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Daniel Benoni

What is the best way to do customer discovery when all I have is an idea? I don't want ... - 0 views

  • What is the best way to do customer discovery when all I have is an idea? I don't want to build a prototype until I know the idea is valid and that it's worth doing.
  • Read up on Lean Startup from and
  • write down your hypotheses and assumptions around the idea you have
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  • Benjamin Yoskovitz
  • identify a target market and speak to (ideally in-person) 30-50 people in that market and validate (or invalidate) whether they have the problem you think you can solve.
  • If they do have that problem, then you can find a way to build a prototype or even just put together an HTML prototype or a Powerpoint deck together and go back to those people and interview them about your solution. If that validates, then you build.
  • Chances are when you do Problem Interviews you’ll find there are holes in your reasoning. You’ll go back and change your hypotheses and assumptions and do it again.
  • Bottom line – you absolutely do NOT need a prototype to validate an idea.
Daniel Benoni

Pro Bono Standards & Valuation - Pro Bono 101 - Resources - Lead Pro Bono - Taproot Fou... - 0 views

  • Pro Bono Standards & Valuation In partnership with the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy (CECP), Taproot Foundation has developed standards for pro bono service to professionalize the field and ensure the consistent quality of services delivered to recipient organizations
  • Examples of Pro Bono Service HR team audits the HR systems of a nonprofit Finance team develops managerial accounting systems for a nonprofit Property development team helps a nonprofit secure and design office space Creative team develops a nonprofit's annual report Working as part of her company's pro bono commitment to a nonprofit, a professional tax accountant provides tax consulting to needy individuals in the community
  • Examples of Other Skills-Based Service (Not Pro Bono) Executive serves on a nonprofit board and gives informal advice Manager coaches high school student on a business plan competition An accountant independently provides free tax services to an individual in the community who can't afford tax advice Engineer designs a technology curriculum for an after school program Working as part of her company's pro bono commitment to a nonprofit, a software designer sets up staff computers (setting up computers is not within the core description of a software designer's professional expertise)
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  • Current Dollar Fair Market Valuation Pro bono work should be valued at Fair Market Value (FMV) and recorded as non-cash giving in CECP Survey Question 9.  FMV is the hourly or project cost that a paying client would incur for the same service. Companies are encouraged to use the three scenarios below to assist in determining the FMV of services rendered.  The dollar values in the scenarios below are based upon current U.S. salary data adjusted to account for geographic differences and typical fee-discounting practices.  CECP is currently unable to provide dollar-value assistance for non-U.S. pro bono service. Paid-release-time service that does not meet the pro bono criteria should be recorded at a dollar value that is appropriate to the skills involved in CECP Survey Question 22 (do not include pro bono hours in Question 22, as that would be double counting hours recorded in Question 9). When in doubt, the current Independent Sector rate is appropriate.
  • For companies with minimal pro bono tracking capabilities In the absence of employee skill area data and internal billing rates, CECP recommends using an estimate of $120 per hour for pro bono service projects. This is based on a rounded average billing rate for mid-level employees across disciplines, highlighted below. For companies with moderate pro bono tracking capabilities Companies that track the seniority level or skills deployed in pro bono projects should use the following chart to value pro bono hours if internal rates are not available.
  • For companies with robust pro bono tracking capabilities Companies should use their best internal billing information to determine the FMV of services rendered. These valuations should be adjusted to reflect billing differences by: geography, seniority level, rate discounting, employee skill area, etc. To do this, companies must track project metrics that affect billing rates so that an accurate, defensible valuation for pro bono contributions can be recorded. CECP strongly encourages companies to track pro bono to this level of specificity whenever possible.
    GREAT INFORMATION. To read! - Use cases leads - "What to track in pro-bono" - References, etc. 
Daniel Benoni

The Struggle in Finding An Addressable Problem - Lean Startups - blog - kyle ... - 0 views

