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Industry Insight: How Tech Is Changing Event Planning for Businesses - Eventsforce - 0 views

  • Smart technology is transforming the events industry, making planning easier and events more exciting
  • Organising an event is a logistical nightmare and one of the biggest developments is software to assist with tasks such as registration and email responses.
  • The second is around the collection and analysis of data.
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  • Real-time feedback is also changing the industry.
  • Event speakers, for example, can now receive real-time feedback from audiences, which means they are able to change the way the session is going
  • Knowing exactly who turned up at your event and what sessions they attended is something every event planner wants to know. The information helps figure out popular topics and sessions. It also helps profile attendees.
  • Another application of real-time technology tools are on-site apps
  • is a hugely exciting development.
  • Data capture tools – from event registration systems and RFID to online surveys and event apps – are helping organisations collect valuable information on their attendees which can be analysed to create more powerful and customised event experiences.
  • Event personalisation
  • ou can use the data in the system to collate a report on all the delegates attending a particular session at an event.
  • You may share this list with all the other delegates attending that session to facilitate networking opportunities that are relevant to them.
  • You can break it down by company type, interests and goals and share the list with your session speaker.
  • Looking to the future, Sirius is excited about the impact of drones on events.
  • “It’s going to be interesting to see how they will get used at events. Think about having the ability to track where people move in an exhibition area or trade show.  Or having the ability to broadcast live all the things happening on the show floor. It’s very exciting.”
    Technology is changing the overall event management experience making events more productive and fun. This article touches on things like advances in event organizing software, real-time feedback for speakers and data collection of attendees that can lead to personalizing activities throughout the event. I think most professional public speakers would say they already get real-time feedback from their audiences; no technology required. But for more novice speakers, that type of feedback would not only improve their session, but also help them hone their speaking and delivery skills more quickly allowing them to become better speakers faster. Personalizing an event to each attendee sounds pretty cool. Read the section about using the data collected during the registration process. It's interesting to think the data could be cross-referenced to bring delegates together for networking opportunities. Making important business contacts is a key reason people attend events.

8 technologies all event planners must embrace | Special Events Blog - 0 views

    • xsun015
      From this article, I know that there are some technologies we would be used as a event planner. Technologies will help you to make the event more successfully. During the event, Twitter will add more attended.
    This article introduces 8 technologies that an event planner should incorporate into the event planning & organizing strategies. Most event planners typically utilize things like a big screen for main stage events or PowerPoint projectors for every breakout session at their events. Those things are important, but they are just the tip of the iceberg for event planner technology. The author stated 3 technologies to use before the event and 5 technologies. Most of them are social media based applications that we are already having in our palm. It is quite simple, yet not many of us give a great thought about it when it comes to event planning.
    Bing, I agree with you on these 8 technologies... however when it comes to a hotel operations, to follow all 8 is challenging due to the nature of the business and limitations.
    Today technology is used for practically everything. Technology runs hand-in-hand with planning events, but technology can also be utilized during the event. This article shares how to use the presence of technology to keep the audience captivated by the speaker. One of the main things the speaker should do is stop with the handouts. Switching to PDF forms or online access allows for the speaker to be assured the papers will not be lost or misplaced by the attendees. Technology also is beneficial to the interaction with the speaker. The article advocates keeping the audiences attention by using an audience response system. This allows them to input answers and be interactive. There are also a few website based companies that allow you to do this through your smartphone. They also suggest using twitter with hashtags to ask questions to the speaker. The event uses specific hashtags for audience participation. To go even further they recommend to text the speaker with any question and can get an immediate response. The use of technology enables the speaker to utilize every possible tool to get the audience to pay attention and to retain the material. It makes sure no vital information or opportunities have gone without an explanation.
Scott Kane

Event Planning - Technology Solutions - Active Network Mobilizes - Successful Meetings - 1 views

  • At one customer's event in January, attendees earned points by using their mobile devices to check in at exhibitors' booths, take surveys, and participate in various networking events - all of which helped the attendees chart their progress during the event, Miller say
  • "There was a leaderboard that allowed them to see how they were doing compared to their friends, colleagues, and peers at the event, and see where they're positioned during the event and beyond it, throughout the year," he says. This also helped the show organizers and exhibitors track attendees' behavior.
  • the company thinks it will offer a service that the company has wanted to include in the mobile event app since it first launched: an efficient e-business card/contact exchange technology. While Active Network has explored the possibility for years, it felt that earlier technologies were not good enoug
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  • n one case, [at a conference education session], a number of people were saying that they weren't clear on a specific topic. We were able to send that speaker back out onto the stage to clarify that point
    Event management software firm Active Network has launched a new suite of mobile applications for meetings and events that is designed to encourage attendees to engage with meetings' goals and conferences' brands, while helping the executives running them to better and more efficiently respond to attendees' needs. While Active Network has explored the possibility for years, it felt that earlier technologies were not good enough - for example, Bluetooth requires a multi-step device pairing before the exchange, and would drain mobile batteries too fast, says Miller.
    An Event Management Software firm has launched mobile applications for specific meetings and events to encourage attendees to participate and review certain aspects of the specific event. The company has been in the mobile industry for a few years now and are working their way up the ladder with some pretty large events. The mobile apps the company offers are quite interesting and are a great way to keep the people attending the event involved. In a specific case during a presentation a guest speaker was not fully understood by some people and the attendees were able to review the speaker afterwards saying they didnt totally understand the technology of the app allowed the speaker to come back out and clarify themself. The company is certainly going in the right direction and offers great technological advances to a variety of different fields who host conferences and business events.

