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The Australian Curriculum v4.2 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilit... - 3 views

    • Kirstie Willadsen
      This concept map in an example of what the teacher can use to create resources for students as well as a way students can demonstrate creatively their ideas and understanding of ICT.  This links directly to what foundation year students should be able to achieve by the end of the year found under the creating with ICT heading.  
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using tables, photos and sketches in planning documents English (ACELY1682) Science (ACSIS054) History (ACHHK078) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes Show examples Examples: editing text, images, audio, and video for presentations and story-telling; transforming data between numerical and graphical digital representation; applying editing strategies Mathematics (ACMMG091) English (ACELY1685) History (ACHHS071) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT effectively to record ideas, represent thinking and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using timeline software to plan processes; using concept mapping and brainstorming software to generate key ideas; using graphic and audio visual software to record ideas Mathematics (ACMNA123) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS086) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: manipulating and combining images, text, video and sound for presentations; creating podcasts; applying purposeful editing and refining processes Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELT1798) Science (ACSIS090) History (ACHHS106) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans Show examples Examples: sharing documents including text, graphics and numbers Mathematics (ACMNA189) English (ACELY1720) Science (ACSIS144) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions Show examples Examples: creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using spread sheets; managing and editing original source materials Mathematics (ACMNA187) English (ACELY1728) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS214) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions Show examples Examples: using software to create hyperlinks, tables and charts; using design and project planning software English (ACELY1751) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: modelling solutions in spread sheets, creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using databases; creating web pages for visually impaired users; using advanced functions to manage and edit digital products for desired effects Mathematics (ACMNA229) English (ACELT1773) Science (ACSIS203) History (ACHHS193)
  • or data representation/transformation for particular purposes
  • use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions
  • Generate ideas, plans and processes
  • Define and plan information searches
  • Examples: explaining why a source of digital information was used or trusted in preference to another Mathematics (ACMNA057) English (ACELA1793) History (ACHHS068) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Define and plan information searches use a range of ICT to identify and represent patterns in sets of information and to pose questions to guide searching for, or generating, further information Show examples Examples: using tables, charts and graphic organisers such as concept maps Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELY1704) History (ACHHS120) Science (ACSIS086) Locate, generate and access data and information locate, retrieve or generate information using search engines and simple search functions and classify information in meaningful ways Show examples Examples: searching and locating files within school directory; searching across web or within site; organising in folders, tables or databases, using simulations to generate and organise information on real world problems Mathematics (ACMSP145) English (ACELY1712) Science (ACSIS104) History (ACHHS101) Select and evaluate data and information assess the suitability of data or information using a range of appropriate given criteria Show examples Examples: selecting the most useful/reliable/relevant digital resource from a set of three or four alternatives Mathematics (ACMNA128) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS087) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Define and plan information searches use a range of ICT to analyse information in terms of implicit patterns and structures as a basis to plan an information search or generation Show examples Examples: using graphic organisers to plan a search with links to sources Mathematics (ACMNA174) English (ACELY1723) Science (ACSIS125) History (ACHHS208) Locate, generate and access data and information locate, retrieve or generate information using search facilities and organise information in meaningful ways Show examples Examples: searching within document – find/search/buttons/tabs; using search strings; accessing primary data through online or local equipment; using simulation tools to test hypotheses to problems Mathematics (ACMSP284) English (ACELY1723) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS208) Select and evaluate data and information assess the suitability of data or information using appropriate own criteria Show examples Examples: applying criteria developed for an enquiry or project; considering the adequacy of source of information English (ACELY1734) Science (ACSIS125) History (ACDSEH030) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Define and plan information searches select and use a range of ICT independently and collaboratively, analyse information to frame questions and plan search strategies or data generation Show examples Examples: using wikis or other shared documents; searching databases Science (ACSIS165) History (ACHHS168) Locate, generate and access data and information use advanced search tools and techniques or simulations and digital models to locate or generate precise data and information that supports the development of new understandings Show examples Examples: using logical statements such as true/false; searching within fields or for data type; using data logger equipment, digital microscope; using digital models to test and adjust hypotheses to problems Mathematics (ACMSP227) Science (ACSIS199) History (ACHHS186) Select and evaluate data and information <DIV class=elmark
  • use ICT to plan an information search or generation of information, recognising some pattern within the information,
  • locate, retrieve or generate information from a range of digital sources
  • Examples: editing text, images, audio, and video for presentations and story-telling; transforming data between numerical and graphical digital representation; applying editing strategies Mathematics (ACMMG091) English (ACELY1685) History (ACHHS071) Level 4 Typically by the end of Year 6, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use ICT effectively to record ideas, represent thinking and plan solutions Show examples Examples: using timeline software to plan processes; using concept mapping and brainstorming software to generate key ideas; using graphic and audio visual software to record ideas Mathematics (ACMNA123) English (ACELY1704) Science (ACSIS086) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks independently or collaboratively create and modify digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: manipulating and combining images, text, video and sound for presentations; creating podcasts; applying purposeful editing and refining processes Mathematics (ACMSP119) English (ACELT1798) Science (ACSIS090) History (ACHHS106) Level 5 Typically by the end of Year 8, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans Show examples Examples: sharing documents including text, graphics and numbers Mathematics (ACMNA189) English (ACELY1720) Science (ACSIS144) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks design and modify simple digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions Show examples Examples: creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using spread sheets; managing and editing original source materials Mathematics (ACMNA187) English (ACELY1728) Science (ACSIS129) History (ACHHS214) Level 6 Typically by the end of Year 10, students: Generate ideas, plans and processes select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions Show examples Examples: using software to create hyperlinks, tables and charts; using design and project planning software English (ACELY1751) Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes Show examples Examples: modelling solutions in spread sheets, creating movies, animations, websites and music; programming games; using databases; creating web pages for visually impaired users; using advanced functions to manage and edit digital products for desired effects Mathematics (ACMNA229) English (ACELT1773) Science (ACSIS203) History (ACHHS193)
  • create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes
  • use ICT to generate ideas and plan solutions
  • use appropriate ICT tools safely to share and exchange information with appropriate known audiences
  • understand that computer mediated communications are directed to an audience for a purpose

