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Yue Li (3011472)

HFTP Begins Development of a Global Hospitality Accounting System Users Guide - 1 views

  • "We are the only global association dedicated to hospitality finance and technology
  • To create a global resource for the hospitality finance industry, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) has begun development on a global hospitality accounting system users guide.
  • The global guide will provide the industry with a comprehensive glossary of inventory terminology, charts of accounts and will benchmark common allocation for specific regions of the world. The project is planned as a three step process:
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • HFTP is working with members of several organizations including, EHL, HFTP's Research Institute at the University of Houston, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hospitality Professionals Association (HOSPA).
    To create a global resource for the hospitality finance industry, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals has begun development on a global hospitality accounting system users guide. HFTP is the only global association dedicated to hospitality finance and technology and our Global Board is investing heavily to create a benchmark that stakeholders can use to compile accounts, compare regional differences and define the value of a hospitality operation.
  • ...3 more comments...
    I agree that this will be a great resource for hospitality finance and technology professionals. I believe that the school doing the research should partner with industry focus groups as well.
    This article focuses on a global accounting system. Their trying to make a generic set up that is user friendly for people worldwide. People are working on this and we will see what it has to offer the hospitality community here in the future.
    This article speaks about a user guide that will "compile accounts, compare regional differences and define the value of a hospitality operation." To create this guide will take some time, and 3 steps must be performed. First the research needs to be conducted and gathered, secondly the collected data will be distributed to regional teams who will develop sample charts of accounts. Lastly, the team chairs will finalize the project by authoring a discussion on similarities or differences.
    This article was pretty brief, but it stated that Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals has begun development on a global hospitality accounting system users guide. This would create a global resource for the finance industry. Frank Wolfe, HFTP's CEO, says that the company is the only global association dedicated to hospitality finance and technology. They are hoping to create a benchmark that stakeholders can use to compile accounts, compare regional differences and define the value of a hospitality operation. What I found interesting about this article was that it greatly involved final year bachelor students at Ecole Hôtelière De Lausanne in Switzerland performing research for this project. I also think that a global hospitality accounting system users guide would be beneficial, especially since many managers/employees do not have the strongest training or skills in a financial or technical area.
    HFTP (Hospitality financial & technology professionals) begins developing a global hospitality accounting system users guide. This kind of users guide is totally new to the hospitality industry and currently there is no global resource like this. The global guide will provide the hospitality industry with a glossary of inventory terminology, accounting charts and other accounting-related information. This project is developed using technology that can provide users with a benchmark that stakeholders can use to compare regional differences and define the value of hospitality operation. This project is a three-step process. First, bachelor degree students from all over the world who are interested in this project will work as data collector. Second, the assembled and analyzed data will be processed into professionals in different regions all over the world to create new sample charts. Finally, the initial guide will be published in multiple languages and distributed globally. This new accounting system technology is predicted to help the hospitality industry increase the ability in financial management, accounting, cost control and the sharing of global accounting data sources.