  • focusing on a market before an actual product idea
  • By starting with a market and focusing on data/interviews to find an addressable problem, rather than building software from day one, we encountered problems I would never have predicted
  • spent our time talking to as many parents/teacher/psychiatrists that would give us their time
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  • The more we narrowed our focus the less motivated we became.  We went from looking at a massive addressable market to a subset of people and a minimal product offering.
  • Focusing, as difficult as it was, was necessary given the reality that we were two
  • Write everything down.
  • best ways to drastically narrow your scope, it’s easy to list four or five options but having to pick just one and describe it fully really focuses things.
  • Pitching everyday
  • it helps you to iterate much faster.
  • People tend to love your idea when it’s vague, as they develop their own picture of what it will really be.  -- What we found to really work well was building a baseline pitch deck and iterating on it every day based on what we had learned.
  • Take all the “ands” out. 
  • We help parents to fix the problems in their child's daily routine and to encourage them to try new things
  • We help parents to fix the one or two main problems in their child's daily routine. 
  • It’s tough to not start writing code after your first positive interview.
  • Not because we found the best problem/solution mix, but rather because we found one solution that we can quickly test and on which we can iterate.
Daniel Benoni

How to Increase Internal Corporate Community Engagement - 7Summits Blog - 0 views

  • Internal communication and collaboration within intranets has documented solid ROI’s encouraging companies to look to it more and more for increased innovation and decreased costs.
  • Q. So how do you activate your internal community to reach a positive ROI? A. Facilitate Employee Engagement within the platform. A successful company and a thriving corporate culture doesn’t come from an org chart and people identified by numbers it comes from HUMANS, community, and allowing other users to benefit from each other’s expertise. Successful internal community participation directly and indirectly helps users across divisions and regions achieve their goals, find experts, and collaborate efficiently.
  • No one is participating because companies are simply using a different communication medium for the same old message. The voice of a community should reign relevant to the workers, not the executives, a common mistake we see with many failed internal community and intranet projects.  The fastest way to make a community relevant and to gain participation is to make it human and to upgrade the messaging to fit the distribution tool.
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  • Internal communication and collaboration within intranets has documented solid ROI’s encouraging companies to look to it more and more for increased innovation and decreased costs. While many organizations have achieved these positive ROI’s, the process to realizing them is often challenged. Activating the community, and getting users to interact with each other becomes a difficult behavioral change, but one that is invaluable to the company as a whole and its employees
  • Successful internal community participation directly and indirectly helps users across divisions and regions achieve their goals, find experts, and collaborate efficiently.
  • Identify ambassadors/ Experts: Don’t ignore those able to deliver genuine knowledge, identify them, embrace them, and give them room to speak in a HUMAN voice. Engagement breeds engagement. People who are most likely to contribute include natural leaders, employee’s active on other social networks, and members who had a say in the initial community planning stages,
  • Recognize these experts: Thank users who do participate. Many companies build communities prompting “Find an Expert” “Ask a Question” but the true value of the question and answer feature is getting people to answer those questions.
  • Invest in Information Architecture and User Experience: We’ve seen several communities that are lacking engagement because it is unclear to users HOW to engage.  Investments in information architecture are often over looked, even though they are vitally important. 
    great article to support the need of an internal collaborative tool facilitating community engagement!!!
Daniel Benoni

The 7-Stage Evolution of a Socially Responsible Brand - 0 views

  • For decades, the decision to be an environmentally and socially responsible company has been based on the bottom line: Would it be profitable?
  • In terms of traditional accounting and the legal requirements of corporations, costs always outweighed benefits.But it now seems that this equation is starting to lean the other way as brands recognize the potential financial and reputational advantages they can gain by engaging with consumers around the shared ambition of building a better world.
  • We can see this already happening among some leading brands such as Pepsi, Google, Nike, Patagonia and Starbucks, who have all earned consumer respect for their involvement
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  • ow did this come about? In large part, it is because the payoff for corporate engagement with customers has risen dramatically as a result of social media.
  • As the brand’s customers become loyal fans, they use their social networks to spread the word about that brand, driving even more new fans to join in. This dynamic may have its initial upfront costs, but it pays off in the end through an extended global audience of buyers and fans.
  • Transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find credible and aligned with their values.
  • The Seven StagesThe process of becoming a brand leader in the next decades will be an evolutionary one involving at least seven stages.
  • Unsustainable corporate self-interest
  • Self-directed engagement
  • C-suite reflection
  • Consumer facing self-interest:
  • Self-directed reform:
  • Brand leader:
  • Brand visionary:
  • Indeed, if we consider the online reach of companies like Facebook and Twitter, the offline reach of companies like Proctor & Gamble, Unilever, Coca-Cola and Walmart, and the fervent consumer loyalty that companies like Apple, Nike and Patagonia inspire, it’s easy to imagine how a web- and social-savvy population could coerce these companies — and any others who want to follow their example — into becoming the leading global brand visionaries of the future.
    Describes exactly why Corporate Social Responsibility is the bomb right now. It's a "you better hop-in" bandwagon that most companies can't ignore now!
Daniel Benoni