How technology is changing the way we plan and experience events - 4 views

  • Old models are falling away and technology is giving both planners and event participants an opportunity to grow and revisit the underlying ideas about how event spaces work.
  • Old models are falling away and technology is giving both planners and event participants an opportunity to grow and revisit the underlying ideas about how event spaces work.
  • planners can use the tech-augmented action to direct traffic to spots and programming that they want to emphasize.
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  • The ways attendees' expectations have changed is due largely to technology in the event space.
  • "The expectation for attendees is that they can be engaged. From the easy stuff — polling, contests, social curation — to environmental changes, such as how IBM has changed their product-demonstration approach at events, or a recent augmented-reality experience we created for UPS … to nuances like RFID tags that personalize digital signage, people expect to see themselves as part of an event."
  • With that as a given, now comes a newer drive on the planner's side: To place more control of events in their audience's hands.
  • She's talking about app and online tools that allow for text-to-screen and text-to-moderator communications, so that moderators have more control over what questions are being asked and who's asking them while on the podium.
  • "We started using apps for all of our events: No paper, no welcome book, no paper agendas — everything digital. That way no one has anything in their hands, which encourages them to interact."
  • "We use live polling at our events via social media. In our workshops, we tell people to tweet at the speaker or use a hashtag when they ask a question. That way the speaker can constantly receive and answer questions in real time."
  • already key to the personalized experience is the advent of beacon technology within the event space. In essence, beacons detect attendees' mobile devices and then push relevant information to those screens
  • "While GPS and geocaching are still popular for scavenger hunts, augmented reality has proven to be a huge step forward in location-based mixed-reality games for corporate team building," Shackman says, regarding how AR intersects with event activities.
  • From on-site wristbands that allow participants to capture moments and information — say you like a sample of a dish at a food event and the wristband can send the recipe to you — to BYOD opportunities surrounding devices such as Google Glass, we're at the front end of a potentially profound shift toward hands-free tech at events.
  • Mobile-app usage in the messaging and social-media space increased some 203% last year. Recently, this kind of functionality is "becoming geo-enabled," says Shackman, "which helps attendees enhance their experience based on their location at a given moment.
  • Old models are falling away and technology is giving both planners and event participants an opportunity to grow and revisit the underlying ideas about how event spaces work.
  • Using an app during the events, she says, makes everything more seamless.
  • Camera drones are becoming an incredible technology used in various industries, and the event space is one that will soon take full advantage.
  • Old models are falling away and technology is giving both planners and event participants an opportunity to grow and revisit the underlying ideas about how event spaces work.
  • "With this kind of technology, attendees can now ask unlimited questions, and moderators can quickly filter out ones that don't make sense or that disrupt the flow. Furthermore, because speakers can clearly see the questions being asked, they do not get lost among the noise of status updates."
  • "When anyone who has a Bluetooth-enabled device walks past the hotspot, it automatically triggers some sort of video, push notification or message. It's particularly great for welcome tables, so you can send a welcome message, or if you want to announce a retail opportunity, like a special product on sale, somewhere at your event."
  • "Instead of playing on a [map layout], you can walk around in the real world as you look at your screen. And you can do more than simply collect items: You can take over territory, collect virtual items and use them to become more influential."
  • Wearable tech
    Events and event planning are evolving into new, dynamic formats. Old models are falling away and technology is giving both planners and event participants an opportunity to grow and revisit the underlying ideas about how event spaces work. "It's been fascinating watching just how fast things have changed," said Brian Solis, principal at Altimeter Group, at a New York conference this year.
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    This articles shows the dramatic shift in technology for event planning. Customers' expectations are high; they want something interactive and fast. Audiences want to be engaged with the event and with technology such as wifi, mobile devices and tablets everyone can communicate in real time all at once. Social Media is also playing a big part in events. Not opnly can an organizer promote their event prior to it taking place but they can also communicate through social media during the event. As an event planner myself I can tell you how important this is. It has taken some time to adjust to this new time consuming demand but the payoff for the event is worth it. Some other trends mentioned in the article are: Data personalization, augmented reality on the floor, wearable technology, mobile apps and my personal favorite Drones. The Drone technology allows an event planner to see their event from a bird's eye view which allows them to know how the setup of traffic flow went, where they need to add attractions and/or vendors, what time was the busiest at the event and analyze why people are gravitating to certain locations of the event. It is also a great marketing tool; to show the entire event all at once is a great way to showcase the event.
    Technology is taking over all aspects of the hospitality world especially event planning. Not only does it change things for the event planner but for the attendees as well. One of the biggest changes with technology and event planning is having engaged attendees. Before attendees were thought of as very passive but now with technology it is easy to participate in contests and polls. Another big technology game changer is wearable tech. Attendees can wear wristbands that allow you to gather information about the event you are attending. Disney is a great example with wearable tech with the wristbands that connect everything including payments to your trip. As you can see tech and event planning has come a long way. Technology effects every step of the event planning processes including planning and post event.I feel this is just the start of options the technology world will provide for the hospitality industry.
    This article talks about the ways that technology is changing event planning and events themselves. Event attendees are now looking for more engaged experiences, rather than the old way of merely attending an event passively. Social media plays a huge role in how attendees interact with and even plan an event. Participants can interact with and engage with event speakers now more than ever, with participants sending questions to the speaker via social media or other technology that allows for the speaker to answer audience questions in real time. Data personalization allows for event attendees to receive information about the event, allowing them to be involved in the planning process and during the event itself, whether it's through Bluetooth or geofencing technology. Event attendees can take advantage of augmented reality technology to engage in activities. Wearable technology is becoming increasingly popular, as it allows attendees to get information quickly and easily without any real input on the attendee's part. Mobile apps are now becoming more commonplace for events, as it's easy, efficient, and convenient. Drone technology is now being used at events, whether to take pictures or to stream the event to people who could not attend.
    As the world has moved forward with technology, so to has the world of events and event planning. Planners are able to connect with the guests on a whole different level and events have the technology to be able to keep the attendees engaged and interacted. From flying drones to social media, technology has helped selling events a much easier process.
Ganna Gorbachuk

3 Ways to Help Your Speakers Help Your Hybrid Event - 0 views

    Hybrid meetings - meetings where some part of the event is broadcast to attendees tuning in remotely become more and more popular right now! There are few technical requirements for Skype conferences, video calls and so on which need to be done. First rule - try to communicate before the actual event, check up the sound, try to make a plan, what if smth fails. Second rule - less music and live video. People are using different devices to connect with you, so you cannot be sure everyone can get all the audial part of the presentation clearly. Third rule - speaker issues. We should remember speakers are not necessarily bringing the sound up to the listener just as you say it. There might be some glitches, the sound may delay, sometimes you need to check if the audience have heard everything clearly, or you need to repeat several things.
Ling Xiang

Recent technology trends in Event Management " Event Registration and Management Softwa... - 2 views