Roche2016_Article_RecreationalDivingImpactsOnCor.pdf - 0 views

shared by marble_bird on 07 Jul 20 - No Cached
  • Recreational diving on coral reefs is an activity that has experienced rapidly growing levels of popularity and participation.
  • the potential role of dive impacts in contributing to coral reef damage is a concern at heavily dived locations. Management measures to address this issue increasingly include the introduction of programmes designed to encourage environmentally responsible practices within the dive industry.
  • Coral reefs are a threatened, but globally important ecosystem, providing key services to local communities such as coastal defence, sediment production, and fisheries benefits
  • ...45 more annotations...
  • The role of dive supervision was assessed by recording dive guide interventions underwater, and how this was affected by dive group size.
  • Over recent decades, tourism activities benefiting from the pleasing aesthetics and biodiversity of coral reefs, primarily SCUBA diving and snorkelling, have experienced rapidly increasing numbers of participants globally
  • We found evidence that the ability of dive guides to intervene and correct diver behaviour in the event of a reef contact decreases with larger diver group sizes. Divers from operators with high levels of compliance with the Green Fins programme exhibited significantly lower reef contact rates than those from dive operators with low levels of compliance.
  • Damage to corals on dived reefs often occurs as a result of skeletal breakage, particularly in branching species (Guzner et al. 2010;H a s l e ra n dO t t 2008). Tissue abrasion can also result from diver contact (Hawkins et al. 1999), and a recent study reported a higher incidence of coral disease in areas heavily used for recreational diving
  • It is possible that other diver characteristics such as qualification level or dive experience may affect the ability to respond to dive briefings, although several studies have failed to find a correlation between divers’ reef contact rates and experience
  • Due to the difficulties of effectively addressing global stressors, an emerging recommendation is the focus of coral reef management on local scales (e.g. Anthony et al. 2014). A frequent challenge facing managers and policy makers at local levels relates to the maximisation of tourism benefits whilst simultaneously reducing its environmental impacts
  • Alternatively, previous experience and possible affinity and attachment to a specific dive site may influence how closely divers follow pre-dive briefings and affect their behaviour underwater, as suggested by place attachment theory
  • The methodologies which have been developed to minimise the environmental impact of SCUBA diving on coral reefs can be summarised as follows: (1) managing or restricting diver numbers, (2) regulating the locations in which SCUBA diving activities occur, (3) regulating the types of equipment used, and 4) implementing programmes which seek to manage the methods used by the dive industry in providing their services. Restricting diver numbers is based on the concept of a reef dive site’s ‘carrying capacity’; a level beyond which diving impacts become readily apparent.
  • Restriction of SCUBA diving equipment has focused on banning the use of accessories believed to increase reef contacts within marine protected areas such as gloves, muck sticks, or underwater cameras; however, such regulations are often unpopular within the SCUBA diving community
  • Governments and reef managers seek evidence that the effort expended in implementing programmes translates into measurable benefits; however, research into the effectiveness of such programmes at influencing diver behaviour and reducing diving impacts is limited.
  • In this study, we focused on dive operators participating in the Green Fins diving programme at three major dive locations within the Philippines.
  • Nonetheless, levels of dive supervision underwater would intuitively appear to be linked to rates of reef contact, and when examined, the willingness of dive guides to intervene in correcting diver behaviour underwater has been found to significantly reduce diver contact rates
  • Malapascua Island, Moalboal, and Puerto Galera.
  • divers may have been aware that a Green Fins compliance assessment was taking place, but they were unaware that diver contacts with the reef were being specifically recorded. Green Fins environmental assessments and diver observations were conducted simultaneously.
  • Dive guides and guest divers from 44 dive operators participating in the Green Fins programme were followed
  • Diver characteristics with potential to influence underwater behaviour were categorised as the following factors: diver qualification level (three levels), dive experience (five levels), and previous number of dives at site (three levels).
  • Divers were assigned a unique diver number, and then followed and observed underwater for the entire duration of their dive.
  • If the overall group was very large such that the dive guide could not be seen from the rear of the group, the pair immediately behind the dive guide was selected.
  • Compliance with the Green Fins approach was determined by utilising diver contact rates and dive guide intervention rates as at the dependent variables of interest, and by defining dive operators according to those who had received a high score (above the median score) versus those with a low score (below the median score) on the most recent conducted Green Fins assessment
  • The part of the body or item of equipment making contact with the reef was recorded as follows: hand, fin, knee, camera, muck stick (a handheld stainless steel or aluminium rod approximately 30 cm in length) and equipment (e.g. tank, submersible pressure gauges, octopus regulator), and multiple (parts of the body and equipment simultaneously). The time during the dive at which the contact occurred was also recorded.
  • If observable damage (i.e. breakage, obvious physical damage, or injury) occurred as a result of the contact this was recorded, together with the apparent awareness of the diver to the contact, regardless of damage caused.
  • Contacts made with a camera (77.7 %) accounted for the highest proportion of contacts which resulted in damage, followed by contacts made with the knee (43.3 %), multiple body and equipment parts (38.2 %), equipment (30.7 %), fins (29.8 %), hands (24.7 %), and muck sticks (23.5 %).
  • A total of 100 SCUBA divers were observed at three diving locations within the Philippines (Table 1). The majority (72 %) of these divers were male, and diving experience ranged from those completing diving training to those who were instructors elsewhere with experience of hundreds of dives.
  • Following dive completion, divers that had been observed underwater were asked to complete a survey to determine diver characteristics.
  • Most contacts were made with fins (45.5 %, n = 261); however, hands (19.5 %, n = 112) and dive equipment (15.9 %, n = 91) were also major contributors to the total number of contacts
  • Interventions were defined as an event in which the dive guide intervened in diver behaviour through signalling or demonstrating correct behaviour in order to minimise or prevent contact with the reef.
  • A total of 81 interventions were observed (in comparison to 573 reef contacts—see Fig. 4 for the distribution of contacts and interventions);
  • Camera systems were carried by 55 % of divers; camera-wielding divers accounted for 52.7 % of the total contacts made with the reef. Of divers who utilised a camera, 35 % carried a non-specialist compact type and 20 % carried an SLR type within a specialist underwater housing.
  • Mean (±SE) dive time was 49.3 ± 0.42 min. A total of 573 diver contacts with the reef were recorded during all assessed dives.
  • The difference in the frequency of interventions was statistically significant (ANOVA, f = 4.81, P = 0.03)
  • although a significant portion (36 %) appeared unaware of the contact they made with the reef.
  • In addition to overall contact levels, some studies have also quantified reef contacts either as the mean number of contacts per diver over the duration of a dive or the diver contact rate per minute of dive time. The mean contact rates of 5.7 contacts per dive, or 0.12 contacts per min, which we observed at dive sites in the Philippines are lower than those previously reported
  • All divers observed within the present study were diving with operators participating to various degrees in the Green Fins environmentally responsible diving programme.
  • Identifying factors and policy measures which influence SCUBA diver behaviour underwater can help coral reef managers determine where to most effectively focus effort and funding with respect to dive management. In this study, we found that 88 % of the divers observed made at least one contact with the reef at some point
  • Divers who are more conservation aware and who contact the reef less may preferentially choose to dive with environmentally ‘accredited’ dive operators; indeed, this assumption partially drives dive operator participation in such programmes.
  • Underwater interventions by dive guides have been suggested to be the most successful deterrent to diver contact with reefs (Barker and Roberts 2004). In this study, there was no significant difference in the intervention rates between dive centres of high and low Green Fins compliance. Therefore, we cannot attribute the observed difference in diver reef contact rates to differences in intervention rates between these two groups.
  • Studies examining the effect of carrying camera equipment on the frequency of diver contacts with the reef have produced conflicting results.
  • Additionally, the administration of a pre-dive briefing can influence diver contact rates underwater (Medio et al. 1997). The Green Fins programme incorporates the use of a pre-dive briefing that emphasises the importance of refraining from contacting the reef, which would be expected to result in lower diver contact rates.
  • A concern amongst representatives of the diving industry is the use of muck sticks to manipulate animals unnecessarily—pushing animals out of holes for better viewing, stressing animals to show customers their stress behaviour (e.g. an octopus changing colour), and physically breaking hard coral to be used in photographs.
  • When examining the part of the body or dive equipment which made contact with the reef, we found that the majority of contacts were made with fins, in agreement with Krieger and Chadwick (2013) and Rouphael and Inglis (1998).
  • It has previously been noted that dive guides customarily perform different roles at dive locations globally; at some locations, they act primarily to lead the dive group around the reef, whilst at others, pairing with and closely supervising individual divers throughout the course of a dive
  • this suggests that dive guides carry out the closest supervision during the initial phase of the dive and then switch to a ‘dive leader’ role at the front of a dive group.
  • This study provides evidence that the effective implementation of environmentally responsible practices, via programmes designed to reduce diving impacts, may translate to reduced diver reef contacts.
  • Many diver characteristics which might intuitively be expected to impact reef contact rates, such as level of qualification and overall experience, were not significant influencing factors in this study, and high versus low levels of Green Fins compliance did not influence the number of interventions made by dive guides underwater.
  • For continued economic benefit and conservation of Philippine reef dive locations, we recommend that management measures facilitate high levels of compliance with environmentally responsible diving programmes to reduce the impact of diving on coral reefs.
    This article discusses a study performed at various diving locations in the Philippines to determine whether or not measures taken by Green Fin diving guides were effective in reducing contact with coral reef systems. The study also recorded the average number of contacts with the reef during a dive, as well as the equipment or body part which came into contact with the reef most often, and which actions resulted in the most damage. The study finds that adherence to Green Fin standards or other policies may significantly impact diver behaviors and reduce the level of contact with sensitive coral reefs during SCUBA dives.
Long Jin

