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Daniel Benoni

CharityVillage® Research: Say "Thanks," keep in touch, and deliver on your pr... - 0 views

  • Bell Canada, for example, receives 9,200 requests for either philanthropic or sponsorship support each year
  • ell faces a major challenge in dealing with these applications, and making the difficult decisions concerning which to support and which to turn down, while striving to get good value for its sponsorship investments. Overall, she points out, the objective is "to connect to the things that matter"
  • Bell does not sponsor individual athletes, individuals who simply have an idea or cause they wish to promote, or business launches. If applicable, Foster points out,
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The applicant must be financially sound, and Bell will be strongly impressed by organizations with low administrative costs which can offer a partnership that will fit its corporate vision and strengthen its position in the niches it wants to occupy.
  • crucial for Bell to have telecommunications exclusivity in the project
  • s it a unique made-in-Canada concept?
  • Is it likely to attract positive public attention?", "Is the applicant a Bell Canada customer or potential customer?", "Does this proposal present an opportunity for a commercial return for Bell?", and "Will there be a role for Bell employees to play?" No organization, Foster points out, will ever meet all of the criteria, "... but the more 'Yes's, the better your chances."
  • Offer proposals that make commercial sense to Bell Canada
    Charity Sponsorship.. from the company point of view. Good to read before we go meet a company for a feedback!
Daniel Benoni

Des points «Air Miles» pour la qualité de vie | André Dubuc | Finances person... - 1 views

  • Bien tannés de consacrer vos précieux week-ends à la taille de la haie, au lavage des vitres ou à la corvée d'aspirateur? Une entreprise privée de Québec donne l'équivalent de points Air Miles à ses employés pour que ceux-ci les échangent contre toutes sortes de services qui embellissent le quotidien, comme des services d'entretien ou des week-ends de détente.
    We should offer something like that to potential employees.
Daniel Benoni

