XtraMath - 127 views
This site helps students practise basic maths skills through short online exercises that are intended to be used each day. Teacher can get analysis of progress and more. Signing up a class is quick and easy. http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/Maths
Using diigo in the classroom - 380 views
Teach students to protect themeslves on the web. Don't shelter them. Give them profiles, let them leave their mark on the web and the world.
writing prompts - 144 views
This site has a huge number of compelling visual writing prompts with text and questions to get your students thinking. There is something for everyone here! http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/English
California Preschool Instructional Networks - 21 views
His presentation focused upon how social, emotional, and motivational skills are central to learning in early childhood and are foundations for school readiness.
Debate on playtime's value grows as more states fund preschool - washingtonpost.com - 6 views
Nevertheless, in kindergarten, children are playing for fewer than 30 minutes a day
Play advocates welcome the dollars but worry that politicians eager for tangible returns on taxpayers' investment in early education, and school officials eager for better test scores, will push for more direct instruction, an efficient way to get short-term gains in literacy and math.
ESL: English as a Second Language Resources for Teachers and Students - 82 views
A great site for teachers/learner of English as a second language to find resources. http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/English+As+An+Additional+Language
Ipad in Ed - 65 views
Check out art teacher Tricia Fuglestad blog for great ideas. http://drydenart.weebly.com/fugleblog.html
K-12 Educators' Reaction and Response to ChatGPT and AI Tools During the 2022-2023 Scho... - 14 views
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