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Basic Training Group III Patterns in the Network (Online): Perceptions of Participant S... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine how the success rate of implementing the online pattern latsar compared to the facial pattern latsar that has been done so far. Measurement of the effectiveness/success rate of latsar is done by evaluating using the Kirkpatrick reaction level and learning level approach. This study uses a mixed mix approach of quantitative and qualitative. Data were collected by filling out questionnaires and secondary data studies. Subjects for this study were participants of CPNS Class III Batch I Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency 2020. The informants in this study were 40 (forty) participants and the organizing committee at BKPSDM, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency. The data analysis technique was carried out by using qualitative data that was converted into quantitative data, data classification, formulating research results, and analyzing research results. The results of the research on the reaction level showed that 71.95% of Latsar participants showed a "very satisfied reaction" in the implementation of online latsar, and 22.79% of Latsar participants showed " satisfied " reactions and only 5.85% of participants showed reactions "quite satisfied". If analyzed per indicator, out of the 7 (seven) level reaction indicators that have been determined, there are 4 indicators that indicate the level of reaction of participants who are "very satisfied" which is above 60%, namely the benefits of increasing participant competence, teacher performance, discussion topics and teacher competence. One indicator that needs attention is the convenience of the training location because the level of reaction of participants who stated "very satisfied" was only 28.42% and 58.75% stated, "satisfied". At the learning level of the 4 assessment indicators used, the normative average score of face-to-face latsar participants is 80 (eighty), while the online latsar participants' average score is 84 (eighty-four), this shows that the level of effectiveness / the success of

Competence of Prospective Science Teachers in Reflecting on Science Teaching and Learni... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to reveal the competence of prospective science teachers in reflecting on science teaching and learning activities at SMP/MTs. Background Problems: The ability to reflect on students' behaviour, providing an overview of the knowledge of prospective teachers to prepare a series of activities, methods or learning models that help students get a pleasant learning experience. Novelty: Observations and reflections use observation and reflection sheets which include the following components: (1) Activities carried out by students in gaining knowledge; (2) the efforts of students to understand the learning material; (3) the activities of students in communicating the results of their thoughts; and (4) reflective thinking skills of students. Research Methods: The type of survey research with the subject is 21 prospective science teachers who take internship course two at the Tadris IPA study program IAIN Bengkulu. The activity design provides opportunities for future teachers to observe and reflect on learning activities at several schools in Bengkulu City. Finding/Results: The results of this reflection are given a quality score and categorized under conditions of (1) Very Good; (2) Good; (3) Fairly Good; and (4) Not Good. The results showed that the competence of prospective science teachers in reflecting on students' learning activities in science subjects was in the excellent category. Conclusion: The ability of future science teachers who are very good at remembering students' learning activities has implications for the ability to prepare appropriate learning activities for students so that they can provide a fun learning for students.

Buy Google AdSense Account - 100% Fully Verified & Cheap - 0 views

    Buy Google AdSense Account Are you looking to Buy Google AdSense Account? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most AdSense Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
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    Are you looking to Buy Google AdSense Account? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most AdSense Accounts at very low price.
Jeff Johnson

Blindly Right - 0 views

    By all rights, there should be a revolt at this week's Republican convention against John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate--for the very same reasons so many Republicans opposed President Bush's selection of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court. Palin is, if anything, less qualified for the vice presidency (and the presidency) than Miers was for the court. But there is one big difference: Palin passes all the right-wing litmus tests, which means she is unlikely to suffer Miers' fate. It's amusing to watch Republicans play gender politics. At the time Bush chose Miers, he was under pressure to pick a woman to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. But most of the plausible women jurists were either too moderate to satisfy conservatives or so right wing that they faced serious confirmation problems.
Lucy Gray

Obamicon.Me - 0 views

    Very fun!!!

Application of Pancasila as the Ethical System of the Indonesian Nation| Jurnal Prajai... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT Ethics is related to good living habits, and good living procedures, for individuals or society. In this sense, ethics is the same as morals. Ethics in a broad sense is the science that discusses the criteria of good and bad. Ethics are generally understood as philosophical thoughts about everything that is considered good or bad in human behavior. Ethics is always related to the issue of values ​​so the discussion about ethics generally talks about issues of good or bad values. Pancasila as an ethical system is very urgent to be applied in the life of a nation and state because of the problems faced by the Indonesian people, among others: 1) The many cases of corruption that hit the State of Indonesia so as to weaken the joints of life as a nation and state, 2) The occurrence of acts of terrorism in the name of religion so that it can damage the spirit of tolerance in inter-religious life, and melt the spirit of unity or threaten the disintegration of the nation, 3) Human rights violations still occur in the life of the state, 4). The gap between rich and poor groups still marks the lives of Indonesian people, 5) legal injustice that still colors the judicial process in Indonesia and 6) Many rich people are not willing to pay taxes properly. The strategy for implementing Pancasila as an ethical system in the life of the nation and state for the Indonesian people is carried out as follows: 1) Character education. 2) Reference Criteria for State Administrators, 3) Raising Awareness of Taxpayers, 4) Manifestation of the Pancasila Value in the Human Rights Law and 5) Manifestation of the Pancasila Value in the Environmental Law.