On the (un?)importance of design - 0 views

  • On the (un?)importance of design
  • We recently underwent a Cinderella-like transformation: A total redesign of the WP Engine website from despicable steaming pile of hideousness to a designed, thematic — dare I say artistic? — sleek new look. Does it matter?
  • It was such a contrast, customers emailed us saying “Thank God you fixed that horrible website. I was embarrassed when referring you guys to friends.” But hold on. They were still customers. And they still were referring us to friends. So I wonder, did it really matter?
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • It must have mattered. Look how bad it was. Not only were the pages just ugly, they were peppered with database errors and CSS blowups
  • . It doesn’t prove design doesn’t matter, but it does suggest design may not be the deciding factor.
  • Can you see at what point in time we changed design?  No?  Must not have made a difference. Let’s look at time-on-site:
  • Nothing. But this is all superficial — what Really Matters is the Conversion Rate: are more or fewer people signing up each week:
  • Hmm. Looks like everything objective is saying “it doesn’t matter.” But as much as I respect and follow Lean Startup theory, objective measurements aren’t the only things that matter. Those customer emails matter too.
  • The other day we landed a large customer who said they could tell from our website that among our competitors we’re more mature and ready to handle a bigger customer like them. I can tell you — objectively — that we’re among the youngest of our competitors, and although I have a list of reasons why “we’re better,” the truth is that particular customer would probably be served just fine by several of those competitors. Was it the design that gave us that edge? Could be. Didn’t hurt, anyway.
  • Still, the more I look at the importance of design in the startups in my little career, the less it seems to matter.
  • Modern Lean Startup theory blares out from the red-tiled rooftops of Stanford: Seek the Data and Ye Shall Find! First the bounce-rate. If our website design was repulsive — literally — the bounce rate should now diminish. Here’s the data:
  • An even more extreme example comes from my second company ITWatchDogs. I displayed its old homepage at the magnificent Webstock design conference in Wellington earlier this year; the crowd whooped at our violent assault on the visual arts, complete with calliope menubar colors, two broken images tag above the fold, and a layout model that could be seen as a “grid” only after consuming a pillowcase of mushrooms:
  • But you’re anticipating the punch-line — ITWatchDogs grew every month, made millions of dollars, stole business from competitors with billion-dollar market caps (and professional-looking websites), and had a successful exit.
  • Of course it’s only fair to also point out some of the many instructive counter-examples: Hipmunk is the same thing as Orbitz or Travelocity — the only difference is amazing design, not just because it looks good but because it’s so useable. In the words of Joel Spoksly — the design “affords usability.” (P.S. Early Hipmunk team member Alexis Ohanian is so cool and smart and rich and funny and successful and good-looking that really he doesn’t deserve to be alive. (P.P.S. Hey flamers, for God’s sake it’s a joke! Don’t you realize I’m just sore from losing the Pecha Kucha competition to him?)) I always use and recommend Amy Hoy’s time zone tool only because it’s just nice to use and look at. (P.S. she also authors a terrific blog aimed at the solo entrepreneur.) Many people credit Mint’s smash success with their terrific design. Considering how many features were broken for how long, it’s hard to argue. 37signals documented — with data — how design changes results directly in more credit-card-swiping customers. It doesn’t get more “business value” than that. So where does that leave us in the “matters / doesn’t matter” question of design?
  • I think you can go either way, but you must decide whether or not you’re going to value design as core to your startup’s identity, and then act consistently. Here’s what I mean.
  • It’s clear from the outset that design is the only competitive advantage Hipmunk has over its competition. Specifically, by making the flight-search problem pleasurable and useable instead of feeling like you’re navigating pivot tables from Excel ’98.
  • They don’t have better data, better branding, better name, better SEO, or more money. Just better design, and not just easily-copyable incremental improvement, but a quantum leap better.
  • When design is that fundamental to the business — how it acquires and retains customers, garners attention and referrals, and distinguishes itself in the market — obviously design can be the most important thing.
  • Conversely, at ITWatchDogs the company’s internal and external culture was that we’re low-cost, friendly, approachable, regular guys, who understand exactly what you worry about, exactly what your budget is, and we nail it. The site might have looked bad, but our message couldn’t have been clearer.
  • But it is useful to decide where you come down on the question of design in your startup, because if it’s important you’d better work on that right now and develop a consistent culture of valuing design through-and-through, and if it’s not important you’d better decide what is important and nail those things all the harder, because you’ll be competing with people who are using superior design to cover up their lack of competency in those same areas.
    Design, important or not
Daniel Benoni

Quebec 'certifies' firms for work-life balance - The Globe and Mail - 1 views

  • new business certification as an innovative way to put the province at the forefront of the work-life balance movement
  • uebec
  • d is a seal of excellence that sends th
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • This stand
  • e message that Quebec promotes the right balance between work and family
  • So far there has been lots of interest from companies and public organizations
  • McMaster University business professor Nick Bontis said he’s not aware of any other government certification programs similar to Quebec’s
  • “We’ve been doing it on our own for two years
  • “We view it as an investment.
  • erformance rewards system that allows staff to trade points for such services as child care and house cleaning.
  • This is still a hard sell to corporations.
  • This is a program for companies of all sizes and in all sectors,
  • think this is amazing. It sends a signal to the rest of the world that Canada is pushing the envelope
Daniel Benoni

Charitable Checkin Turns Your Good Deeds Into Rewards - 0 views

  • aking the checkin and making it philanthropic
  • lets users post their actions via SMS, web, email, Foursquare or Google Talk.
  • ach act earns the user points that can be redeemed for actual rewards and discounts
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  • choosing to snack on an apple rather than a piece of cake
  • or larger projects like volunteering your time to a non-profit
  • users start to build a social identity based on their actions.
  • where users flesh out profiles based on their philanthropic interests.
  • This concept of a charitable social layer has taken off on other online platforms like Jumo or People are becoming more conscientious of how they’re perceived online. This social layer based on philanthropic interests is both an easy way to track causes and a positive way to self identify.
Daniel Benoni