The Tail Wagging the Dog - Again! | Where 2 Now? - 6 views

  • Once this program has been implemented, how do we measure our success?
    • djplaner
      How will you measure the success of any attempt you make when integrating ICTs into your teaching?
    • Faeza ms
      Perhaps by reflecting on the way ICT has transformed the learning? In what ways has ICT integration improved the quality of the learning experience?
    • Matthew Clarke
      Going on the last comment, I guess it goes back to 1 of the Postman's theory, about there being two sides to a story. For every advantage there is always a cost involved. How do you measure the success of ICT and what is the cost involved?
    • Brooke Clark
      I believe that you have succeeded in incorporating ICT's in your pedagogy when students are able to achieve outcomes that they may have otherwise struggled to achieve and when the ICT component adds to the learning experience rather than deducts from it.  When you make ICT the tool rather than the lesson.
    • Sue Day
      well stated! I agree on the importance of the ICTs being the tool!
  • Will any student learning objectives have even been considered? Eventually, maybe. But not until after the die has been cast, defining the hardware and software parameters that will make up “the solution”.
    • djplaner
      This is the "technology tail" wagging the "education dog".  Technology first, learning second.
    • Teresa Morgan
      I'm confused by this statement. Shouldn't learning come first and then technology to enhance the learning? I might just have to go back over and read this section again from week 3.
    • djplaner
      "Tail wagging the dog" is meant to indicate that it is the wrong way around. In theory education should come first.
  • One would expect that any educational organisation whose primary purpose is the delivery of education, would have learning outcomes at the heart of any planning process considering the distribution of such a large allocation of money.
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  • Why can’t we build our school ICT infrastructure plans around the learning needs of students, and create a quality teaching environment and professional development program that supports these needs, rather than the other way around?
    • Matthew Clarke
      I'm a little confused? isn't this supposed to be what we are trying to do. If using the tool belt theory, aren't we meant to TEST, whether our ICT's are applicable and most appropriate?
    • sarah wittman
      hear hear for the last highlight in this article
    Another "EduDoggy" example. This time in the context of NSW schools and the Federal Government's recent "Digital Education Revolution".  This is only of interest to make the EduDoggy point and will be pointed to (maybe) during next week's content.
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    Another "EduDoggy" example. This time in the context of NSW schools and the Federal Government's recent "Digital Education Revolution".  This is only of interest to make the EduDoggy point and will be pointed to (maybe) during next week's content.
    Another "EduDoggy" example. This time in the context of NSW schools and the Federal Government's recent "Digital Education Revolution".  This is only of interest to make the EduDoggy point and will be pointed to (maybe) during next week's content.
    Another "EduDoggy" example. This time in the context of NSW schools and the Federal Government's recent "Digital Education Revolution".  This is only of interest to make the EduDoggy point and will be pointed to (maybe) during next week's content.
    Another "EduDoggy" example. This time in the context of NSW schools and the Federal Government's recent "Digital Education Revolution".  This is only of interest to make the EduDoggy point and will be pointed to (maybe) during next week's content.