HFTP developing hospitality accounting system users guide | Hotel Management - 0 views

  • To create a global resource for the hospitality finance industry, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals has begun development on a global hospitality accounting system users guide.
  • Our plan is to document how the industry is actually performing the process, as opposed to mandating a process."
    HFTP is short for Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals. It is working with members of several organizations, including EHL, HFTP's Research institute at the University of Houston, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hospitality Professionals Association. From the article, HFTP has start developing a global hospitality accounting system users guide. The global guide will provide the industry with a comprehensive glossary of inventory terminology, charts of accounts and will benchmark common allocation for specific regions of the world. The project is planned as a three-step process. 1. Final year bachelor students at Ecole Hoteliere De Lausanne (EHL) in Switzerland working on their Student Business Project are gathering data, surveying hotel operations and assembling terms of reference. 2. Once the data is assembled, it will be distributed to regional teams of industry professionals that are chaired by industry consultants. These teams will develop sample charts of accounts and common allocations for their specific areas. 3. The team chairs will finalize the project by authoring a discussion on similarities or differences of allocations. The initial guide will be published in English, with plans to distribute globally in multiple languages.
Lorena Collazos

HFTP Begins Development of a Global Hospitality Accounting System Users Guide - 1 views

  • To create a global resource for the hospitality finance industry, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP(R)) has begun development on a global hospitality accounting system users guide.
  • The global guide will provide the industry with a comprehensive glossary of inventory terminology, charts of accounts and will benchmark common allocation for specific regions of the world.
    HFTP (Hospitality Financial And Technology Professionals) have started developing a global hospitality user's guide. This is a three step process: 1) Students at Ecole Hotelierre De Lausanne in Switzerland are gathering data and surveying hotels and putting together words of reference; 2) Distribute assembled data to regional teams of industry professionals and then they will create sample charts; 3) Finalization of the project by authoring a discussion on similarities and differences of allocations. Initially the guide will be published in English, with other languages being published later on.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) are developing a global hospitality accounting system users guide. This a unique resource in that they plan to document how the industry is actually performing the process, as opposed to mandating a process. Students in Switzerland collect the data, it is then distributed to regional teams of industry professionals that are chaired by industry consultants. These teams will develop sample charts of accounts and common allocations for their specific areas, and lastly the team chairs will finalize the project by authoring a discussion on similarities or differences of allocations. The initial guide will be published in English, with plans to distribute globally in multiple languages.
    How are the students at Ecole Hotelierre De Lausanne in Switzerland surveying hotels; i.e. what methods are they using? A great idea in an increasingly globalized world economy.
    That's an excellent question! The article did not go into detail about how the students will survey the hotels, it just mentioned that they would collect data and survey hotels.
Yue Li (3011472)

HFTP Begins Development of a Global Hospitality Accounting System Users Guide - Yahoo! ... - 2 views

  • "Currently, there is not a global resource like this," said Frank Wolfe, CAE, HFTP's CEO.
  • The global guide will provide the industry with a comprehensive glossary of inventory terminology, charts of accounts and will benchmark common allocation for specific regions of the world. The project is planned as a three-step process:
  • HFTP is working with members of several organizations, including EHL, HFTP's Research Institute at the University of Houston, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hospitality Professionals Association (HOSPA).
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • To create a global resource for the hospitality finance industry, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) has begun development on a global hospitality accounting system users guide.
    This article talks about how the Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) are in the process of making a user guide for the global hospitality accounting system. This guide will include a glossary of inventory terminology and have charts that are allocated for specific regions of the world. The article also breaks down the process into three parts. First they are gathering data by surveying hotel operations and terms of reference. Next the data will be sent to regional teams of industry consultants. Then to finalize the project they will author a discussion on issues of allocations. I belive that this would be a definite benefit to some people that have to work with these systems. It allows them to really understand the information rather than just trying to figure it out.

