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Bernadette Roche

Generator School Network - NYLC - 8 views

    This service-learning website provides a searchable clearinghouse of resources that include webinars and journal articles related to service learning.  
BalancEd Tech

Wikispaces Webinar - Birmingham Public Schools - August 18, 2010 - 54 views

    Ellumiate session with the second half focusing on the ways Birmingham Public Schools have used wikis throughout the district. Links to dozens of wiki ideas are mentioned.
Susanna Livingston

yolink - About yolink: the Web's finest find tool - 102 views

    Great tool for teaching students how to become efficient online researchers! Download the installation guide, sign up for webinars, check out minilessons... Don't pass this one up!
Holly Barlaam

STEM Resources from Discovery - 54 views

    Siemens STEM Academy--lots of teacher resources, webinars, professional development resources, etc. Teachers can also upload and share resources. STEM (science, engineering, technology, math)
Alvar Maciel

EDUTEKA - Modulo Programación en la Educación Escolar - SCRATCH > Recursos - 4 views

    Integrantes del "Lifelong Kindergarten Group", grupo de investigación del MIT desarrollador de Scratch, viene realizando una serie de "Webinars" [1] para profundizar sobre diversos aspectos de Scratch. El segundo de estos, a cargo de los Doctores  Mitchel Resnick y Karen Brennan, estuvo dedicado a plantear "cuatro preguntas sobre Scratch". Con dos de ellas se exploran grandes ideas que subyacen tras este entorno de programación de computadores:
Lucas Cittadino

Webinar of easiteach next gen - 1 views

    A 32 minute walk through of easiteach next gen.
James Shockley

Web 2.0 Smack Down - 149 views

    Digital Edition mag Top Stories Benjamin Franklin: An Extraordinary United States Global Change Research National World War II Museum Mayan Math Activity Product Review: StudySync FORUMS How did you choose an SIS? Are schools ready for open source? Can you Google-proof a question using Bloom's Taxonomy? Does online training work? top tech resources LCD or DLP? More.. Subscribe| Customer Service|Contact Us|About Us|eNewsletters|Advertising New Articles From the Classroom Leadership Professional Development Tech/Media Coordinators Tech Talk Studies in Ed Tech Ideas and Opinions How To EdTech Ticker TL Advisor Blog Leader of the Year Awards of Excellence Portraits of Learning Other Contests Upcoming Webinars Data Management Security eLearning Copyright Funding Mobile & Wireless Assessment & Testing Curriculum News & Trends Products Features Editor's Desk Issues Current Issue Newsletters eBooks White Papers Grants Columns Podcasts Web Tours Buyers Guide News Site of the Day QuickFlicks IT Guy Interactive Whiteboards Student Information Systems
Jim Tiffin Jr

ISTE's Special Interest Group for Digital StoryTelling (SIGDS) Wiki - 43 views

    Resources, links, webinars, twitterchat archives, and more... all related to the work done by ISTE's SIGDS community.
Deborah Baillesderr

TitanPad: Easy Classroom Management and a Powerful Learning Environment in One iPad Tool - 92 views

    Just watched a webinar on OTUS Moblile Learning Environment and I just might have to start using this instead of Edmodo. Here are some tutorials on how it works
Roland Gesthuizen

The Flipped Classroom: Getting Started » Copy / Paste by Peter Pappas - 29 views

  • While some may think flipping is all about watching videos, it's really about creating more time for in-class student collaboration, inquiry, and interaction. It's also is a powerful catalyst for transforming the teacher from content transmission to instructional designer and changing students from passive consumers of information into active learners taking a more collaborative and self-directed role in their learning.
    "I recently gave a webinar on getting started with the flipped classroom .. I address the opportunities and challenges, introduce some fundamentals and offer suggestions for getting started in a feasible way. I suspect that before long, flipping will no longer be as a fad, but simply another way point in the transition to learning environments that blend the best of face-to-face and online learning"

Free Technology for Teachers: Tips for a Successful Google Apps Training Session - 156 views

    tips on using google apps. Check for future webinars for teaches.
Martin Burrett

EdTech Lunch with @ICTMagic highlights way to get rid of needless school e-mails - 5 views

    "In the first of a series of 5 webinars, Martin Burrett (@ICTMagic) showcased innovative ways that school leaders and teachers can eliminate the bulk of e-mails out of their school lives. Using online, collaborative communication tools, teachers and school leaders can easily send messages to each other, with fantastic tools that allow users to 'turn off notifications', or turning on 'snooze mode'. Such features help in that messages only arrive when the user specifies, therefore eliminating the need to deal with e-mails when they arrive at a time when individuals should be resting."
Siri Anderson

C3 Resources from the C3 Literacy Collaborative | National Council for the Social Studies - 39 views

    Disciplinary literacy for Social Studies and Common Core. Organized with webinars, resources, information. College, Career and Civic life standards -- state social studies translation of national standards translation to classroom context.
Glenn Hervieux

Control Alt Achieve: Google Tour Builder for any Subject - 50 views

    Recorded webinar on Google Tour Builder and examples/resources by Eric Curts
Martin Burrett

Conceptboard - Realtime Whiteboard Online Collaboration - 98 views

    A superb, 'must try' collaborative whiteboard site. Invite collaborators to draw, write, screen capture and upload documents onto your whiteboard in real time. Great for webinars, distance learning, howework or group work in class.
Liane St. Laurent

Webinars - eXtension Map@Syst - 4 views

    Awesome share. Thanks. I have a number of teachers who will benefit from our reviewing this site as a part of our PLC.
Nigel Coutts

Reimagining Education for Uncertain Times with David Perkins - The Learner's Way - 11 views

    These two powerful questions framed a recent webinar presented by Professor David Perkins of Harvard Graduate School of Education's Project Zero. Answering these questions and helping teachers find meaningful and contextually relevant answers to these questions has been a focus of Perkins' work, especially in recent times. His book "Future Wise: Educating Our Children for a Changing World" introduced us to the notion of lifeworthy learning or that which is "likely to matter in the lives our learners are likely to live". This is a powerful notion and one that has the potential to change not only what we teach but also how we go about teaching what we do.
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