and down visually.
    For anyone looking for musical games targeted towards the younger elementary grades, this is a great source to look to. It has all of your favorite PBS characters engaged in interesting musical activities such as painting, recording, and genre guessing. I'd recommend this site to all general music elementary teachers!
    This website provides many musical games for children ages 3-6. There are games which include opportunities for children to create music, identify instrument sounds, and explore rhythms.
    Some of these music games don't seem very educational to me, but I think that they offer a variety of musical style games which could be interested for my 5th graders. I think that the zen musical composition games aren't too "babyish" (as my students would say) for the 5th grade students. However, it's something I would need to explore more. 
    This is a great resource of early childhood music students. There are numerous games that will introduce children to different sounds, different genres and even how to create music and be expressive with music.
    This is a great resource of early childhood music students. There are numerous games that will introduce children to different sounds, different genres and even how to create music and be expressive with music.
    This site's purpose is to allow younger children opportunity to interact with music through games and listening. I explored Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, which I think would be perfect for my three year old. She can click using the arrows or mouse to create different sounds, and even explore different moods of music (happy, sad etc). The site also features other genres of music which is great to expose students to from an early age.
    Simple music game website geared towards younger children. This would help allow young children to learn more about different instruments, especially ones they've seen on the TV show Daniel Tiger.
    This is a fun and interactive way for pre-school or lower elementary aged kids to learn about music. They can explore many timbres of sound with familiar characters. I use this with my own children and it's a hit!
    This website has a wide selection of music games for the young musician. Games are flash-based and are in a variety of musical genres. Many games require the user to compose in a specific style. Would work well on Chromebooks or computer lab.

teoria : Music Theory Web - 1 views

    This is an online music theory and aural site that has lessons and exercises to help students learn basic theory information.
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    This is an online music theory and aural site that has lessons and exercises to help students learn basic theory information.
    This site has a lot of great ear training exercises. It inlcudes scale and mode identification, interval identification, and dictation exercises. There are non-flash versions of everything.
    This site has a lot of great ear training exercises. It inlcudes scale and mode identification, interval identification, and dictation exercises. There are non-flash versions of everything.
    This site includes music theory, ear training, musical terms glossary, articles of form and analysis and information about musical instruments.  I plan to reference this site with my students after reading about it in chapter 5 this week.
    An online site for learning Music Theory. It can also be used on mobil devices.
    This site is a deep resource for students and instructors looking for knowledge in music theory. It also has cross-platform access to mobile phone devices and tablets through the use of games and exercises to help with ear training, chord identification, interval identification and dictation, and more.
    This site is a deep resource for students and instructors looking for knowledge in music theory. It also has cross-platform access to mobile phone devices and tablets through the use of games and exercises to help with ear training, chord identification, interval identification and dictation, and more.
    This is a free site($20 fee to access offline) that contains tutorials and exercises that focus on intermediate music theory concepts. The site is available in English and Spanish dialect.
    This website contains tutorials and online exercises for basic music theory concepts including harmonic function, form, intervals, chords, and note identification. Also includes a music dictionary and section of scholarly music articles.
    This website contains tutorials and online exercises for basic music theory concepts including harmonic function, form, intervals, chords, and note identification. Also includes a music dictionary and section of scholarly music articles.
    Teoria provides tutorials, theory and ear training exercises, articles, and theory references to fortify knowledge on the above skills. It also highlights events which took place historically with renowned composers, compositions, and artists.
    This website provides tutorials and exercises in music theory.  There are also articles and other references for student and teacher use.  This is perfect for students continuing and practicing their theory at home.
    This website is great for music theory. It has theory videos and customizable exercises. The website has a bonus reference section and articles of analysis.
    Use this site to practice music theory skills. Ear training and notation tutorials are available. Access the articles for music research.
    Music theory website which offers resources on: tutorials, references, exercises, and articles. Divided into ear training and music theory. Multiple levels are provided for each type of exercise. Great for group learning, or for students who want to discover more about music theory on their own.
    This website helps students build their music theory skills. It offers tutorials, articles, and exercises for both ear training and written theory
    This is one of the useful music theory website available for educators to use in class to assist in teaching basic music theory. The site includes articles, tutorials, and references for teaching music theory.

