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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kate Pok

Kate Pok

Coursekit - 63 views

shared by Kate Pok on 29 Nov 11 - No Cached
    looks very interesting
    a great service that I will definitely be trying in a future date...too bad I had already planned my classes...
Kate Pok

21habit - 198 views

shared by Kate Pok on 11 Jan 12 - No Cached
Kate Pok liked it
Kate Pok

Pearltrees - 1 views

    A really interesting web curation service, no annotation possibilities like Diigo, but still a very interesting program.
Kate Pok

OpenStax CNX - 10 views

    A collaborative community of education resources. Like MIT courseware.
Kate Pok

TPACK.ORG - 63 views

shared by Kate Pok on 09 Jan 12 - Cached
    interesting site and group researching technology and pedagogy
Kate Pok

What is an "A"? - 138 views

Kate Pok

Idaho Teachers Fight a Reliance on Computers - - 32 views

  • Last year, the state legislature overwhelmingly passed a law that requires all high school students to take some online classes to graduate, and that the students and their teachers be given laptops or tablets. The idea was to establish Idaho’s schools as a high-tech vanguard. To help pay for these programs, the state may have to shift tens of millions of dollars away from salaries for teachers and administrators. And the plan envisions a fundamental change in the role of teachers, making them less a lecturer at the front of the room and more of a guide helping students through lessons delivered on computers.
  • “Teachers don’t object to the use of technology,” said Sabrina Laine, vice president of the American Institutes for Research, which has studied the views of the nation’s teachers using grants from organizations like the Gates and Ford Foundations. “They object to being given a resource with strings attached, and without the needed support to use it effectively to improve student learning.”
    • Kate Pok
      What a pity, a sign of how little respect people actually give to the profession of teaching; the only profession where people don't take the comments of practitioners seriously.  Can you imagine saying to your doctor, "I know this is your diagnosis, but I'm going to go with my Great Aunt's diagnosis."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • They complain that lawmakers listened less to them than to heavy lobbying by technology companies, including Intel and Apple.
  • under the state’s plan, that teacher will not always be in the room. The plan requires high school students to take online courses for two of their 47 graduation credits.
    • Kate Pok
      I actually find this somewhat little research exists as to how students are actually learning online.  Are they using Facebook or are they going through MIT's Open Courseware?  I'm inclined to think the former.  I'm slowly adding more and more technology to my classes and frankly, I'm surprised that students are not more technologically savvy... the first and second digital divides are increasingly evident...
Kate Pok

The (Coming) Social Media Revolution in the Academy - Daniels and Feagin - Fast Capital... - 6 views

    Great article on coming changes in digital scholarship.
Kate Pok

Your LiveBinders Shelf - 26 views

shared by Kate Pok on 23 Aug 09 - Cached
malcivar46 liked it
    Another way to centralize information.
Kate Pok

Examples of Gliffy Diagrams - 111 views

    Free flowcharts online
Kate Pok

Using WebNotes and Diigo Annotation Tools for PR - 75 views

  • Diigo, on the other hand, has pretty similar features, with the only difference that it doesn’t allow the users to generate PDF reports (but I don’t worry: Diigo could, at any time, add this feature, which will definitely put WebNotes out of business).
    Comparison of webnotes and Diigo
Kate Pok

Plagiarism checker - 57 views

    Another plagiarism checker. Unfortunately, it works for about 8 papers and then there's a delay... still better than nada.
Kate Pok

MIT open-sources online learning | Cutting Edge - CNET News - 142 views

    you can actually earn a degree from MIT now; is this a fundamental change in the way we think of education and access to education?
Kate Pok

New Digital Tools Let Professors Tailor Their Own Textbooks - Technology - The Chronicl... - 17 views

  • a new build-your-own-textbook service called AcademicPub, which arranged payment of royalties and compiled the material for publication
Kate Pok

Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more | Crocodoc - 75 views

    Wouldn't a wedding between Diigo and Crocodoc be a match made in heaven? And while we're at it, maybe some kind of offline and mobile app...aaahhh....I really should've studied engineering or programming....
    Share and mark up PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations online with crocodoc
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