The Concept of Comprehensive Tracking Software to Support Sustainable Tourism in Protec... - 0 views

shared by marble_bird on 25 May 20 - No Cached
  • Visitor management of protected areas [1–3] is supposed to keep the tourism intensity below the area limits while respecting the needs of the local economy and community as a multi-faceted goal of participative management [4]. It requires reliable, comprehensive, and detailed data about tourism intensity, including its impacts and practical methods and tools to exploit the data for the purpose of visitor management
  • Visitor management of protected areas [1–3] is supposed to keep the tourism intensity below the area limits while respecting the needs of the local economy and community as a multi-faceted goal of participative management [4]. It requires reliable, comprehensive, and detailed data about tourism intensity, including its impacts and practical methods and tools to exploit the data for the purpose of visitor management
  • At first, a literature review (Section 2) is conducted in the areas of tourism impacts, tourism sustainability , visitor management, tourism modelling and simulations, visitor monitoring and tracking, and the utilization of data about visitors. Specific attention is paid to the promising method of individual tracking, its variants, and the challenges related to its deployment.
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  • The LAC method [12,13], the carrying capacity [2,4,8,10,14–18], tourism sustainability indicators [8,10,19], or visitor management models [2,4,11] are some of the theoretical concepts and methods which the protected area visitor management may use to assess the effects of tourism and tourism infrastructure construction and maintenance.
  • isitor counts can be used to form a model reflecting the dynamics of the destination system, allowing visitor flow simulations
  • However, the quality of such models is critically dependent on the extent, quality, and readiness of the entry data [21]. The use of real-time data in models of destination systems is not common
  • Individual tracking methods are based on satellite positioning (e.g., The Global Positioning System known as GPS, or Galileo), active mobile positioning, Bluetooth positioning, Wi-Fi positioning, or indirect monitoring based on geocoded social media, or photo databases
  • Visitor management of a protected area requires tourism impact estimates depending on its intensity (step 1). Estimates of proportions of various visitor categories depending on days of the week, holidays, weather, or season, or other factors together with expert estimates of specific impacts of these categories of visitors are available
  • The use of visitor monitoring methods is a common part of visitor management practice, however, monitoring is often not implemented
  • systematically enough and data is often available with a significant delay (for example, from oine people counters installed in the terrain or when using data from mobile operators), making the assessment of the destination system state in real-time impossible
  • Correct and ecient data integration requires a systematic and consistent approach. However, a relevant methodology for the utilization of heterogeneous data is not available, which may be one of the reasons why comprehensive visitor monitoring is so rare.
  • the universally applicable concept of an intelligent tour guide for visitor tracking and for visitor characteristics acquisition are introduced in the results section of the manuscript. The ongoing experimental implementation of the proposed concept is mentioned, and relevant challenges are discussed at the end.
  • Gradually, five representatives and experts from protected area management, six destination organization experts, and four geopark experts were involved. None of the protected area experts involved in the research had any previous experience with systematic visitor data integration or with using the concept of the intelligent software tour guide.
  • The brainstorming and focus group were used to raise new ideas, and the Delphi method was used to reach a consensus when needed.
  • The knowledge gathered from experts served as an input for systems analysis, leading to the design of a computer program—an intelligent tour guide for each involved protected area. Namely, use cases, functional requirements, and other characteristics of the software were identified and discussed.
  • Because meaningful visitor flow and visitor impact modelling require suciently comprehensive and accurate data [21], systematic exploitation of all available relevant heterogeneous data about visitors (collected by a variety of methods, each with its specific limitations, e.g., visitor profiles, numbers of sold tickets, counts from sensors, space-time curves of individual visitors) is a recommended [36] and cost-e ective approach.
  • Thus, attention should be paid to the categorization of visitors, including their needs, motivations, limitations, and the resulting patterns of behavior. Such analysis may help to reveal which categories of visitors are desired, e.g., because of their positive impact on the local economy, and which should rather be discouraged from coming
  • The concept is meant to be generic enough to fit a variety of geographic areas (size, protected features of the local nature, local community , tourism intensity , division of roles in participative management between organizations, etc.)
  • The intelligent tour guide has to be:
  • Reliable, accessible, compatible.
  • Personalized.
  • Location-sensitive.
  • Destination-system-aware.
  • Interactive and collaborative.
  • Dialogue-wise.
  • Decently gamified.
  • Regarding human factors, the potential of individual visitor tracking to provide rich and valuable data may be hindered by the low motivation to participate [21,50,51]. Low participation may limit the usability of the resulting data and negatively a ect the e ects of possible attempts to influence the flow of visitors.
  • From the technical side, active mobile positioning provides spatially accurate data collected with a sucient sampling rate, for example, compared to passive localization data automatically recorded by mobile operators. However, still, the low satellite signal in rocks or under the canopy of a dense forest in combination with less-sensitive mobile devices may a ect the quality of the data and even the function of the tour guide.
  • Regarding the interpretation of the resulting data, the bias caused by the selection of participants and the willingness and fitness of members of di erent visitor groups has to be considered. Also, individual tracking may have an unintended influence on visitors’ movement and behavior [49], though the impact and resulting bias is usually acceptably low
  • Ethically and legally acceptable data collection may require the acquisition of informed consent from each participant.
  • An inadequate budget can lead to compromises, e.g., in the project management, analysis, or implementation, a ecting the compatibility, reliability, or usability of the program, or the quality and extent of the underlying model and the set of descriptive data.
  • Experimental verification of the individual tracking method, supplemented by visitors’ feelings and experiences by means of an intelligent tour guide operated in the context of a complex destination application, currently takes place in all involved areas. The application is being carefully designed in harmony with all recommended principles. Namely, a clear distinction is being made between the universal part of the application and area-specific models, configurations, deployment choices, or custom pieces of code.
  • The research team is looking for other possibilities of verifying the concept presented elsewhere in the Czech Republic and the world. Further research will reveal if the concept is truly generally applicable, as hypothesized, or not.
    This article covers the research behind and design of software implemented in the Czech Republic to monitor visitor activity in protected areas. The software is designed to act as a "tour guide" and keeps track of visitors through satellite positioning. The article discusses the process by which this software would be developed, rationale for its implementation, and consumer data that may be collected through this process that would benefit National Parks and other protected areas. Theoretical questions in regard to human interaction, privacy concerns, and effectiveness of the application in low-service areas are discussed. Though the application requires more research and strict attention to variables, its implementation worldwide could change how sustainable tourism is managed and would provide important information on consumer habits in protected areas.