La charité coûte cher | Louise Leduc | National - 0 views

  • 85 378 organismes de charité, dont 16 328 au Québec, selon l'Agence du revenu du Canada
  • 5,3 millions en dons, la division québécoise de la Société canadienne de la sclérose en plaques a dépensé 2,5 millions pour faire ses collectes de fonds
  • Fondation des maladies du coeur coûtent 80 millions et récoltent 155 millions(1)
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  • Jean-Pierre Laurin, directeur adjoint de la Société canadienne du cancer pour le Québec
  • On aimerait que ce soit zéro, mais ça coûte de l'argent, aller chercher de l'argent.
  • 95 812$ au cours d'une collecte de fonds qui lui avait coûté 96 849$
  • On n'a plus envie de dépenser des millions pour récolter des millions
  • . Il y a 25 ans, dit-il, les gens choisissaient leur cause et ils envoyaient un chèque
  • Aujourd'hui, ils demandent des activités rassembleuses, des courses de type Relais pour la vie. Ces courses entraînent cependant des coûts, ne serait-ce qu'en sécurité, souligne-t-il.
  • es collectes rapportent gros (13 millions par année)
  • en faisant commanditer des soupers par des groupes et en leur offrant la possibilité aux personnes de venir servir elles-mêmes le souper aux sans-abri.
  • partir à la recherche du riche qui ne demande pas mieux que de donner.
  • Il y a beaucoup de pression à donner, et vous serez étonné de constater à quel point vos dons à droite et à gauche ne réflètent pas nécessairement vos grandes priorités.»
  • érifier d'abord l'encaisse des organismes. «Certains organismes de charité sollicitent des fonds non pas parce qu'ils ont besoin d'argent, mais parce qu'ils en ont la capacité.»
  • «Combien d'argent l'organisme a-t-il à la banque et en placements? Combien redonne-t-il à ses bénéficiaires? Tout organisme a besoin d'un certain coussin, mais certains donateurs peuvent préférer que leur argent serve immédiatement plutôt que de dormir à la banque.»
  • Centraide, dont la mission est notamment d'aider les démunis, n'aide aucun de ces refuges.
Daniel Benoni

Tufts fraternities partner to maximize community impact and philanthropy - Jonathan M. ... - 0 views

  • Last month, Tufts Inter Fraternity Council, made up of representatives from all the fraternities on campus, launched a partnership with Tisch College to strengthen their capacity to have a positive and constructive impact on campus, in the local area, and in the global community.
  • As I worked on that and heard about the fundraising and volunteering that other fraternities were doing I started thinking about the impact we could have through collaboration
  • philanthropy summit for organizations to share fundraising resources and tips, and found that other fraternities were looking for ways to collaborate as well
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  • each of the ten fraternity chapters on campus agreed to sign on and to collaborate on a philanthropic endeavor this semester and in the future
  • all fraternities will collaborate philanthropically around an agreed upon theme, sharing resources and co-sponsoring fundraising events together
  • Because fraternities at Tufts are already so busy with their individual chapter philanthropic activities, it was initially challenging to get all the chapters to sign on
  • However, once everyone came to the understanding that this was not intended to be a burden but rather a supplement to their ongoing activities, things began to develop well.
  • ollaboration really has great potential for better utilizing our manpower to maximize the effect we can have
  • hopes the partnership will help change some of the stereotypes about fraternities.  “While the point of this project is to increase the philanthropic activity of chapters, it is also very much to improve recognition of the philanthropic work chapters have been doing for a while now,
  • reek chapters participate in or host multiple philanthropy events a semester and the campus doesn't always hear about them, so by bringing all of the chapters together it is hoped that awareness of fraternity charitable activity will increase.
  • that people often have misconceptions about fraternities and don’t hear about the good work fraternities do - even though that is the bulk of what they are about. “I actually came to Tufts partly because I thought it didn’t have a strong Greek presence, which was something I really wasn’t interested in,” he explained.  “But when I got here I found positive role models in upperclassmen fraternity members and I was particularly impressed with the goals of Delta Tau Delta.
    Partership between different fraternities and how they want to improve their brand image.
Daniel Benoni

