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Lisa Levinson

Go To Lesson Index - Tech Tips for Teachers - 0 views

    World Education's blog and index for adult education teachers on using technology in the classroom. These are practical lessons for use in adult ed, literacy, and college transition classes. They are fun and easy to follow, but don't really build teacher networked skills - they are use when you can or want to. Good for us to refer to, but what we want to offer goes deeper and aims to guide teachers to be networked learners themselves. This site does not do that.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why Ed Tech Is Not Transforming How Teachers Teach - Education Week - 0 views

  • teachers are far more likely to use technology to make their own jobs easier and to supplement traditional instructional strategies than to put students in control of their own learning. Case study after case study describe a common pattern inside schools: A handful of "early adopters" embrace innovative uses of new technology, while their colleagues make incremental or no changes to what they already do.
  • numerous culprits
  • Washington-based International Society for Technology in Education
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • project-based unit on social-justice movements
  • Their goal: Produce independent research papers on topics of their choice, then collaboratively develop a multimedia presentation of their findings with classmates researching the same issue.
  • cloud-based tool called Google Slides
  • prepare written text (61 percent of respondents reported that their students did so "sometimes" or "often") conduct Internet research (66 percent), or learn/practice basic skills (69 percent).
  • "job-embedded" professional development
  • "most teachers [at the school] had adapted an innovation to fit their customary practices."
  • "second order" obstacles.
  • expanding teachers' knowledge of new instructional practices that will allow them to select and use the right technology, in the right way, with the right students, for the right purpose.
  • eachers and students in the small-scale study were found to be making extensive use of the online word-processing tool Google Docs. The application's power to support collaborative writing and in-depth feedback, however, was not being realized.
  • "We're telling teachers that the key thing that is important is that students in your classroom achieve, and we're defining achievement by how they do on [standardized] tests," she said. "That's not going to change behavior."
  • Far more rare were teachers who reported that their students sometimes or often used technology to conduct experiments (25 percent), create art or music (25 percent), design and produce a product (13 percent), or contribute to a blog or wiki (9 percent.)
  • "The smarter districts use those teachers to teach other teachers how to integrate tech into their lessons,"
    Great article on why more progress in the classroom isn't happening with student-centered uses of technology. June 10, 2015 Edweek, quotes Larry Cuban.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

16 Ways to Use Twitter to Improve Your Next Conference | face2face - 0 views

    Jenn Deering Davis, 2012 Recommends: using an official conference hashtag 1. unique tag 2. communicate official tag 3. Track mention of the official and unofficial hashtags Surfacing interesting conference topics 4. Follow conversation as it unfolds 5. Pay attention to retweets 6. Use official handle to ask questions 7. Find problems quickly Sharing important conference content 8. Use official handle to post announcements and schedule changes 9. Distribute speaker slides 10. Answer attendee questions Tracking audience engagement 11. Measure total Twitter audience size 12. Determine popular speakers and presentations 13. Share metrics with sponsors Gathering feedback or your next conference 14. Tweet links to conference feedback survey 15. Compare this conference to other events 16. Analyze qualitative tweet content
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

24% of doctors use social media daily for medical information, study says | Medical Eco... - 0 views

    Article published 10/3/12 in Medical Economics by Brandon Glenn. "Nearly one-fourth of physicians use social media on a daily basis to scan or explore medical information, according to a recently published study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. The researchers behind the study set out to examine physicians' level of social media usage for the purpose of exchanging advice, ideas, reports, and scientific discoveries with other physicians. The study was based on emailed survey responses from 485 primary care physicians (PCPs) and oncologists, and it had a response rate of 28%. They found that, whereas just 24% of physicians use social media to "scan or explore" on a daily basis for those reasons, that number jumps to 61% when measured on a weekly basis. Physicians who use social media to "contribute," rather than merely scan information, stood at 14% daily and 46% weekly. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Face to Face | - 0 views

    Article by Robert Whipple, on how to overcome distance in building trust. "How can a leader effectively use technology to build trust and cohesion in a decentralized team environment? * Clarify a strategy for how communication should be optimized for their particular team dynamic. * Ensure all team members are trained to use all the different communication methods properly and have the proper equipment to use it easily. * Have a well understood policy for when to use each type of communication. What sorts of communications need a permanent record? When is it important to be able to see a person, face to face? Some decisions are not clear cut, but it is important for the leader to teach the team what to consider when making the choice of how to communicate. * Model the behavior you wish to see."
Lisa Levinson - 0 views

