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Lisa Levinson

Content Curation - 5 Ways to Succeed...Eventually | Convince and Convert: Social Media ... - 0 views

    Although this article concentrates on content curation for marketing, there are some great tips to remember such as identifying your audience, focus your sharing, make sure your curation is of impeccable quality, curate consistently, brand yourself not your company. Love this quote: " Jason Falls of Social Media Explorer publicly states his Twitter strategy is "find good shit and share it.""
Lisa Levinson

I-WE-IT Framework: Transformative Leadership for Social Change | Beth's Blog - 0 views

    "This leadership is less about current position, authority, management, or control, and much more about facilitating the work of others: engaging, connecting, and catalyzing people, and helping them to self-organize and innovate around shared goals. It requires new mindsets, tools, and skills" This leadership is less about current position, authority, management, or control, and much more about facilitating the work of others: engaging, connecting, and catalyzing people, and helping them to self-organize and innovate around shared goals. It requires new mindsets, tools, and skills. nice graphic of ALF journey to impact
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Career Coach: Collaboration among competitors can be useful - The Washington Post - 0 views

  • BMW and Toyota have collaborated in the area of sharing costs and knowledge for electric car battery research, despite the fact that both compete in the luxury car segment. In fact, they have a history of collaborating with each other.
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded a collaborative research consortium comprised of investigators around the world in order to speed up HIV vaccine development.
  • Be clear about what you are collaborating on. Set boundaries for collaboration at the beginning.Have a limited and well-defined purpose for the collaboration.Be clear about use and ownership of existing and jointly-created intellectual property.Depending on the situation, you may need to involve legal counsel. Collaborating with other firms, even competitors, may be what is needed to help both parties advance and improve. Be open to the possibilities, yet clear about the boundaries.
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  • The conference was organized around sharing best practices with universities around the world — that is, sharing best practices with our competitors. It’s amazing to hear specifics on what schools are doing to help executive MBA students through career services, tailored content or leadership skills training, among other things. What’s even more remarkable is that people genuinely share details about their programs in an effort to help other schools improve their programs.
    article by Joyce E. A. Russell, 10/28/2012, Capital Business, Wash Post on competitors collaborating.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

More on setting up a WP/FWP Open Online Class « Lisa's (Online) Teaching Blog - 0 views

    Blog post by Lisa Lane early this month (November 2012 explaining to another online instructor how she built a system for aggregating students' blog posts that may be relevant to WLStudio series and "sharing" activities? She uses FeedWordPress. Excerpt: "Participants set up their own blog wherever. Then I need to get the feeds from those blogs into the Pedagogy First! aggregated blog, using FeedWordPress. I use the Add Link widget (yes, I know it's old) so participants can add their own, and have provided more extensive instructions for them about blogs and feeds. In particular, we want people who post on many subjects to not only use the "potcert" tags for their posts, but use the feed for that tag only. This is so only their class-related posts show up on the class blog. The back end of this process is a little more complicated. When participants enter their information in Add Link, it goes directly into the Blogroll. The Blogroll is what feeds into FeedWordPress as a default. I customize the titles of feeds and the names of participants to use their real names for everything. I change the titles of feeds by going into FWP's Syndication area and using Feeds & Updates. Using the drop down menu to bring up a particular blog, I change the title and click manual control so it doesn't revert back the next time the feed updates. When I do this, it seems to update automatically in the Links area. Then I go to Users and make sure their names are their full names by editing them individually."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How EdX Plans to Earn, and Share, Revenue From Free Online Courses - Technology - The C... - 0 views

    Interesting explanation of business model for how nonprofit and forprofit MOOC partners--edX, Coursera, and Udacity--will make money along with the universities. Implications for other, smaller online learning partnerships? Excerpt on two models (large-scale efforts) According to Mr. Agarwal, edX offers its university affiliates a choice of two partnership models. Both models give universities the opportunity to make money from their edX MOOCs-but only after edX gets paid. Related Content What You Need to Know About MOOCs Document: The Revenue-Sharing Models Between edX and University Partners The first, called the "university self-service model," essentially allows a participating university to use edX's platform as a free learning-management system for a course on the condition that part of any revenue generated by the course flow to edX. The courses developed under that model will be created by "individual faculty members without course-production assistance from edX," and will be branded separately in the edX catalog as "edge" courses until they pass a quality-review process, according to a standard agreement provided to The Chronicle by edX. Once a self-service course goes live on the edX Web site, edX will collect the first $50,000 generated by the course, or $10,000 for each recurring course. The organization and the university partner will each get 50 percent of all revenue beyond that threshold. The second model, called the "edX-supported model," casts the organization in the role of consultant and design partner, offering "production assistance" to universities for their MOOCs. The organization charges a base rate of $250,000 for each new course, plus $50,000 for each time a course is offered for an additional term, according to the standard agreement. Although the edX-supported model requires cash upfront, the potential returns for the university are high if a course ends up making money. The university gets 70 percent of any revenue gen
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Digital, Networked and Open : The Digital Scholar: How Technology Is Transforming Schol... - 0 views