Music Tech Teacher, Music Quizzes, Games, Pianos, Worksheets - 3 views

    This site is stocked full of useful features for students in the form of games, quizzes, and a great flash keyboard with music to match. Using the number keys, students can practice even if they don't have a piano keyboard. There are also lessons and resources for teachers, too.
  • ...11 more comments...
    This page is a collection of Computer games and quizzes geared towards instrument identification, music theory, keyboard note identification, and music history. There are also games associated with music technology, scales, and music careers. These games could aid in refreshing the memory of older students, and help reinforce taught material to younger students. Karen Garrett (the creator of the page and games) also provides links to the programs in which she designed the games for future game creators.
    This page is a collection of Computer games and quizzes geared towards instrument identification, music theory, keyboard note identification, and music history. There are also games associated with music technology, scales, and music careers. These games could aid in refreshing the memory of older students, and help reinforce taught material to younger students. Karen Garrett (the creator of the page and games) also provides links to the programs in which she designed the games for future game creators.
    This is a great website for games and quizzes that can be used as a class or individually. There are also lesson and teacher resources available on the site
    This website has great interactive games that students can play to support learning done in the classroom. This can also be a great website to leave for subs if there is access to a computer lab
    This website provides a number of resources for music educators in the k-12 platform. The sight includes workshops, games and quizzes easily accessible to music educators.
    This site provides quizzes, games, worksheets, and music theory content related activities.
    This website is a great resource for teachers to review by means of games. It helps to engage the students while at the same time allowing them to learn basic musical concepts and elements.
    This website is a compilation of music activities, games, puzzles, worksheets, and quizzes. It is a resource designed to make music learning more interesting for students in an interactive way. Some content includes note-naming, instrument identification, basic music theory, piano methods, rhythm formation, and music history. Most activities on this website are for students at the elementary and middle school levels.
    The Music Tech Teacher website is a collection of lesson plans, worksheets, interactive games and activities. These resources help promote instrument identification, note reading, rhythm reading, scales and piano skills. It is a great place to motivate student learning and understanding using fun games and activities.
    Music Tech Teacher has elementary and middle school level quizzes reviewing a variety of musical concepts, lessons, and student worksheets that are printable for teachers.
    This website incorporates a ton of games, quizzes, and worksheets for students to utilize when learning about different concepts. The website has activities related to interval, chords, triads, music technology, composers, instruments families, and piano. The games allow for students to work together as a team while the worksheets and word scrambles serve as great resources for students to complete when they are an early finisher.
    This website is suitable for teachers who give students free time to work on music games. Many different music topics are taught by the music teachers and a better way for students to retain the information would include turning some of their assignments into competition. One thing i have learned, elementary students love to be competitive, so if the students are able to get high scores on music games, then they are retaining and getting the information.
    The creator of this site, Karen Garrett, has compiled different games and quizzes to make her music class more interactive. Students can access games about different instruments, note naming, rhythm, and even composers. There are also theory quizzes and worksheets that anyone can access.
Jay Hicks

School Music vs. Real Music | Being musical. Being human. - 0 views

    Article about the difference of school based music and music that students listen to out of the classroom. Music educators need to learn from this difference and use more contemporary music to interest more students.
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    Article about the difference of school based music and music that students listen to out of the classroom. Music educators need to learn from this difference and use more contemporary music to interest more students.
    This is a great article about the disconnect between music we teach in school and the music our students listen to. This discusses ways to help make music meaningful for all students.
    This article discusses the "real" issue that classically trained music teachers face in trying to engage students in music; holding classical and/or jazz up as the "legitimate" forms of musical, or recognizing the value of the music that students listen to and enjoy in their daily lives.