    Interesting article in Educational Psychologist 50(4), 313-334, 2015 Constructivist Gaming: Understanding the Benefits of Making Games for Learning by Yasmin B. Kafai and Quinn Burke. Although the research is about k-12, there are implications in this article for all learners.They used existing research (using specific criteria to choose appropriate research) about gaming use and principles, and then used constructivist theory to posit a new way of gaming design. Gaming is very effective in building coding and computational concepts, practices, and perspectives as identified by other researchers, but the authors go further in applying the constructivist theory of personal, social, and cultural tenets to these categories. They argue that student-designed gaming is an effective way to build social networks around a work purpose, and that iterative processes are going to be the norm.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What Men And Women Are Doing On Facebook - Forbes - 0 views

  • While women often use online social networking tools to make connections and share items from their personal lives, men use them as means to gather information and increase their status.
  • three-quarters of women use online communities to stay up to date with friends and family, and 68% use them to “connect with others like me.”
  • Women are online solving real-life issues.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Girls learn to build relationships by sharing social information. Boys learn to compare and compete with others, always striving for more success.”
  • use each other as resources
  • Today, women are still more likely to be forthcoming and verbose than men, she says, a difference that is reflected online.
  • men leverage social media for broadcasting their ideas and skills vs. women who find connections with others by sharing the ups and downs of their daily lives.
    article by Jenna Goudreau, Forbes staff, April 26, 2010 on how women are more social and specific action oriented while men are more strategic in their use of blogs, networks, etc.
    article by Jenna Goudreau, Forbes staff, April 26, 2010 on how women are more social and specific action oriented while men are more strategic in their use of blogs, networks, etc. 
Lisa Levinson

How to Write a Killer "About Us" Page, Use It to Convert Visitors into Customers - 0 views

    Susan Greene, a freelance writer and editor of web sites and articles, describes how creating a personal connection with potential customers is crucial on your About Us page. Tell stories, connect with visitors, be creative.
    Another About Us page article
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Making Remote Work Work: An Adventure in Time and Space | MongoHQ Blog - 0 views

  • Work­ing well remotely takes practice
  • What they don’t always think about, though, is the inher­ent fire­wall a com­mute cre­ates between “work” and “per­sonal life”. Work­ing out of a home office opens up an entire world of sur­pris­ingly difficult-​​to-​​handle dis­trac­tions, par­tic­u­larly for those of us with fam­i­lies. It’s easy to avoid a gui­tar wield­ing tod­dler when the office is 5 miles away and he has no driver’s license. It’s harder when the wall between the liv­ing room and the office makes a delight­ful bang­ing noise when struck with a guitar.
  • Hav­ing cen­tral­ized offices can wreck a bud­ding remote friendly cul­ture. Work­ing in a way that’s inclu­sive of peo­ple who aren’t phys­i­cally (or even tem­po­rally) present is not entirely nat­ural, and exclud­ing remote employ­ees from impor­tant inter­ac­tions is a quick path to agony.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • very explicit about the “work as if you’re not here” stan­dard. We expect every­one to work with the remote col­lab­o­ra­tion tools, be avail­able via the same chan­nels, and pro­duce writ­ten arti­facts of inter­ac­tions that are impor­tant to share.
  • A person’s default behav­ior when they go into a funk is to avoid seek­ing out inter­ac­tions, which is effec­tively the same as actively with­draw­ing in a remote work envi­ron­ment.
    blog post by Kurt Mackey at MongoHQ, a distributed company, on working remotely and how hard it is to come up with an effective system for engaging workers. It is a work in progress. Need firewalls between personal life and work life--sound has to be managed for one thing. Mentions the blending of in-office staff and remote staff and a 'standard' for everyone to use the same collaboration tools, be available via the same channels, and produce documentation of interactions that are important to share. Has a whole section on the practical (and the tools they use to communicate) prefer async communications! Have a central work tool (Compose to record what is being produced each day); day to day communication in Hipchat, use pre-reads to meetings on a Wiki that get updated on Hackpad during the meeting, open mailing lists, Sqwiggle for face time, and Google Hangouts, too. Final recommendation is to "keep iterating" to build a remote friendly culture.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Towards Maturity - 0 views

  • Use Your Towards Maturity Learning Landscape Audit to find out:Your staff's preferences for different types of learning resources or modes of deliveryTheir willingness to use their own technologies and to share their learning with othersHow actively they are using social media and apps in their day-to-day life and workWhat formal learning they are involved with - both inside and outside workTheir views on working online - what works, what doesn’t work, what they find most helpful and what gets in the wayA comparison of the key findings for different groups of staff – managers, job roles, age, experience, location and othersWhen is it useful to conduct a Learning Landscape Audit?When designing new learning and performance solutionsWhen you are setting strategy and agreeing long term business plansWhen allocating resourcesWhen making the business case for changeWhen you need to set a benchmark prior to introducing change
    This page focuses on the Towards Maturity Learning Landscape Audit (LLA)--survey tool to help businesses understand how their staff learn, both formally and informally. The few bullet points contrast the views of 2,000 randomly selected learners from the private sector with 500 L & D professionals--a wide gap exists with regard to how learners are learning and like to learn with what L & D professionals are doing. For instance, 80% of learners prefer work in collaboration with other team members whereas only 1 in five L & D managers surveyed actively encourage staff to help each other solve problems using social media.
    excellent points for us to stress in our work, too.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How corporates co-opted the art of mindfulness to make us bear the unbearable - 0 views