  • attendees can ask questions to the speaker via tweets or Facebook comments real time during an event.
  • FIFA World Cup
  • cool application that had been created especially for the World Cup that highlighted the real time schedule of the games and results as they took place. This event alerted us to the huge potential that has hardly been scratched.
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  • The drastic improvements in the Audio-Video equipments, staging and lighting instruments have made sure that you need to make your event stand out.
  • Technology has made sure that geographical impediments no more stop you from attending an event half way round the world. The webinars and live meetings are the newest venues for events the world over.
  • Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have completely altered the way we think about event promotion.
  • Recently – online registration for events has taken the center stage with a lot of small players like Eventzilla. 
  • Now the event attendees can ask questions to the speaker via tweets or Facebook comments real time during an event. With the world tweeting away night and day, there is no doubt that technology has changed our life completely
  • The barriers have been stomped down and the walls have fallen.   Technology has made sure that geographical impediments no more stop you from attending an event half way round the world. The webinars and live meetings are the newest venues for events the world over.
  • The drastic improvements in the Audio-Video equipments, staging and lighting instruments have made sure that you need to make your event stand out. No more can you pass off an event with just a great speaker. Even with the best of the content and ingredients, you need to upgrade the stage show to make sure that the attendees are left wonder struck.
  • The FIFA World Cup this year was a lot of fun for us. And we are not talking about football. Our excitement was because of this cool application that had been created especially for the World Cup that highlighted the real time schedule of the games and results as they took place. This event alerted us to the huge potential that has hardly been scratched.
  • has made sure that geographical impediments no more stop you from attending an event half way round the world. The webinars and live meetings are the newest venues for events the world over. Planners and
  • No more can you pass off an event with just a great speaker. Even with the best of the content and ingredients, you need to upgrade the
  • stage show to make sure that the attendees are left wonder struck.
  • The barriers have been stomped down and the walls have fallen.  Technology
  • Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have completely altered the way we think about event promotion.   Letters are antiquated and emails outdated. Nowadays, you ‘tweet’ and ‘poke’ your way around the events
  • Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have completely altered the way we think about event promotion.   Letters are antiquated and emails outdated. Nowadays, you ‘tweet’ and ‘poke’ your way around the events
  • With the advent of the iPhones, Androids and Blackberrys, smart phone applications have become the next-gen platform for event management. From charting an event to locating it on the map, you can do it all on your mobile. 
  • With the advent of the iPhones, Androids and Blackberrys, smart phone applications have become the next-gen platform for event management. From charting an event to locating it on the map, you can do it all on your mobile.
    The event today is not only between planner and organization; it's more like the communication and interaction among attendees. The technology assists the needs and expectation of attendees, which allows them to engage more during meetings and events. Besides, App or other online software facilitates attendees to get full knowledge of location, content and activity in one event. In addition, Audio-Video equipment mentioned in article also emphasized that lighting plays an important role to make one event stand out. In another words, creating great experience is definitely what technology is for.
    This article talks about how technology has changed the world completely, especially Event Management. For example, the FiFa world cup puts out cool application so people could know the highlight, real time schedule of the games and result. Some other example are the stage show, this drastic change improved in the Audio - video equipment, stage and lighting. Technology has change in Live Meeting. Live Meeting webinar and live meeting are use halfway around the world. Also, the Social Explosion like facebook and Twitter is the big thing around the world. Even the Mobile Application are used now in iPhones, Androids, and Blackberrys has become the next -gem platform for Event Management
    Now the event attendees can ask questions to the speaker via tweets or Facebook comments real time during an event. With the world tweeting away night and day, there is no doubt that technology has changed our life completely.

HNN - Hotel industry explores voice tech, smart speakers - 0 views

  • Through the smart speaker, guests can request information, such as hours of breakfast or for the fitness center, and they’ll receive an immediate “canned” response, he said. For other more specific requests, such as asking for more towels or for a late check out, the platform converts the request through a tablet, which triggers hotels staff to respond accordingly and complete the request.
  • Hotel companies have begun switching over some requests that would normally go to a concierge, such as restaurant recommendations, to voice-activated smart devices, while some have gone a step further and let guests control lights, shades and the HVAC system, said Victor Idrac, project coordinator at HTNG.
  • tness center, and they’ll receive an immediate “canned” response, he said. For other more specific requests, such as asking for more towels or for a late check out, the platform converts the request through a tablet, which triggers hotels staff to respond accordingly and complete the request.
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  • Through the smart speaker, guests can request information, such as hours of breakfast or for the fitness center, and they’ll receive an immediate “canned” response, he said. For other more specific requests, such as asking for more towels or for a late check out, the platform converts the request through a tablet, which triggers hotels staff to respond accordingly and complete the request.
  • fitness
  • many risks to accept and challenges to solve with new guest-facing technology.
  • “During the early adoption phase of any guest-facing technology, guest education is critical to utilization, experience and value,” he said. “Another equally important part is staff training, as implementation of voice-based solutions can impact the staff in a multitude of ways.”
  • Routine updates on the devices are a necessity, he said, and software updates should not only introduce new features but also fix any security bugs ore vulnerabilities that have come to light
  • Routine updates on the devices are a necessity, he said, and software updates should not only introduce new features but also fix any security bugs ore vulnerabilities that have come to ligh
  • The world is more and more connected to mobile devices, Pohl said
  • This technology will eventually be as commonplace as a television is in guestrooms, Idrac said.
  • Voice is one of the greatest emerging technologies of this decade, and hotel brands should get comfortable with this tech now, he said. Some brands that will come later to the game will need to listen to their customer base, he said
    This article discusses the never ending demand and growth of technology in the hospitality and tourism industry. The article specially discusses voice technology. Similar to the Amazon Alexa and Google Dot.  Many hotels across the United States have already implemented this technology into their guest rooms. According to the article, "it provides better tracking capability." Ron Phol SVP and COO of Best Western Hotel & Resorts.  A guest can put in a request through the voice technology and software is able to track the time it takes for a guest to receive a response back. This voice technology is still in its baby stages. So an extended amount of training and care is involved when introducing it to hotels, not only for the staff but also the guest.  There is also the concern of security breaches and down time that can slow down the day to day functions of a hotel.