Companies See Volunteering As a Benefit | Atlantic Philanthropies - 0 views

  • She's been to Sri Lanka and South Africa as a participant in Accenture Development Partnerships, a program that sends employees to work on nonprofit projects in developing countries.
  • As more employees see volunteer work as a way to learn new skills or move their careers forward, volunteering has become a sort of corporate benefit.
  • For an annual fee between $5,000 and $50,000, companies can give their employees access to a VolunteerMatch list of 55,300 nonprofits seeking help. Nonprofits join for free.
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  • Field said one major attraction for companies is the chance to align their employee volunteer programs with the objective of their business.
  • Volunteer programs are tied efforts to retain two major employee groups, younger workers looking for work-life balance and ready-to-retire older workers who want to serve their communities,
  • Bramhall, 29 agreed the Development Partnerships program is a retention tool for Accenture.
  • Workers who are part of Gen Y say they want a job that lets them also exercise their personal values and beliefs, according to a study by Deloitte & Touche USA LLC. The study shows 62 percent of Gen Y respondents between the ages of 18 and 26 want to work for companies that give them a chance to use their skills to help a nonprofit.
  • Lupe Garcia, associate general counsel in the legal department at Gap, Inc. said her supervisors have recognized the fundraising and communication skills she developed in her volunteer work have increased her skills
  • Employees at Gap can spend up to five hours of paid time each month on a volunteer activity. If they spend 15 hours of their own time volunteering, Gap will give $150 to the organization, as well as matching any employee donations.
  • "An important driver in wanting to do this was really a desire to do something with my skills that had a broader impact, that had a deeply social impact," Coghlan said.
Daniel Benoni

Quebec 'certifies' firms for work-life balance - The Globe and Mail - 1 views

  • new business certification as an innovative way to put the province at the forefront of the work-life balance movement
  • uebec
  • d is a seal of excellence that sends th
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  • This stand
  • e message that Quebec promotes the right balance between work and family
  • So far there has been lots of interest from companies and public organizations
  • McMaster University business professor Nick Bontis said he’s not aware of any other government certification programs similar to Quebec’s
  • “We’ve been doing it on our own for two years
  • “We view it as an investment.
  • erformance rewards system that allows staff to trade points for such services as child care and house cleaning.
  • This is still a hard sell to corporations.
  • This is a program for companies of all sizes and in all sectors,
  • think this is amazing. It sends a signal to the rest of the world that Canada is pushing the envelope
Daniel Benoni

Charitable Checkin Turns Your Good Deeds Into Rewards - 0 views

  • aking the checkin and making it philanthropic
  • lets users post their actions via SMS, web, email, Foursquare or Google Talk.
  • ach act earns the user points that can be redeemed for actual rewards and discounts
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  • choosing to snack on an apple rather than a piece of cake
  • or larger projects like volunteering your time to a non-profit
  • users start to build a social identity based on their actions.
  • where users flesh out profiles based on their philanthropic interests.
  • This concept of a charitable social layer has taken off on other online platforms like Jumo or People are becoming more conscientious of how they’re perceived online. This social layer based on philanthropic interests is both an easy way to track causes and a positive way to self identify.
Daniel Benoni

The 5 Minute Guide To Cheap Startup Advertising - 0 views

  • trategy #1: Try to Get Permission
  • Strategy #2: Use Advertising to Test
  • Use advertising as a testing tool rather than a long-term stream of customers.
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  • use it for what it's best at: the ability to generate a slew of visitors very quickly, and to be turned off just as quickly.
  • With properly tracked conversions and an ad on Facebook
  • deal market for your applicati
  • another example, with AdWords you can learn in a hurry which keywords convert for you, and which don't
  • Option #1: Niche Advertising
  • Option #2: Google AdWords
  • Option #3: Facebook
  • 10-15 cent clicks under the right circumstances.
  • The key to low cost Facebook clicks is having a high click through rate (CTR). The key to a high CTR is a combination of a powerful image, an engaging headline, and laser-focused targeting.
  • Target your demographic information so tightly that you can write a headline that addresses them specifically.
  • Start the ads with a modest budget of, say, $5-10 per ad per day
  • But since you've chosen a small group of people, they will start to tune out the ad rather quickly. At this point your CTR will drop and your cost will climb. Pause the ad, and start over with new cities, new images or new headlines.
Daniel Benoni

