When asked what eCommerce websites need to succeed in 2013 and beyond, Tallya
offered a few useful tips. “First, it is important that eCommerce store owners
are not only looking at next year, but also looking 5-10 years down the line.
Keep abreast of events and developments in both the technology and business
sectors so that your site can continually grow and adapt. Second, my
observations show that the one thing that customers want more than anything else
is personalization. As much as customers appreciate the convenience and lower
prices of online shopping, they sometimes miss the personal experience of a
brick and mortar store. To overcome this, make sure your online store is as
personal and interactive as possible. This means have a good “contact us” page
that makes you seem accessible, and, even better, have a live chat option to
show your customers that there is a real person who is there for them.