Must-Know Event Technology Trends for 2020 | Social Tables - 3 views

  • In addition to speeding up registration time, incorporating RFID technology into events will help with both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, thereby making it easier for planners to target what worked during their event and what didn’t.
  • Though event apps are admittedly helpful, they now have a new hurdle to face. Producing an application to be used for one event is costly, time consuming, and inefficient, as users must learn how to interact with the app for each new event attended. Phone storage space is very important to consumers. Many are hesitant to download an application that they will only use once. Thus, event apps that can continue to deliver value to customers beyond the date of the event itself, are going to become a huge trend.
  • RFID also has the potential to allow attendees to become more engaged with the event across various social platforms.
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  • Menu options, travel directions, appointment updates, facial recognition software and contact information are just the beginning of the very real ways that event planners will soon be able to use wearable tech.
  • Event technology trends aside, the number one thing for any event professional to remember, is to let your tools work for you, rather than the other way around. The purpose of implementing advanced technology is to make your life, and the life of those whom you plan events for, as easy as possible.
  • 5G will also make it more feasible to incorporate the cutting-edge into event experiences.
  • Projection mapping is the act of creating an augmented reality experience with the help of projectors.
  • this visual technology proves to be an efficient and cost effective way to create optical illusions in nearly every location.
  • event technology adoption can increase attendance by 20%, increase productivity by 27%, and decrease costs by as much as 30%.
  • branded apps provide limitless opportunities to interact with consumers right on their own phones
  • Apps can be customized to appear as if they were created specifically for events or stays, while offering functionality that serves to enhance and personalize the attendee experience.
  • Planners can utilize branded multi-use apps to connect with attendees and engage them on a variety of levels before, during, and after the occasion.
  • Event spaces can create customized apps to enhance experiences and share things like helpful facts, historical tidbits, and even the personalities of their unique employees,
  • Because they’re often cloud-based, these programs also provide accurate, customizable, and collaborative project planning that’s accessible by all managing parties
  • With event diagramming software, both event planners and venues are able to map everything out visually
  • provides helpful tools like drag-and-drop diagramming, 3D walkthroughs, and seating software on a single platform.
  • Hotels especially can use apps in this way, allowing guests to control their rooms from their phones and even communicate with chatbots to find nearby attractions.
  • Projection mapping5GBranded multi-use appsEvent diagramming
  • It also opens up new possibilities for app developers to push the boundaries of current event tech trends
    • abroo041
      The world of technology is advancing every day. As technology grows and advances, so does its use in the events industry. This blog post discusses some of the technological advances that have made their debut in the events industry and how they can improve an event, how they help the event planner and venue, and even shows us examples of how they are used in real life. It gives statistics on how these technologies have benefit events. For example, when the blog post speaks about gamification, it mentions that "gamified events see a 44 percent increase in engagement". The post is not only suggesting to us that adding gamification is a good idea for future events, but it shows us how well gamification works.
  • Knowing event technology trends—and adopting the most valuable ones—gives planners and venues the competitive advantage
  • Studies show that using event technology can increase attendance by 20 percent and increase productivity by 27 percent. 
  • Each match automates personalized actions, such as printing a badge with the attendees name, sending an email with a scannable lunch voucher, and finalizing a swag bag for their ticket-tier (no sense creating swag bags for no-shows).
  • The technology speeds event check-ins, improves security, and helps businesses at tradeshows collect more valuable leads by tracking attendee visits to booths.
  • can also use facial recognition to watch for crowd flow bottlenecks and collect session attendance data so you know what worked—and what didn’t.
  • The ability to support advanced tech like facial recognition makes venues more attractive to corporate planners. The technology also allows automation at certain access points, which means lower manpower requirements and lower costs. 
  • Properly integrated apps add value to events, providing attendees with more opportunities for networking, interaction, and engagement with peers, speakers, and exhibitors.
  • Offering tech to support projection mapping provides bang for the buck. There’s no need to physically construct or deconstruct any part of your exhibit hall to add this fun, popular technology to your toolbox and draw more events. 
  • This visual technology is an efficient, cost-effective way to create optical illusions on anything—from cars to landmarks to stages.
  • With tradeshow or conference maps, speaker bios, and schedules in the event app, there’s no need for bulky information packets. Push notifications in the apps help keep attendees informed and on schedule. Planners can also use apps to personalize the event agenda through live polling and attract event sponsors with the option of targeted attendee surveys.  
  • Event spaces can create customized apps to share helpful info like maps, historical tidbits, and even the personalities of their unique employees
  • Easy-to-use 3D event diagramming software provides accurate, customizable, collaborative project planning regardless of venue design or size.
  • Give clients peace of mind and leave nothing to chance on the big dayUpload a floor plan to work with, so you know the diagram is to scaleTake clients and stakeholders on 3D ‘fly throughs’ to clarify your visionPlan seating charts and manage attendees’ meal choices or other preferencesHelp staff easily identify and accommodate VIPs and guests with special requests
  • Sales reps can collaborate with planners in real time, share variations on the event proposal, and visually portray upsells.
  • Attendees can use this tech to follow slide presentations, participate with quizzes and polls, take notes, and engage in text-based Q&A. They can also view graphs, tables, videos, and other content; and follow website and social media links. 
  • Any speaker can keep an audience attentive and engaged with this technology, leading to good reviews and a successful event.
  • Supporting second screen tech for presentations is much less expensive than making physical upgrades that aren’t in the budget. 
  • This data underscores the importance of social media sentiment analysis in monitoring your brand and messaging, keeping an eye on competitors, and making improvements to services during and after events.
  • Tracking attendee activity on social media during an event provides actionable data to help you make adjustments in real-time
  • Replenishing food and beveragesEasing show floor bottlenecksDriving session attendanceAddressing technology issues (mobile apps, Wi-Fi, or audio/visual)
  • Venues can social media sentiment to promote popular services and learn where there’s room for improvement:
  • Wristbands and smart badges using near-field communication (NFC) chips keep disruptions and lines to a minimum, thereby increasing attendee productivity and engagement.
  • Access different event areasExchange information with peersReceive exhibitor marketing materialMake cashless purchases