  • They’ve been sold on meditation as a simple way to bear the unbearable.
  • In other words, if you’re stressed out, you’re not working hard enough on your personal focus strategy. You’re letting the team down.
  • the marketing of mindfulness as a solution to work stress and life balance rather than the complex spiritual approach to living it is meant to be.
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  • Rather than a difficult but easily accessible way to free your mind and body, mindfulness has been rebranded as a kind of gentle harness to help us heel to the corporate leg.
  • Mindfulness is a way of living, not a substitute for taking action.
    a view on how mindfulness/meditation is used to manipulate us into complying with dysfunctional or unbearable workplaces
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Twitter Reaction to Events Often at Odds with Overall Public Opinion | Pew Research Center - 0 views

    Very interesting assessment of Twitter users in comparison to general public. They seem to be younger, more Democratic (redundant?) than general population. . . but only 13% of adults said they ever use Twitter or read Twitter messages. So there is a small saturation rate. " In the Pew Research Center's 2012 biennial news consumption survey, just 13% of adults said they ever use Twitter or read Twitter messages; only 3% said they regularly or sometimes tweet or retweet news or news headlines on Twitter. Twitter users are not representative of the public. Most notably, Twitter users are considerably younger than the general public and more likely to be Democrats or lean toward the Democratic Party. In the 2012 news consumption survey, half (50%) of adults who said they posted news on Twitter were younger than 30, compared with 23% of all adults. And 57% of those who posted news on Twitter were either Democrats or leaned Democratic, compared with 46% of the general public. (Another recent Pew Research Center survey provides even more detail on who uses Twitter and other social media.)"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Walk Deliberately, Don't Run, Toward Online Education - Commentary - The Chronicle of H... - 0 views

    Blog post by William Bowen, March 25, 2013, on movement towards online education. He would like more hard evidence to understand impact/success among other effects, tool kits (platforms), new mind-set to attempt online to reduce costs without adversely affecting educational outcomes, what we must retain in terms of central aspects of life on campus such as "minds rubbing against minds." Excerpts: "My plea is for the adoption of a portfolio approach to curricular development that provides a calibrated mix of instructional styles." ... "Their students, along with others of their generation, will expect to use digital resources-and to be trained in their use. And as technologies grow increasingly sophisticated, and we learn more about how students learn and what pedagogical methods work best in various fields, even top-tier institutions will stand to gain from the use of such technologies to improve student learning." Really like this comment for value of MOOCs for post-college graduates: "A quibble. I am intrigued by your comment about "minds rubbing against minds." While there is undeniable worthiness of the thought inside academic communities perhaps underestimated is the lack of such friction after graduation and how MOOCs can provide opportunities outside the alma maternal environments. To take courses at the local U. costs both in inconvenience of scheduling, transportation and monetary costs equivalent to constantly having a new Hyundai. Those requirements wind up as being unreasonable. Since January I have had the great pleasure of thinking about the thoughts of Dave Ward and colleagues from the University of Edinburgh and arguing about points in the forums. More recently, Michael Sandel on Justice from Boston. These opportunities are enormously better than nothing at all, clearly benefiting myself and probably also friends, colleagues and civil society. While these experiences do not provide the intensity of a post seminar argument in the Ree
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Lazy Person's Guide to Social Media Management - 0 views

    Article by Joanne Fritz at Nonprofit Charitable Orgs on managing social media. She suggests "high activity on a limited # of networks." She uses Twitter (#1), Facebook, Google + (because it is growing rapidly and counts a lot toward SEO), and Hootsuite as her dashboard for social activity. Also recommends sharing reciprocity as indicated below: "I generally try to maintain a ratio of one for me to two or three of everyone else. One recent blog post suggested using the rule of quarters: 25% your content, 25% interaction, and 50% others' content. Of course, there is a reason for that. It's called reciprocity. When I promote someone else's blog posts or articles, that someone is likely to return the favor. When someone else endorses my work, that is much more effective than when I do it. My system for sharing revolves around my RSS Feed (I use Google Reader). The key to success with RSS is to get into the habit of checking it often. Otherwise it becomes a mess. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Behind the Slides: '26 Time Management Hacks' | SlideShare Blog - 1 views