Teachers: What's Your Motto in the Classroom? | Edutopia - 2 views

    The Week 2 activity in asked What's your pedagogy? got me thinking, I decided that building relationships with my students was extremely important to me. I agree with this article and Elena Aguilar shares a very similar pedagogy, her classroom is not just individual students, it's a community in which everyone belong
    Awesome question! I have a number of motto's but I think one stands tall amongst them all. We are all equal and put downs of course are not to be tolerated but I believe more focus on student fear of failure resulting in a lack of effort to succeed. There will be times in our career where we will witness students losing motivation due to ridicule from peers or even self-ridicule. More than once I have heard in a maths classroom a student admitting, "Oh I'm not good at maths", even when I can see that they are quite capable. Effectively the student is giving themself permission to fail. My moto is "THANKS FOR CORRECTING ME!" Too often students fear answering a questions in case they get it wrong, and some students will abuse others for their mistakes. It is a cultural attitude that is in the workplace as well as the classroom. If someone voices that they have discovered a mistake you have made, then that gives you the opportunity to correct yourself. If you cannot see the error, then it is an opportunity for them to teach you something new. It doesn't matter which way you look at it, mistakes should be celebrated as a collaborative learning opportunity, and as teachers we should encourage this. Olympic gold medal winner Adam Kreek talks about happy failure and emergence:

Games and Virtual Worlds | - 0 views

  • Computer-based games and virtual worlds provide opportunities for learners to be immersed in situations in which they can experience and get close to phenomena and processes
  • This immersion helps them develop tacit/implicit understanding and intuitions about such phenomena and processes as they think about choices, take action, and see the impact of their decisions in a meaningful context.
  • It is difficult to get the integration of games and learning right.
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  • Some of the best results in recent years have emerged from virtual worlds through thoughtful design of the learning environment that leveraged what we know about how children learn, especially in collaborative, technology-mediated spaces.
  • In the design perspective with the longest history, games have been viewed as conduits or vehicles for the delivery of curricular content
  • The research literature suggests three different perspectives on designing games for learning
  • Second, with the growing sophistication of game play and its rise in the general population, educators have looked for game elements or “game mechanics” that can be borrowed and transferred to educational settings to improve engagement
  • A third perspective on the role of games and virtual worlds in education is organic: looking for and exploiting curricular topics inherent in popular games
  • Virtual worlds are typically more focused on exploration than a specific game mechanic and they open up other possibilities for learning
  • Research on science learning in these multi-user immersive virtual environments (Barab, et al., 2010; Dede, 2009; Neulight et al., 2007) suggests that authentic designs and contextual narratives around science phenomena are not only engaging but also help learners acquire deep science inquiry skills and conceptual knowledge
    Article describing games and virtual worlds and their application to learning and teaching.

