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Home/ educators/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Megan Black

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Megan Black

Megan Black

Wikibooks - 20 views

    2,469 free e-books and counting
Megan Black

Brainology - 22 views

    This is an outstanding article about motivation and learning and proof that intelligence can be developed and grown.
Megan Black

MoMuPl! - Movie Soundtrack Player - 12 views

    Enter the name of a movie and its soundtrack comes up complete with songs to play
Megan Black

Black Education - Home - 5 views

    Web 2.0 tools and interactive learning sites organized by subjects. Also includes Teacher Tools and Specials subjects.
Megan Black

Widgetbox › World's best place to find and make web widgets - 9 views

    Design your own widgets or find one already created and shared
Megan Black

Eterea, the online portfolio of Cristobal Vila - 3 views

    Cristobal Vila's Nature by Numbers short movie. Utterly fascinating. Reminds me of the premise of the movie Pi.
Megan Black

Photo Widgets and Slideshows - Good Widgets - 17 views

    Create Photo Widgets to embed in websites free
Megan Black - The Games - 14 views

    Girls Go Tech is from the Girl Scouts and has a super groovy mandala maker, a cryptic code game, a game to compose digital music, and a mixed messages game to work both sides of the brain.
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