Why your company should have a single email address - 0 views

  • Yet, when it comes to email management, most companies seems to adopt a somewhat broken posture: either they don’t advertise any public email or they advertise too many of them.
  • The right number of emails to be advertized by your company is ONE.
  • Fragmented communication issues were numerous and yet subtle. Here’s some anecdotal evidence: Sales team pitched a prospect with the usual 3min introductive verbatim, later to discover that the prospect was already very familiar with our technology, as the prospect was already one week into integrating with Lokad. As a result, the pitch was less than useful, and the sales team appeared clueless. (They were clueless.) Support team, not aware of the importance of a prospect, replied with a short email pointing toward our online documentation to a VIP (Very Important Prospect) who was basically asking for a direct call. Not only we missed a big opportunity to engage with a VIP, but we appeared somewhat carefree too (VIPs expect to be treated as such). A client with a technical question our billing, unsure of the proper contact, decided to separately email sales@, support@ and billing@. He got 3 distinct answers, triple effort for us, and one of them, poorly phrased, seemed to bring a different answer. We spend hours undoing the confusion afterward.
Daniel Benoni

Companies Adopt Gaming Techniques to Motivate Employees - - 0 views

  • Striving to make everyday business tasks more engaging, a growing number of firms, including International Business Machines Corp. and consulting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd., are incorporating elements of videogames into the workplace. They're deploying reward and competitive tactics commonly found in the gaming world to make tasks such as management training, data entry and brainstorming seem less like work. Employees receive points or badges for completing jobs or meeting time limits for assignments, for example. Companies also may use leaderboards, which let players view one another's scores, to encourage friendly competition and motivate performance, experts say. This "gamification" of the workplace, or "enterprise gamification" in tech-industry parlance, is a fast-growing business. Companies have used digital games for a number of years to help market products to consumers and build brand loyalty. What's emerging is using games to motivate their own employees.
  • Tech-industry research firm Gartner estimates that by 2014, some 70% of large companies will use the techniques for at least one business process. Market researcher M2 Research estimates revenue from gamification software, consulting and marketing will reach $938 million by 2014 from less than $100 million this year.
  • SAP even turned its gamification efforts into a game, holding a series of "Gamification Cups" to generate ideas for turning various business processes into games.
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  • 400,000 employees, roughly 40% of whom work from home or on the road, gaming is a way to help colleagues connect and stay engaged, explains Mr. Hamilton.
  • found that employees trained on video games learned more factual information, attained a higher skill level and retained information longer than workers who learned in less
  • Still, gaming experts say there are some pitfalls for companies when implementing games internally. Companies need to make sure that the games are designed to actually reward desired behaviors and are not just doling out meaningless awards or badges.
    Gamification Article
Daniel Benoni

The 5 Minute Guide To Cheap Startup Advertising - 0 views

  • trategy #1: Try to Get Permission
  • Strategy #2: Use Advertising to Test
  • Use advertising as a testing tool rather than a long-term stream of customers.
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  • use it for what it's best at: the ability to generate a slew of visitors very quickly, and to be turned off just as quickly.
  • With properly tracked conversions and an ad on Facebook
  • deal market for your applicati
  • another example, with AdWords you can learn in a hurry which keywords convert for you, and which don't
  • Option #1: Niche Advertising
  • Option #2: Google AdWords
  • Option #3: Facebook
  • 10-15 cent clicks under the right circumstances.
  • The key to low cost Facebook clicks is having a high click through rate (CTR). The key to a high CTR is a combination of a powerful image, an engaging headline, and laser-focused targeting.
  • Target your demographic information so tightly that you can write a headline that addresses them specifically.
  • Start the ads with a modest budget of, say, $5-10 per ad per day
  • But since you've chosen a small group of people, they will start to tune out the ad rather quickly. At this point your CTR will drop and your cost will climb. Pause the ad, and start over with new cities, new images or new headlines.
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