CharityVillage® Research: Say "Thanks," keep in touch, and deliver on your pr... - 0 views

  • Bell Canada, for example, receives 9,200 requests for either philanthropic or sponsorship support each year
  • ell faces a major challenge in dealing with these applications, and making the difficult decisions concerning which to support and which to turn down, while striving to get good value for its sponsorship investments. Overall, she points out, the objective is "to connect to the things that matter"
  • Bell does not sponsor individual athletes, individuals who simply have an idea or cause they wish to promote, or business launches. If applicable, Foster points out,
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  • The applicant must be financially sound, and Bell will be strongly impressed by organizations with low administrative costs which can offer a partnership that will fit its corporate vision and strengthen its position in the niches it wants to occupy.
  • crucial for Bell to have telecommunications exclusivity in the project
  • s it a unique made-in-Canada concept?
  • Is it likely to attract positive public attention?", "Is the applicant a Bell Canada customer or potential customer?", "Does this proposal present an opportunity for a commercial return for Bell?", and "Will there be a role for Bell employees to play?" No organization, Foster points out, will ever meet all of the criteria, "... but the more 'Yes's, the better your chances."
  • Offer proposals that make commercial sense to Bell Canada
    Charity Sponsorship.. from the company point of view. Good to read before we go meet a company for a feedback!
Daniel Benoni

How to effectively launch your new product or service | PressDoc Blog - 0 views

  • 1. Define the message you want to communicate and to whom If you’re launching your company, introducing a new service or making another important announcement, first ask yourself why people should care about it.
  • 2. Write your press release(s) Now you know who your audience is and what message to bring across, it’s time to craft the actual press release. Remember, the goal of the press release is to convince journalists, bloggers and other influencers that your story is worth spreading to their following. Writing a good press release warrants an entire different article, but the most important thing to remember is to tell a story.
  • 3. Create a list of PR contacts It’s time to create an overview of all the bloggers, journalists and influencers you want to reach. Let’s call them your PR contacts.
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  • 4. Optional: Determine which outlet gets the scoop In today’s media landscape, a story covered 15 minutes ago by another blog can already be considered old news. Therefore depending on the type of news and the market you’re in it might be wise to give one specific media channel the scoop.
  • 8. Distribute your press release In a previous step you set up draft emails for all your PR contacts, now is the time to send them.
  • 6. Write draft emails In the previous step you have probably only sent out the news to a handful of contacts on your contact list.
  • 7. Make the announcement When the day finally comes, you can publish your press release (or have it published automatically if you’re using the schedule option).
  • 5. Send personalized emails to journalists, under embargo If you decided not to give the scoop to a certain blog you can still let journalists know about your announcement before you actually make it public.
  • 9. Thank the people that covered your story Congratulations! Now that your press release is out in the open you should see some coverage happening. Be sure to enjoy all the free publicity your company receives and thank the people that cover your story via a personal email so you can start building a relationship with them for your future press releases.
    couverture de presse, press release
Daniel Benoni

Nat Turner (The product feedback cycle) - 0 views

  • how many different variations of the “product feedback cycle” there are.
  • What he means by this is simply, how long does it take and how many layers does feedback on the product go through before it gets to engineering.
  • There are a few options.  First, you could have clients talk directly to engineers.  While that in theory is the shortest path the feedback cycle could take, that’s typically not the best solution.  Most engineering teams prefer to stay “heads down” and not be interrupted, and are also rarely involved in the client day-to-day, so context switching is hard for them.  You should definitely have interaction there, but probably not all the time. 
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  • The other option, and probably most common, is to have someone or several folks dedicated to “product management.”  That probably makes sense in larger organizations or as companies grow,
  • However, I personally think that this is very dangerous for an early company, and I’d go so far as to say it’s a major red flag.  Here’s an example of what you want to avoid
  • it’s a good sign and highly preferable if the founders focus and own the product process.  Ideally they’re also able to “go deep” and be involved in the entire product management process, writing the specs for engineering teams, managing the priorities, etc…
  • I think the founders of a startup need to be very cognizant and controlling of the product management process, at least until you become a larger organization, and avoid the temptation to hire “someone dedicated to product.”  In my experience, the more people/layers you add to the process and the further the founders step away from the product management the process, the worse the outcome.
Daniel Benoni

