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Competence of Prospective Science Teachers in Reflecting on Science Teaching and Learni... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to reveal the competence of prospective science teachers in reflecting on science teaching and learning activities at SMP/MTs. Background Problems: The ability to reflect on students' behaviour, providing an overview of the knowledge of prospective teachers to prepare a series of activities, methods or learning models that help students get a pleasant learning experience. Novelty: Observations and reflections use observation and reflection sheets which include the following components: (1) Activities carried out by students in gaining knowledge; (2) the efforts of students to understand the learning material; (3) the activities of students in communicating the results of their thoughts; and (4) reflective thinking skills of students. Research Methods: The type of survey research with the subject is 21 prospective science teachers who take internship course two at the Tadris IPA study program IAIN Bengkulu. The activity design provides opportunities for future teachers to observe and reflect on learning activities at several schools in Bengkulu City. Finding/Results: The results of this reflection are given a quality score and categorized under conditions of (1) Very Good; (2) Good; (3) Fairly Good; and (4) Not Good. The results showed that the competence of prospective science teachers in reflecting on students' learning activities in science subjects was in the excellent category. Conclusion: The ability of future science teachers who are very good at remembering students' learning activities has implications for the ability to prepare appropriate learning activities for students so that they can provide a fun learning for students.
Peggy George Obama's site inviting participation - 0 views

    I really like this web site which models web 2.0 communication inviting participation throughout the site on issues, stories, etc. while providing helpful information. Check it out. It also provides a link to a Presidential Transition Directory. The Transition Directory was developed to introduce Presidential nominees, appointees, and members of the President-elect's Transition Team to the operation of the Federal government and to the resources available to help them begin their service in the new Administration. Very helpful organizational chart and other information for students learning about government.
    Up to date announcedments and information about Barack Obama. He invites people to share their inspiring stories from the campaign and election day. Every page invites people to provide feedback on his agenda for the presidency. Excellent model for web 2.0 and a tool for communication.

Buy Google AdSense Account - 100% Fully Verified & Cheap - 0 views

    Buy Google AdSense Account Are you looking to Buy Google AdSense Account? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most AdSense Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
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    Are you looking to Buy Google AdSense Account? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most AdSense Accounts at very low price.

Buy Tiktok Shop Accounts - 100% Best US/UK Verified ... - 0 views

    Are you looking to Buy Verified Tiktok Shop Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Tiktok Shop Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!

Buy Content Writing Service - Best Quality Everything Content Writing Service 2024 - 0 views

    Buy Content Writing Service Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2customer ratings(2 customer reviews) $10.00 - $30.00 Buy Content Writing Service Are you looking to Buy Content Writing Service? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Content Writing Service at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ Best Content Writing Service ➤ High Quality Content Provide ➤ 100% High Quality Content Writing Service ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop

Organic Facebook Marketing - Best Quality Everything Facebook Marketing 2024 - 0 views

    Organic Facebook Marketing Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2customer ratings(2 customer reviews) $50.00 - $200.00 Organic Facebook Marketing Are you looking to Organic Facebook Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Facebook Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ Best Organic Facebook Marketing Service ➤ 100% High Quality Facebook Making & Service ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop

Organic YouTube Marketing - Best Quality Everything YouTube Marketing 2024 - 0 views

    Organic YouTube Marketing Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2customer ratings(2 customer reviews) $50.00 - $200.00 Organic YouTube Marketing Are you looking to Organic YouTube Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most YouTube Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ Best Organic YouTube Marketing Service ➤ 100% High Quality Video Making & Service ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop

Organic Pinterest Marketing - Best Quality Everything Pinterest Marketing 2024 - 0 views

    Organic Pinterest Marketing Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1customer rating(1 customer review) $50.00 - $200.00 Organic Pinterest Marketing Are you looking to Organic Pinterest Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Pinterest Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ Best Organic Pinterest Marketing Service ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop

Organic LinkedIn Marketing - Best Quality Everything LinkedIn Marketing 2024 - 0 views

    Organic LinkedIn Marketing Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2customer ratings(2 customer reviews) $50.00 - $200.00 Organic LinkedIn Marketing Are you looking to Organic LinkedIn Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Organic LinkedIn Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop

Organic Twitter Marketing - Best Quality Everything Twitter Marketing 2024 - 0 views

    Organic Twitter Marketing Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2customer ratings(2 customer reviews) $50.00 - $200.00 Organic Twitter Marketing Are you looking to Organic Twitter Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Organic Twitter Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop
Anne Bubnic

Speech Wars: Follow the Candidates' Words - 0 views

    Weclome to SpeechWars, a great way to see what the candidates are saying. Simply type in a word, click "Go", and SpeechWars shows you how often the candidates used the word in their speeches. You can also compare two words by using both text boxes.