teoria : Music Theory Web - 0 views

    This website has many resources to learn and practice theory. there are tutorials and exercises to practice/learn as well as references and articles to read about analysis.
  • ...7 more comments...
    Teoria is a free website that provides a variety of written and aural music theory exercises that are useful for college and high school age students. Students can customize the exercises and work through them at their own pace.
    Teoria is a great music theory website. There are tutorials for theory basics and exercises for ear training. This could be very useful for older students, especially students headed off to music schools and will have to take theory exams.
    This website has many references, tutorials, and exercises for ear training activities. Some uses include melodic and harmonic dictation. This would be a good resource in a general music or music theory setting. Any music student could also use this on their own time to improve their aural skills. 
    A valuable music theory teaching tool. It is a free alternative that gives tutorials and lessons on intervals, ear training, chords, harmonic functions, and musical form.
  • is a comprehensive music theory website with music theory tutorials, music theory and ear training exercises, music theory reference files, and music theory articles. The student may work his or her way through the different element or just choose an area for review. The only thing lacking is an assessment area.
    Theory website - ear training drills, music theory reference, tutorials
    Teoria is a Music Theory Site with added benefits. It contains interactive tutorials, theory and ear training exercises, reference guides, and educational articles. This site is always under development. A person can be a member, donate, or use the many free interactive links. There is also a "What's new" section that contains interactive links, and a "Today in music history" section that gives educational information on music history. Follow @teoriaEng on Twitter.
    Teoria is a Music Theory website (similar to that offers step-by-step instructions on a wide variety of music theory concepts. The quizzes are helpful in assessing students in their understanding of theory concepts and allow the teacher to edit the types of questions on the quiz, the time limits, and the opportunity to correct the answers.
    This website is a great tool for students to work on their music theory and ear training skills. Students can work individually on this website to complete different exercises and review music theory concepts.

Opus Music Worksheets | Free Music Theory Worksheets - 0 views

    Welcome to Opus Music Worksheets, a database of high quality, free printable music education resources for download, including free sheet music, music theory worksheets, music flashcards, music business forms, and many other free music learning resources for music teachers, music students, and parents.
    Opus Music has a great series of music worksheets suitable for general music and ensemble classes. The lessons are sequential and logical and provide clear descriptions of each topic in the lesson material before providing exercises for completion. The worksheets are available in downloadable PDF formats. These worksheets would also work well as substitute assignments if needed as a non-music teacher could figure out the directions.
    The Opus Music website is a great resource for teachers looking for free printables. It is not a in-depth site, but instead offers a series of music theory worksheets, speed note name tests as well as flashcards and teacher printables for: business cards, lesson registration, lesson assignment and lesson billing. This site is geared towards a private studio teacher, but I have found the theory worksheets useful for beginning music students as well. All the material is free. There are also links to music teaching resources.

Note pair music game for your ears - 0 views

  • Psychologists report that people who learned to play some musical instrument are smarter and have a better memory than people with no music training.
    This is an ear training game using a "matching card" format. It looks simple and almost boring, however, once a person starts playing the game it becomes very interesting, This is well suited for middle school as it does not appear to "babyish".
    Note pair is an online music game designed to help children read music notes easily and quickly. This game helps children learn to read music notes step by step, at their own pace. A child listens to a note, and tries to match it to a similar note. This ear training computer game lets you learn music notes and their pitches. Students and pupils who play a musical instrument as a child have a better verbal memory than those with no music training. Aural listening skills enhance brain development and students who listen more to music are calm, critical thinkers, and confident. Introducing such a game as a lesson starter even for classes that are not learning music fosters concentration and interest of the learners. Their brain becomes alert and ready to take in any information.