    A Slideshare by Etienne Garbugli on using time effectively that went viral to get 1 million views since being uploaded in March 2013. Very effective ideas; maybe we could use it as an experimental exercise--"find three ideas to test doing in the next week; come back and tell us how it went"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What stops us from putting knowledge into action? | All of us are smarter than any of u... - 0 views

    Blog post by Chris Collison, , on why organizations don't value implementing in a more systematic way the documented learning. "In my experience, many organisations sometimes treat lessons learned like they are an end in themselves - as though the value has to remain in the document - rather than where possible leading to actions which embody the learning. These actions might include updating a process, policy, standard or system has been updated to incorporate the learning, which removes the need to promote the lessons or recommendations to future teams. So why do some organisations settle for a pile of lessons rather than a set of improvements? Some possibilities: It's much easier to write a document than see a change through to completion. It's too difficult to find the owner of the process which needs changing. I'm measured on how many lessons our project captures. We have invested in customizing SharePoint to capture lessons learned documents, and need to show that we're using it. Although I wrote the recommendation, I'm not 100% confident that we should change the process for everyone."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Video: 'The Information Diet': More 'Conscious Consumption' Needed? | Watch PBS NewsHou... - 0 views

    video by Clay Johnson on how our reactions to email (email apnea, heart rate, etc.) affect us and how we get trapped into our own bubbles ("minor media outlets" give us more and more of what we show interest in). Consume deliberately, information over affirmation. Be really study internet use to reflect and insert some diversity Go local--what's happening in your house, neighborhood, than national preoccupations Clicks have consequences--for yourself, other people when you read, you vote for it Go for source information, not package info-if you don't have literacy how to get over hurdle. Digital literacy is the future of literacy itself. Getting closer to source material--stay with mostly local news case for conscious consumption
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Online social networking at work can improve morale and reduce employee turnover - 0 views

    Fascinating article on Baylor research on how internal social networking sites supported and managed within the workplace helps newcomers (younger people usually) to connect and learn from each other, interact directly with more senior people, and inadvertently cause problems for middle managers who did not want to mentor new hires and who did not necessarily have the social/technology proficiencies to participate in the SNS, Science Daily, 1/29/2013. Their conclusions showed that a "company can improve morale and reduce turnover." Researchers are Hope Koch, Baylor, Dorothy Leidner, Ph.D., Ferguson Professor of Information Systems at Baylor; and Ester Gonzalez from Washington State University. Excerpt: he study centered on a financial institution's efforts to reduce IT employee turnover by starting a social and work-related online networking site. Under the supervision of executives, the IT new hires developed and managed the site's content. Since most new hires had moved hundreds of miles to start their new jobs with the institution, they initially used the social pages as an introduction to the community. After a year or so with the organization, the more senior new hires began using the system to acclimate and mentor incoming new hires. All study respondents worked in the institution's IT department and included new hires, middle managers and executives. With less than three years of experience, most new hires and interns were men between 21 and 27 years old. The middle managers and executives were baby boomers or members of generation X. The internal social networking site helped the new hires build social capital in several ways, according to Koch. "It gave them access to people who could provide useful information and new perspectives and allowed them to meet more senior new hires and executives. These relationships set the new hires at ease during work meetings, helped them understand where to go for help and increased their commitment to the financial
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Digital Skills Help Narrow the Workplace Gender Gap, Accenture Research Finds | Accentu... - 0 views

  • And digital fluency, the extent to which people embrace and use digital technologies to become more knowledgeable, connected and effective, plays a key role in helping women achieve gender equality and level the playing field.
  • A new research report from Accenture (NYSE:ACN), Getting to Equal: How Digital is Helping Close the Gender Gap at Work, provides empirical proof that women are using digital skills to gain an edge in preparing for work, finding work and advancing at work. 
  • “This is a powerful message for all women and girls. Continuously developing and growing your ability to use digital technologies, both at home and in the workplace, has a clear and positive effect at every stage of your career.  And it provides a distinct advantage, as businesses and governments seek to fill the jobs that support today’s growing economy.”
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  • the extent to which people are using digital technologies in their personal and home life, as well as in their education and work. T
  • Digital technologies include virtual coursework, digital collaboration tools (webcams, instant messaging), social media platforms and use of digital devices, such as smart phones.
    press release on Accenture study looking at how digitally savvy women are helping to close the gender gap in the workplace, March 3, 2016. 
Lisa Levinson

Social Networking Sites and Social Media: What's the difference? - Word-of-Mouth and Re... - 0 views

    From on the difference between social networks and social media. Examines the history of using these terms: prior to 2010, social network was more widely used. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter were just trying to connect people together. However, after 2010 both FB and Twitter started to become news and resource sources and the emphasis changed from connections to content. An example from Twitter: Used to ask - What are you doing? Now ask - what is happening?
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