    The United States Library of Congress has selected SpeechWars for inclusion in its official historic collections of Internet materials related to Election 2008. The United States Library of Congress preserves the Nation's cultural artifacts and provides enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and to the American people to foster education and scholarship extend to digital materials, including Web sites. The Library will make this collection available to researchers. The Library's vision is to preserve these Web materials about Election 2008, and to permit researchers from across the world to access them.

Cheryl Davis

ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan: Comic Makeovers: Examining Race, Class, Ethnicity, and Gen... - 0 views

    Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction.
Jeff Johnson

CNN Electoral Map Calculator - Election Center 2008 from - 0 views

    With national, state, and county maps,'s Campaign Fundraising Interactive Map provides an in-depth view into the campaign fundraising of the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates.

Pancasila As The Basis Of Ethics - 0 views

    In Indonesia, Pancasila is the national ideology of the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila is a five-part philosophy that includes the following principles: Belief in God Belief in the unity of mankind Belief in human dignity Belief in freedom Belief in social justice Pancasila is indispensable as an ethical system to provide guidance and direction so that every action taken by the Indonesian people is guided by a moral attitude based on Pancasila. Every action taken by the Indonesian people is a reflection of the implementation of Pancasila. Pancasila as an ethical system can be practiced by carrying out every practice in every item of Pancasila. In the life of the nation and state, of course, there will be many challenges, as well as the challenges of Pancasila as an ethical system. Challenges are faced to be won, as are the challenges of Pancasila as an ethical system. If the Indonesian nation has implemented ethics in every item of Pancasila, then the challenge of Pancasila as an ethical system can be resolved.

Implementation of Coaching in the Change Action Agenda for Supervisory Leadership Train... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT In the implementation of Supervisory Leadership Training (PKP), the role of Widyaiswara is not only limited to being a teacher or facilitator but also plays a role as a coach in guiding Action for Change. Action for Change is a working paper for PKP participants whose assessment weight reaches 50 (fifty) percent of the total final score of the participants. In order for participants to get the expected results when participating in the training, the coach is expected to be able to carry out his role to the maximum, starting from the preparation of the change action plan, the implementation process in the workplace, and during the preparation of the change action report. Seeing the importance of this, in this study, the author will try to describe how the coaching process is carried out by coaches and analyze it by comparing it with theories about coaching and regulations issued by LAN regarding morning coaching for PKP participants. Field findings show that the coaching process is in accordance with LAN requirements, the coaches have carried out their role as coaches to explore the potential of participants and provide guidance, motivating participants from the beginning of the mentoring process and when they face obstacles in the field, but when compared with theory-based -The specific skills needed to become a reliable coach, still need development efforts through activities, workshops/training to improve the coaching skills of Widyaiwaras in Jambi Province, which are expected to have an impact on improving the quality of action results changes in PKP participants at BPSDM Jambi Province.

Principal's Strategy in Improving Teacher Performance| Jurnal Prajaiswara - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to determine the principal's strategy in improving teacher performance and the supporting and inhibiting factors of principals in improving teacher performance in educational institutions. Background Problems: indicators of problems in academic institutions such as the rare collection of lesson plans (RPP) in carrying out the teaching and learning process and teachers who lack discipline in punctuality in arriving and opening lessons and ending lessons. Novelty: Principal strategy concept in improving teacher performance in educational institutions. Research Methods: The type of field research means that the researchers used a qualitative method in which the data were in the form of words (not numbers) derived from data collection techniques, namely interviews, observation, and documentation. Finding/Results: The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Conclusion: The results of the research on the principal's strategy to improve teacher performance by 1) fostering teacher performance in seminars and training, 2) supervision or supervision of performance in the form of class visits every week and once a month, 3) fostering discipline of education staff by supervising the presence of teachers directly, 4 ) provide motivation 5) award. Supporting factors for principals to improve teacher performance are 1) completeness of facilities and infrastructure and 2) teacher enthusiasm to improve teaching performance. While the inhibiting factors are: 1) the lack of discipline of the teacher, 2) the mastery of the material and references, causing the teacher to be less mature in teaching preparation.

Buy Google Ads Account - 100% Verified With, Low Price - 0 views

    Buy Google Ads Account Are you looking to Buy Google Ads Account? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most Ads Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!

Buy Verified Wise Accounts - 100% Verified USA, UK .. - 0 views

    Are you looking for Buy Verified Wise Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Wise Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thank

Buy Verified Paxful Accounts - 100% Safe & Verified Accounts - 0 views

    Are you looking for Buy Verified Paxful Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Paxful Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!

Buy Wechat Account - 100% Fully Verified & Safe - 0 views

    Are you looking for buy Verified Wechat Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Wechat Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
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