Rethinking the relationship between pedagogy, technology and learning in health and phy... - 2 views

  • What we saw instead was that DigiTech enabled teachers and students to do the same things faster and more efficiently, albeit after some teachers had invested time and effort in learning how to use different technologies.
  • We conclude this paper by drawing on Veletsianos (2016 Veletsianos, G. (2016). Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications. Edmonton: AU Press, Athabasca University.) to suggest that a focus on ‘emerging technologies’ and ‘emerging practices’ in digital learning could be a useful way forward. As Veletsianos (2016 Veletsianos, G. (2016). Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications. Edmonton: AU Press, Athabasca University.) argues, ‘emerging technologies’ and ‘emerging practices’ transcend disciplines and, moreover, what makes practice and technology emerging is not the technology, but rather the environments in which technologies and practices operate. Emerging technologies and practices, therefore, are foregrounded in the belief that technologies and practices shape and are shaped by sociocultural environments.
  • As Veletsianos (2016 Veletsianos, G. (2016). Emergence and innovation in digital learning: Foundations and applications. Edmonton: AU Press, Athabasca University.) argues, DigiTech is not yet established in education.
    Journal paper seeking to address two questions (1) how could a pedagogically driven approach to the use of DigiTech in health and physical education (HPE) benefit young people's learning and (2) what steps are required to develop new DigiTech pedagogies?

The Overselling of Ed Tech - Alfie Kohn - 2 views

  • y, my response to ed tech is “It depends.” And one key consideration on which it depends is the reason given for supporting it
    • djplaner
      'd sugest that "it depends" includes consideration of the "somewhere" in which it is being used. The class, the learners, the teacher(s), what is being learned..
  • But the rationale that I find most disturbing — despite, or perhaps because of, the fact that it’s rarely made explicit — is the idea that technology will increase our efficiency
    • djplaner
      And here's #2 of the "big three".
  • Other people, particularly politicians, defend technology on the grounds that it will keep our students “competitive in the global economy.”
    • djplaner
      The first of the "big three reason". As here, there are arguments aginst this particular reason, or at least for not having it drive the why (not) question
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  • We can’t answer the question “Is tech useful in schools?” until we’ve grappled with a deeper question: “What kinds of learning should be taking place in those schools?”
    • djplaner
      The "theory" method from the Why (not) framework can help inform this, but you do need to question your deeper assumptions about this question. Of course, the problem you face is that the "way things are done" impacts this greatly and can limit what you can question
  • Some people seem to be drawn to technology for its own sake — because it’s cool
    • djplaner
      Why "goodish practice" can be a problem. Often it's what is "cool" that attracts attention.
  • Despite corporate-style declarations about the benefits of “innovation” and “disruption,” new forms of technology in the classroom mesh quite comfortably with an old-school model that consists of pouring a bunch o’ facts into empty receptacles
    • djplaner
      i.e. horsey horseless carriage thinking
  • Far more common, in any case, are examples of technology that take for granted, and ultimately help to perpetuate, traditional teacher-centered instruction that consists mostly of memorizing facts and practicing skills
    • djplaner
      This is where we can have some argument. There is some value in doing this type of stuff as long as there is amplification going on AND it's part of a broader move from traditional forms of learning to different types of learning. I'm also troubled by the "one size fits all" approach to this. "Nothing works everywhere".
  • According to an article in Education Week, “a host of national and regional surveys suggest that teachers are far more likely to use tech to make their own jobs easier and to supplement traditional instructional strategies than to put students in control of their own learning.
    • djplaner
      This is a danger
    • djplaner
      There's nothing wrong with using ICT to make your job easier, but it shouldn't be the only thing you do with it
    Post reflecting on questions of why (not) and how around ICT and Pedagogy. Critiques a lot of what is currently done. Some annotations added to explicitly link with the course.
    Post reflecting on questions of why (not) and how around ICT and Pedagogy. Critiques a lot of what is currently done. Some annotations added to explicitly link with the course.

Technology In Early Childhood - 6 views

    This Assistant Teacher works in Kindergarten and is always on the look out for ways to integrate ICT into the children's learning and the kindergarten curriculum. I'm really looking forward to reading through her past and future blog posts, in the hope of getting some inspiration and ideas on how I can use ICT in the early childhood context. I hope this will also help other early childhood students in edc3100.