Strengthening the Understanding of Pancasila as the State Foundation to Achieve Nationa... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT The basis of the state for a nation is very important as the goal of living as a nation and state. Indonesia has a state basis called Pancasila. In today's era, the noble values ​​of Pancasila have begun to fade and are practiced by citizens. Therefore, this paper describes the understanding of Pancasila as the purpose of life for the State. This paper is a collection of various books as a reference for citizens in fulfilling their independence. The discussion can be concluded that as the basis of the state, Pancasila acts as a source of all sources of state law and a source of value for the entire Indonesian nation. As the basis of the state, Pancasila is an important guideline in regulating the administration of the state, a source of inspiration, motivation, a source of law, and also the moral ideals of a country, and is a source for the preparation of the constitution in the Indonesian state. The ideals of the state law of the Republic of Indonesia in the four main ideas of the 1945 Constitution are essentially the same as Pancasila, namely God and Humanity, Unity State, Social Justice, and People's Sovereignty. Pancasila is the basis of the state of the Republic of Indonesia, therefore Pancasila is the source of all sources of state law of the Republic of Indonesia. The objectives of the State of Indonesia are stated in the fourth paragraph of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, namely: 1) Protecting every nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia: 2) Promoting public welfare. 3) To educate the nation's life, and 4) to Participate in carrying out a world order based on eternal peace and social justice.

The Role of Change Leaders in Improving The Performance of Public Organizations| Jurnal... - 0 views

    ABSTRACT In an organization, performance assessment is very important because this assessment can be used as a measure of the success of the organization within a certain period. The assessment can be used to improve or enhance the performance of the organization concerned. Government organizations are public organizations that aim to meet the needs and interests of the public, so the performance of these public organizations can only be said to be successful if they can realize their goals and mission. The success of an organization in improving its performance cannot be separated from the role of a leader, especially a change leader. A successful leader is an l leader who can mobilize aspects of input or resources, such as employees, budgets, facilities and infrastructure; information; and organizational culture. As well as those relating to the management process, planning, organizing, implementation, budgeting, supervision, and evaluation.

Where Am I - What County Am I in - 2 views

Where Am I is the tool that you will use to find your location. This is very helpful for those people who are in the area for the first time and they don't know about the place and their location. ...

started by cbduk3 on 16 Aug 24 no follow-up yet

Buy Tiktok Shop Accounts - 100% Best US/UK Verified ... - 0 views

    Are you looking to Buy Verified Tiktok Shop Accounts? Then you are in the right place. Best Service IT provides you best and most verified Tiktok Shop Accounts at very low price. So that all our customers can be satisfied. So our staff work hard to provide the best service. So without further delay order now on our web site and make your business successful thanks!
Peggy George

Pew News IQ-Quiz - 0 views

    To test your knowledge of prominent people and major events in the news, we invite you to take our short quiz. Then see how you did in comparison with 1,003 randomly sampled adults asked the same questions in a recent national survey conducted by the Pew Research Center. For an analysis of the findings from the poll on the public's News IQ, read the full summary of findings.
    A fascinating quiz that students could take (teachers too) that would provide some very engaging conversations about current events. You can compare your News IQ with the average scores of men and women; with college graduates as well as those who didn't attend college; with people who are your age as well as with younger and older Americans.
Peggy George

Event Registration (EVENT: 122206) EdWeek-Education & Next President - 0 views

    This should be a very informative debate. The video will be archived if you can't view it live. Looking forward to hearing an education focus for the Presidential election!
    Join us for "Education and the Next President," a live debate from Teachers College, Columbia University, with Linda Darling-Hammond, education adviser to Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama, and Lisa Graham Keegan, education adviser to Presidential Republican nominee John McCain. The event is being exclusively Webcast by with generous support from NASSP. A video archive of the event will be available Wed., Oct 22, at noon.
Peggy George Obama's site inviting participation - 0 views

    I really like this web site which models web 2.0 communication inviting participation throughout the site on issues, stories, etc. while providing helpful information. Check it out. It also provides a link to a Presidential Transition Directory. The Transition Directory was developed to introduce Presidential nominees, appointees, and members of the President-elect's Transition Team to the operation of the Federal government and to the resources available to help them begin their service in the new Administration. Very helpful organizational chart and other information for students learning about government.
    Up to date announcedments and information about Barack Obama. He invites people to share their inspiring stories from the campaign and election day. Every page invites people to provide feedback on his agenda for the presidency. Excellent model for web 2.0 and a tool for communication.

Trademark Registration Services in India | Global Jurix - 1 views

    Global Jurix will help you in Trademark Registration from the comfort of your home, offering you services that are very specialized and tailored for each individual. Get a Free Consultation for Trademark Registration with Our Top Rated Experts with a simple registration.

whats app group link - 2 views

Great overview on WhatsApp automation software! For those looking to streamline their messaging and reach a wider audience, checking out tools like WATI, WA Web Plus, and ChatCompose whats app grou...

started by cbduk3 on 30 Aug 24 no follow-up yet

Buy Google Ads Account - 100% Verified With, Low Price - 0 views

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