  • Wearable tech helps you speed-up check-in, control access, and monitor attendee behavior with less staffing. It also improves ROI for exhibitors, who can drive attendees wearing the tech to visit a booth of interest based on an individual’s profile.
  • On-site staff can use real-time data to learn when they need to offer overflow rooms or investigate security breaches, such as non-VIP guests in restricted areas. 
  • Indoor wayfinding helps attendees navigate exhibit halls with ease,
  • gather useful attendee behavioral data, send leads to sales team members in real-time, and build attendee profiles to send targeted messaging
  • You can also incorporate proximity advertising options as a value-add for exhibitors and sponsor
  • Post-event, you can utilize IPS data to see where attendees spent their time visiting booths and attending presentations.
  • Adding hotel bars, restaurants, spas, gift shops, and other amenities to the location map can help drive additional revenue during events while improving the attendee experience
  • store attendee admission information on their person, helping to detect fraud and streamline access
  • Attendees can review their travels throughout a tradeshow and see who they interacted with, while exhibitors are notified in real-time when sought-after prospects come into their booth.
  • Planners can generate pop-up directions for attendees based on their location at an event instead of investing in producing/shipping/replacing physical signage
  • validates your event and highlights improvement opportunities by tracking session popularity, length of attendee visits to exhibitor booths, and strong tradeshow traffic.  
  • RFID and beacon technology helps security and general event staff do their job better in real-time, which is essential for building trust and streamlining crowded events
  • event planners are turning to venue sourcing platforms to connect with the perfect site for their particular event.
  • discover detailed venue layouts, capacity ranges, and on-site services
  • Venue platforms offer exceptional ROI and generate more leads through improved discoverability.
  • Convey elements that make your venue uniqueShowcase your event spaces visually with accurate floor plans, 3D diagrams, quality photos, and videosLeverage the success of past events with testimonials and social media accolades
  • artificial intelligence (AI) tech is using badge scans, social media info, and other behavioral data to match attendees with people they should meet or seminars they may want to attend. 
  • Instead of taking-up significant time pre-event and on-site manually recommending seminars, exhibitors, and sponsors to attendees, AI can do it for you—even in real-time—based on their profiles and preferences captured during registration. 
  • it requires transparency and advance notice about how you may use data submitted by attendees. 
  • Attendees entering the geofenced area triggers predetermined actions, such as event check-in, push notifications, or advertising related to the event. 
  • Planners can sell geofencing to exhibitors and sponsors to reach attendees at events, or even promote their event on attendee devices at a competing event under a separate geofence. You can also provide attendees with a better experience via seamless registration and check-in, along with automatic app downloads as soon as they walk on-site.
  • provides analytics, both post-event and in real-time to help you better understand things like the duration of an attendee’s time at an event and overall peak attendance. 
  • Hotels can serve ads promoting their brand, facility, and services to attendees at events
  • once a prospect visits an event website, ads for that event will appear on any subsequent websites the prospect visits, in the form of website banner ads, search engine results, and pop-up or push ads on mobile apps. 
  • Event marketing teams should develop relevant and creative ads with clearly visible event dates to convince prospects who have visited an event website, but haven’t yet registered
  • venues can use it to generate return visits from event planners
  • retarget attendees during events with offers for in-house services like food and beverage, spa, and discounts on extending their stay.
  • Gameplay creates an immersive attendee experience, while generating leads and booth visits for exhibitors via quizzes, scavenger hunts, and trivia on mobile apps.
  • Gameplay fosters a sense of common purpose; creates an environment of collaboration and trust; facilitates easier communication; and boosts attendee confidence. You can also gather information about attendee engagement and interests via game choices.
  • Promoting the use of gameplay on-site showcases a venue to organizations looking for facilities supporting team building exercises as well as immersive attendee experiences.
  • Event technology is a term used to describe all of the digital tools and software used in the events industry. Everything from check in & registration, to diagramming, to social media tools, and more can be considered event technology.
    RFID, event applications, wearable technology, virtual reality, and social media are upcoming popular uses for event planners. With RFID event planners are able to keep better track of the guests attending the event as well as keeping them more involved. I first heard of this a few months ago when attending an event and it described that a chip with RFID was placed inside the wristband-type ticket. For me, the most interesting thing is the wearable technology! Imagine an event where you can have directions given to you or a layout of the event right on your wrist! Also, the watch can notify you of events happening within an event or you can see order your food or see the menu. To know that soon enough it will be a norm for everyone to have some type of wearable technology and that event planners can truly get the guests involved through this use is exciting.
  • ...2 more comments...
    This article discusses five major event technology trends. The first is RFID, which can assist in registration time but even more important is being used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. This kind of data acquisition is great because it allows for planners to analysis, study and understand what worked and didn't work for their events. The second is multi-use apps. These apps allow the event to incorporate important aspects like activities, scheduled break down, and speaker info all at once. Additionally these apps allow attendees to socialize with other participants, and expand their network. The other technologies are some that can definitely change the industry once they are fully integrated. These include: wearable technology, virtual reality, and social media.
    Nowadays the event planning becomes more and more popular. With the development of event planning, we have 5 event technology trends shaping the future of event planning. The first on is RFID-radio frequency identification. In addition to speeding up registration time, incorporating RFID technology into events will help with both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, thereby making it easier for planners to target what worked during their event and what didn't. In this way, it will be easier to foster repeat attendees. The second one is multi-use apps. It's easy to use apps to solve problems. event apps that can continue to deliver value to customers beyond the date of the event itself are going to become a huge trend. The third one is wearable technology. Like google glasses should be a trend in the future. Facial recognition and contact information make the event planning more easier. The fourth one is VR. VR is a great way to up attendee engagement during events. The last one is social media. Social media will be a really important trend. Social media is more than likely the way that investors and sponsors will advertise your event.
    This article introduces four new advances to technology that help ease the process of event planning. Projection mapping, 5G, Branded multi-use apps, and event diagramming.
    This article shares the technology innovation with meeting/convention operations and how these technology help offer better guest satisfaction.