Technology in education: if students aren't worried, why are teachers? | Teacher Networ... - 2 views

  • Third, and most importantly, it requires us to shift the power of learning from the teacher to the student; to become the facilitator for learning rather than the deliverer of knowledge and in so doing, to let students lead their own learning. That is a very disturbing prospect for many educators – and parents – because it's all about relinquishing control and taking risks.
  • what each student needs to learn, when they need to learn it.
  • potential of students to learn independently and collaboratively.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • developing our students' capacities as discriminating, self-regulated learners in an open-source world.
    A blog about embracing digital technology in the classroom. Has some interesting comments about teacher attitudes to technology and new ways of learning. May be something to consider in reasons for using ICTs in the classroom

Application of the SAMR model | isupport - 4 views

  • These processes are ingrained and simple. The devices we use are all around us, they are ubiquitous and the outcomes obtainable.
    • djplaner
      In other words, the technology has become mythic (in the sense suggested by Postman's 5 things to know about technological change)
    • Leigh Campbell
      Does this imply that there will be a time where the subject ICT and pedagogy won't be necessary?
    • djplaner
      That Leigh, is a very good question. One we'll pick up on in coming weeks (if not before)
    • Teagan Childs
      Very good question Leigh!
    • djplaner
      In short, I think there will be a time when a course like ICT and Pedagogy won't be needed.
  • Dr Puentedura displayed this brilliant slide introducing the SAMR Ladder, and offered the following advice.
    • djplaner
      Click on the image below and read the "SAMR ladder".  These will be useful questions to ask yourself over the coming weeks.
  • What is it that you have always wanted to accomplish in terms of educational goals that you couldn’t accomplish before?
    • djplaner
      A reason to use ICTs in learning and teaching?
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  • Technology is used a lot but only in low level uses (ie Facebook, and Google search). If asked to perform a “complex” task such as creating a presentation or editing a photograph most teachers would come unstuck.
    • djplaner
      Does this apply to you? Has your studies given you an opportunity to move beyond?
    • Nicole Hunter
      I have used new software and packages during my uni course that I wouldn't have otherwise experienced. It is great to be pushed into that uncomfortable stage while learning a new program but the achievement feeling when you have worked it out is great and very rewarding. There is so much out there that could be used in the classroom but you need to seek it out!
    • Ali Meadows
      Until I started EDC3100 I wouldn't have considered myself a 'low level user'. I am however making progress. It is challenging at times since there are so many resources that can be applied. Without this course I would have been in the dark about the possibilities.
  • We know when we have achieved successful technology integration: it is when we use technology without even thinking about it.
    • Kate Dugdale
      I love this.  Successful technology integration is when it is just part of what we do.  Like postman's ecological thinking. 
  • as technology evolves we must evolve too
    A new reading for the week 3 learning path. Introduces the SAMR model and has some broader comments.
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    A new reading for the week 3 learning path. Introduces the SAMR model and has some broader comments.
    A new reading for the week 3 learning path. Introduces the SAMR model and has some broader comments.
    A new reading for the week 3 learning path. Introduces the SAMR model and has some broader comments.

SpeEdChange: Changing Gears 2012: rejecting the &quot;flip&quot; - 2 views

  • From the 1890s until World War II homework was consistently highly controversial, with laws against it (California 1901 among many others),
    • djplaner
      For me, this is an illustration of "technology becoming mythic". i.e. today, many parents/teachers assume homework is a given.  And yet 100 years ago there were laws against it.
  • omework is a link from school to home that keeps parents informed about what the school is teaching, gives them a chance to participate in their children's schooling, and helps to keep the schools accountable to parents. Not to assign homework is to exclude parents from playing an active role in their children's academic development."
    • Jackie Litwinczuk
      I hear this quote so often but I really believe if the parents want to be involved in the children's learning, they need to spend time in their child's learning environment.
    • Justene Webb
      Here, here, I so agree with you Jackie so often parents only find themselves in school to make a complaint or the like never have I seen a parent just wanting to spend time in their childs classroom just to see. It would be beneficial for all if there were time when this could happen.
    • djplaner
      Connections with parents is important. In fact, it's one of the AITSL professional standards. But I wonder why parents don't spend more time in their child's classroom? I'm sure there would be many parents (but perhaps not all) who want to be more involved with their child's education, but who can't for various reasons.  I wonder if we can make it easier for them to be involved?
    • djplaner
      Actually, entirely by accident I came across this post from Nicola's blog
  • Our students deserve more imaginative thinking than that. And all of our students deserve an educational environment which moves us toward equality of opportunity, not further away from that.
    • Justene Webb
      Equality is something that would be missed in a flipped classroom. With the cost of living increasing not all families are going to afford the technology that a flipped classroom requires students to have access to at home.
    • Colleen Lenehan
      Wouldn't lack of equality be bridged if the students who didn't have access to the internet went to school early or stayed back a bit later to listen to the videos. If there was supervision, what difference would it make being at school or at home for the video presentation?
    • Nicole Hunter
      I agree with a comment made above too, that maybe the school day needs to be re-arranged if a flipped classroom pedagogy is going to be introduced - give students time during normal school hours to watch the videos then have the classroom discussion
    A reading for week 5.

Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction - - 0 views

  • Research also shows that students often juggle homework and entertainment.
  • At Woodside, as elsewhere, students’ use of technology is not uniform. Mr. Reilly, the principal, says their choices tend to reflect their personalities.
  • The technology has created on campuses a new set of social types — not the thespian and the jock but the texter and gamer, Facebook addict and YouTube potato. “The technology amplifies whoever you are,” Mr. Reilly says.
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  • “Downtime is to the brain what sleep is to the body,” said Dr. Rich of Harvard Medical School. “But kids are in a constant mode of stimulation.”
  • “The headline is: bring back boredom,” added Dr. Rich, who last month gave a speech to the American Academy of Pediatrics entitled, “Finding Huck Finn: Reclaiming Childhood from the River of Electronic Screens.”
  • Dr. Rich said in an interview that he was not suggesting young people should toss out their devices, but rather that they embrace a more balanced approach to what he said were powerful tools necessary to compete and succeed in modern life.
  • “Today mixing music, tomorrow sound waves and physics,” he says. And he thinks the key is that they love not just the music but getting their hands on the technology. “We’re meeting them on their turf.”
  • Teachers at Woodside commonly blame technology for students’ struggles to concentrate, but they are divided over whether embracing computers is the right solution.
    A rather long but in-depth article about the double-edged sword of technology in schools. A very interesting read about teaching effective use of technology, and the importance of balance in our lives. 
1More - 0 views

    I am attracted to this blog as this teacher is currently working in Special Ed but had a varied background of experience prior to this. She is resourceful and believes in the ideology of sharing/ working collaboratively with the use of technology in teaching or in the classroom! :)

Using Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom - 7 views

  • Modern technologies are very powerful
  • rely on
  • human brain has a tremendous
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  • the preference for visually presented information.
  • bias for visually presented information.
  • The developing child requires the right combination of these experiences at the right times during development in order to develop optimally.
  • The technologies that benefit young children the greatest are those that are interactive and allow the child to develop their curiosity, problem solving and independent thinking skills.
  • Children are natural "manipulators" of the world
  • With television, they watch and do not control anything
  • cameras and tape recorders and video cameras in the classroom
  • children think differently than adults
  • Children need real-life experiences with real people to truly benefit from available technologies.
  • Children have to have an integrated and well-balanced set of experiences to help them grow into capable adults that can handle social-emotional interactions as well as develop their intellectual abilities.
  • What's important is when experience is provided and how it's mixed in with other crucial experiences.
  • Parents and teachers must act as facilitators in children's learning.
  • parents and teachers can take advantage of the interactive qualities of a computer to enhance the experiences available to children.
  • our task is to balance appropriate skill-development with technologies with the core principles and experiences necessary to raise healthy children
  • he key to making technologies healthy is to make sure that we use them to enhance or even expand our social interactions and our view of the world as opposed to using them to isolate and create an artificial world
  • as with all other tools, adults must protect children from misuse or inappropriate access.
  • struggle with
  • ontrolling access to content that may not be developmentally appropriate.
  • ccess to information that is developmentally appropriate is something that we need to be very concerned about
  • may think that buildings are blowing up all over the place and many planes crashed — rather than understanding that these multiple stories are actually from single events
  • word processor and they can hand in papers that are clean and neat and they can see how to spell words correctly
  • put them on a
  • simplest level,
  • ine motor
  • arge motor problem
  • heir handwriting is very immature and very slow and looks sloppy
    Using technology in the early years

