Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jeremy Brueck
Peer Learning Handbook | - 139 views
Closing in on Close Reading - 73 views
close reading means reading to uncover layers of meaning that lead to deep comprehension.
Close, analytic reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately.
If reading closely is the most effective way to achieve deep comprehension, then that's how we should teach students to read.
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Navigating Text Complexity - 80 views
Includes lesson videos and model text-dependent questions.
Our text complexity roadmaps bring together the quantiative, qualitative, and reader and task considerations of texts.
take a close look at what text complexity is and why it's important to preparing students for college and career.
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"Understanding text complexity is essential to implementing the Common Core State Standards in ELA & Literacy. But what makes a text complex and how will it help prepare my students for college and career? What tools can I use to select rich, worthy texts for instruction in my classroom? How can analyzing the qualitative characteristics of a text inform my instruction of a text? These have been our guiding questions in developing this text complexity resource for teachers. "
Why the 'Maker Movement' is Popular in Schools - 61 views
ilearnNYCLabCohorts - iZone Framework - 24 views
Henrico 21 | TIP Chart - 45 views
Wiki:Interactive Media Resources (for learner lectures) | Social Media Classroom - 56 views
everystockphoto - searching free photos - 6 views
iTeach: The best 1:1 device is good teaching - 11 views
Devices come and go, but progressive teachers who adapt will sustain longer than any device
Usually this conversation is focused on what hardware works best for teaching and learning. While this is an important decision to make, it should not be the focus. In fact, the best devices a school can employ are great teachers.
We have reached a point in education technology where devices are, for the most part, adaptable.
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Sharing & Communication Through the Ages - 28 views
Playing by the Book: What eBooks Do Best » Kidscreen - 66 views
what are the things that interactive eBooks do especially well?
Simultaneously highlighting text with recorded audio, creating thoughtful tap-on support for both words in the text and elements in illustrations, and providing options to support different reading abilities are all wonderful ways to foster emergent reading skills.
One of the most intriguing opportunities in eBooks is the ability to show different characters’ points of view
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