Cybersecurity guide for the hospitality industry - Help Net Security - 1 views

  • A practical cybersecurity guide from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) can help hotel owners reduce the risks to a highly vulnerable and attractive target for hackers: the hotel property management system
  • allowing hotel owners to control and limit access to their PMS and protect guest privacy and payment card information.
  • According to a recent industry report, hospitality ranked third among industries compromised by cybersecurity breaches in 2019, and the industry suffered 13% of the total incidents.
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  • About two-thirds of these breaches were attacks on corporate servers, which often store guest information and communicate with on-site property management systems.
  • The design protects data moving within this environment, and it prevents user access to the various systems and services.
  • “Zero trust principles mean access is not granted to devices or user accounts based solely on their physical or network location or who owns them. Instead, authentication and authorization of both subject and device are required before users can access a network’s resources
    The National Institute of Standards and Technology created a practical cybersecurity guide to help hotel owners protect their PMS from hackers. Hotel owners can learn to protect the privacy of the data stored in their systems, which is highly vulnerable. The guide also advocates for the zero trust principle, which dictates that access to a system is never fully granted, but must be continually evaluated through authentication and authorization.
Camila Calcines

Hotel Denit introduces first virtual concierge in Barcelona - 0 views

  • exclusive, groundbreaking project in the hotel sector: Petit Denit, the new virtual concierge
  • hotel reception to create a small tourist guide tailored to each guest.
  • Each receipt printed generates its own URL, giving the guest online access to the information forever.
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  • The design of each receipt/guide is practical, original and can be adapted to mobile devices and tablets
  • Petit Denit virtual concierge service as many times as they want
  • has more than 200 references
  • adapting it to the hotel sector for the first time in our country.
    This article spotlights this new virtual concierge system that is used in the hotel sector. The Petit Denit virtual concierge service is located in the hotel reception and was initially an application used for the home and now was adapted to the hotel sector for the first time in Barcelona. The Petit Denit "allows the hotel reception to create a small tourist guide tailored to each guest." This a fast system that allows the hotel to print instantly a customized guide for each guest on all the tourist attractions in the city. I think this saves time and money for the hotel because you have a small machine doing the work of an individual. When the staff is busy, this allows the Petit Denit to do all the work and satisfy guests staying at the hotel. In addition, it's practical because the design can be adapted to mobile devices and tablets since we live in a world that is very technologically advanced and everyone is always on their smart devices. Finally, it's important that the hotel sector stays on top of every technological advance because there is a lot of competition.

Are travel guides still relevant? - 0 views

    "while the advent of the Internet and user-generated review sites such as TripAdvisor have largely usurped the role of printed travel guides, they're still important tools for many travelers and hotel marketing executives."
    I think this goes to prove that eTechnology is not necessarily taking over the hospitality industry. It mentions that travel guides are indeed relevant and mentions that peoples still read print travel guides.

NIST Offers Cybersecurity Guide Tailored to the Hospitality Industry - Homeland Securit... - 0 views

  • “Our practice guide documents how we enabled cybersecurity concepts such as zero trust architecture, moving target defense, tokenization of credit card data, and role-based authentication in a reference design that addresses cybersecurity and privacy risk
  • hospitality ranked third among industries compromised by cybersecurity breaches in 2019, and the industry suffered 13% of the total incidents
  • The design protects data moving within this environment, and it prevents user access to the various systems and services.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  •  zero trust architecture, a cybersecurity paradigm focused on resource protection. Its premise is that trust is never granted implicitly but must be continually evaluated.
  • authentication and authorization of both subject and device are required before users can access a network’s resources.
    This article is about the National Institute of Standards and Technology providing hotel owners in the hospitality industry a new practical cybersecurity guide, to reduce risks of high vulnerability that attracted target for hackers in areas such as hotel's PMS that is used to store guests' personal information and credit card data.
    Hospitality was ranked third in the top five industries to be comprised by cybersecurity breaches in 2019. Over half the breaches were attacks on on site property servers. NIST offers a guide to hotel owners to reduce risk of cyber attacks. Their guides addresses cyber and privacy risk on PMS. The PMS design protects data moving in the environment and prevents user access. Zero trust architecture requires authentication and authorization of both subject and device to access a network's resources.
Ruoxi Wang

