Thanks for sharing. I think this fits with the RAT framework too. While it can be a Replacement of pencil and paper with the technology,
There is Amplification through sustainability- less paper being used, efficiency- in both the production as students are able to take photos and upload directly to the app, and in marking as the teacher is able to monitor student's progress, provide feedback at any time- students could be working on their book at home with the teacher providing feedback.
This app allows for Transformation through the numerous possibilities available to allow students to be creative, students who don't feel they are overly creative or artistic (like myself) don't have to rely purely on their drawing ability to create a story, they can also personalise stories with pictures of their own family or home environment. Student's can share the story with family and friends while the teacher still has access to mark and retain a copy. there is also the great advantage of student's not losing a work in progress! no breakfast or drink spilled all over a final copy ready to hand in.
Thanks again for sharing, I am blown away by what is available out there to use within the classroom!! up until the beginning of this semester I would have thought I was doing well to be using word or powerpoint in the early primary classroom!! Onlinestudymummy
No worries it looks great doesn't it and aligns really well. I saw something similar used on one of my placements with a Prep class, the students were really engaged and it enabled the teacher to have one on one with the students while allowing the students to work independently. There is so much out there just have to find it and build up resources which I guess happens over time and experience.
Thanks for sharing this information. I work as a teacher aide, and I support children through the use of iPad to create stories about their favourite animal.I had an opportunity to attend a professional development and was thought how to use the program.
Thank you for the share, I also work as a Teacher Aide in a special school setting. We currently create little books using powerpoint and contribute to the Tar Heel Reader webpage that was introduced to our school by Jane Farrell. I think this application would engage the students especially as this app has a visual feature that creates the illusion of a page that actually turns, the students will love this.
I have inserted the link to the Tar Heel Reader webpage for those who may like to view the extensive range of books that students have created.
Working in a kindergarten I love this app. We use it all the time with the children, taking pictures of their art work and then turning this into a book and recording their voice of what they had done or what they want to say. It is very easy to use and provides a great resource to encourage their creativity and develop their oral language.
I've seen a similar one called Kids Story Builder app. This one you've suggested looks more advanced. Could be good for my Literacy assignment! Thanks.
Thank you for sharing this resource! I loved the idea in the article of students writing their stories for their 1st grade buddies!! I also loved the idea of utilising a PowerPoint presentation in providing specific directions of the ins and outs of the Book Creator app. Recently I have come across a similar creative story writing program called StoryJumper if anyone is interested in checking it out.
I think this fits with the RAT framework too. While it can be a Replacement of pencil and paper with the technology,
There is Amplification through sustainability- less paper being used, efficiency- in both the production as students are able to take photos and upload directly to the app, and in marking as the teacher is able to monitor student's progress, provide feedback at any time- students could be working on their book at home with the teacher providing feedback.
This app allows for Transformation through the numerous possibilities available to allow students to be creative, students who don't feel they are overly creative or artistic (like myself) don't have to rely purely on their drawing ability to create a story, they can also personalise stories with pictures of their own family or home environment. Student's can share the story with family and friends while the teacher still has access to mark and retain a copy. there is also the great advantage of student's not losing a work in progress! no breakfast or drink spilled all over a final copy ready to hand in.
Thanks again for sharing, I am blown away by what is available out there to use within the classroom!! up until the beginning of this semester I would have thought I was doing well to be using word or powerpoint in the early primary classroom!!
Thanks for sharing
I have inserted the link to the Tar Heel Reader webpage for those who may like to view the extensive range of books that students have created.
Kind regards
Kind regards Levi
Recently I have come across a similar creative story writing program called StoryJumper if anyone is interested in checking it out.
Thanks again, Ashleigh