    This is a chapter from a book written by the Ed Techie guy Martin Weller. What is interesting is how he detailed the new methods he used to write his most recent book. Many of the sources and practices that he engaged in for writing the second book did not even exist six years before when he finished writing his first book. These new aids include ready e-journal access, Delicious/social bookmarking, blogs, Youtube, Wikipedia, Slideshare, Scribd, Cloudwords and other sites, his own blog, social network especially twitter, Google alerts, etc. I am not sure how this relates to MOOCs and open landscape learning except he has so much more to manage, and gain from, in having a well developed dashboard of tools for seeking, sensing, and sharing.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Marna Clarke Shares Time as She Knows It | Senior Planet - 0 views

  • In thinking about the role of creativity in the aging process, how does your art affect your feelings about growing older? I know that it’s vital, because any creative project can take you out of being preoccupied with being sick or getting old, or whatever bothers you. You’re totally immersing yourself in creating. It’s one of the highs in life for me.
  • If there’s a message to share, as an older person take a passion you have and work on it, let it carry you through the years of losing memory, hearing, sight. Finding something you can do, that you can endure, no matter what your health is, is so important.
    great quote on how creativity--following a passion will take you through losing memory, hearing, sight, etc. by Marna Clarke on Senior Planet
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Why Is Your Association Still Sharing PDFs Online?: Associations Now - 0 views

  • problem with using PDFs in media centers in a 2009 blog post. Long story short: It makes journalists less willing to cover you.
  • PDF is great for distributing documents that need to be printed. But that is all it’s good for,” Nielsen wrote in June of that year. “No matter how tempting it might be, you should never use PDF for content that you expect users to read online.”
  • But those exceptions stand in stark relief to the media pages where press releases are published in PDF format, despite the fact that it would be infinitely more useful and SEO-friendly if that content were placed inside a CMS and published as a web page.
    good blog on why PDFs fall short on usability by journalists and others who are not looking to print them out
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Making Remote Work Work: An Adventure in Time and Space | MongoHQ Blog - 0 views

  • Work­ing well remotely takes practice
  • What they don’t always think about, though, is the inher­ent fire­wall a com­mute cre­ates between “work” and “per­sonal life”. Work­ing out of a home office opens up an entire world of sur­pris­ingly difficult-​​to-​​handle dis­trac­tions, par­tic­u­larly for those of us with fam­i­lies. It’s easy to avoid a gui­tar wield­ing tod­dler when the office is 5 miles away and he has no driver’s license. It’s harder when the wall between the liv­ing room and the office makes a delight­ful bang­ing noise when struck with a guitar.
  • Hav­ing cen­tral­ized offices can wreck a bud­ding remote friendly cul­ture. Work­ing in a way that’s inclu­sive of peo­ple who aren’t phys­i­cally (or even tem­po­rally) present is not entirely nat­ural, and exclud­ing remote employ­ees from impor­tant inter­ac­tions is a quick path to agony.
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  • very explicit about the “work as if you’re not here” stan­dard. We expect every­one to work with the remote col­lab­o­ra­tion tools, be avail­able via the same chan­nels, and pro­duce writ­ten arti­facts of inter­ac­tions that are impor­tant to share.
  • A person’s default behav­ior when they go into a funk is to avoid seek­ing out inter­ac­tions, which is effec­tively the same as actively with­draw­ing in a remote work envi­ron­ment.
    blog post by Kurt Mackey at MongoHQ, a distributed company, on working remotely and how hard it is to come up with an effective system for engaging workers. It is a work in progress. Need firewalls between personal life and work life--sound has to be managed for one thing. Mentions the blending of in-office staff and remote staff and a 'standard' for everyone to use the same collaboration tools, be available via the same channels, and produce documentation of interactions that are important to share. Has a whole section on the practical (and the tools they use to communicate) prefer async communications! Have a central work tool (Compose to record what is being produced each day); day to day communication in Hipchat, use pre-reads to meetings on a Wiki that get updated on Hackpad during the meeting, open mailing lists, Sqwiggle for face time, and Google Hangouts, too. Final recommendation is to "keep iterating" to build a remote friendly culture.

