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Marc Patton

Life of an Educator by Justin Tarte: 10 tips for starting a technology revolution in your school... - 2 views

    10 tips for starting a technology revolution in your school...
Bochi 23

Google Tip of the Day #12: Image Search by Type & Time (plus a bonus tip) - 76 views

    Daily Google tip from a Google Apps for Education School
Powerof R10

10 Advanced Tips & Tricks For Google Forms - 191 views

    great tips for Google forms
Annette Yono

Top 12 Summer Tips for Top Teachers | Edutopia - 66 views

    I just made an account but I still need to try this service. Vicky Davis discusses this tool on

10 Tips for Teachers who Struggle with Technology | Ask a Tech Teacher - 144 views

    Great tips to help teachers to become better tech users.
Peter Beens

Presentation Tips - 65 views

    Presentation tips on how to make a presentation, PowerPoint design, reducing stage fright, and how to give a presentation.
Holly Barlaam

How to Mark a Textbook - 151 views

    tips on how to highlight or mark in a textbook, as well as tips on how to abbreviate when taking notes
Bob Rowan

Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: Tips for Twitter Trainers... - 25 views

    subtitled: Tips for Twitter Trainers
Ralf Appelt

10 Tips For Designing mLearning And Support Apps: Instructional Design and eLearning: Tips, Advice and Reviews - 95 views

    "10 Tips For Designing mLearning And Support Apps"
Gloria Maristany

More Classroom Tips for Teachers of ADD ADHD Students | ADD ADHD Information Library - 0 views

  • Home › Parenting ADHD Children More Classroom Tips for Teachers of ADD ADHD Students in Parenting ADHD Children ADHD Checklist for Classroom Teachers Physical Arrangement of Room: Use rows for seating arrangements. Avoid tables with groups of students, for this maximizes interpersonal distractions for the ADHD child. Where possible, it may be ideal to provide several tables for group projects and traditional rows for independent work. Some teachers report that arranging desks in a horseshoe shape promotes appropriate discussion while permitting independent work.
  • seated near the teacher, as close as possible without being punitive.
  • away from both the hallway and windows to minimize auditory and visual distractions
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • portion of the room free of obvious visual and auditory distractions
  • desk dividers
  • as a "privilege"
  • appropriate peer models next to ADHD child. Stand near the student when giving directions or presenting the lesson. Use the student's worksheet as an example.
  • Provide an outline, key concepts or vocabulary prior to lesson presentation.
  • variety of activities during each lesson
  • multisensory presentation
  • lessons brief o
  • involve the student during the lesson presentation.
  • instructional aid who is to write key words or ideas on the board
  • Encourage the students to develop mental images of the concepts or information being presented. Ask them about their images to be sure they are visualizing the key material to be learned. Allow the students to make frequent responses throughout the lesson by using choral responding, frequently calling on many individuals, having the class respond with hand signals. Employ role-playing activities to act out key concepts, historical events, etc.
  • computer assisted instruction
  • self-correcting materials
  • cooperative learning
  • specific role or piece of information that must be shared with the group.
  • game-like activities
  • Use the student's name in your lesson presentation. Write personal notes to the student about key elements of the lesson.
  • Let ADHD students share recently learned concepts with struggling peer
  • use colored chalk to emphasize key words or information.
    Very specific tips for classroom
Roland Gesthuizen

Mobile Tech Learning - Tips for ISTE 2011 Attendees - 24 views

    Twelve-time ISTE attendee Vinnie Vrotny has some pretty sensible tips for anyone attending this year's conference.
Roland Gesthuizen

10 Tips for Using Evernote Effectively - ReadWrite - 180 views

    "Evernote is a tool for keeping track of, well, everything. At least everything as far as digital information goes, or information that can be digitized. Evernote comprises a Web-based service and clients for Windows, Mac OS X, mobile devices, and extensions for Web browsers. It's a service I've been using for years, and over that time I've picked up a few tips and tricks for getting the most out of the tool."
Marc Patton

26 Tips for Teaching with Google Apps | Google Gooru - 167 views

    It is meant to acquaint you with Google Apps' major features and is loaded with best practices and lots of helpful, actionable tips to optimize your investment in Google Apps and improve your students' learning experience.

12 Advanced iPad Tips All Educators Should Learn -- THE Journal - 311 views

    iPad tips
Wayne Holly

8 Tips To Use Personal Experiences In eLearning Course Design - eLearning Industry - 31 views

    Chances are that you have a variety of insights and knowledge that you'd like to impart upon your learners. So, why not take full advantage of the wisdom and life experience you've earned, by applying your personal experiences in eLearning course design. Here are a few tips that will help you use your own experiences when creating memorable and powerful eLearning courses.

Free Technology for Teachers: Tips for a Successful Google Apps Training Session - 156 views

    tips on using google apps. Check for future webinars for teaches.
Jeff Andersen

Designing for Web Accessibility - Tips for Getting Started | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C - 1 views

    This page introduces some basic considerations to help you get started making your user interface design and visual design more accessible to people with disabilities. These tips are good practice to help you meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) requirements. Follow the links to the related WCAG requirements, detailed background in the "Understanding" document, guidance from Tutorials, user stories, and more.
Mark Glynn

10 Basic Google Drive Tips Every Teacher Should Know about (Poster) ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 163 views

    10 Basic Google Drive Tips Every Teacher Should Know About [Infographic] @medkh9 #edtech
    This is great! Thanks for sharing.
Ruth Sinker

45 Simple Twitter Tips Everyone Should Know About | Edudemic - 3 views

    "an elegantly organized set of infographics detailing the step-by-step process of using Twitter and making it work for you."
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