Using Twitter in the Primary Classroom | Changing Horizons - 3 views

    An article reporting on the use of Twitter in a Year 2 class - their Twitter account Found this in response to a question from @kellyfrintzilas
    A slideshare introducing interesting ways to integrate Twitter into the classroom Added this on my twitter account @kellyfrintzilas
    A blog posting on using Twitter in a classroom. This has some great tips on how and why to use twitter in the classroom. Added this on my twitter account @kellyfrintzilas

Self-authored e-books: Expanding young children's literacy experiences and skills (full... - 2 views

  • PowerPoint is ideal for helping young children to make basic self-authored e-books.
  • helping early childhood professionals to engage young children in new literacy and language experiences.
  • multi-literacies, that self-authored books present an opportunity for early childhood professionals to develop a partnership between ICT and reading.
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  • By helping children self-author and produce e-books, early childhood professionals can make the use of computers more interactive and personal.
  • PowerPoint is ideal for helping young children to make basic self-authored e-books.
  • information and communication technology (ICT) is being viewed as another tool for early childhood professionals and children to use in this domain of learning in a way that can complement the more traditional provision of literacy experiences (Hills, 2010; Parett, Quesenberry &amp; Blum, 2010; Marks, 2007; Siraj-Blatchford &amp; Siraj-Blatchford, 2003).
  • Brown and Murray (2006) put it, children need to be able to use ICT so that they are adequately prepared for the future
    • Elke Arndell
      This can be included in play-based, co-constructed classrooms by incorporating the internet, digital camera, iPad. Communication can be a simple as a menu of pictures, looking at a picture to create a mask or sea creature, to photograph a collage item and add the photo to a construction book.
  • Western society has invested print-based media with significant authority, but notions about literacy are changing. As society and technology evolve, there is a shift to an acceptance of digital forms of literacy (Jewitt &amp; Kress, 2003). Increasingly, young children are exposed to communication tools and circumstances that are multimodal instead of solely linguistic (Hill, 2007
  • These multi-media forms of literacy include traditional forms of print and numbers, but also hypertext, symbols, photographs, animations, movies, DVDs, video, CD-ROMs and website environments (Luke, 1999; Walsh, 2008).
  • They explain a mode as a ‘regularised organised set of resources for meaning-making, including image, gaze, gesture, movement, music, speech and sound effect’ (p. 2).
  • Text now refers to multiple forms of communication including information on a digital screen, video, film and other media, oral speech, television, and works of art as well as print materials. Electronic texts in particular have become part of children’s everyday lives to the extent that before they commence school, a growing number of children have more experience with electronic texts than they do with books. It is important to recognise that print is now only one of several media which transmit messages in our culture (p. 156).
  • The reading of texts has traditionally focused on decoding–encoding print’s alphabetic codes. Texts children read today, however, might be a mixture of images and print, and the delivery might be interactive with mobile forms rather than just print fixed on a page (Walsh, 2008).
  • ICT as a tool for enriching the teaching and learning environment for young children.
  • Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework. In particular, Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators, has a section on how they can use ICTs to access information, explore ideas and represent their thinking (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR] for the Council of Australian Governments, 2009).
    • Elke Arndell
      Families and parents are still a child first teacher. Teachers acknowledge and respect that each child comes to a centre with varying degrees of prior knowledge.
  • Young children may have access to certain technologies as they were already present in their homes but this did not always mean that they were allowed and/or able to use these. O’Hara’s findings support the arguments made by Marsh (2004), Smith (2005) and others that young children already have an understanding of ICT knowledge and competences when they enter formal schooling as a consequence of differing levels of parental intervention and modelling along with being able to acquire their own new information, abilities and attitudes.
  • that to read and create multimodal texts, children do need to be able to combine traditional literacy practices with the comprehension, design and manipulation of various ‘modes of image, graphics, sound and movement with text’ (p. 108).
  • Walsh (2008) and Healy (2000), we are not suggesting abandoning practices centred on the traditions of print literacy but instead propose early childhood professionals include a range of texts for young children that expand beyond the current print traditions. Self-authored e-books are one way to accomplish this, as they can create a partnership between ICT and reading.
    Self authored e-books
    Self authored e-books