Going livestream: How in-person summits have become virtual events - 0 views

    • yvenisem
      My thoughts exactly, there is a missing element
  • So how can a business possibly recreate that kind of experience online?
  • there’s been increased dependency on technology to help support business continuity
  • ...8 more annotations...
    • yvenisem
      I think the reason for this is that many people don't have the funds or time to travel long distances, but this format is much more accessible. Plus, it was free so that helps lol
  • adding that the online event had more than three times the usual number of registrations
    • yvenisem
      relates a lot to this week's discussion on relying on tech too much
  • (the virtual conference was free to attend this year, whereas it usually costs upwards of $1,000)
  • created 14 local events in various languages and time zones, with regional heads addressing their relevant markets.
    • yvenisem
      This is definitely much more accessible. This can also do well in terms of revenue for future events
  • switching to being an online speaker isn’t quite the same. “You don’t have the body language, you don’t have the eye contact,” she explained.
    • yvenisem
      This would be my main concerns in producing events. I feel like ther has to be a personal element to it instead of just looking at people through acomputer screen
  • vents organizers may be encouraged to film their speakers in a way that works better for a small-screen format, instead of the usual “dark room with a very small person,
    • yvenisem
      this could be a hybrid thing
  • “While online events might seem less permanent, there’s actually a much higher chance that any misdemeanors or breaches of copyright or online regulation will be captured or stored.”
    • yvenisem
      I never considered this, but this definitely has to be something to consider when in something like this
    One of the main reasons why I chose this article is because my industry is currently seein a huge shift in the way we do things that can either stay or have impressions in the industry after COVID. One of the main concerns when it came to in-person events going online is how we would be able to recreate the same experience. Several large events that see thousands of people had to convert to online platforms. For example, "in 2019, around 20,000 people attended SAP's Sapphire Now conference in Orlando". Imagine 20,000 people logging on to view the same same content an then some! In this case, the event saw larger audiences with "more than three times the usual number of registrations". Granted, the conference was free to attend this year. However, now that this conference was more accessible to people who in normal circumstance would be unable to attend due to time and fianancial constraints, it was a no-brainer that more people would attend. This bodes very well in terms of revenue for the future since if those extra 40,000 people enjoyed it, they would most likely be willing to pay for the service and consider the event and investment. I think the wider topic of the article is accessibility. Before technology, it was harder to bridge the gap between the haves and the have nots. Now that technology is becoming more accessible (in the first world), many are better able to see beneficial information. Not only that, but when considering the "14 local events in various languages and time zones", people are better able to cast wider nets. This article wasn't all good, however. One thing that many people have not adressed that I as an event professional am concerned about is the fact that going online is just not the same. A speaker said in an interview that it's harder to ready body language, which can impact how much a speaker is able to reach their audience. Another thing that has to be given intense consideration is the fact that there can be some legal ramifica

4 Options for Meetings & Events in the Wake of Coronavirus - 0 views

    COVID-19 has affected the way in which we interact with one another. Although it is uncertain as to when we can begin to have planned events, there are four options this article suggests to have meetings and event. These options are to go on with the show (with some changes), take your in-person event online, postpone your event, or cancel your event. -Planners must consider the crowd density, venue layout, the number of participants, and the age of attendees when making critical safety decisions. -Communication is key in virtual events - changes should be communicated with attendees, speakers, exhibitors and other stakeholders. Address their concerns. -Encourage your speakers to spruce up their presentations to make them more interactive in virtual meetings. -Postponing your event allows planners to continue to sell tickets and build hype around the event, and thus is less costly than outright canceling your event. -If you postpone the event you may see a decrease in event attendance (keep in mind costs) and you may have difficulty keeping the same venue/time. -Event cancellation insurance is insurance that protects event expenses and revenues against the risk of unforeseen circumstances beyond the planner's control and generally includes, cancellation, relocation, postponement, or abandonment.
Yingjie Cao

Cutting-Edge Audience Feedback - Meetings And Conventions - 0 views

  • Audience-response systems (ARS) have become more sophisticated and portable, allowing presenters to ask questions on the fly and attendees to get involved in a program's content.
  • You can use it for surveys and evaluations. You can use it to engage attendees. You can use it for gaming. You can collect valuable information that you can publish after the event. You can grab it all with one tool
  • Devices also can be individually assigned to attendees to count attendance for crediting purposes
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • the IML Connector has a more powerful microphone, eliminating the need for a fleet-footed helper to run the mike around the room. An extra feature is a speaker, allowing attendees to listen to simultaneous interpretation through the handset or headphones.  
  • No computer is needed when the devices are paired with the handheld base unit, called the Reply Solo, which gathers the answers and displays the results.
  • Each transmitter has a small LCD screen that indicates which answer the attendee has chosen.
  • As long as Wi-Fi is available, responses to Poll Everywhere surveys also can be sent in by laptops, iPads and iPod Touches. And answers can be tweeted and still come straight into the presenter's PowerPoint slides in seconds
    Technology absolutely plays important role to facilitate meetings and conference running smoothly. The Audience-response systems (ARS) ease the communication between attendees and speaker, which encourages the engagement from participants. As one big goal of meeting and convention is to bring people together and let them know each other, technology like ARS is essential for a successful meeting. According to most planners' experience, it's really annoying to pass around the microphone when somebody wants to ask question. The new microphone function is also added into ARS so that attendees can ask question without waiting for passing the microphone. In addition, ARS can track attendance for crediting purpose. As long as WiFi is available, surveys can be sent by laptops, iPads and iPod touches.
Alyssa Westmeyer

Freeman's AVT Event Technologies Introduces the Cumulus App for Meeting Planners - 0 views

  • a landmark mobile application (app) that allows meeting planners to create tailored event apps free of charge for their attendees
  • provide event attendees with convenient access to valuable event information from any Internet-connected smart device
  • quick and easy updates to content
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • advantage in their sales cycle
  • available at no cost
    Freeman AVT, a provider of integrated event marketing services, has created a fully customizable app that is available for free to any planner who uses Freeman's other services. The app is functional with the ability to add or remove session topis, speakers, multimedia material and includes technical support. This is a great benefit to any meeting planner who does not have the budget to pay a separate company to develop an app for a one-time event. It also allows planners earlier access to their attendees so they can increase revenues and attendance through marketing products within the app.
    Freeman AVT, a provider of integrated event marketing services, has created a fully customizable app that is available for free to any planner who uses Freeman's other services. The app is functional with the ability to add or remove session topis, speakers, multimedia material and includes technical support. This is a great benefit to any meeting planner who does not have the budget to pay a separate company to develop an app for a one-time event. It also allows planners earlier access to their attendees so they can increase revenues and attendance through marketing products within the app.

