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Strengthening the Understanding of Pancasila as the State Foundation to Achieve Nationa... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT The basis of the state for a nation is very important as the goal of living as a nation and state. Indonesia has a state basis called Pancasila. In today's era, the noble values ​​of Pancasila have begun to fade and are practiced by citizens. Therefore, this paper describes the understanding of Pancasila as the purpose of life for the State. This paper is a collection of various books as a reference for citizens in fulfilling their independence. The discussion can be concluded that as the basis of the state, Pancasila acts as a source of all sources of state law and a source of value for the entire Indonesian nation. As the basis of the state, Pancasila is an important guideline in regulating the administration of the state, a source of inspiration, motivation, a source of law, and also the moral ideals of a country, and is a source for the preparation of the constitution in the Indonesian state. The ideals of the state law of the Republic of Indonesia in the four main ideas of the 1945 Constitution are essentially the same as Pancasila, namely God and Humanity, Unity State, Social Justice, and People's Sovereignty. Pancasila is the basis of the state of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore Pancasila is the source of all sources of state law of the Republic of Indonesia. The objectives of the State of Indonesia are stated in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, namely: 1) Protecting every nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia: 2) Promoting public welfare. 3) To educate the nation's life, and 4) to Participate in carrying out a world order based on eternal peace and social justice.
Anne Bubnic

'Rock the Vote' and other campaigns fall on deaf ears - 0 views

  • We've all heard the messages from MTV, P. Diddy, and countless others about why we should "Rock the Vote," but these slogans don't address the common misconception that even if we do vote, nothing will really change. And it's obvious that these messages have fallen on deaf ears. The number of voters under 30 in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections remained stagnant at just 17 percent.
  • Teens become apathetic because politicians are unresponsive, politicians become indifferent to teens because they are apathetic and don't vote.
  • The way to break this cycle is to make teens feel like they have a voice that politicians will listen to.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Politicians have been reaching out to youth by holding events on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. CNN even held the YouTube debates, allowing users to submit questions directly to candidates.
    The number of voters under 30 in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections remained stagnant at just 17 percent. Teens become apathetic because politicians are unresponsive, politicians become indifferent to teens because they are apathetic and don't vote.
    The way to break this cycle is to make teens feel like they have a voice that politicians will listen to. Politicians have been reaching out to youth by holding events on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. CNN even held the YouTube debates, allowing users to submit questions directly to candidates. Making politicians answerable to young people forces their interests to be considered.\n\n
Jeff Johnson

Obama poised to be first 'wired' president ( - 0 views

    Judging by Obama's savvy use of social-networking sites during his campaign and the interactive nature of his transition team's Web site, Americans can expect a president who bypasses the traditional media's filters while reaching out to citizens for input, observers say. "The rebooting of our democracy has begun," said Andrew Rasiej, founder of Personal Democracy Forum and the techPresident blog. "[Obama] has the potential to transform the relationship between the American public and their democracy."
Jeff Johnson

Election - BrainPop - 0 views

    Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies and English movies, comic strips, activity pages and school homework help for kids.
Ginger Lewman

What Is Democracy? - Defining Democracy - 0 views

    # Social, economic, and political pluralism.
Peggy George

MONTESSORI LESSONS - United States Presidential Election Unit Study - 0 views

    links for a complete unit study on the upcoming 2008 presidential election. These PreK and K-10 links will lead you to articles, hands-on activities and other exercises that are compatible with the Montessori classified reading cards, grammar, creative writing, math, social studies and other extensive lesson plans
    Just received an email announcement about these resources and they look great. Some of the links include sites and resources we have already shared in our group.

Pancasila As The Basis Of Ethics - 0 views

    In Indonesia, Pancasila is the national ideology of the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila is a five-part philosophy that includes the following principles: Belief in God Belief in the unity of mankind Belief in human dignity Belief in freedom Belief in social justice Pancasila is indispensable as an ethical system to provide guidance and direction so that every action taken by the Indonesian people is guided by a moral attitude based on Pancasila. Every action taken by the Indonesian people is a reflection of the implementation of Pancasila. Pancasila as an ethical system can be practiced by carrying out every practice in every item of Pancasila. In the life of the nation and state, of course, there will be many challenges, as well as the challenges of Pancasila as an ethical system. Challenges are faced to be won, as are the challenges of Pancasila as an ethical system. If the Indonesian nation has implemented ethics in every item of Pancasila, then the challenge of Pancasila as an ethical system can be resolved.

Cultivating the Organizational Cultural Values of Jambi Province Human Resources Develo... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This research is a type of qualitative research on organizational culture (organization culture) that was developed in the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) Jambi Province. Organizational culture (organization culture) is an important concept in the organization. An in-depth understanding of this concept is important given the interrelationship between the concept and the application of the two things. Incorrect understanding of the concept can make it difficult for regulators/regulators, practitioners, and management in communicating about organizational culture. Based on this study, the writer finally tries to come up with a general picture of the application of organizational culture in the Jambi Province Human Resources Development Agency. The results of the study show that organizational culture has been believed to be basic values, norms, and beliefs, and is spread among all members of the organization through social interaction both among members or members of the organization, which is reflected in the behavior of individuals and their organizations. So that in carrying out the task of promoting professionalism, responsibility, integrity, cooperation, and being disciplined in accordance with applicable rules.
Peggy George

Campaign 2004: Classroom Electorate - Social Studies Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activi... - 0 views

    Excellent lesson plan for gr. 9-12 where students take on role of political analyst. Designed for 2004 election but could easily be modified for 2008. Another great lesson plan from HotChalk.
    comprehensive lesson plan for gr. 9-12 including assessment, discussion questions, etc. Overview Students take on the role of a political analyst, forecasting the electoral vote count for the 2004 presidential election. In order to make a prediction, students are introduced to campaign issues, the Electoral College, the role of swing states, and the importance of political participation. The lesson plan includes a fun, interactive classroom competition where students make electoral predictions and compare with the actual results following the November 2nd voting deadline.
Peggy George

Piggy Tale Election Social Studies Lesson Plan, Thematic Unit, Activity, Worksheet, or ... - 0 views

    Nice basic lesson plan for K-2 students to help them understand the concept of voting on a ballot and having a reason for voting the way they did.
    Lesson plan for K-2 students from HotChalk lesson plans page. Uses 3 little pics and asks kids to vote on which version of the story they believe. Helps kids understand what happens when you vote on a ballot.

Organic Twitter Marketing - Best Quality Everything Twitter Marketing 2024 - 0 views

    Organic Twitter Marketing Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2customer ratings(2 customer reviews) $50.00 - $200.00 Organic Twitter Marketing Are you looking to Organic Twitter Marketing? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most Organic Twitter Marketing at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business! Why will you buy my service? ➤ The Account will be completely dynamic ➤ Best Marketing Service ➤ High Quality Marketing Provide ➤ 100% Best Account Only Dedicated to You ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ➤ 24/7 Customer Support If You Want To More Information Just Contact Now. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global Shop Telegram : @buyglobalshop

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Buy YouTube Accounts - 0 views

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Buy Instagram Accounts - 0 views

    vInstagram is a social media platform that allows users to post pictures and videos, which can then be shared with other users. It was originally created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in 2010.

Buy SSN Number - 0 views

    Social Security Number (SSN) is the most important document that you will ever have in your life. It is a 9-digit number that is used to identify an individual for tax purposes.
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