Teachers, Teaching and ICTs | infoDev - 2 views

  • ICTs are used in education in two general ways: to support existing ‘traditional’ pedagogical practices (teacher-centric, lecture-based, rote learning) as well as to enable more learner-centric, ‘constructivist’ learning models. Research from OECD countries suggests that both are useful, but that ICTs are most effective when they help to enable learner-centric pedagogies.
  • despite rhetoric that ICTs can enable new types of teaching and learning styles, for the most part they are being used to support traditional learning practices.
    • djplaner
      Experience in EDC3100 supports this. People tend to use ICT to enhance existing methods, rather than for transforming what they do. Especially in Assignment 3 (which is based on Professional Experience).
  • The existence of formal and informal communities of practice and peer networks can be important tools to support ICT in education initiatives and activities. Such support mechanisms can be facilitated through the use of ICTs.
    • djplaner
      This is one of the main reasons behind the push for you to create a Personal Learning Network. A PLN is a peer network that can be an important aid to your teaching.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Adequate time must be allowed for teachers to develop new skills, explore their integration into their existing teaching practices and curriculum, and undertake necessary additional lesson planning, if ICTs are to be used effectively
  • Effective teacher professional development should approximate the classroom environment as much as possible. "Hands-on" instruction on ICT use is necessary where ICT is deemed to be a vital component of the teaching and learning process. In addition, professional development activities should model effective practices and behaviors and encourage and support collaboration between teachers.
    • djplaner
      Is EDC3100 achieving this?
  • By providing access to updated and additional learning resources, ICTs can enable teacher self-learning in his/her subject area.
    A summary of work done by a World Bank supported group. Attempts to summarise what is known about the use of ICT in education -- original shared by Lisa Stewart
    what do we know about successful pedagogical strategies?

i'VE GOT A PET. - 4 views

    I thought I'd post this short movie. It's an example of ICT activities being done in a class I had my last practicum in. It is a simple activity that the teacher did, using ICTs that were readily availble.. The teacher takes a traditional printed text being used in guided reading (PM readers) and helps the students produce a digital text based on the language used in the original text. Students select images from google images and then use a digital camera to take photos or video, and manipulate the images using IWB software, to place themselves in the digital text. The images are uploaeded into Movie Maker where additonal text, ddialogue and sound are added. The finished artefact is then uploaded toYouTube so that it can be placed on the school website for sharing. The students and their families can view the new digital text at home. The movie is also presented at the school assembly. The teacher does ICT activities like this on a regular basis in English. If you google Tyalgum Public School and click on More News you can view other ICT activities the Kindergarten, Year , Year 2 class did. I think this type of ICT activity gives the students a sense of ownership of their learning.
    This is a great activity. Just emphasises how important it is that we know how to use all of these ICTs in the classroom because if we don't know them this activity could take a long time or ICTs wouldn't be used in such a great way. Out of interest how long did it take?

ICT in Early Childhood - 3 views

  • We don't want them sitting in front of a computer screen or a TV. They probably get enough of that at home. What they need at the centre is to run around, do something physical.
    • Ali Meadows
      I have had this argument so many times with many different directors. Part of education in the early years is to create a continuity between home life and their 'care' environment.
    This is a research article regarding pre-service educator training in integrating ICTs in Early Childhood Education.
    'It is also disconcerting that some children still do not have access to computers at home and therefore do not have the opportunity of developing the skills my grandson and other 'digitals in diapers' like him take for granted - skills such as using a mouse, finding letters and numerals on a keyboard or screen, typing letters, navigating websites, retrieving files, using pull-down menus, loading CDs and DVDs, uploading photos from a digital camera, using toolbars, saving files, printing documents and files, using drawing software and typing words (Zevenbergen & Logan, 2008, p. 42). Although some of these skills are used for playing games, this is still an impressive array of digital literacy skills, even more so when they have been acquired more through independent learning and experimentation than through an adult providing instruction.' On the above I would like to add that children should learn or use skills in order to play. Children learn through play and this is a concepts that underpins learning in the early years
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