4 Ways to Leverage Virtual Event Design to Increase Engagement - 0 views

  • High production value — including quality event design — is incredibly important when it comes to matching live engagement online, which almost half of eventprofs struggle with when sourcing virtual tech.
  • it will be essential for planners to turn to hybrid formats and incorporate a virtual component to their live events for as long as restrictions and uncertainty exist (and probably even after).
  • Online events come with their own challenges, including engagement opportunities and pricing.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Use Backdrops to Support Cohesion
  • Use a Strong Visual Theme to Reinforce Your Narrative
  • Embed Speakers Within Dynamic Presentations
  • Create 3D Booth Visualizations
    Virtual events have become more and more common, and it will be essential for planers to turn to hybrid formats. The biggest two challenges of online events are engagement opportunities and pricing. By using backdrops, strong visual theme, embed speakers, and 3D booth visualizations can help planner improve their online events.
Gabriela Moreno

Pumping DOWN the Volume - 0 views

  • Meeting planners spend a fair amount of time and energy thinking about how an event space will look. But how many meeting or event planners think about how an event space will sound?
  • Unfortunately, many times an event space is overly loud, and a great deal of the audio communication “bandwidth” is no longer available. If the general “ambient noise” of a room is too loud, either because of an overzealous DJ or because there are 200 people in a very echoey small room, that means people have to shout instead of talk — and even then, it's difficult to hear or be heard. This of course hampers communication.
  • You certainly would not create an event space that had glaring bright lights in everyone’s eyes, nor would you ever have an all Day-Glo orange theme. That sort of “visual overload” would certainly be seen as unappealing, not to mention exhausting, and potentially even harmful. You would never think of doing such things to your attendees’ eyes. You should take care to not to overload their ears, either.
    This article describes the importance of managing sound during an event. It is much easier for a speaker to connect with their audience when they are able to comfortably and clearly speak their message. One of the mains draws for the event industry is it provides the opportunity for business leaders to network and commutate. The acoustic property of a venue space should be taken into account when planning an event but is unfortunately something that a number of managers overlook.  A space that is too loud or too echoed could significantly decrease guest's perception of an event.  Optimally performing sound systems and technicians are essential to creating a pleasurable experience for both guests and managers alike. 
Chenchen zheng

How Meetings Benefit From Today's Technology - Meetings And Conventions - 0 views

    The term "meetings technology" is broader than ever. This article listed some of meetings technology. . Mobile Apps There are two categories of mobile apps are particularly relevant to meetings. The first is "Meetings management apps". These often are free and provide planners the ability to tap into web-based meeting platforms from their mobile devices while on-site or in transit. The other one is "Meeting apps for attendees". Think of these as "electronic event programs plus." These event-specific apps may be downloaded by attendees, nearly always for free, and can include all of the speaker, scheduling, seminar, keynote and attendee information, along with exhibit floor maps, that might be found in a printed program. . Social Media for Events Social-media platforms now represent a common way to quickly interact with large numbers of people, meaning these are natural places for beginning a dialogue before a meeting or continuing to communicate afterward .Virtual/Hybrid Events The age of the hybrid event, in which some kind of virtual component is added to a physical event to engage off-site attendees.
Xue Yan

EventO: New Digital Management Tool for Corporate Events | BizBash - 0 views

  • TBA Global, an event marketing agency, has created EventO, a customizable platform to manage registration, promotion, networking, scheduling, social media, and follow-up for events of any size.
  • By consolidating everything in one site—which can be scaled for use on desktop systems, tablets, or mobile devices—the product is intended to be used by attendees before, during, and after an event.
  • We’ve made it flexible enough so it can work for any budget. We can do something like a simple informational site for as low as a couple hundred dollars," Busteed said. "The higher-end ones, where we manage all the content and video, can run as high as $250,000."
    The article introduces a new digital management tool for corporate events, which is called EventO. EventO is a platform that can help the venue managers, event planners and the customers, for it can help manage registration, promotion, networking, scheduling, social media and feedbacks. Furthermore, it can be used in different platforms, such as desktop, smartphones and tablets. It is convenient that people can get in touch with each other and know the meeting before it is actually held. During the event, EventO can also help register the guests and convey speakers' notes and presentations. After the event, people can get feedbacks and follow up with EventO. Regarding the cost, it can be varied based on its complexity.
Melissa Binns

ULTRA Luxury Exchange Hosts Inaugural Conference for the Industry's Leading T... - 0 views

  • The nation’s top luxury travel advisors and suppliers attended the first annual ULTRA Luxury Exchange (ULTRA) at Turnberry Isle Miami June 2-4, 2013.
  • “There is a true shift in affluent travel trends and this group has helped us define it at this exclusive event.”
  • Attendees also took part in moderated panel discussions titled, Capturing and Capitalizing on the Millennial Luxury Traveler,
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Throughout the three-day program, a common theme within each discussion and panel surrounded the growth of the millennial generation within the luxury travel industry.
  • The art of personalized customer service and authentic experiences, play an increasingly integral role within the luxury market.
    Here BusinessWire, via The National Post, discusses the Inaugural Conference for the travel industry's leading travel advisors. The conference was hosted by ULTRA Luxury Exchange, which is led by a staff of global travel industry experts with decades of experience in the luxury travel industry and event management. Behind the ULTRA Luxury Exchange, is Questex Hospitality + Travel who developed and curated the conference. Questex Hospitality + Travel is the world's largest multinational media, event and eCommerce company which serves the global and hospitality industry. The multi-day conference brought together the "greatest minds in the luxury travel advisor community," according to Ruthanne Terrero of Questex. New travel trends were discussed through key-note speakers, presentations and moderated panels. Topics included, "Capturing and Capitalizing on the Millenial Luxury Travel", "The Art of Customer Service", and "The Rising Trend for Butler Service in Luxury Hotels." The millenial generation was the main topic for discussion with a growth in buying power in the luxury travel industry. The privileged conference attendees will have exclusive access to the formal research presented in the conference to reference for the future.
Linfan Cai

Hospitality eBusiness Strategies, Inc. (HeBS) | - 0 views

    This is a full-service hotel internet marketing firm. The workers in this firm are responsible for hoteliers to take full advantage of the direct online channel. Customers could connect the hotel's main distribution channel by HeBS' websites. They could provide crucial advice, recommendations and solution for the hotel or travel company. The hotel Internet marketing experts could increase Internet presence and online business while capturing new valuable online markets by using all kinds of methodology and tools. The Internet-based business models and techonologies are achieved. The marketers could be the guests' speakers and presenters. Guests could preferably gain more distributions and informations about hotel events, conferences or tourism events. The hotel internet marketing firm is able to build the better joint.