Build, market, measure in parallel - LaunchBit - 0 views

  • First-time web entrepreneurs often tell me "Oh we're moving really quickly...we're launching in just 6 months."
  •  The trouble is that product traction isn't just about getting a product out the door.
  • Your biggest competitor isn't any company or individual.  It's time -- the duration you have before you run out of money, morale, and the enthusiasm your significant other/family has for your endeavors.
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  • The trouble with my last company was that our experience in software development came from large companies, where your job is just to ship code.
  • So we thought that a launch was just about writing the code.  And, we did that in 6 months.  But, what we didn't account for was that in a startup, you don't have a ready large group of users just waiting to use your product. So, your launch time must also include a cycle of user experience and marketing.
  • So, if you do everything in series in a drawn out way like we did: build, market, measure, it's a cycle that can turn months into years.  Eric Ries suggests that shortening an iterative loop and going through such a loop multiple times quickly is the key to success.  I would take that a step further and suggest not only cutting activities to shorten that loop, but to do as much of this loop in parallel.
  • Our workflow looks like this: get your Unbounce or LaunchRock page up from Day 1 and start marketing before you have a product.  You can gauge interest and get signups from the very beginning until you're done with the first iteration of the product.  Start getting the Craigslist posts out there on Day 1 to get feedback and potential customers immediately.  Once you have enough of an idea of what to build, start mocking up your idea.  Get those mocks back out to potential customers to make sure you're on the right track.  Iterate as much as possible on paper before building, because it's much faster to re-draw than to re-code.  "Delete features" on your paper prototypes as well, reducing what you need to actually build in code.  Try to code as little as possible to shrink that build time to about 1-2 weeks.  By the time you're done building your first prototype, you've already acquired users from doing marketing in parallel.  This puts you in a position to start measuring usage and gauging interest immediately before iterating through that loop again.
  • Build, market, measure should happen as much as possible in parallel to reduce your launch time and keep your money, morale, and support up.
Daniel Benoni

Getting Your Startup Ready For An Acquisition | @MapleButter - 0 views

    Sprouter... Acquisitions
Rachel Chaikof

WeTopia Brings Social Good to Facebook Gaming - 0 views

    Can we bring an awesome product like WeTopia?
Rachel Chaikof

Can a Startup Renaissance Fix Young America? - 0 views

    An awesome article with quotes from Josh Harthorne!
Rachel Chaikof

Don't Fall Asleep at the Wheel: Successful Entrepreneurs Have Lives - Business - GOOD - 0 views

    Good tips for aligning your duties as an entrepreneur
Rachel Chaikof

Top 50 socially responsible corporations - 0 views

    Interesting list - but I do question Starbucks being on the list when they have been portrayed in the news that they're not truly responsible as they appear to be. Here are some info on Starbucks' CSR -,9171,1926007,00.html and
Daniel Benoni

What Do You Stand For? - 1 views

  • 10 Experts, 10 Predictions, 1 Year January 6, 2012 at 9:06 AM by Research & InsightsLast month we looked back at the top trends of 2011, but now that the New Year is upon us, it's time to look forward to what 2012 has in store. We've convened the biggest and brightest minds in cause marketing, corporate responsibility, nonprofit marketing and volunteerism to share their top predictions, programs and issues for the New Year.As for our perspective, we say look out for an influx of disruptive campaigns in 2012. The cause industry continues to mature, and with the flood of new campaigns in the market, companies and nonprofits must do more to make sure their cause stands out in the chatter. Companies will make bigger and braver commitments, support broader and bolder issues and increasingly go out on a limb all in the name of cause. We'll also see more companies support niche causes and partner with smaller, more nimble nonprofits for further differentiation. Let's shake things up this year!
  • My one cause marketing prediction is that by the end of 2012
  • 2012 will see the rise of the employee activist. As 2011 saw the second coming of the consumer activist with powers heretofore inconceivable, the new year will bring the awakening of the most powerful brand ambassadors - the employees. This year employees will awaken to the opportunity they have to create real change inside the corporation and in their communities, simultaneously. Corporations will embrace the chance to help their employees to make that change."
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  • "As CSR and sustainability continue to converge into ‘business excellence,' we will see a growing recognition within executive ranks to understand, recognize and leverage the value of a responsible and sustainable work culture. 2012 just might be the year when change management becomes institutionalized as a prerequisite for growth and profitability."
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