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Martin Burrett

The Cool Initiatives #EdTech Education Challenge 2019 - 2 views

    "re you a bright spark with a brilliant educational technology idea that could change the way we teach and learn in schools and drive up educational outcomes? If so Cool Initiatives wants to hear from you! Cool Initiatives, premier early stage investor in education and edtech, has just launched The Cool Initiatives Education Challenge 2019 . It's giving away a total of £17,500 - no financial strings attached - to students, teachers or early stage start ups that offer an innovative edtech solution to change the face of education as we know it today."
Martin Burrett

The Vested Interests in EdTech by @MrMcKavanaghRE - 1 views

    Either it's the case that everyone is talking about Educational Technology (EdTech) at the moment, or it is true that you 'trap' yourself in bubbles of your own interest. Whilst either could be true, from conversations that I've either had in the staffroom or online, there is a real trend towards talking about which apps/websites/other pieces of cool kit you can use in the classroom in enhance or benefit the learning that is taking place...
Nik Peachey

Nik Peachey's Edtech and ELT Newsletter - November 2016 - 1 views

    Welcome to the first November edition of my Edtech and ELT newsletter. In this editions you can find: A discount code for my new ebook Some really interesting articles on how the internet is impacting on truth and fact Some great new apps and tools to encourage students to create their own videos.
Theresa Allen

Edtech Conferences You Need To Know | EdSurge News - 12 views

    List of Edtech conferences this Fall and next year
Martin Burrett

EdTech Tools: How To Choose The Right One by @guruteaching - 0 views

    "dTech tools themselves are simple to use, the real challenge is knowing where to start. I don't know about you, but I get completely overwhelmed by the number of EdTech tools out there. I'm bombarded constantly by emails and tweets telling me I *have* to sign up to the latest app or website. I'm no technophobe and I know it can save me time, or help me create more engaging lessons, but where do I even begin?"
Martin Burrett

5 Key Ingredients for a Successful #EdTech Roll Out @ThatEdTechGuy - 1 views

    "Having been part of a whole school 1:1 iPad project, these are what I consider the 5 key ingredients for a successful EdTech rollout."

Teachers Encouraged to Develop EdTech | - Supporting the #UKEdChat Educati... - 3 views

    UK teachers urged to develop edtech relevant for their use - win £3,000
Martin Burrett

The UKEd Podcast - Episode 17 - EdTech Entrepreneurship featuring @ProdigyGame & @SAMLabs - 0 views

    "Recorded at BETT2018 in London, in this episode we speak to Joachim Horn from SAM Labs, as well as Rohan Mahimker from Prodigy Game about what it takes to build and sustain a successful EdTech company."
Nik Peachey

Using action research to explore technology in ... - 4 views

    Using action research to explore technology in language teaching #edtech #ict #research…
Nik Peachey

GoNoodle - Video for the Classroom | Tools for ... - 1 views

    GoNoodle - Video for the Classroom #elt #yltsig #edtech #video #tefl #tpr #k12 #eal
Vicki Davis

Big ideas and ed tech trends from ISTE 2013 | The Cornerstone - 7 views

    This post from Angela Watson garnered more than 100 retweets when I shared it. It is a great summary of ISTE this year and bravely points out some things that must be discussed for future ISTE's. It is a must read if you follow edtech. Here's to you Angela for a great post.
Martin Burrett

6 of the best edu site from ICTmagic - 10 views

    6 of the best edtech sites for teaching and learning. Includes an amazing augmented reality quiz app.
Martin Burrett

UKED Magazine - June 2015 - 5 views

    Read the open access magazine online. This month's issue has a 'Learning For All' theme, with articles about special education, inclusion, behaviour management, feedback techniques, and EdTech for your lessons.
Qien Kuen

Top 10 Edtech News etc thingers of 2008 « Dave's Educational Blog - 0 views

  • 10. Blogging is dead
  • 9. Wikipedia is old
  • 8. There are alot of people who still - just. don’t. get it.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • 7. PLN vs. PLE
  • 6. Open Viewers MUVEs for the plebes
  • 5. MOOCS - Massive Online Open Courses
  • 4. Whisper of Green
  • 3. Bring on the research
  • 2. Unleashing The Tribe: small passionate communities Ewan McIntosh
  • 1. Death of ‘T’ruth and the killer app
Art Gelwicks

Comment on: Fluffy thinking in the edtech community…a waste of energy and time - 0 views

  • I’m not saying there isn’t a place and a time for strategic thinking, what I’m saying is that the edublogosphere is loaded to the freakin’ gills with it. How many ways can you discuss the innate digital skills of middle school students before realizing it’s worth more to talk about what works and doesn’t work with them. In this case the why is truly “academic”. We’ve twittered, blogged, bookmarked, tagged, forwarded, and flogged this horse to an amazing degree. What I don’t see is the same amount of energy in capturing what’s been done with the students, the successes and failures, in anything longer than 140 characters. If we want our teachers to learn to fish, we have to show them how to bait the hook and cast the line…not wonder if the fish are truly hungry.
  • used in first grade classroom so students are participating in asynchronous conversation and everyone gets to share on topic chosen by teacher. Combined with short recordings from audio enhancement classroom system help the teacher quickly post new content from class to the site.
    • Art Gelwicks
      This is the type of practical example I'm talking about. 30,000 ft. talk is great...only if you're able to land the plane too.
    Annotated comments about this blog posting.
Dean Mantz

Welcome To EDTECH™ - 0 views

    Focus on K-12 educational technology. This focuses on 1:1, tablet PCs, PD, 21st Century Classrooms, and lesson plans.
Learning Today

Does Texting Makes You Smarter | e-Learning Today TV - 6 views

    education, edtech, social networking, e-learning today tv, texting, quiz makers, inspirational videos
Learning Today

Top 3 Education Articles of the Week | Ed Tech Trends and Go Paperless - 13 views

    twitter, edtech, paperless, e-book, mobile learning, Twitter, iPads, edutopia, mobile devides
Claude Almansi

The Power of Educational Technology: New York Times edtech article fails the test! - 0 views

    Liz B Davis Sep. 4, 2011 "The front page of today's New York Times boasted an article about the "failure" of technology in the classroom. Titled, In Classroom of the Future, Stagnant Scores , the article describes a school in Arizona where, despite a huge investment in technology, there hasn't been an increase in test scores. The article is based on one school in one town in Arizona, hardly a statistically significant sample. Larry Cuban, an outspoken critic of technology in schools since the early 1990s, is quoted multiple times. Not one of the many experts in the field of educational technology, whom we know and love, was interviewed (or at least quoted) in the article."
Anne Bubnic

Tech-Ease! for Mac - 0 views

    The EdTech ClearingHouse and Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida put out these very useful tutorials on a multitude of technologies used in the classroom.
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