What Type of Content Gets Shared the Most on Twitter? - 0 views

    "Have you ever wondered what type of content you should be creating for Twitter? Whether it is blog posts, quotes, memes, there has to be a content type that helps your traffic and branding more than other types of content, right?"
Lisa Levinson

12 Things Successful Women Do Differently - 0 views

    From the Huffington Post, by Emma Gray. Every woman has her own definition of success. But there are certain traits that most successful women share. "I spend a good part of my work day reading and writing about women who have achieved great things -- and I make it a point to surround myself with women who are well on their way to doing so. " She identifies 12 things successful women do.
    From the Huffington Post, by Emma Gray. Every woman has her own definition of success. But there are certain traits that most successful women share. "I spend a good part of my work day reading and writing about women who have achieved great things -- and I make it a point to surround myself with women who are well on their way to doing so. " She identifies 12 things successful women do.
Lisa Levinson

Openlab Workshops » About - 0 views

    "Openlab Workshops' mission is to use open source and free software tools and knowledge to both enable and inspire people's creativity. We are part of the open source and free software community because of their idealistic emphasis on transparency, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration. Since 2009 we've developed and taught over 24 workshops in such topics as programming for artists and designers using Processing, interactive lighting, livecoding, Arduino, and sound generation and analysis."
    My cousin Evan Raskob's Openlab Workshop site. They are f2f workshops, but the concept is to bring diverse people together to create and share knowledge about digital art and technology.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

10 Real Time Content Discovery Tools for Curation, Engagement and Sharing - 0 views

    interesting list by Lee Odden from TopRank Online Marketing Blog on content discovery tools for curation, engagement, and sharing.
Lisa Levinson

Thriving on Failure | Stanford Social Innovation Review - 0 views

    A group of friends in Mexico, all entrepreneurs, started talking about their failed ventures. The conversation engendered such deep learning and reflection, they created a regular meeting where they modified the Japanese Petcha-Kutcha model of presenting slides for and narrating the slides for a very brief time. The Mexico group named these f2f thriving on failure group Fuck Up night. Others around the world began to hear about the FuckUp night via social media, and soon were asking the Mexico group if they could replicate the model. Now FuckUp nights are global, and the original group only asks that the model be followed, and any slides and videos of the presentations be shared with the world on the fuckup nights website.
    A group of friends in Mexico, all entrepreneurs, started talking about their failed ventures. The conversation engendered such deep learning and reflection, they created a regular meeting where they modified the Japanese Petcha-Kutcha model of presenting slides for and narrating the slides for a very brief time. The Mexico group named these f2f thriving on failure group Fuck Up night. Others around the world began to hear about the FuckUp night via social media, and soon were asking the Mexico group if they could replicate the model. Now FuckUp nights are global, and the original group only asks that the model be followed, and any slides and videos of the presentations be shared with the world on the fuckup nights website.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Post-Ownership Society by Monica Potts | The Washington Monthly - 0 views

    Very good article by Monica Potts, July-August 2015, Washington Monthly, on how the sharing (really Post-job economy) economy encourages downward mobility among millennials
Lisa Levinson

What is Digital Literacy? - Enhancing Digital Literacy - New York City Department of Ed... - 0 views

    Digital Literacy, NYC Department of Education "Digital literacy is more than knowing how to send a text or watch a music video. It means having the knowledge and ability to use a range of technology tools for varied purposes. A digitally literate person can use technology strategically to find and evaluate information, connect and collaborate with others, produce and share original content, and use the Internet and technology tools to achieve many academic, professional, and personal goals. "
    "Digital literacy is more than knowing how to send a text or watch a music video. It means having the knowledge and ability to use a range of technology tools for varied purposes. A digitally literate person can use technology strategically to find and evaluate information, connect and collaborate with others, produce and share original content, and use the Internet and technology tools to achieve many academic, professional, and personal goals."
Lisa Levinson