How Smart Event Organizers Are Using Big Data to Create Better Events - Skift - 0 views

  • however, need more data than just how many people are coming to put on a relevant event for attendees and make money for conference producers.
  • gives her a more comprehensive overview of how her events are performing, benefiting her sales and marketing departments at the same time.
  • I can see, in real time, revenue numbers from a certain promotion on site, how many people have checked in. When you need something at your fingertips immediately, the data is always there at the time we need it.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • technology also integrates easily with Linkedin, MailChimp, and Salesforce among others.
  • Greenbook, using Bizzabo technology, limits the amount of data collected during the registration process to make it as simple
  • uses data to know which speaker to feature in his event’s e-marketing blasts.
  • turn users into advocates. When people purchase a ticket to an event, we incentivize them to share on social media
  • community of attendees
  • we need software for is marketing and running transactions, processing things that aren’t a conference pass
  • the Registrant Extract report, which he primarily uses for benchmarking to project how a conference will turn out, and the Abandon Registrations list. With that report, he said, “We email them, and send them a personal note
  • A sponsor would want to know the event ROI — what did their attendees learn, was it useful and do they have info to bring back and share with their colleagues? How many attendees were there, what job level are they, etc.,
  • evaluation post event asking for attendee feedback, rating each speaker, what they feel can be improved
  • It’s a lot more comprehensive than just tracking an event,” he said. “I also track payment history, how long they have been members, when they came to the conference in the past, if they attended a webinar and anything else they bought from me.”
  • Sometimes you don’t realize how much data is there.”
    The article discusses different ways that events can maximize the use of their data pre, during and post event. Using their registration software analytics, you should pay attention to which channels are most successful and monitor abandonments, which can be followed up on individually. Skipping a lengthy registration questionnaire at the beginning makes it easier for guests to sign up and then its recommended to follow up with an invitation to 'join the community' where you can dig deeper into their details and find out what they are really interested in. Utilizing a social component allows guests to promote different activities to each other and those not yet signed up. I think the most important take away from the article is to have software that can be compatible with other functions that are taking place around the event including payment, sponsor management, merchandise sales, early bird and walk up registrations. Having all of this data in one place allows an event organizer to analyze and share it with internal stakeholders on the sales and marketing teams but also sponsors that want detailed guest information to show the ROI on their sponsorship.

Shaping the Events Industry - THISDAYLIVE - 1 views

  • An industry that contributes conservatively over N100billion to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Nigeria annually and potentially has about N1trillion in turnover clearly needs to regulate itself.
  • This prompted the convener of Events Market Nigeria (EMN), Temitope Amodu, to bring all the players together such as wedding vendors, stakeholders, entrepreneurs, make-up artistes, DJs and event market enthusiasts among others who gathered for a day of networking, mentoring and discussions on pertinent issues about Nigeria’s ever growing event industry.
  • The 10th edition of the Event Market Nigeria Meet and Greet was the largest free gathering of participants in the event industry in recent times,
    • lvela051
      Have a free gathering of over 700 attendees.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • said a country that has a population for almost 200 million people and a reputation for an ostentatious culture, it is a no-brainer that the events industry is a rough diamond
    • lvela051
      None seem interested in such a profitable industry with potential.
  • to share industry related insights and emphasised the importance of collaboration as the new completion within the event cycle.
    • lvela051
      Collaboration is needed to create a successful event.
  • He noted that since people love events and have fun, they look for any excuse to throw a party (it is the only thing that can make people sane in a recession or in a volatile emerging market). Thus, it is a no-brainer to set up a business or be involved in any trade or activity that cashes in on this idiosyncrasy.
  • The recent growth in the events industry has contributed to the spontaneous growth in many business verticals e.g. event planning, venue, photography, food and many more services along this massive value chain.
    • lvela051
      All contributors in the success.
  • the hospitality industry has been a source of optimal returns for investors.
    • lvela051
      event management being a part of that industry.
  • The events industry has grown at an average pace of 6.2 per cent each year globally since 2003.
  • 7 million dollars was spent on parties in Lagos over a five months period in 2013.
  • Nigerian company or middle-class family spends over 15,000 dollars per event.
  • The goal is to create an ecosystem that allows growth and development to take place, one that identifies, creates and drives excellence within the youths and veterans of the event industry.
    • lvela051
      Main goal within the event industry.
  • It involves studying the brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching the event.
    • lvela051
      Event Management:
  • Basically, there are two types of events, namely; corporate and social events.
    • lvela051
      Its important to determine which events are mostly going to be catered too.
  • It is not a very organised industry; particularly because there is no specific legislation regulating this sector of the economy.
  • A common complaint from customers/clients of the industry is the issue of liability.
  • when disputes arise between a professional in the events industry and a client, there are no regulations on the applicable dispute resolution mechanisms
  • the industry is too fragmented.
  • Protect your business via written contracts, create a proper corporate structure for your business, adhere to the simple principles of corporate governance (e.g. have a board of directors or advisors etc), retain a good audit and tax firm to examine your books annually and make your business tax efficient, retain a legal partner to mitigate your legal risks. Run a business and not a hobby!”
    • lvela051
      Important to Protect the business legally.
    The focus of the article is to highlight how the event industry is becoming more popular among the hospitality industry in Nigeria. It mentions the Events Market Nigeria (EMN) group aims to provide a places that allows for growth and development within the event industry with the newcomers and experienced event planners. The event that was hosted by the EMN, provides free gathering that offer different speakers to offer advice and their experience to those attendees willing to listen. Throughout the article, it states that the country of Nigeria has a population of "almost $200 million people and a reputation for an ostentatious culture", which makes it a perfect place to invest in the event industry. Especially due to the fact that the industry is a source of a more favorable return on investment even though other sources in Nigeria are considered more attractive. What makes the event industry profitable, is the ability to venture with other businesses such as venues, catering, event planning and more. But with all the good, the article does point out the issues such as liability and the lack of rules that are set for the industry. I think that it's an important topic to consider because hotels are implementing a source of revenue with renting out meeting spaces and catering services to outside companies. With more and more events being planned, I think it's a great business to venture in. The ability to have an events department within a hotel or even a restaurant gives the establishment to produce more revenue within other departments. Such as a hotel, the planning of a meeting not only brings in the revenue of the space being rented but also to Food and Beverage with the catering aspect and the front desk with the rooms being occupied by the clients and attendees.
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