[Update] Global Hospitality Accounting System Project - HFTP Connect - 0 views

  • ecognizing that operating hotels is a global industry, HFTP determined that there is not a globally accepted method that financial professionals, ownership structures, investors and benchmarking information services can use to support efficient operations. There is also not a globally accepted method to monitor investment performance from region to region without significant assumptions and data mining.
  • Currently, research is being conducted into current practices. This research will identify who is doing what in different parts of the world, with a view to establishing best practice and providing practical guidance for students, practitioners and professionals involved in the industry.
  • In order to create a global resource for the hospitality finance industry, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) began development on a global hospitality accounting system users guide this past March. Recognizing that operating hotels is a global industry, HFTP determined that there is not a globally accepted method that financial professionals, ownership structures, investors and benchmarking information services can use to support efficient operations. There is also not a globally accepted method to monitor investment performance from region to region without significant assumptions and data mining. HFTP’s Global Hospitality Accounting System Users Guide (GHASUG) will address this need. Where does the project stand right now? Currently, research is being conducted into current practices. This research will identify who is doing what in different parts of the world, with a view to establishing best practice and providing practical guidance for students, practitioners and professionals involved in the industry. The guidance will be formulated by industry experts, based on the research findings. To date HFTP has commitments from major information benchmarking companies, hotel corporations, hospitality associations and globally recognized hospitality schools around the world. Once completed, HFTP will make the outcome accessible online, together with analytical tools. It will be available at a minimal cost and users will have the capability to print versions if they desire. The hotel sector currently enjoys the benefits of an accounting structure developed in the USA specifically for the industry.  The Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry has been widely adopted, principally by US based operating companies, and linked to management contract terms.  HFTP has been involved in this project for many years and will continue to sponsor the 11th edition in support and via a monetary contribution.
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  • The Global Hospitality Accounting System Users Guide will provide for a wider community of information users, and demonstrate approaches to the production of alternative analysis of data for hotel performance measurement.
    In 01 Mar 12 someone share a article about the global hospitality accounting system. That article talks about how the Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP) are in the process of making a user guide for the global hospitality accounting system. This article is an update that publish recently. It shows where does the project stand right now and what is next for the project. However, the first part of phase one- covering the UK and continental Europe- is now well in progress.
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    It has been found by the Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals that a global hospitality system needs to be developed. They recognized that there is no globally accepted method that can be used to support an efficient operation. "There is also not a globally accepted method to monitor investment performance from region to region without significant assumptions and data mining." The hotel sector in the USA currently has in place an accounting structure, but based on this research that is going on comparison will be made of what is happening globally and they will devise some best practices for persons involved in the industry.
    Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals began to create a global hospitality accounting system for the hospitality finance industry. Currently, the research is being conducted into current practices. This will give a view to establishing best practice and providing practical guidance for students, practitioners and professionals involved in the industry. Once it is completed, it will provide for a wider community of information users, and demonstrate approaches to the production of alternative analysis of data for hotel performance measurement. Now, the first part is in well progress covering the UK and continental Europe. And the project will still take a further 12 months to complete.
    HFTP's Global Hospitality Accounting System Users Guide will set a global method for hospitality industry.   Recently, research is being conducted into current practices. This research will identify who is doing what in different parts of the world, with a view to establishing best practice and providing practical guidance for students, practitioners and professionals involved in the industry.
    Hospitality Financial and technology professionals was developing a global hospitality accounting system in the past year. Their fist step is to cover the UK and continental Europe. The second step is to do search about South and central America and cover them. The third step will begin for China and India, and the last two segments will be Russia and North America. This is quite a large program. If the program was completed, a globally accepted method that financial professional, ownership structure, investors and benchmarking information services can use to support  efficient operations will be formed, and a globally accepted method to monitor investment performance from region to region will also be formed.

Restaurant POS Software News and Trends - Business Guides & Articles - - 0 views

  • Keeping track of restaurant POS software news and trends is a good way for you to not only make the most of your existing restaurant POS system, but also to find ways to further streamline it.
  • Other trends that continue to be important within this industry are:1. Robust restaurant POS systems with plenty of options for restaurant owners to use.2. Upgradeable restaurant point of sale systems.3. Good value for the cost of the restaurant software.
  • Try: Mdtcs Blogs features information about Amigo POS software for restaurants
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  • Try: Strategic Technologies has a number of articles on its website to help you with your restaurant POS software.
  • Try: offers a complete listing of restaurant POS systems and add-ons available for purchase.
Diane Cacho

A Nifty Crowdsourced Apple iPhone App for Swiss Hotel School Students - 0 views

    This Article based on an Apple iPhone App for Swiss hotel Students is about how some 80 international students from IMI University Centre in Luzern collected data to create the world's first crowd-sourced student guide. The iPhone app is connected with Luzern Tourism, which contains its own tourism guide of the city. The app itself also collects many insider tips for the students who currently live in Switzerland. This Iphone App is free and is categorized in 7 different ways one is "Top Info" which is essential for all international students, "Top Rumors", "Why Luzern?" which explains the ten top reasons for why Luzern is the best place to study, "Do's and Don't's" explaining the things that are important to know about Swiss culture, "Education", "Food", and "Student Gems" which are special tips and selections of all students who participate at version 1.0.
Caroline Hardenbergh