The Tech Trends You Can't Ignore in 2015 - HBR - 0 views

    Harvard Business Review's top trends identified by using 5 questions that determine if these are indeed a trend or not. Top trends for 2015 are: Deep learning (machine learning); Smart virtual personal assistants; Uber's monetization of downtime and the offer for those needing employment to work. Uber-like businesses such as grocery delivery, massage services, dry cleaning and laundry, etc. will take off; Oversight for Algorithms - ethics of how algorithms can be used especially when programmers add subjective judgments to algorithms causing false answers; Data privacy - dealing with ongoing breaches. The public does not blame hackers but blames business for not taking measures to combat hackers; Block chain technology is a transactional database that is shared by everyone participating in bitcoin's digital system. Block chain systems may become a universal platform for anything needing a signature or authentication.
    Harvard Business Review's top trends identified by using 5 questions that determine if these are indeed a trend or not. Top trends for 2015 are: Deep learning (machine learning); Smart virtual personal assistants; Uber's monetization of downtime and the offer for those needing employment to work. Uber-like businesses such as grocery delivery, massage services, dry cleaning and laundry, etc. will take off; Oversight for Algorithms - ethics of how algorithms can be used especially when programmers add subjective judgments to algorithms causing false answers; Data privacy - dealing with ongoing breaches. The public does not blame hackers but blames business for not taking measures to combat hackers; Block chain technology is a transactional database that is shared by everyone participating in bitcoin's digital system. Block chain systems may become a universal platform for anything needing a signature or authentication. 
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Hear and now: social media listening for operational decision-making - NixonMcInnes - 0 views

  • Social media listening is not a new idea. But it’s usually done in the interests of marketing, reputation, research or customer service. Here – from a serious government body – is recommendation that organisations could use social media listening as real data to inform and assist with operations. It’s recognition that the data shared online, in realtime, by passengers, has more value than as mere reputational currency or customer service fodder.
  • How much useful information is being offered that might not be formally addressed to an organisation’s Twitter or Facebook presence?
    blog post by Clive Andrews at NixonMcInnes, creating meaning in business. 9/26/2013 on using immediacy of messages being shared on social media to make operational choices.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

To Build Your Business, Smash Your Silos | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 0 views

  • Silos are necessary in companies. They provide the structure that allows companies to work. Every company is split into divisions, departments, or groups, such as sales, technology, and finance. This structure allows expertise in different areas. In companies, silos tend to be places where information, focus (another word for choosing priorities), and control flow up and down. But company silos also cause problems—that same structure prevents the flow of information, focus, and control outward. And in order for a company to work efficiently, decisions need to be made across silos.
  • Cooperation, communication, and collaboration are the three keys to working across silos. Those are components that ideally any successful working relationship would have, but they are must-haves if you are going to break the organizational silos barrier.
  • knowledge, focus, and control are shared among more than one silo.
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  • What priorities do you or your department have that are not aligned with another’s?Put yourself in the place of the other silo—what would make that silo realize that your need was a priority?What information do you or your department have that could be useful to others?What information or assistance do you need from another silo that you are not getting?In what areas would increased collaboration and giving up some autonomy be more beneficial for the company than maintaining your individuality?
    Blog on leadership by Neil Smith, Fast Company on eliminating barriers that keep departments/groups from sharing the same priorities, knowledge, information for the good of the whole organization.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What Men And Women Are Doing On Facebook - Forbes - 0 views

  • While women often use online social networking tools to make connections and share items from their personal lives, men use them as means to gather information and increase their status.
  • three-quarters of women use online communities to stay up to date with friends and family, and 68% use them to “connect with others like me.”
  • Women are online solving real-life issues.
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  • Girls learn to build relationships by sharing social information. Boys learn to compare and compete with others, always striving for more success.”
  • use each other as resources
  • Today, women are still more likely to be forthcoming and verbose than men, she says, a difference that is reflected online.
  • men leverage social media for broadcasting their ideas and skills vs. women who find connections with others by sharing the ups and downs of their daily lives.
    article by Jenna Goudreau, Forbes staff, April 26, 2010 on how women are more social and specific action oriented while men are more strategic in their use of blogs, networks, etc.
    article by Jenna Goudreau, Forbes staff, April 26, 2010 on how women are more social and specific action oriented while men are more strategic in their use of blogs, networks, etc. 
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