Gordon Institute for Music Learning - 0 views

    The Gordon Institute for Music Learning includes abundant information about Music Learning Theory, how it works, and the research behind it. There is information about aptitude, sequencing, and audiation.
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    The Gordon Institute for Music Learning includes abundant information about Music Learning Theory, how it works, and the research behind it. There is information about aptitude, sequencing, and audiation.
    The Gordon Institute for Music Learning includes abundant information about Music Learning Theory, how it works, and the research behind it. There is information about aptitude, sequencing, and audiation.
    The Gordon Institute for Music Learning website is a simple and easy-to-use website. You can find the schedule of upcoming seminars to attend around the United States, find a nearby chapter to join and read Gordon's Biography. The best information for music educators is under "Music Learning Theory." Here you can read about the Gordon method, audiation, musical aptitude, methodology, learning sequence, classroom activities, early childhood and instructional applications.

Home Page | NAMM Foundation - 0 views

    A great resource for music advocacy as well as how other teachers are promotting their programs for the overall development for their students. Music Matters is a foundation that provides funding to schools who are in danger of losing their programs or need assistance in raising funds for their programs.
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    The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation webpage serves as a portal site with advocacy material, grant writing tips, and links to lesson plans.
    This site offers resources about the current state of music education as well as useful articles about music advocacy. The purpose of this site is to inform people about the importance of music eduction and keep them updated about the important events happening today that may change the state of music education. My school district was actually recognized as one of the districts to receive "Best Community for Music Education" by NAMM. Not only is this site useful for music educators, but it also has articles about the role of community members and administrators in advocating for music education.
    NAMM (National Association for Music Merchants) is a leader in music education. Their trade show every year draws the most important music companies from around the world. NAMM helps music education by providing a place for music educators to learn about the innovations and products available to them. Their website offers grant opportunities for teachers, and information for parents.
Amber Watkins

Music Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music - 1 views

    • hollyconnell
      music technology garage band
    After using this website for a graduate level course in American Vernacular Music History, I was really impressed with it's use for educators. Organize music history in a timeline view to allow students to click and learn more on their own.
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    This is the companion website for the textbook. It is a storehouse of website links for various topics regarding Technology in Music Education.
    This is the companion website for the textbook. It is a storehouse of website links for various topics regarding Technology in Music Education.
    This is the companion website link for the textbook Music Learning Today; Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music written by William I. Bauer, a professor at the University of Florida. The text and website is a useful resource for Music Educators to learn how to integrate Technology into their music curriculum.
    This is the companion website to textbook for the Technology Assisted Music Learning class. It includes information about current online resources, lesson plans and many other ways to use technology in the music classroom.
    The purpose of this site is to provide a companion website for use with the book "Music Learning Today: Digital Pedagogy for Creating, Performing, and Responding to Music." This bookmark is useful as a quick access to reference material pertinent to our use of technology in the classroom as well as in the MUE6696 course.

Music Teacher Tools & Resources | Carnegie Hall - 0 views

    Carnegie Hall provides music educators with resources to use with students in K-5. There are various activities, exercises, class games, and assessments that incorporate songs, instruments, and various styles of music. Some concepts taught include rhythm, meter, form, pitch, expressive qualities, and overall performance. Activities and resources are categorized by appropriate grade levels. This website also links to other educational resources, programs, and opportunities that music educators can utilize to benefit themselves and their music students.
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    Carnegie Hall is one of the premier concert venues in the United States. Their website is full of resources for both music teachers and their students to explore the world of music.
    Music Teacher Tools & Resources is a resource for teachers in grades K-5 and includes lesson plans, assessments, listening examples, activities, and videos. The resources also integrate the elements of music with engaging activities. A wonderful resource to use and/or complement any lesson.
    The purpose of this website is to provide music educators with tools that address music fundamentals. The site also had digital music learning options that provide professional development for educators as well as connect students to diverse musical communities. The resource provides unique learning opportunities for elementary students.