The Smart Hotelier's Guide to 2013 Digital Marketing Budget Planning « HeBS I... - 0 views

    The Smart Hotelier's Guide to 2013 Digital Marketing Budget Planning
Adilen Alfonso

HFTP Begins Development of a Global Hospitality Accounting System Users Guide - Busines... - 1 views

  • our Global Board is investing heavily to create a benchmark that stakeholders can use to compile accounts, compare regional differences and define the value of a hospitality operation
  • will provide the industry with a comprehensive glossary of inventory terminology, charts of accounts and will benchmark common allocation for specific regions of the world
    Hospitality Finance and Technology Professionals (HFTP) is creating an accounting system users guide to create a global resource for the hospitality finance industry. This is going to be a great resource for companies to use as a benchmark when compiling accounts, comparing differences with competitors and defining the value of their operation. Although it will not be used as mandatory protocol that all companies must abide by, it is a great tool to use as guidance. It will consist of a glossary, accounting charts and provide examples.
    This article explains how the hospitality industry is taking their own twist on accounting. Similar to GAAP, the hospitality industry will use the Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals' (HFTP) global hospitality accounting system users guide. HFTP is a global professional association dedicated to financial and personal in the industry. It is implementing a benchmark that stakeholders can use to gather accounts, compare regional differences, and set the value of operations. It will have a glossary of inventory terminology, charts, and benchmark specific regions of the world. HFTP plans to create this in 3 steps. The first step is to gather bachelor students at Ecole Hoteliere De Laudanne to gather data from hotel operations and assemble the terms. The second step is to distribute the data to regional teams that will create sample charts of accounts for the local areas. The third step is to discuss similarities and differences in allocations. I think this great for the hotel industry because will have a common accounting principle to reference to. It will allow hotels to better be indexed and compared to one another.

Thomson ReutersVoice: How Technology Is Disrupting Accounting -- And Why The Industry M... - 1 views

  • It’s hard to believe the impact that technology has had on all of us, including the accounting profession.
  • Over the years, accounting firms got on board with websites, which allowed them to market differently and far more effectively. Personal client portals were introduced by Thomson Reuters in 2001, effectively eliminating geographic constraints for firms. With portals, they could serve clients 24x7, regardless of location, and communicate and collaborate far better than they could previously. The Web, mobile and social media have had an enormous impact on how firms can operate today. Social marketing has proven to be very effective in many firms. Audits have changed radically. Now they can be done online, with content also accessed online. We can research anywhere, anytime as well.
  • The next 20 years will see even more dramatic change for the profession. Artificial Intelligence (AI), cognitive computing/machine learning, natural language processing and blockchain are the hot topics today – of course, converging with big data.
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  • True business analytics will come into play – given the amount of data we’ll be able to collect and the machine assistance we’ll have – to put real meaning around the data and guidance for our business clients.
  • The concept of the continuous, real-time audit will come into play, and we’ll be assisted in our judgments – although the human element won’t entirely disappear. Fraud detection will be easier and far faster. Blockchain will move the auditor’s role away from having to check transaction data, and it will be used to test audit assertions as well.
    This article describes how technology will affect accounting system, and the reason to adapt new technology. The world has been dramatically changed over 20years. Paper was dominant back in 1990' but now most jobs are done by computer and Internet, and furthermore, the monthly fee for the Internet has been going down a lot. Everyone in the world enjoys the advantages of the Internet, and job efficiency increases. Especially, this article said technology will impact accounting profession a lot in the future. When we consider the current technology development in accounting area, the Web, mobile and social media have had a huge impact on company's operation. This article introduces that artificial intelligence(AI), cognitive computing/machine learning, natural language processing and blockchain will be adapted highly in next 20 years. For example, tax systems will guide us through the calculations and highlighting review section, and provide advice. A Huge amount of data will be collected and generate real meaning about the data and guide the business. Furthermore, continuous and real-time audit will be available. Fraud detection also will be faster and easier. As can be seen here, the profession will evolve very rapidly in next 20 years, which means it will be completely different from what we see today. This disruption challenges us to catch up with the fast pace of change but the potential of new technology provides opportunity, so adjustment for new pace is needed.

