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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Megan Black


TwistedWave, an Audio Editor - 16 views

    Record and Share Audio files. Like Audacity and Garage Band in the cloud with sync to Google Drive.

Recite - 9 views

    Turn a quote into a masterpiece. Lots of templates

Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling « Aerogramme Writers' Studio - 17 views

    Great rules for Digital Storytelling and working through writer's block or with reluctant writers. 

Eminent Tech: A Geek's Paradise - 18 views

    A symbaloo of STEM Resources and some random thoughts. 

BlogBooker - Blog Book - 20 views

    BlogBooker is a free site that turns your blog into a PDF book from all the blog's entries and comments. It works with WordPress, LiveJournal and Blogger blogs. It is very simple. You export your blog (slightly different process for each blog service - BlogBooker has instructions for you) and then upload it to BlogBooker. It then assembles everything into a high-quality PDF file. This can take a few minutes or longer depending on the size of your blog. This is a great way to print your BlogBook or make an archive/backup of the blog. It could also be useful for students and educators as a way to save a blog as a portfolio item.

MaryFran's Google Docs Tutorials - 39 views

    Very Comprehensive site full of useful tutorials on all things Google Docs. 

MIT Visualizing Cultures - 6 views

    "Visualizing Cultures was launched at MIT in 2002 to explore the potential of the Web for developing innovative image-driven scholarship and learning. The VC mission is to use new technology and hitherto inaccessible visual materials to reconstruct the past as people of the time visualized the world (or imagined it to be). Topical units to date focus on Japan in the modern world and early-modern China. The thrust of these explorations extends beyond Asia per se, however, to address "culture" in much broader ways-cultures of modernization, war and peace, consumerism, images of "Self" and "Others," and so on."

The Participation Culture | Air Mozilla - 4 views

    Mozilla's Pascal Finette explains how the rising culture of participation combined with technology and power of networks will instigate the most fundamental change in human history. Recorded live at TEDxOrangeCoast

iBooks Author Essential Training | Video Tutorial from - 12 views

    "In this course, author and educator Chris Mattia demonstrates how to use the Apple iBooks Author application to create and publish your own iBook, without extensive design or publishing experience." Very Comprehensive. You can follow the course step by step or you can use the table of contents to skip to the specific skill you want.  There are video screen casts for everything. 

Lucky Pilgrim: Super Techy - 8 views

    A list of free recommended Apps for Deployment

Learning Activities - 8 views

    STEM Activities from NC State University

Science360 - The Knowledge Network - 14 views

    Five minute science content videos

Lucky Pilgrim: Legacy - 2 views

    Asks the question, what legacy do we want to leave students?
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