Making Music with Your iPad - ISTE 2013 - Google Docs - 0 views

    Another document from Dr. William Bauer about making music with an iPad created by Dr. William Bauer for the International Society for Technology in Education on June 24, 2013. A tremendous resource for creating performing, understanding and responding to music with an iPad. Also, there are links for general administrative and productivity apps which are useful for other academic disciplines.  Additionally, there is a lot of information that is useful about hardware and connecting the iPhone/iPod touch/iPad. Great resource for using iPads in the music classroom, which is what is needed for me personally. 
    This document comes from a Learning Station Session presented by Dr. William Bauer for the International Society for Technology in Education. The session centered around apps and tools that can be used on the iPad that match the music standards of creating, responding, and performing. The site contains a full list of apps and tools available for the iPad and they help make the iPad a music learning tool. 
    Dr. Bauer provides a comprehensive list of programs and apps for the Ipad that can be used in the music classroom. These apps can provide ways to create music and transform the Ipad into an actual musical instrument. Dr. Bauer creates lists separated into apps that will create music, perform music, help with understanding music, ease administration, and other resources. This list cannot only help integrate technology into the classroom, but also show music in a different light.

Free sheet music on - 0 views

    This website offers free sheet music categorized by music styles, instruments, and artists. Orchestra scores are available (single parts also) as well as 46 music theory lessons including ear training. Subscription is $20 per year, a forum is accessible for open discussions and requests, and members may also post their original compositions.
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    This site has a lot of free sheet music and allows students to print it off and practice sight reading. This site also has a tuner, scales, and a metronome to allow students to practice properly. The purpose of this resource is to allow students to stay engaged and practice music of their choice when they get bored with the music for concerts. This helps them stay engaged and not get burned out.
    Free Sheet Music!
  • is full of music resources such as free sheet music and supplemental material for lessons. The sheet music includes categories such as classical, pop, jazz, film/TV, and traditional. Any music teacher knows how frequently students ask for specific tunes from television or movies. Even though they may not be played in class, students can greatly benefit from private practice on tunes they enjoy. also includes over forty theory lessons. These lessons begin with learning about lines and spaces on the staff and continue through many concepts all the way to the introduction of modes. In addition to the lessons, this website provides ear training exercises to accompany the theory lessons. is a great resource for all music teachers, not just instrumental or vocal. This site includes music and lessons for all instruments including banjo and ukulele, making it great for a general music classroom as well.
    Wonderful website for students and teachers to use for free sheet music. Music is available for a plethora of instruments, including non-band instruments. Great for students to use for solo or small ensemble performances. Free and easy are always a plus!
    This site provides free sheet music for all instruments. It is an excellent resource for new material for students as well as sight reading material for any instruments in most classrooms. 

Classics For Kids - 0 views

    Classics For Kids is a great website with fun activities and music resources for use in the classroom. Each month, they feature a different composer and provide activities, handouts, and listening maps that help students learn about various topics in classical music history. There are also online games for kids and lesson plans for teachers.
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    Classics for kids is a great website for any music teacher. This site provides activity sheets, game ideas, and recordings music. This site also has biographies of composers, which is where I generally find out more information on composers too because they are easy to read through and great for kids.
    This is a free resource with interactive information and games about composers, music history, listening, and basic music theory. The site also include a parent and teacher resource page, printable activity sheets, and composer timelines.
    Classics for Kids is a great way for students to learn about composers and different genres of music. There are short podcasts that students can listen to that have three questions attached to them. The podcasts are about different types of music and different composers. Each podcast plays popular music from the composer and incorporates jokes for the students to listen to. The website also includes note and rhythm games for students to practice. There are also lesson plans for teachers with links for National Standards.
    Classics for Kids is a website that is full of information about classical music for kids/students. It includes links to learn about various composers, listening examples, activities, games and quizzes about music. There are lesson plans also available for teachers, and a parent information link is also available. This is a great site for introducing students to the genre of classical music.
    Site for a plethora of music information, games, activities, downloads, broadcasts, listening, all relating to music education.
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