How your room-access bracelet might become a tracking device - 0 views

  • Since 2013, the travel industry has been replacing easy-to-lose room cards and cumbersome, old-fashioned keys with room-access wristbands.
  • These wearable room keys can be worn in the shower, pool and ocean, and won’t get lost at the bottom of your bag or dropped on the ground. Some can even be connected to your hotel account and your credit cards, so you can seamlessly make purchases during your trip. But because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the uses for these bracelets and wristbands have evolved. Some are now capable of tracking your whereabouts.
  • Room-access bracelets, which function with a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip, first made a splash in the tourism sector when Disney’s MagicBand appeared at the Florida theme parks in 2013. Taking the place of a visitor’s admittance ticket and FastPasses, MagicBands also allow parkgoers to make on-property purchases and enable keyless entry for resort guests.
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  • Wearables debuted on the open seas in 2014 when Royal Caribbean launched its Wow Bands. Three years later, Princess Cruises debuted its Ocean Medallion technology. This wireless gadget can be worn as a bracelet or discreet pendant necklace, and it enables contactless boarding, keyless stateroom entry and onboard payments for everything from drinks to purchases in shipboard shops.
  • Now, instead of just making it possible to keep an eye on your kids while they’re having fun at a watery splash zone, these devices are now capable of keeping tabs on travelers who are quarantined due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. As part of Kauai’s so-called “enhanced movement quarantine,” six resorts on the Hawaiian island use a mobile app paired with a wearable surveillance device to ensure guests comply with a mandatory 72-hour quarantine upon arrival. Some properties provide the bracelets for free, while others charge guests up to $100.
  • The British Virgin Islands also mandate that guests wear tracking bracelets. Arriving passengers, including residents and citizens, must take a COVID-19 test at the airport and use a contact-tracing system on their phones linked to a government-issued wristband during a four-day quarantine before being tested again. The two required tests, the mobile contact tracing app and monitoring bracelet are provided at the visitor’s expense, costing approximately $175.
  • There are also environmental concerns. Most properties don’t reuse the bracelets. Chapur, of Le Blanc, said their beachfront resort uses plastic-free vinyl wristbands, but they still generate more waste than a keycard, which can be reprogrammed.
  • With more travel providers (and entire nations) turning to wearable technology in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 amongst travelers, we’ll likely see new innovations in the wearable space. A single device could become your room key card, a quarantine monitor, theme park pass and mobile payment device. It could even use biotechnology to monitor your health, like the buttons deployed by the Cayman Islands to help travelers enjoy a reduced quarantine period. But hopefully, these wearable devices will become increasingly comfortable, eco-friendly and more discreet, so guests and travelers aren’t easily singled out — and aren’t deterred from using the technology in future applications.
    This article explains how devices like Disney's MagicBand technology might become a tracking device during your vacation.

RCCL, Carnival Corp. CEOs offer a glimpse of return to sea: Travel Weekly - 0 views

    Carnival's and Royal Caribbean's CEOs agree that cruising will resume when "society decides it's ready for social gathering." They emphasized that the decision to resume cruises is not theirs alone, but will be guided by the CDC and other regulatory groups across the globe. Initially, they believe that shorter sailings will probably drive the markets. They stressed that that can and will establish screening and hygiene protocols but will be guided, once again, by the authorities in charge, as well as, by the people who actually do the traveling. In other words, when the people decide that the likelihood of contracting the virus has been mitigated and only poses a reasonable risk, then they will be more likely to resume traveling.

Event Technology: The 2019 Guide - 0 views

  • Event technology is any digital tool that helps planners complete tasks pertaining to their work as event organizers. Types of event technology include but are not limited to event marketing software, event management software and mobile event apps.
  • Before event technology, hosting an event was a very manual process. Attendee lists needed to be drafted contact by contact in Excel or on-paper.
  • Today, event marketers have a complex array of technologies to choose from. Everything from marketing to ticket sales to data collection can easily be added to an organized event tech stack.
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  • Things like building websites, increasing event registrations, and email promotion are all made possible thanks to event technology.
  • While some event tools require manual data entry, others might automatically capture information for you. Some tools might perform competing tasks while other might actually work better together.
  • consider your business goals
  • Venue sourcing tools are any event technology program that allows event planners to search, browse, and filter through venue options
  • There are many tools for finding event venues and spaces but here are some options to consider:
  • EventUP allows organizers to directly message venue owners. They have a wide selection ranging from corporate event venues to private dinner party spaces.
  • Your event website is an important digital portal for prospects and attendees to get acquainted with your upcoming affair. Important details, registration and ticketing options, and additional marketing materials are all located here. These tools help you create this important piece of your event puzzle.
  • Tools for event registration offer users different ways to increase and facilitate attendee conversions. Some event registration tools specialize specifically in event registration but can integrate with other event technologies.
  • Event agenda tools help attendees learn about, select, customize and navigate their activities during your event.
  • If you want to drive people to your event, you will need a strong event promotion strategy. It also helps to have the help of event technology that was built just for this purpose.
  • email list segmentation and social media leveraging that turns attendees into brand ambassadors.
  • Getting feedback from event stakeholders is made possible with the help of live event surveys and polls.
  • Software integrations are what ultimately create a seamless workflow for your event planning process. There are three main types: open API integrations, native integrations, and third-party integrations.
  • s the competition within the event technology industry has grown, so too has the importance of providing easy to use tools for event marketers.
  • event ROI (51% according to the 2018 Event Marketing Benchmarks and Trends Report). This means that working towards event ROI clarity is a high priority task for many planners.
  • In addition to increasing labor productivity by 40%, organizers will be able to use artificial intelligence to efficiently allocate and spend their time.
  • Choose wisely.
  • Consider market trends
  • Sort through the noise.
    Event Technology is constantly being innovated in order to keep up with current market trends. AI is now becoming a future trend in event management software but with so many new technologies for events out there it becomes critical to keep up with also considering ROI. User-friendliness for example reflects both the consumer and the event company. When deciding a new product it is important to consider all the strengths and weaknesses of the product.
Paige Wuensch

What else? Air France, Syntec, Egencia, AirPlus, Momondo, RedSpottedHanky | Tnooz - 0 views

    • Paige Wuensch
      An interesting addition to amenities!
  • Air France has developed free mobile flight alerts in eight languages as well as personalised accounts via its website.
  • enables travellers to store personal information such as seat and meal preferences in a secure area.
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  • Travel search site Momondo has launched online city guides which are colour-coded according to the purpose of the travel.
  • The Egencia Business Traveller Survey reveals 59% of corporate travellers want hotels to offer MP3/mobile phone/computer chargers as standard amenities,
  • Once again, Masabi is working behind the scenes to provide the technology to allow passengers to buy tickets, search train times and earn loyalty points
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